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Tiếng Anh 6 - Giáo án bài 11: What do you eat - GV.Phan Ngọc Châu

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Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 6 - Unit 11 giúp giáo viên hướng dẫn học sinh thực hành trong phép đo lượng (một kg...) và container ( một chai...), học cách để nói về những người mua tại cửa hàng.

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Nội dung Text: Tiếng Anh 6 - Giáo án bài 11: What do you eat - GV.Phan Ngọc Châu

  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Trường THCS Trí Phải Tây. Môn: Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? ( A1) I. Objectives - Sts will be able to ask for buying food and drink, identify quantity of the things II. Language content 1.Vocabulary : - cooking oil (n) dầu ăn - a botle of : 1 chai - chocolate (n) sô cô la - a packet of : 1 hộp - beef (n) thịt bò - gram of : 1 gam - egg (n) trứng - a dozen : 1 tá - soap (n) xà phòng - a can of : 1 lon - toothpaste (n) kem đánh răng - a bar: 1 phong/ bánh a tube of toothpaste - a tube of : 1 ống 2. Grammar notes : Can I helf you? Here you are III. Teaching aids IV. Procedure * Organization * Check up the previous lesson T asks sts to write the words of food and drink on the board and answer the questions: carrot, onion, tomato, lettuce, potato, pea, bean, cabbage - What is your favorite food? - Do you like vegetables? - Do you like carrots?
  2. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 * New lesson 1). Warm up Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - T asks sts to look at the picture - Sts describe. Can you can who are they? on page 114 and describe the Where are they? (at a store) people. What are they doing? - T gives feedback. Vui is at the store to buy some thing. Can you guess what things are in the store? Which things does Mrs vui 2). Presentation - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen to the tape. A1. a/ Listen and repeat. about Mrs. Vui and Storekeeper. Storekeeper: Can I helf you? Vui: Yes. A boltle of cooking oil, please. Storekeeper: Here you are. - T notice the grammar notes. Vui: Thank you. - T asks sts to practice the - Sts listen, write down and Grammar notes : dialogue in pairs. repeat. Can I helf you? - T gives feedback. - Sts work in pairs. Here you are 3). Practice - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen and write the new b/ Vocabulary : the exercise b on page 115. words. - cooking oil (n) dầu ăn - Sts read the new words again. - chocolate (n) sô cô la - beef (n) thịt bò - egg (n) trứng - soap (n) xà phòng - toothpaste (n) kem đánh răng - a botle of: 1 chai - a packet of: 1 hộp
  3. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - gram of: 1 gam - a dozen: 1 tá - a can of: 1 lon - T gives feedback. - a bar: 1 phong/ bánh - a tube of : 1 ống a tube of toothpaste 4). Consolidation - T asks sts to make the same - Sts practice in pairs. - Can I helf you? dialogues using the information - Yes.………….., please. in the exercises a and b. - Here you are. - T checks and gives feedback. - Thank you. 5). Homework - practice reading the text A1 fluently. - Memorize structures and new words. - Write the dialogues in the notebook. - Prepare A2 on pages 116. V. Feedback
  4. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? ( A2) I. Objectives - Sts will be able to talk about quantities and prices; express needs and wants and use “How much”, “How many”. II. Language content 1. Vocabulary : Review 2. Structures: How much beef do you want? How many oranges do you want? What do you want/ need? I need …. III. Teaching aids IV. Procedure * Organization * Check up the previous lesson T asks sts to practice the text A1 - Can I helf you? - Yes.………….., please. - Here you are. - Thank you. * New lesson 1). Warm up Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - T asks sts to look at the picture - Sts describe. Look at the picture on page 116. on page 116 and describe. Can you describe the picture? - T gives feedback and presents Where is Ba? the lesson. What does he want? How much beef does he want? How many oranges does he want?
