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Nâng cao chất lượng nguồn nhân lực Logistics thông qua việc kết nối sinh viên với các doanh nghiệp Logistics

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Bài nghiên cứu bàn sâu thêm về thực trạng nguồn nhân lực Logistics ở Việt Nam hiện nay và khẳng định tầm quan trọng của việc kết nối giữa nhà trường và các doanh nghiệp Logistics trong vấn đề đào tạo nguồn nhân lực. Từ đó, kiến nghị một số giải pháp mang tính định hướng trong việc tăng cường sự kết nối giữa sinh viên với các doanh nghiệp. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

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Nội dung Text: Nâng cao chất lượng nguồn nhân lực Logistics thông qua việc kết nối sinh viên với các doanh nghiệp Logistics

  1. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN Nâng cao chất lượng nguồn nhân lực Logistics thông qua việc kết nối sinh viên với các doanh nghiệp Logistics Nguyễn Minh Quang1, Văn Công Vũ2,* 1 Học viện chính trị Quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam 2 Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Đại học Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam Ngày nhận bài: 19/01/2020; Ngày nhận đăng: 04/04/2020 TÓM TẮT Hiện nay, vấn đề đào tạo nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao cho lĩnh vực Logistics đang được các cơ sở giáo dục và doanh nghiệp đặc biệt quan tâm, nhất là trong bối cảnh hội nhập quốc tế và tác động của cuộc cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ tư ngày càng sâu rộng. Để nhân lực Logistics cung ứng cho thị trường lao động đáp ứng đủ kiến thức chuyên môn và kinh nghiệm thực tế, việc tăng cường kết nối, hợp tác giữa nhà trường và các doanh nghiệp dịch vụ Logistics là yêu cầu cấp thiết đang được các cơ sở đào tạo nỗ lực thực hiện. Bài viết bàn sâu thêm về thực trạng nguồn nhân lực Logistics ở Việt Nam hiện nay và khẳng định tầm quan trọng của việc kết nối giữa nhà trường và các doanh nghiệp Logistics trong vấn đề đào tạo nguồn nhân lực. Từ đó, tác giả kiến nghị một số giải pháp mang tính định hướng trong việc tăng cường sự kết nối giữa sinh viên với các doanh nghiệp Logistics thông qua nhà trường Từ khóa: Logistics, nguồn nhân lực, sinh viên, doanh nghiệp. Tác giả liên hệ chính. * Email: Tạp chí Khoa học - Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn, 2020, 14(2), 71-78 71
  2. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Q U Y N H O N U N I V E RS I T Y Improving the quality of Logistics human resources through connecting students with the Logistics enterprises Nguyen Minh Quang1, Van Cong Vu2,* 1 Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Vietnam 2 Da Nang University of Economics, Vietnam Received: 19/01/2020; Accepted: 04/04/2020 ABSTRACT Currently, the issue of producing high-quality human resources for Logistics is receiving special attention by educational institutions and enterprises, especially in the context of international integration and the impact of the fourth industrial revolution which becomes more extensive. In order for Logistics labor force to supply the labor market with adequate professional knowledge and practical experience, strengthening the connection and cooperation between educational institutions and Logistics service enterprises is an urgent requirement carried out by educational institutions. The article further discusses the current situation of Logistics human resources in Vietnam and affirms the importance of connecting between educational institutions and Logistics enterprises in producing human resources. Hence, the author proposes a number of directional solutions in strengthening the connection between students and Logistics enterprises through the educational institutions. Keywords: Logistics, human resources, student, enterprise. 1. INTRODUCTION still weak. In details, only about 4% of human Currently, Logistics human resources are resources are proficient in English, 30% of in serious shortage. In the period of 2017- businesses have to retrain employees.2 In fact, the 2020, the country needs about 20,000 high- cohesion between enterprises and universities is quality workers in Logistics and supply chain not much and not practical, and graduates have management. Forecasting to 2030, the number not met the needs of the business... of new workers needed in the Logistics industry Currently, there are many studies of amount to 200,000 highly qualified employees domestic and foreign experts, scientists on the meeting all requirements of skills, professional training of Logistics human resources such as: knowledge and English proficiency.1 However, Capacity building for tourism and logistics: human resources do not meet the requirements of redefining the role of human resources,3 Human logistics services. In details, they are inadequate resource management issues associated with the in quantity and weak in quality. Logistics human globalization of supply chain management and resources lack comprehensive knowledge and logistics;4 Training on developing Vietnam's ICT qualifications still limited, not keeping up Logistics human resources,5 Human Resources with the development progress of the world Development Solutions for Vietnam's logistics Logistics. Their logistics English proficiency is industry,6... The works show the serious research * Corresponding author. Email: 72 Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2020, 14(2), 71-78
