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Unit 10. Nature in danger - Lesson one: A - Reading

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Task 1: True/False statements -Give Ss handout-Ask Ss to translate into Vietnamese-Ask Ss to guess the answers-Play the tape once or twice for Ss to listen and do the task -Ask Ss to share the answer with their partners-Ask Ss give their answer after listening-Check the answers with the whole class, play the tape

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Nội dung Text: Unit 10. Nature in danger - Lesson one: A - Reading

  1. Unit 10: nature in danger LESSON ONE: A- READING A. Objectives: 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic - Understand the consequences which cause from human for nature and environment and Ss will be aware of their activities to prevent nature and environment from destroying 2. Knowledge + Lexical items : Cheetah(n) ['t∫i:tə] loai ,To scatter ['skætə] rai, răc, Species(n) ̀ ̉ ́ ['spi:∫i:z] loai, Danger(n) dangerous(a), To endanger [in'deindʒə(r)] gây nguy hiêm ̀ ̉ to have a great influence on, result in, as the result, in danger of becoming extinct + Grammar: - Relative pronouns with prepositions 3. Skill + Main skill : reading + Sub-skills : speaking ,listening and writing. B. Method: communicative approach. C. Teaching aid: - Teacher: English book 11, extra-board, projector and computer. - Students: English book 11 D. Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Check Ss during the lesson * Warm up (7mm) - Shows some pictures of animals and ask them - Individual work and pair work to look at the pictures and answer the questions: a. b. c. d. f. e. 1. a. A tiger b. A lion 1. What animals can you see in these pictures? c. A bear 2. Where do these animals often live? d. An elephant
  2. 3. What would happen if their habitats were e. A panda destroyed? f. A cheetah 2. They often live in the forests, zoos or National Parks 3. If their habitats were destroyed, animals would die/ the environment would be polluted/the nature would be in danger - Pair work I. Before you read(8m) 1. The facts above show that the - Ask Ss to open their book and ask them to numbers of some wild or rare animals read the fact about endangered species and such as cheetahs, pandas and Siberian answer the questions tigers become small or extinct 1. What do you understand from the fact 2. The numbers of these animals above? become small because they are killed 2. Can you explain why the numbers of these for food, medicines, fur or skin animal become small? 3. - wastes from factories and 3. What causes danger to environment? hospitals - smoke from vehicles - oil spills from ships - forest fires - people’s carelessness - Listen then copy down in their notebook Vocabulary pre-teach - Read after teacher then read individual Cheetah(n) ['t∫i:tə] loai bao gêpa ̀́ To scatter ['skætə] rai, răc ̉ ́ ̀ Species(n) ['spi:∫i:z] loai Danger(n) dangerous(a) To endanger [in'deindʒə(r)] gây nguy hiêm ̉ Pollutant(n) [pə'lu:tənt] chât gây ô nhiêm (do ́ ̃ xe cô, đông cơ.. thai ra) – pollution(n)- ̣̣ ̉ polluted(a) – pollute(v) Consequence(n)['kɔnsikwəns] hâu qua, kêt quả ̣ ̉́ ̣ ̉ Extinct(a)[iks'tiηkt] tuyêt chung To prohibit [prə'hibit]= ban ( to prohibit somebody / something from doing ́ ́ something) câm; ngăn câm Interference(n) [,intə'fiərəns] ( interference in - how many offspring does a cat / with something) sự can thiêp- to interfere ̣ usually have?
