Leading change
The hardware required consists of a number of small boards (built on Veroboard), which connect together via ten pin leads using Molex connectors. The first board (Main Board) carries the PIC16F628 processor and 5V regulator - the board can be fed from a simple 9V battery.
113p nvtloventy 15-01-2014 65 4 Download
After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Define change and explain the forces for change Describe types of change and explain the change process Summarize the reasons for resistance to change and possible solutions Present the leadership practices necessary to implement change, including the importance of vision Highlight the organization characteristics that support change
55p sony_12 25-06-2013 73 12 Download
The aim of this research is to produce information on decision making in relation to fertiliser use. This information can be used in the Game Theory model to calculate optimal strategies on phosphorus fertiliser application amounts for the individuals within the group. If the results indicate a benefit to the individual and the community as a whole, and are seen as practical, then on a catchment wide basis this should lead to changes in management practices that will minimise phosphorus pollution of the Hopkins River catchment’s waterways.
174p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
This thesis focuses on four constructs of perceived adverse impacts of climate change, perceived anthropogenic causes of climate change; perceived policy effectiveness, and feasibility to explain Australian public support for mitigation policies. The study draws from major theories in the field such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Risk Perception Theory, the Extended Parallel Process Model, and Social Dilemma literature.
216p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The limitation of land in urban area leads to the existence of land slowly omitted and changed to be functioned room. The additional room itself will be reducing thermal comfort in the house.
13p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 13 2 Download
The thesis includes four chapters together a conclusion in the last. Chapter 1 mentions about introduction that leads to motivation of this study. Chapter 2 presents the methodology related to multi scale analysis along with the code theories at different scale for RELAP5, CTF and Ansys CFX with focus on phase change models. The verification and assessment of modeling used in these codes versus experiment data are presented in chapter 3.
116p change05 08-06-2016 35 5 Download
Bài thuyết trình Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail - Lãnh đạo sự thay đổi: Tại sao những nỗ lực chuyển dạng lại thất bại trình bày 8 bước quá trình chuyển dạng. Các bước đó bao gồm: tạo được nhận thức về sự cấp thiết, xây dựng một liên minh dẫn đường đủ mạnh, tạo ra tầm nhìn, truyền thông về tầm nhìn, trao quyền cho người khác để thực hiện tầm nhìn, hoạch định và tạo ra thắng lợi ngắn hạn, củng cố sự cải tiến và tiếp tục đưa ra những thay đổi mới, thể chế hoá những phương pháp tiếp cận mới.
14p nluu9184 10-05-2014 130 10 Download
Đề tài Leading change trình bày cho phép các nhà lãnh đạo thay đổi để khám phá những vai trò khác nhau của họ và các đồng nghiệp của họ cần phải tham gia trong một quá trình thay đổi. Nhận diện lãnh đạo thay đổi như thế nào để có thể thích ứng phong cách của họ và tập trung vào các giai đoạn khác nhau của quá trình thay đổi.
24p vespa_12 15-04-2014 56 4 Download
Visual arrestin is converted from a ÔbasalÕ state to an ÔactivatedÕ state by interaction with the phosphorylated C-terminus of photoactivated rhodopsin (R*), but the conformational changes in arrestin that lead to activation are unknown. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to investigate the solution structure of arrestin and characterize changes attendant upon activation. Wild-type arrestin forms dimers with a dissociation constant of 60 lM.
9p system191 01-06-2013 53 3 Download
Chimeric calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CCaMK) is characterized by the presence of a visinin-like Ca 2+ -binding domain unlike other known calmodulin-dependent kinases. Ca 2+ -Binding to the visinin-like domain leads to autophosphorylation and changes in the affinity for calmodulin [Sathyanarayanan P.V., Cremo C.R. & Poovaiah B.W. (2000)J. Biol. Chem. 275, 30417–30422]. Here, we report that the Ca 2+ -stimulated autophosphory-lation of CCaMK results in time-dependent loss of enzyme activity. ...