  3. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Q U Y N H O N U N I V E RS I T Y results of scientists on Logistics human resources advice, packaging, coding, delivery or other and development solutions, improving the services related to the goods as agreed with the quality of Logistics human resources. However, customer to enjoy the remuneration”.7 there has not been any work focusing on analysis, Logistics and supply chain management and in-depth study on the solution of connecting (SCM) play an important and indispensable role universities with Logistics enterprises to improve in the production, circulation and distribution the quality of human resources in this field. of goods. It helps manufacturers capture timely Businesses and universities must cooperate and accurately the needs of customers and boost and collaborate in training. There are shares the flow of goods, cash flow and information and connections to find a common voice, so from suppliers, factory, transporter, warehouse that students can best meet the requirements through wholesale distribution channels and of employers after graduation. This is one retail distribution to end-users more smoothly. of the important factors contributing to the Besides, through Logistics and supply chain effectiveness of the training. Therefore, the management, businesses can reduce a large issue of connecting students in universities with amount of cost, while satisfying customer needs Logistics enterprises to contribute to improving and improving the brand awareness of the the quality of Logistics human resources training business.8 is extremely necessary. The theory of management has affirmed The article is aimed at students at the that people are precious assets. In the field of training institutions (universities) specializing Logistics, human resources are also the core in Logistics in Vietnam today. Analyzing the factor determining the success or failure of the current situation of Logistics human resources organization, management and operation process training in Vietnam in the period of 2015 - 2020, of Logistics enterprises. These human resources we will give solutions to orienting the connection are resources that relate to the general population. between universities and Logistics enterprises to It is an important part of the population and 2025 and vision to 2030. plays a vital role in creating material and To solve the research problem, the author spiritual wealth for society. Depending on the mainly uses the method of aggregating and industry, the human resource requirements may analyzing secondary data sources, from which vary, therefore, the size of human resources assessing the real situation of the problem and is also different. “With an approach based providing corresponding solutions. on human ability to work: Human resource is the labor capacity of the society, of all people 2. CONTENT with normal developed bodies who are able 2.1. Logistics and Logistics human resources to work”.9 Thus, Logistics human resources At the XIth National Assembly of the Socialist are the labor capacity of society in the field of Republic of Vietnam, of the 7th Session, of Logistic, which are all people who are capable June 14, 2005, passed the 2005 Commercial of participating in labor in Logistics enterprises Law, which specifies the concept of Logistics with normal physical heath. services. In Article 233, Section 4, Chapter VI The quality of human resources is a of the Commercial Law dated June 14, 2005 combination of the qualities and strengths stipulating “Logistics services are commercial of laborer who are willing to offer them in activities, whereby traders organize the the socio-economic development process. It implementation of one or more stages including includes important elements such as: physical receive goods, transport, warehousing, storage, strength, intellect, ethics, competence, skills and customs clearance, other paperwork, customer aesthetics of workers. Each of these elements has Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2020, 14(2), 71-78 73
  4. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN a certain position, role and effect in creating the Table 1. Logistics enterprises of Vietnam by scale quality of human resources, but they are always BUSINESS BUSINESS related, intertwined impact, complementing each RATIO Number SCALE NUMBER other to create the comprehensive development (%) of human resources.10 (person) (enterprise) High quality human resources in the Under 5 1 12.025 38,83 field of Logistics are people who have to meet people the requirements of the market (required by From 5 to 9 2 8.400 27,12 domestic and foreign Logistics enterprises). people Those requirements are: expertise in Logistics, From 10 to 49 economics, information technology, foreign 3 8.781 28,35 people languages; ability to find, create jobs and work safely, personal and teamwork skills; good From 50 to 4 1.385 4,47 working attitude and behaviors, responsibility for 199 people the work. The most special quality is the creativity From 200 to 5 152 0,49 to find appropriate solutions and to adapt to new, 299 people complex situations of the work place. From 300 to 6 114 0,37 High quality human resources play a very 499 people important role in the development of Logistics. From 500 to That is one of the factors determining success 7 74 0,24 999 people and a fundamental, comprehensive development From 1.000 to of Logistics activities, creating high labor 8 32 0,1 4.999 people productivity. High quality human resource can shorten the lagging distance, serving supply- Over 5,000 9 8 0,03 demand connection to promote economic growth people and accelerate the cause of industrialization and Source: Author compiled according to modernization of the country, achieving the Vietnam Logistics Report 2018 - Ministry of Industry goal of sustainable development. Improving and Trade the quality of human resources is a necessary condition for our country's logistics field to Currently, with such a large number of integrate into the world. Logistics service providers in Vietnam, the demand for Logistics human resources continues 2.2. Status of Logistics human resources and the need to connect students with Logistics to increase over the years. If not promptly met, businesses this human resource can be assessed as a serious lack. As of 2018, the number of Logistics According to data from Vietnam Logistics enterprises in Vietnam was 30,971 enterprises. Report 2018 by Ministry of Industry and Trade, According to the table, it can be estimated that currently, there are about 30,971 enterprises the average size of human resources in Logistics operating in the field of Logistics services, enterprises in Vietnam is about 20 people/ including about 4,000 enterprises operating domestic and international freight, mostly small enterprise. The average human growth rate in and medium enterprises.11 Logistics business Vietnam Logistics enterprises is about 7.5%, activities include many types of services, dividing then the human resource needs of enterprises into groups such as: Loading and unloading providing Logistics services in the period from containers; Warehouse; delivery service; Cargo; 2018 to 2030 (13 years) will be 30.971 x 20 x other service groups; analysis and verification ... (1 + 0.075)13 = 1.585.971 people.11 74 Tạp chí Khoa học - Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn, 2020, 14(2), 71-78