  5. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 2). Presentation - T asks sts to listen to the tape. - Sts listen to the tape. A2. Listen and repeat - T presents the words and - Sts listen, write down and Is there anything else? Cịn gì nữa structures. repeat. khơng? - T gives feedback. Structures: How much beef do you want? How many oranges do you want? What do you want/ need? I need …. 3). Practice - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen and repeat. Salesgirl: and repeat. Ba : - T asks sts to practice the - Sts practice the text loudly. dialogue loudly. - T gives feedback. 4). Consolidation - T asks sts to ask and answer - Sts ask and answer. Answers: about Ba. a/ Ba is at the store - T gives feedback. b/ He wants some beef and eggs. c/ He wants 200 grams of beef. d/ He wants a dozen eggs. What about you? What do you want? How much/ many ……. do you want? 5). Homework - Memorize new words and structures. - Practice the dialogue fluently. - Write the answers in the note book. - Prepare A3, 4, 5 on pages 117-118. V. Feedback
  6. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? ( A3, 4, 5) I. Objectives - Ss will be able to talk about quantities of the food; express needs and wants using “How much”, “How many”. II. Language content 1. Vocabulary : Review 2. Structures: How much beef do you want? How many oranges do you want? What do you need? I need …. III. Teaching aids IV. Procedure * Organization * checking the previous lesson T asks sts to practice the text A2 Salesgirl: ……… Ba: …………… * New lesson 1). Warm up Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - T asks sts to look at the - Sts describe. Look at the pictures on page 117. pictures on page 117 and Can you tell the name of the things? describe. Chocolates/ coca/ cookies/ toothpaste/ - T gives feedback and presents soap the lesson.
  7. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 2). Presentation - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen to the tape A4.Read. and repeat. Structures: - T notices the grammar notes. How much beef do you want? How many oranges do you want? What do you need? I need …. 3). Practice - T asks sts to listen to the tape. - Sts listen to the tape. A3. Listen. Match the names of the people - T asks sts to gives the answers. - Sts give the answers. with the things they want. - T gives feedback. Answers: Phuong: d Ly: e, a Mai: b - T asks sts to practice the Nam: c dialogue loudly. - Sts practice the text loudly. A4. Read - T gives feedback. Mom: Can you go to the store for me? Nam: Yes, Mom. What do you need? ……………… 4). Consolidation - T asks sts to talk about the - Sts talk again Phuong wants a tube of toothpaste. things Phuong, Ly, Mai, Nam Ly wants a bar of soap and a box of and they want. chocolates. - T gives feedback. Mai wants a can of soda. Nam wants a packet of cookies. - T asks sts to write the shopping - Sts ask and answer. Answers: list. Item Quantity - T gives feedback. Cooking oil a bottle rice 2 kilos beef half a kilo oranges half a dozen
  8. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - T asks sts to read the remember - Sts read loudly. A5. Remember loudly. - T gives feedback. 5). Homework - Memorize structures. - Practice the dialogue fluently. - Write the answers in the note book. - Prepare B1, 2 on pages 119-120. V. Feedback
  9. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? ( B1, 2) I. Objectives - Sts will be able to talk about food and drink; They can buy some things and talk about the prices. II. Language content 1.Vocabulary : - sandwich (n) bánh xăng uých - a glass of lemon juice: 1 ly nước chanh - thousand: ngàn 2. Structures: How much is it? It is two thousand dong How much are they? They are two hundred dong III. Teaching aids IV. Procedure * Organization * Check up the previous lesson T asks sts to practice the text A4 Mom: …….. Ba: ………. * New lesson 1). Pre- listening Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - T asks sts to look at the - Sts describe. Look at the pictures on page 119. pictures on page 119 and Can you describes the picture? describe. rice/ noodles/ beef/ banana/ water …. - T gives feedback and presents B1. Write the letter of each pictures the lesson. and the word ….. 2). While- listening - T asks sts to read the words - Sts read the words loudly. a/ rice b/ noodles loudly. c/ beef d/ chicken - T gives feedback. e/ fish f/ vegetables - T asks sts to listen to the tape. - Sts listen to the tape and give g/ oranges h/ banana
  10. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - T gives feedback. the answers. i/ orange juice j/ milk k/ soda l/ water 3). Post- listening - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen to the tape. Vocabulary : about salesgirl and Lan. - Sts make the same examples. - sandwich (n) bánh xăng uých - T presents the new words and - a glass of lemon juice: 1 ly nước structures. chanh - T asks sts to practice the text - Sts practice loudly. - thousand: ngàn poudly. Structures: - T gives feedback. How much is it? It is two thousand - T asks sts to ask and answer the - Sts practice. dong prices of the things thay want to How much are they? They are two buy. hundred dong - T checks and gives feedback. Salesgirl: Lan: pen/ book/ ruler candy/ hat …. 4). Homework - Memorize new words and structures. - Practice the dialogue fluently. - Prepare B3, 4, 5, 6 on pages 120-121. V. Feedback
  11. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? ( B3, 4, 5, 6) I. Objectives - Sts will be able to talk about the things they like; ask and answer about the prices. II. Language content 1. Vocabulary : - lunch (n) bữa ăn trưa - a bowl of noodles : tô hủ tiếu - dinner (n) bữa ăn tối - cake (n) bánh ngọt - friced rice (n) cơm chiên - ice – cream (n) kem 2. Structures: How much is ……? It is ……………………….. What would you like for breakfast? I’d like …………. III. Teaching aids IV. Procedure * Organization * Check up the previous lesson T asks sts to practice the text B1 Salesgirl: ………. Lan: ………… * New lesson 1). Warm up Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - T asks sts to look at the - Sts listen and answer. Look at the pictures on page 119. pictures on page 119 and answer What would you like? the questions.. Do you like noodles? - T gives feedback and presents …………………. the lesson.
