Employee training
This study was conducted with an aim of exploring the relationship between motivation and instructed LLSs use by Vietnamese employees at Honda co, Vietnam, especially the role of motivation types in explaining and predicting the L2 learners‟ LLS use. To fulfil this aim, firstly, this study focused on identifying the extent of the use of trained LLSs of Vietnamese employees at Honda Vietnam in learning English.
75p closefriend09 16-11-2021 32 3 Download
The research has a root intention, started from manager’s dilemma. In these near years, employee turnover rate is very high (from 20% - near 35% in per head office, branch offices). Expenditure for recruiting new employee is very high. After recruiting, newcomers need probationary process, they maybe pass or fail, even if newcomer fails, the company lost more expenditure for looking for other candidates, for training, etc.
87p donhuvy 14-09-2020 35 5 Download
This research paper discusses the initiatives and its impact on the strategies and operations of the executives, and how this impacts on their abilities to contribute positively towards the attainment of their goals and objectives..
13p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 31 5 Download
This paper focuses on positive relationship between adoption of training methods, employee performance and organisational productivity.
6p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 24 4 Download
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of training on self-efficacy of the bank employees working in selected banks in Chennai.
13p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 13 2 Download
The study sought to understand and how the perception of Human resource Management Practices influences affective commitment of organization commitment in Manufacturing Industries in Tiruchirappalli.
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 33 1 Download
Many industries, such as nuclear power plants, chemical industry, oil and gas industry have dangerous working environments and hazardous conditions for employees. Maintenance, inspection and decommissioning activities in these safety-critical areas mean a serious risk, downtime is a significant financial loss.
5p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 11 1 Download
The study considers three dimensions of ethics, namely; organization culture ethics, leadership ethics, and training ethics. Employees on the managerial positions are selected as the respondents.
12p tocectocec 24-05-2020 12 0 Download
This thesis focuses on researching 6 internal factors including: multidimensional performance measures, top managaement support, training about PMS, employee participation, the link of performance to rewards, employee attitudes towardas PMS.
0p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 34 3 Download
In the process of researching, I have found four ethical issues that employees should be aware of. I wrote four case studies, based on these issues, to use as the method to train the participants. In order to determine which cases to use for the training, I pilot tested the cases with my faculty advisor and the general manager of the store.
49p fugu897 03-07-2019 33 2 Download
KPIs for Redeployment & retirement refer to issues such as: Average performance scores of departing employees, Average retirement age, Cost of replacing a key worker vs re-training, re-deploying and retaining, % of early retirements. In addition, to learn more about KPI indicators of other departments in the business, please consult Bộ Tài Liệu Xây Dựng KPI Cho Doanh Nghiệp on TaiLieu.VN. Good luck!
1p vrohtovitamin 18-06-2019 17 2 Download
KPIs for Training refer to issues such as: Training penetration rate, Average time to competence, Ratio of internal versus external training, Employee satisfaction with training, ROI of training, % of HR budget spent on training, Average training costs per employee... Alternatively, you can refer to Bộ Tài Liệu Xây Dựng KPI Cho Doanh Nghiệp on TaiLieu.VN to learn more about KPI and BSC indicators of other departments in the business. Good luck!
3p vrohtovitamin 18-06-2019 21 1 Download
Employee training at the place of work while he or she is doing the actual job. Usually a professional trainer (or sometimes an experienced employee) serves as the course instructor using hands-on training often supported by formal classroom training. In addition, you can refer to Bộ Tài Liệu Quy Trình Tuyển Dụng Và Training Nhân Viên Từ A-Z on TaiLieu.VN to learn more about the processes, recruitment forms and staff training in the enterprise. Good luck!
2p vrohtovitamin 13-06-2019 48 3 Download
Chapter 8 - Employee training and development. This chapter presents the following content: Importance of training, who will do the training, how employees learn best, developing a job training program, retraining, orientation, overcoming obstacles to learning.
17p trueorfalse8 07-09-2017 44 1 Download
State statutes define a position as a "group of duties and responsibilities...which require the services of an employee on a part-time or full-time basis." A position description (PD) is a structured document assigning work to a given position as it is expected to be performed after customary orientation and training. It will tell the reader what the worker is responsible for doing, how it is done, and how it relates to other positions within and outside the work unit.
4p docdaovn 14-04-2011 94 11 Download
5 chức năng của HRM trong doanh nghiệp: Main activities of HRM ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN Human resource planning based on strategy Job analysis/work analysis Job design Information systems STAFFING Recruiting/interviewing/hiring Affirmative action/diversify Promotion/transfer/seperation Outplacement services Induction/orientation Employee selection methods PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISAL Management appraisal/management by objectives/strategy execution Productivity/enhancement programs Customer-focused performance appraisal Multirater systems (3600, 1800) EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND ORGAN...
4p tae_in2 29-07-2010 507 86 Download
Bộ câu hỏi tuyển dụng mẫu - Câu hỏi phỏng vấn ứng viên vị trí Đào tạo và phát triển nhân viên
2p minhlong 16-07-2009 688 162 Download