  5. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Q U Y N H O N U N I V E RS I T Y In the current period, it can be said that there is more and more profound influence, Vietnam's logistics human resources are not only the rise of new technologies such as artificial lacking in quantity but also weak in quality. This intelligence, big data, internet of things..., which is not satisfactory for a service industry with a requires machines and technology of businesses scale of over 40 billion USD / year, equivalent to to have continuous improvements to avoid 17-18% of the country's GDP.12 backwardness, obsolete. Therefore, the problem of logistics human resources training, which Survey results of the Ho Chi Minh City is qualified to meet the requirements of the Development Research Institute on the quality stormy development of science and technology, of Logistics human resources show that, up to becomes even more difficult. 53.3% of businesses lack qualified staff and logistics knowledge, 30% of businesses have 2.3. Situation and difficulties in the training of to retrain their employees and only 6.7% of Logistics human resources in Vietnam businesses are satisfied with their expertise. Currently, there are 23 Logistics vocational The survey results of the National training institutions nationwide.13 Many Economics University's Research and Economic universities provide human resource training Development Institute also noted, up to 80.26% in Logistics, including regular, master's and of employees in Logistics businesses are trained doctoral programs, with professional and through daily jobs, 23.6% of employees attend methodical training program. Besides, some in-country training courses, 6.9% of staff are schools having high quality training programs trained by foreign experts, only 3.9% have and foreign links, bring advanced academic participated in training courses abroad.6 environment for students. However, it can be seen that, one of the However, there is a significant shortcoming current problems is that although there is a that each training school has its own program, shortage of Logistics personnel, many businesses based on the strengths of the schools that after recruiting workers in this field must spend have not yet originated from the practical a lot of time and money conducting retraining. requirements of the Logistics industry. It can be The cause of this problem is that many cases do seen that, in reality, Logistics students of many not meet the requirements on skills to use and training institutions, despite their specialization operate modern machinery and equipment for in Logistics and supply chain industry, do international Logistics and e-commerce services. not know about warehouse management Besides foreign language skills, information software and have no deep knowledge about technology is also one of the obstacles, causing bar codes, for example, the case of Lazada Logistics human resources to have many Express Vietnam Company.14 Representative of difficulties in manipulating and communicating Lazada Express Vietnam Company said many with colleagues and foreign partners. The fact of them are surprised to operate a warehouse that this situation exists and has been highlighted that applies modern equipment technology to in recent years is due to the skills that the trained serve e-commerce or is quite confused in how workers in the school do not meet the recruitment to classify goods packaging to meet standards. needs of enterprises, the training process has In addition, for some simple jobs related to not kept up with the needs of the labor market; Logistics such as handling forklifts, operators the equipment and facilities in the training did not have to use electronic equipment before. facilities have not kept up with the changes of The requirement of the business for this position current machines and technologies. Especially is much higher now. In addition, many Logistics in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, workers, especially recent graduates still lack Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2020, 14(2), 71-78 75
  6. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN soft skills such as industrial working style, 3. RECOMMENDATIONS teamwork skills, so the work efficiency does not To enhance the connection of students reach the required quality. with Logistics businesses, the author proposes a Through the above analysis, it can be number of oriented recommendations as follows: seen that it is very necessary for students to be Firstly, in fact, in some training institutions, directly involved in some operational processes the Center for Student Support and Business of Logistics enterprises. This is an indispensable Relations has been established, accordingly, and popular training trend that foreign training these Centers have a very important role in the institutions have applied that we need to pay cooperation and connection between the school special attention to. When students are visiting, and businesses in the area. With this model, practicing at enterprises and enterprises directly the Center for Student Support and Business participate in assessing students' practical Relations of the University of Economics - The skills, then there will be no gap between the University of Danang is a typical example. training party and the employer. At the same Over the past time, the Center has successfully time, students will not be too surprised, as well completed its mission as a bridge between the as minimize psychological shock in business school and multidisciplinary businesses in environment and industrial behavior. general and Logistics enterprises in particular When there is a connection between the in Danang City. Thereby, students can access university and the business, Logistics students and support a lot from businesses, professional can go on a field trip, learn about the processes, knowledge, extracurricular activities and machines and equipment related to their field especially valuable scholarships... Many students of study. Specifically, when going to a business are recruited to work in businesses while still