  12. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 2). Presentation - T asks sst to practice asking - Sts practice in pairs. B3. Ask and answer. and answering the questions. What would you like for breakfast? - T gives feedback. lunch? dinner?  I’d like ………….chicken/ meat/ milk/ fruit/ vegetables - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen to the tape and give ………. and write the words they hear. the answers. B4. Listen. - T gives feedback. Answers: e/ fish b/ noodles g/ oranges c/ beef f/ vegetables j/ milk h/ banana l/ water 3). Practice - T asks sts to listen to the tape - Sts listen and repeat. B5. Listen and read. and read the text. Vocabulary : - T presents the new words and - lunch (n) bữa ăn trưa notices the grammar notes. - dinner (n) bữa ăn tối - T asks sts to practice reading - Sts practice reading the text - a bowl of noodles : tô hủ tiếu the text loudly. loudly. - cake (n) bánh ngọt - friced rice (n) cơm chiên - T gives feedback. - ice – cream (n) kem Grammar notes: How much is ……? It is ………………………. 4). Consolidation - T asks sts to ask and answer - Sts ask and answer. How much is a cake? about the menu. It is five hundred dong. - T checks and gives feedback. fried rice: 2,500d noodles: 3,000d sandwich: 1,500d ……….
  13. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 5). Homework - Memorize new words and structures. - Practice the reading the text fluently. - Write the answers in the note book. - Prepare Grammar practice on pages 122-123. - Prepare C1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on pages 112-113. V. Feedback
  14. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives - Students will be able to review all knowledge, new words, and structures from unit 9 to unit 11. II. Language content 1.Vocabulary : review 2. Structures : - Present simple tense - Progressive tense - a, an, some, any - Adjectives - Question words III. Teaching aids - Extra board. IV. Procedure * Organization * Checking the previous lesson * New lesson 1). Warm up Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - T presents the new lesson. - Sts listen and write down. - Do you like noodles? - Do you have any bananas? - What is your name ? - Where do you live ? - T presents the content of the - Sts listen and write down. Grammar notes : lesson. - Present simple tense - Progressive tense - a, an, some, any - Adjectives - Question words
  15. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 2). Practice - T asks sts to review present - Sts listen, remember and * Present simple tense: simple tense. answer. a/ like, like, Do, like, I don’t like - T presents the structures. - Sts write down. b/ Does, like, likes, Does, like, - T asks sts to do the exercises 1, - Sts work in pairs and give the doesn’t like … 2 on page 122. answers. - T asks sts to read the sentences - Sts read the text loudly. again. * a, an, some, any: - T gives feedback. a/ any, any, some, an b/ any, some, c/ any, some, a - T asks sts to do the exercise 3 - Sts give the answers. * Adjectives: on page 122. a/ short b/ thin - T checks and gives feedback. c/ light d/ strong - T asks sts to review questions - Sts listen and answer. e/ full f/ cold words. g/ thin h/ long - T asks sts to do the exercise 4 - Sts do the exercise and give the * Question words: on page 123. answers. a/ Who - T checks and ggives feedback. b/ What c/ How d/ What - T asks sts to do the exercise 5 e/ Where on page 123. - Sts notice the present simple * Progressive tense: - T checks and gives feedback. tense and progressive tense. a/ is eating - Sts write the answers on the b/ are drinking board. c/ is riding d/ is going] e/ is getting f/ is traveling
  16. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 3). Consolidation - T asks sts to review the - Sts listen and answer. - Present simple tense grammar notes in grammar - Progressive tense practice. - a, an, some, any - T gives feedaback. - Adjectives - Question words 4). Homework - Practice reading“1 – 5” fluently. - Memorize structures and new words. - Write the answers ( 1 – 5 ) in the note book. - Prepare for the writen test. V. Feedback
