Kim Dung viết ba truyện dài liên tiếp bắt đầu từ Xạ Điêu Anh Hùng Truyện, tiếp theo là Thần Điêu Hiệp Lữ và sau cùng là Ỷ Thiên Đồ Long Ký. Xạ Điêu Anh Hùng Truyện có bối cảnh là cuối đời nhà Tống, Thần Điêu Hiệp Lữ là giai đoạn người Trung Hoa chống lại nạn Bắc xâm, chủ yếu là việc thủ thành Tương Dương và Ỷ Thiên Đồ Long Ký viết về cuối đời Nguyên trong thời kỳ những thế lực tôn giáo lãnh đạo cuộc khởi nghĩa lật đổ nhà Nguyên...
28p nhutretho 29-01-2013 81 3 Download
Lesson 01 MQ Solution., Inc Giới thiệu tổng quát về Quy trình truyền thông tích hợp (IMC) (IMC = Integrated Marketing Communications) Trình bày: Kenny Jun 1 .Các công cụ chính sử dụng trong IMC Point of Purchase Internet/ Interactive Media Direct Marketing Publicity Public Relations Packaging Các đối tượng truyền thông, tiếp thị Direct Response Sales Promotion Print Media Broadcast Media Outdoor Events 2 Copyright © 2008 – prepared by Kenny Jun .
25p ves_quan 25-01-2010 1173 526 Download
THE VIETNAMESE NEW YEAR Preparation for Tet cleaning their houses, polishing their copper and silverware and paying off all their debts. Decorating the tree with bells, flowers, and red streamers
23p ruacon818 03-04-2013 103 22 Download
Sự lan tỏa của 5S đối với các công ty ngoài Nhật bản Năm 1986, Kazuo Tsuchiya lần đầu tiến giới thiệu 5S vào các Công ty của Singapore, Hungaria, Bungaria, Uruguay, Brazil, China, Poland, India, Thailand, và Costa Rica. Ngày nay, 5S là một chương trình nâng cao năng suất rất phổ biến ở Nhật Bản và nhiều nước khác trên thế giới. Bởi vì: – Chỗ làm việc trở nên sạch sẽ, ngăn nắp, thuận tiện và an toàn hơn....
22p esc_12 29-07-2013 184 62 Download
The years from 400 to 1500 in Asia were marked by periods of invasions and civil wars, interspersed with periods of unification, expanding trade, and economic prosperity. The topics discussed in this chapter are: China reunified, the Mongols and China, early Japan and Korea, India after the Guptas, civilization in southeast Asia.
149p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 64 10 Download
In India, small kingdoms gave way to a series of empires that unified the region and took advantage of India's position along major trade routes. Similarly, ancient Chinese dynasties unified the large population and expanded the Chinese empire. This chapter includes contents: Early civilizations in India, new empires in India, early Chinese civilizations, rise and fall of Chinese empires.
157p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 59 8 Download
The purpose of the article is to consider supply chain strategy for the scientific and technological development of Russian regions. The examples of Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and China are analyzed to summarize the advanced foreign experience and identify the features of the state management of scientific and technological development. Proposals for the formation of a strategic planning system for the scientific and technological development of Russian regions are formulated.
10p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 5 0 Download
The thesis "Mutual fund intentional style drift: presence, motivation and performance impact" uses a methodical stock level analytical framework to uncover the presence of intentional style drift in a market of exclusively in-house fund managers, and investigates the motives and effects of style drift in a fledgling but immature fund market in China.
248p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
The objectives of this research are to understand how routinised operation processes and HRM practices impact on L&SC competencies of LSPs in China. To achieve the above objectives, this study formulated four research questions: 1) Do BP&SOPs positively relate to L&SC competencies of LSPs in China? 2) Do HRM practices positively relate to L&SC competencies of LSPs in China? 3) Does Guanxi enhance the relationship between BP&SOPs and L&SC competencies? 4) Does ICT support bolster the relationship between BP&SOPs and L&SC competencies?
178p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 2 Download
This study reveals the significant influence of supplier-countries’ contexts on CoC compliance in terms of labour rights protections. By doing so, it expands the scope of debate by highlighting the importance of local context to the implementation of MNCs’ CoCs in supplier-countries. Furthermore, the findings make important contributions to current understandings of the labour rights environment of MNCs in China.
171p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 4 Download
The rationale for this study is that the social enterprise sector provides an important locale in which to situate research that aims to identify the impact of ICTs on development. Recognising the complex dynamics and range of actors involved in this diverse and emerging area of development practice, this study chooses to focus on the social enterprise sector. It is specifically concerned with mapping the external influences, use and impact of ICT on social enterprises in Cambodia.
228p runthenight04 02-02-2023 22 3 Download
This study extends the limited finance literature on return and volatility spillover effects in China and emerging markets. It investigates the market interdependence and volatility transmissions between the Chinese stock market and other financial markets, including both domestic and international markets. The significance of this study arises from the importance of China due to its large economic scale and financial influence. To understand the behaviour of the Chinese stock market, this research has four different perspectives.
296p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The thesis concentrates on measuring the benefits and losses of implementing regional trade agreements. In particular, the thesis analyses trade flow changes, foreign direct investment inflow changes, industrial total factor productivity changes and specific commodity trade flow changes in Australia and China. Four empirical studies are undertaken.
463p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Following the premises of addressing significant issues identified above, the purpose of this research is accordingly raised. The overall objective of this research is to offer an in-depth, rich in context empirical insight in understanding the role of GONGO’s networked governance on CSR in China. This overarching objective will be achieved by two separate aims specifically.
326p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
This thesis investigates the infant formula export trade from Australia to China. The primary aim is to evaluate the main factors for success and failure among firms that export this dairy product. The research question to be answered is ‘What are the factors for success at the organisational level for exporting Australian Infant formula to China? This thesis argues that specific factors are required to successfully export Australian infant formula to China.
224p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 2 Download
With a view of providing investors with a better understanding of the risk and return relationship in the A-share market over the past decade, this thesis adapts several empirical models to the circumstances in China and conducts four empirical analyses. The analysis is undertaken employing the returns on the Chinese A-share market, the Chinese B-share market and the Hong Kong H-share market together with a series of developed stock markets.
196p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3 Download
Modelling the diffusion of mobile commerce in a country is a difficult task due to the non-linear, complex and uncertain nature of its operating environment. Conventional analytical techniques are of limited use in this context, and a System Dynamics approach is more appropriate to model such a complex system.
295p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3 Download
In this thesis, we will address the following questions: (1) Is Shenzhen stock market efficient? (2) What is the most common violation of market efficiency in the Shenzhen stock exchange? (3) Is noise trading strategy profitable in China? (4) Can fundamental factors explain noise trader risk in Shenzhen stock market? (5) Can finance fundamentals explain overreaction, underreaction or IPE? (6) Do other factors such as financial crisis, seasonality and market sentiment affect noise trader risk?
377p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The main aim of "Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Prejudicial related-party transactions of listed companies in China: evidence of motivating and enabling influences" is to test theory-driven models of motivating and enabling influences on the extent of prejudicial RPTs. A supplementary aim is to update the descriptive evidence on the incidence and categorisation of RPTs in China.
227p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 4 Download
This thesis contributes to the existing literature in the following ways: First, presenting a systematic study with empirical evidence on the functioning and quality of corporate governance and its impact under the contractual form of FMC. Second, this research represents a step forward from the extant studies focusing on how board characteristics and composition in fund companies by investigating a wider range of relevant governance mechanisms that affect board effectiveness which other studies have not attempted.
203p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download