related to the business, operating the warehouses, in school. However, in some other training students will be thoroughly familiar with the centers, these centers have been established process of selecting and processing orders in but not yet promoted their roles and activities the warehouse, practicing the use of specialized, but were not really effective. Therefore, it is real equipment, how to classify, pack and store necessary to enhance the position and role of the goods... Through contacting with the operation Student Support Centers and Business Relations and operation lines of Logistics enterprises, in training institutions, and at the same time students will be equipped with additional soft establish new ones according to the needs and skills such as teamwork, the ability to grasp capabilities of each institution. the situation, to identify and face difficulties... Secondly, Logistic training institutions In addition, students also have the opportunity and businesses need to make commitments to to gain a lot of experience as well as capture ensure employment for students after graduation the spirit and responsibility that the employees if they meet the requirements detailed in the working in Logistics enterprises convey. In commitment. This will help students have more addition to the knowledge provided in the motivation to study, research and have a clear school, when going on a field trip, students will orientation in the future. better understand the difficulties the business is facing, about the corporate social responsibility Thirdly, there is often a coordination in business, and realize the role and importance in building a training program between the of performing the task... From there, each student school and Logistics enterprises, through this will accumulate more professional knowledge, cooperation, the school's training program will skills and work skills to be ready to find suitable always be supplemented and updated promptly. jobs in the future. The development of training programs and 76 Tạp chí Khoa học - Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn, 2020, 14(2), 71-78
  7. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Q U Y N H O N U N I V E RS I T Y methods associated with reality is extremely Sixthly, cooperation and exchange in necessary. The school is inclined to research academic activities should be made. These and approach new trends that will support the activities include cooperation in organizing standardization of business activities. Logistics scientific conferences, scientific seminars, enterprises with their strength in professional sharing seminars from personnel of enterprises, personnel in operations with adequate facilities cooperating in writing public articles published will actually participate in part or full training in in publications, providing scientific research a number of professional modules for students. data and providing scientific research results... Training institutions and businesses need to Academic exchange contributes greatly to shake hands in coordinating the assessment of approaching development trends in scientific the output quality of graduates. research and its relevance to the practical Fourthly, according to the Vietnam operations of Logistics enterprises. The school Logistics Business Association, the Logistics will approach the needs and development trends Training Advisory Board - a business-led model of the logistics industry in fact, businesses can established under the Aus4Skills program grasp the new models, products and research (Aus4Skills is an Australian Government trends. support program for Vietnam for 5 years to help Finally, each student must have a Vietnam access and use qualified and skillful proactive, positive attitude to learning, human resources, contributing to the sustainable economic and social development)15. This is a exchanging knowledge, professional skills and typical example of the cooperation relationship soft skills such as communication, information between enterprises and vocational training technology, foreign languages .​.. schools in developing vocational standards 4. CONCLUSION and skills in logistics. The role of the logistics A training industry that wants to succeed and industry training advisory committee is to assist develop needs a connection between the State, in ensuring that the skills of graduates are in line with the needs of employers, helping to increase schools and businesses. Having done so, the productivity and efficiency of the industry. training of new human resources is developing in Therefore, if evaluating the role properly and the right direction, saving time, helping students - having the support of the Advisory Board, students after graduation, be recruited to work Logistics students will have positive changes immediately, without additional training. In the in qualifications and ideology while still in the field of Logistics, the creation of the relationship school chair. between Logistics human resource training institutions and businesses in this field will help Fifthly, Logistics students can be students have a more comprehensive view both supported in visiting businesses, practicing, learning practical skills at businesses' businesses. in theory and practice in the training program. The purpose of this activity is to bring students create, meet employer requirements. The process closer to the reality of the job, clearly defining and content of cooperation will be based on the the job position in the industry for professional goals and strengths of the units, but the goal orientation. Through this discovering activity, of this connection will meet the expectations logistics enterprises can also train and foster of the parties and the overall development of qualified students as the sources of recruitment. the industry. However, due to many objective Implementing this solution will help businesses and subjective reasons, it is still necessary reduce the time of additional training, help to have certain adjustments and research and students adapt to the corporate culture and help deployment in training in cooperation with the school increase its reputation in training. Logistics enterprises. Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2020, 14(2), 71-78 77
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