7p research12 29-04-2013 32 3 Download
Virus infection results in the activation of a set of cellular genes involved in host antiviral defense. IRF-3 has been identifiedas a critical transcription factor in this process. The activationmechanismof IRF-3 is not fully elucidated,yet it involves a conformational change triggered by the virus-dependent phosphorylation of its C-terminus. This con-formational change leads to nuclear accumulation,DNA binding and transcriptional transactivation.
10p tumor12 22-04-2013 40 3 Download
Once platelets are activated, the first event tooccur is a rapid change in shape, associated with Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and withRhokinase activation. The purpose of this studywas to investigate which is the biochemical pathway that leads to platelet shape change in response to convulxin, a selective GpVI activator, and to verify whether MLC phosphoryla-tion is essential for this process.
7p tumor12 22-04-2013 38 3 Download
cAMP receptor protein (CRP), allosterically activated by cAMP, regulates the expression of several genes inEscheri-chia coli. As binding of cAMP leads to undefined conform-ational changes in CRP, we performed a steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence study to showhow the binding of the ligand influences the structure and dynamics of the protein. We used CRP mutants containing a single trypto-phan residue at position 85 or 13, and fluorescently labeled with 1,5-I-AEDANS attached toCys178.
11p tumor12 20-04-2013 31 3 Download
Peripheral nerve injury is normally followed by a robust regenerative response. Here we describe the early changes associated with injury from the initial rise in intracellular calcium and the subsequent activation of transcription factors and cytokines leading to an inflammatory reaction, and the expression of growth factors, cytokines, neuropeptides, and other secreted molecules involved in cell-to-cell communication promoting regen-eration and neurite outgrowth.
11p awards 06-04-2013 35 2 Download
A catalytic turnover of supercoiled DNA (scDNA) transformation medi-ated by topoisomerases leads to changes in the linking number (Lk) of the polymeric substrate by 1 or 2 per cycle. As a substrate of the topoisomeri-zation reaction it is chemically identical to its product; even a single catalytic event results in the quantum leap in the scDNA topology.
8p dell39 27-03-2013 34 4 Download
Dynorphin-converting enzymes constitute a group of peptidases capable of converting dynorphins to enkephalins. Through the action of these enzymes, the dynorphin-related peptides bind tod-opioid instead of j-opi-oid receptors, leading to a change in the biological function of the neuro-peptides.
8p inspiron33 23-03-2013 34 2 Download
Human transthyretin (hTTR) is one of several proteins known to cause amyloid disease. Conformational changes in its native structure result in aggregation of the protein, leading to insoluble amyloid fibrils. The trans-thyretin (TTR)-related proteins comprise a protein family of 5-hydroxyiso-urate hydrolases with structural similarity to TTR.
13p viettel02 22-02-2013 37 3 Download
Mutations in the alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase gene (AGXT) are responsible for primary hyperoxaluria type I, a rare disease characterized by excessive hepatic oxalate production that leads to renal failure. A deeper understanding of the changes in the metabolic pathways secondary to the lack of AGXT expression is needed in order to explore substrate depletion as a therapeutic strategy to limit oxalate production in primary hyperoxal-uria type I.
9p viettel02 19-02-2013 49 2 Download
The tumor suppressor p16 INK4a has functions beyond cell-cycle control via cyclin-dependent kinases. A coordinated remodeling ofN- and O-glycosyla-tion, and an increase in the presentation of the endogenous lectin galectin-1 sensing these changes on the surface of p16 INK4a -expressing pancreatic carcinoma cells (Capan-1), lead to potent pro-anoikis signals.
12p viettel02 19-02-2013 58 4 Download
The visual photoreceptor rhodopsin undergoes a series of conformational changes upon light activation, eventually leading to the active metarhodop-sin II conformation, which is able to bind and activate the G-protein, transducin.
13p cosis54 05-01-2013 29 4 Download