  3. [,intə'fiə] - Give examples Offspring(n) ['ɔ:fspriη] con (cua môt con vât) ̉ ̣ ̣ - to have a great influence on - result in - as the result - Individual work - in danger of becoming extinct 1. extinct 3. decreasing 5. II. While you read endanger Task 1(5m) 2. protect 4. pollutants - Ask Ss to work individually to fill the blanks 6.interference with the words given - Pair work - Call some Ss to speak out their answer before 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C class Task 2(7m) -Pair work - Ask Ss to work in group or pairs to circle 2. The serious consequences of A,B,C,D that best sums up each paragraph people’s interference with the Task 3(10m) environment are: - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the - many kinds of rare animals are killed questions - the environment where these animals - Call on some Ss to go to the board and do are living is badly destroyed exercise - the numbers of rare animals are Correct it if necessary decreasing so rapidly that they are in 1. Four ways that people change the world are: danger of becoming extinct - They are changing the environment by 3. Many things have been done to building cities and villages protect endangered nature, such as: - They are affecting the water supply by using - Many organizations have been set up water for industry and agriculture and money has been raised to save - They are changing weather condition by rare animals cutting down trees in the forests - thousands of national parks have - They are destroying the air by adding been established pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes - laws have been passed to prohibit [fju:m] khoi, hơi khoi from cars ́ ́ killing endangered animals - Group work III. After you read(6m) - People kill animals for fur, skin and - Ask Ss to work in group to find out why some food animals have become extinct - People keep animals as pets people - Call on some Ss to speak out their ideas hunt or capture (băt giữ) ́ - Animals for recreation or entertainment - The whole class IV. Home work (2m) - Take note
  4. - Summarises the main point of the lesson - Ask Ss to learn by heart the new words and make sentences from them. - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class Absent students 11B1 11B2 11B3
  5. Period 60 Unit 10: nature in danger LESSON TWO :B- SPEAKING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,SS will be able to: - Talking about nature in danger and about measures for protecting endangered nature 2. Knowledge: + Lecxical items: Words and phrases related to this period + Structures: - Should be done - The present continuous tense 3. Skill. + Main skill: speaking + Sub-skills : Writing and listening B. Method: Communicative approach C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: English book 11, extra board - Students: English book 11 D. Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Check Ss during the lesson * Warm up(3m) - Introduce new lesson by asking some - Individual work questions: - Because they are hunted or killed in - Why do we call some animals such as large number that they are in danger tigers, bears, elephants, whales of becoming extinct endangered animals? - As a student we should stop eating - What should we do to protect and save and using products which made from them? animals I. Activity 1(12m) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to put the - Pairs work reasons why nature is threatened in A: I think burning the forests is the most order of importance important. Because animal and plants Example: will die, which causes the air polluted T : In your opinion which reason is the B: I think using fertilizers and pesticides most important? for cultivation is the most important. Because these chemicals that causes the - Go around the class and offer help if air polluted and effects the water supply necessary and people’s health - Call some Ss to speak out their opinion C: As for me, I think cutting down trees and explain the reason why for wood is the most importanct because without trees and plants, most water
  6. would run off and cause not only erosion [i'rouʒn] (sự xoi mon) but also floods ́ ̀ II. Activity 2(15m) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the - Pair work reasons in task 1 with possible measures A: It is said that people are killing for protecting endangered nature in the animals for fur,skin and food box below B: I think killing amimals for fur, skin Suggested answer and food should be banned Task 1: Reasons Task 2: measures 1. killing animals - killing animals for fur, skin and for fur, skin and - Pair work food food should be 2. keeping banned A: It is said in the newspaper that people animals as pets - keeping animals are burning forests and cutting down 3. hunting or as pets should be trees for wood capturing animals discouraged B: That’s why the forests are destroyed for recreation and - animals should A: What should we do to protect entertainment not be captured for forests? 4. cutting down recreation and B: I think burning forests and cutting trees for wood entertainment down trees should be banned and and burning the - cutting down planting trees should be encouraged forests trees for wood and 5. using burning the forests fertilizers and should be banned pesticides for and planting trees cultivation should be 6. discharging encouraged chemicals - decreasing the pollutants into use of fertilizers the environment and pesticides for farming cultivation - discharging chemicals pollutants into the environment should be prohibited III. Activity 3(12m) - State the negative impacks made by - The whole class people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it - Ask Ss to work in pair to discuss about
