Le but de cette page est de vous montrer les différentes étapes de la création d’un de mes dessins, le portrait d’Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) que vous pouvez voir dans la galerie consacrée à Star Wars. Chaque personne a sa propre méthode et la mienne vous semblera peut-être un peu étrange mais quand vous apprenez à dessiner toute seule, vous avez plutôt tendance à voir le côté pratique que le côté « académique ». ;P J’espère que ce qui suit vous intéressera. Cliquez sur les miniatures pour agrandir les images. Avant de commencer les explications, voici tout d’abord la liste...
21p moi_tim 02-10-2012 69 2 Download
Tài liệu Tiếng Anh trong Y khoa bản rút gọn được các tác giả trình bày dưới dạng song ngữ Anh - Việt. Các chủ đề của tài liệu như giải phẫu học và sinh lý học, hệ tim mạch, hệ thần kinh,... gồm các khái niệm, từ vựng tiếng anh và có dịch nghĩa giúp chúng ta dễ dàng học tập.
323p lavender2022 27-04-2022 31 7 Download
Early metabolic steps, including glycolysis and the activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, yield a two-carbon fragment called an acetyl group, which is linked to a large cofactor known as coenzyme A (or CoA). It is during the citric acid cycle that acetyl-CoA is oxidized to the waste product, carbon dioxide, along with the reduction of the cofactors NAD+ and ubiquinone
94p zingzing09 21-10-2012 58 9 Download
Definition and basic process: 1. Induced fit 2. Mechanisms of transition state stabilization • Detailed in example to make you understand more about mechanism of enzyme catalyst: Chymotripsin
24p zingzing09 21-10-2012 92 8 Download
Bài giảng Siêu âm chẩn đoán phần phụ (Trừ bướu buồng trứng) trình bày các nội dung sau: Giải phẫu (anatomy), nang chức năng buồng trứng (functional cyst), viêm nhiễm vùng chậu (pelvic inflammatory disease), nang bọc màng bụng (peritoneal inclusion cyst), xoắn buồng trứng (ovarian torsion), xoắn vòi trứng đơn thuần (isolated fallopian tube torsion), ứ máu vòi trứng (hematosalpinx), ung thư nguyên phát vòi trứng (primary fallopian carcinoma), ung thư di căn vòi trứng (metastasis to fallopian tube), tắc nghẽn vòi trứng (obstruction of the fallopian tube) và kết luận (conclusion).
145p enter_12 28-06-2013 318 81 Download
Objectives: understanding the messaging paradigm, concepts and architecture of JMS, messaging models, anatomy of a JMS message, JMS features, JMS providers.
85p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 62 9 Download
The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Understanding the messaging paradigm, concepts and architecture of JMS, JMS messaging models, anatomy of a JMS message, JMS features, JMS providers.
85p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 56 4 Download
Anatomie du tube digestif includes Introduction; Organogénèse du tube digestif; Le péritoine et la cavité péritonéale; Les organes (Œsophage, Estomac, Duodénopancréas, Grêle, Colon, Rectum et canal anal); Vascularisation; Innervation.
83p duchoanvn01 04-07-2016 48 3 Download
Bài giảng "Cardiac MRI trong bệnh cơ tim non-ischemic" trình bày những hình ảnh mang tinh chuyên môn về các loại bệnh: Anatomy, LGE pattern, DCM, phân biệt ICM với IDCM, HCM, cardiac amylooidosis, LV noncompaction, ARVC. Mời các bạn cung tham khảo bài viết.
58p hanhhanh96 06-11-2018 30 3 Download
Bài giảng "Giải phẫu CT não – Sectional anatomy of brain" trình bày giải phẫu CT não của Virginia unversity; các bể dịch não tủy nền sọ; các nhánh xuyên và nhồi máu não kích thước nhỏ; nhánh lớn và nhồi máu kích thước lớn; các nhánh đậu vân trong xuất huyết não; vách trong suốt và đường giữa; lều tiểu não.
32p trinhthamhodang6 07-07-2020 69 5 Download
Human anatomy and physiology is more than just interesting, it is fascinating. To help get the students and instructions involved in the study of this subject, a number of special features are incorporated throughout the lecture note.
428p phannguyenhaminhths 18-08-2021 26 2 Download
The focus of this thesis was to study the chemotaxonomic relationship of selected southern Australian marine brown algae of the genera Cystophora and Sargassum. Consequently, this resulted in the isolation and structure elucidation of six new terpenoids from two southern Australian marine brown algae Cystophora moniliformis and Sargassum fallax together with 10 previously reported natural products. As a result of the re-isolation of these known secondary metabolites, updated and complete structural characterisation data could be provided for the first time for 7 of these compounds.
132p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
Conduct study "Research on applied anatomy of the superficial epigastric artery and inferior epigastric artery on adult Vietnamese”, with 2 objectives: (1) To describe the anatomy of the superficial inferior epigastric artery and inferior epigastric artery on cadavers and on Vietnamese adults using 64-row CT scan images; (2) To determine the distribution perforators of the inferior epigastric artery.
27p petsematary 02-06-2021 24 4 Download
A study on: “Study of the pedicle superior gluteal artery perforator flaps with vacuum asisted closure therapy for chronic ulcer sacral reconstruction” with the following objectives: Description of anatomy of AP vascular aneurysms and effectiveness evaluation of skin lesions AP Superior gluteal Artery Perforater combined with negative pressure for the treatment of chronic ulcers.
29p petsematary 02-06-2021 29 3 Download
The research thesis aims to evaluate the rate of brain artery imaging on computerized tomography images of 256 sequences; Describes common and anatomical variations of the cerebral arteries. Invite you to consult!
26p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 30 2 Download
Following purposes course of masseteric nerve anatomy; evaluate results of the applications of masseteric nerve in surgical treatment of intermediate durationfacial paralysis.
27p angicungduoc6 21-07-2020 24 2 Download
This chapter provides knowledge of cell cycle. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: List the phases of the cell cycle and describe the key events of each phase, describe the process of DNA replication.
9p tangtuy07 02-04-2016 33 2 Download
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biology, University of Bari, Italy; 2Department of Zoology, Laboratory of Histology and Comparative Anatomy, University of Bari, Italy; 3Center for the Study of Mitochondria and Energy Metabolism (CNR) Bari, Italy Mitochondrial bioenergetic impairment has been found in the organelles isolated from rat liver during the prereplicative phase of liver regeneration.
9p system191 01-06-2013 35 4 Download
Department of Medical Chemistry, Kochi Medical School, Nankoku, Japan; 2Department of Biochemistry, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Japan; 3Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Kochi Medical School, Nankoku, Japan We previously generated mice lacking aromatase activity by targeted disruption of Cyp19 (ArKO mice), and reported phenotypes of the female mice, showing hemorrhage formation and follicular depletion in the ovary, diminution in uterine size, and bone loss...
9p research12 01-06-2013 42 4 Download
REVIEW ARTICLE Hanna Willander1,2, EriThe BRICHOS domain was initially defined from sequence alignments of the Bri protein associated with familial dementia, chondromodulin associ-ated with chondrosarcoma and surfactant protein C precursor (proSP-C) associated with respiratory distress syndrome and interstitial lung disease (ILD). Today BRICHOS has been found in 12 protein families.
12p cosis54 09-12-2012 46 3 Download