  17. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 REVISION I/ Aims : Students will be able to review all knowledge, new words, and structures from unit 9 to unit 11, focus on listening and writing skills. II/ Language contents : 1.Vocabulary : review 2. Structures : - Present simple tense - a, an, some, any - Adjectives of feelings - Question words III/ Teaching aids : Text book, extra board, chalks, pictures …. IV/ Procedures : Teacher’s and student’s activities Content 1/ Warm - up (5’) - T presents what sts have to review for the written - Listening test. - Reading - Sts listen and write down. - Language focus - Writing 2/ Practice (35’) - T asks sts to notice the exercise 3 on page 117. * Listening: - Sts listen and notice the text about Phuong, Ly, Phuong: a tube of toothpaste Mai and Nam. Ly: a bar of soap, a box of chocolates - T asks sts to notice the names with the things Mai: a can of soda they want. Nam: a packet of cookies - T asks sts to read the text and choose the correct * Reading: answer. Nga is a student. She (1)…….. in Thoi Binh town. - Sts write down. Everyday, she (2)….. up at six. She (3)…….. milk and - Sts work in pairs and give the answers. eats noodles for her breakfast. She (4)….. in class 6A. - T asks sts to read the sentences again. After school, she (5)….. to the store for (6)…… mom. - Sts read the text loudly. Her mom(7)………. vegetables
  18. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 - T gives feedback. everyday.Theyhavevegetables(8)……..meals. 1. live/ lives/ to live/ living 2. get/ gets/ to get/ getting 3. drink/ drinks/ to drink/ drinking 4. are/ am/ is/ be 5. go/ going/ to go/ goes 6. her/ our/ my/ his 7. need/ needs/ to need/ want 8. on/ to/ for/ at - T asks sts to match the questions with the * Language focus: answers. Questions Answers - Sts do the exercise and give the answers. 1. How much are they? A. A dozen, please - T checks and give feedback. 2. What would you like B. No, there aren’t any to drink? noodles 3. How many eggs do C. Four thousand five you want? hundred dong 4. Here you are D. a can of soda, please 5.Is there any fruit? E. Thank you 6.Are there any F. I’m hot noodles? 7. Do you like fish? G. It’s black 8. what’s your favorite H. Yes, I do food, Mai? 9. What color is her I. I like chicken hair? - T asks sts to write the full sentences using the 10. How do you feel? J. Yes, there is some word cue drills. * Writing: - Sts write the sentences on the board. Example: She/ thirsty. She/ like/ a glass of orange - T checks and gives feedback. juice.  She is thirsty. She would like a glass of orange juice. 1. He/ hungry. He/ some noodles.
  19. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 2. She/ tired. She/ to sit down. 3. They/ cold. like/ hot drinks. 4. I/ thirsty. like/ some lemon juice. 5. Nam/ hot. He/ a cold drink. 3/ Consolidation (5’) - T asks sts to review the grammar notes in - Present simple tense grammar practice. - a, an, some, any - Sts listen and answer. - Adjectives of feelings - T gives feedaback. - Question words 4/ Homework - Memorize structures and vocabulary. - T asks sts to do the homework. - Write the answers in the note book. - Sts write down and do exercise at home. - Prepare for the writen test. V/ Feedback
  20. Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 THE WRITING TEST I/ Aims : Students will be able to review all knowledge, new words, and structures from unit 9 to unit 11. II/ Language contents : 1.Vocabulary : - Words describing people’s feelings: hot, hungry, tired, cold …. - Names of food and drinks: milk, chicken, noodles ….. - Kinds of currency. 2. Structures : - Present simple - Wh- questions: How much? How many? What color? - Yes/ No question - Polite requestes - Quantifiers: some, any - Partitives: a bottle of, a can of … Ma Trận English 6 Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Chủ đề Tổng (Health) TNKQ TL TNKQ TL TNKQ TL I/ Listening 4 4 2,0 2,0 II/ Reading 6 6 3,0 3,0 III/ Language 10 10 Focus 2,5 2,5 IV/ Writing 5 5 2,5 2,5 10 10 5 25 Tổng 2,5 5,0 2,5 10



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