  7. environment - Go around the class and offer help - Call some pairs to practice - Listen and give feedback IV. Homework (3m) - Aks Ss summarise the main points of the lesson - Take note - Learn by heart the new words - For homework T asks Ss to find out 3 reasons why nature is threatened and 3 measures to protect it - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class Absent students 11B1 11B2 11B3
  8. Period 61 Unit 10: nature in danger LESSON THREE: C- LISTENING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to: - Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for general infromation jectives 2. Knowledge + Lecxical items: + Scenic features ['si:nik 'fi:t∫ə] nÐt phong c¶nh + Approximately [ə'prɔksimitli] khoang chừng ̉ + Devasting(a) /'devəsteitiη/ tan pha, phá huỷ ̀ ́ + Vehicles ['viəkl; 'vi:hikl] + Maintenance ['meintinəns] sự giữ gin; sự duy trì ̀ + Completely(adv) [kəm'pli:tli] + Grammar: Simple present 3. Skill + Main skill: listening + Sub-skills: speaking and writing B. Teaching method: communicative approach C. Teaching aids : - Teacher: English book 11, extra-board, a casette player - Students: English book 11 D. Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Check Ss during the lesson I. Warm up (7m) - Describe the pictures about Cuc Phuong - Individual work National Park and ask Ss questions: 1. It’s about a national park 1. What are the pictures about? They are 2. We can see trees, plants and animals in the forest or a national park? 3. They set up national parks to protect 2. What can you see in the pictures? and save endangered amimals 3. Why do governments set up these places? rhino ['rainou] in Cat Tien National Park II. Before you listen(8m) - In pairs
  9. - Ask Ss to name some national parks a. Cat Ba National Park- hai phong Viet Nam by seeing the pictures b. Cat Tien National Park –lam dong Where are they c. Bach Ma National Park-hue a. b. d. Phong Nha National Park –quang binh e. Cuc Phuong National Park- ninh binh c. d. e. It costs approximately 200 francs for the maintenance of their rights, the workmen must struggle - Speak out the new words - Ask Ss listen and repeat these words Scenic features ['si:nik 'fi:t∫ə] nÐt phong c¶nh Approximately [ə'prɔksimitli] khoang ̉ chừng Devasting(a) /'devəsteitiη/ tan pha, phá ̀ ́ huỷ Vehicles ['viəkl; 'vi:hikl] Maintenance ['meintinəns] sự giữ gin; sự ̀ duy trì Completely(adv) [kəm'pli:tli] - Take note ten read aloud - Explain the meaning and read the words as model and then asks Ss to practice reading these words - Introduce the tapecript: You are going to hear a passage about nationals parks in US. III. While you listen 1. Activity 1: Task 1(8m) - Individual work - Listen to the passage and decide if the 1. T 2. T 3. F statements are true or false 4. T 5. T - Before listening, ask Ss to read through
  10. the statements to understand them and underline keys words. - Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task - Check the answer with the whole class. If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answer for them to catch 2. Activity 2: Task 2(12m) - Ask Ss to listen again and answer the - Listen carefully then answer the questions questions - Ask Ss to read and answer the questions - Individual work with the things they remember from the previous time of listening - Play the tape again for Ss to do the - Listen again task. * Suggested keys After playing the tape, Then get Ss to 1. There are 52 national parks in the work in pairs and check their answers National Parks in the United States - Call on some Ss to give the answers and 2. Millions of people visit national elicits feedback from other Ss. parks every year 3. + Rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts + Trees are cut down for food +Large areas of national parks experience desvasting fires caused by careless people + The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution from their vehicles 4. – Rare animals and trees should be protected - Fires caused by careless people should be limited - Pollution from visitors vehicles should be decreased and many should be raised for the park’s staff and IV. After you listen(7m) maintenance of their resources - Ask Ss to discuss in groups about the - Group work main content of the listening base on the answers in task 1, 2 - Call some presenter of each group to stand up and speak out their answer V. Home work(3m) - Summarise the points of the lesson and - Take note
  11. ask Ss to write down the content of the listening - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class Absent students 11B1 11B2 11B3 period 62 UNIT TEN: nature in danger LESSON FOUR: D- WRITING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
  12. - Write a paragraph to describe the national parks base on provided information 2. Knowledge - Lecxical items: It’s located in/on………….. It’s famouas for……… It covers/contains……. Its total area is…………… There are…….species of/kinds of/sorts of…… We can find……… Something is found in………….. - Grammar:- Simple present - Simple past 3. Skill + Main skill: writing + Sub- skills: speaking, listening B. Teaching method: Communicative approach C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: English book 11, extra-board - Students: English book 11 D. Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’activities * Check Ss during the lesson I. Warm up (7m) - Give handout - Read the passage carefully and fill in each - Pair work blank with one suitable word or phrase 1. south west 2. established Cuc Phuong National Park is located 160 km() 3. rain forest 4. caves …..of Hanoi. It is the first of Vietnam’s nine 5. 1000 year old 6. 2000 national parks to be ()……and it contains over 7. fauna 200 km2 of(3)….. . Tourist go there to study 8. endangered species butterflies, visit(4)……, hike mountains and look at (5)…….tree. According to scientists, there are about(6)……different species of flora and 450 species of (7)….. . Many visitors come to Cuc Phuong to see the work being done to protect(8)….. II. Before you write(8m) - Ask Ss to read the information of Cat Ba - Individual work National Park - Ask Ss some questions Cat Ba National Park 1. Where is Cat Ba National Park located? 2. What are the features of Cat Ba National Park? 3. How large is it? 4. What do you know about the animals and
  13. plants in Cat Ba National Park? 5. What are some of historic features of the parks? Useful language - Take notes It’s located in/on………….. It’s famouas for……… It covers/contains……. Its total area is…………… There are…….species of/kinds of/sorts of…… We can find……… Something is found in………….. III. While you write(17m) - Ask Ss to write a description about Cat Ba * Suggessted writing National Park, using the facts and figfures Cat Ba National Park, which was - Go around the class and offer help declared as a national park in - Call some Ss to go to the board and write 1986, is situated on Cat Ba their writing Island, 120 km from Hanoi and 20 km east of Hai Phong. Cat Ba National Park is the only site in Vn endowed with both tropical forests and coastal waters with while sand beaches, abundant natural resources, beautiful landscapes and many kinds of rare animals and plants. It covers 15.200 ha, including 9,800 ha of ocean Cat Ba National Park presevers approximately 300 species of fish, 40 kinds of animals, 150 different birds and 620 species of plants The stone tools and human bones IV. After you write (10m) found in the island’s limestone - Ask Ss to correct the mistakes the writing on caves reveal that people the board inhabited there at least 6,000 - Choose one description and reads it to class years old. - Elicit corrective feedback from the class and - Speak loudly give final comments afterwar V. Home work (3m) - Summarises the main points - Take note For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing, taking in consideration their friends’ and T’Ss suggestions and correction and do the - Listen then take note extra exercise
  14. - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class Absent students 11B1 11B2 11B3 Period 63 UNIT TEN: nature in danger LESSON FIVE: E- LANGUAGE FOCUS A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the clusters /sl/, /sm/, /sn/ and /sw/ - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - Practice reading correctly the clusters: Consolidate how to use relative pronouns with prepositions
  15. 2. Knowledges + Lecxical items: Words and phrases related to this period + Grammar: - Relative pronouns with prepositions 3. Skills + Main skill: speaking + Sub-skills: Reading,listening and writing B. Teaching method:communicative approach C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: English book 11, Extra board - Students: English book 11 D. Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Check Ss during the lesson * Warm up(5m) Complete two sentences -Group work 1. a/swims/lake/often/in/Snow/small 1. Snow often swims in a small 2.loudly/can’t/he/that/the/sleep/snores/bady/s lake o 2. He snores so loudly that the baby can’t sleep I. Pronunciation(7m) Distinguishing the sounds - The whole class - Model the four clusters/sl/, /sm/, /sn/ and /sw/ for a few times and explains how to produce them - The whole class, individual work - Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words and pair work Containing these clusters. Then T plays the tape(or read) again and this time ask Ss to repeat after the tape (or T) - Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times. Then T calls on some Ss to read the word out loud. - Listen and correct their pronunciation Practicing sentences containing the target - Pairs work sounds - Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the dialougue - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue again and provides corrective feedback II. Grammar a. Presentation(7m) Relative pronouns with prepositions - Listen then observe carefully - Give situation for Ss to rewrite it Eg: The man whom I talked to on Ex: The man is living near your house. I the phone last night is living…. talked to him on the phone last night Eg: The room in which the young boy lived was untidy à The man to whom I talked on the phone
  16. last night is living… - Ask Ss to remark the differences in two answers Note: Ex: Jane have three sisters, all of Giíi tõ trong M§QH thêng ®c ®Æt whom are married ë cuèi M§QH nhng trong v¨n viÕt hoÆc ®Ó diÔn ®¹t ý mét c¸ch trang träng, giíi tõ thêng ®Æt tríc ®¹i tõ qh Giíi tõ kh«ng ®øng tríc §TQH that and who - of which, of whom, of whose ®c dïng sau c¸c tõ chØ sè lîng (all, both, many, most neither, - Individual work none, some….) vµ d¹ng so s¸nh * Suggested keys nhÊt 1. whom 2. which 3. whom b. Practice 4. whom 5. which 6. who 7. 1. Activity 1: Exercise 1(5m) which - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answer with another - Pairs work student * Suggested keys - Call on some Ss to read out their answers 1. The man to whom I talked 2. Activity 2: Exercise 2(12m) yesterday was… - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs and then 2. The man about whom I told you compare answers with another pair works… - Call on some Ss to go to the board and to 3. The woman about whom Iam write their answers telling you teaches….. 4. The movie about which they are talking is… 5. The picture at which she was looking was.. 6. I’ll give you the address to which you …. - Indiviual work * Suggested keys 1. that 2. which 3. who 4. whom 3. Activity 3: Exercise 3(7m) 5. which/ that 6. which - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and 7. who 8. whom then compare their answer with another - Take note student Call on some Ss to read out their answer
  17. III. Home work: (2m) - Summarise the main points of the lesson



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