Lecture C Functions
Notes to the students: The concept of “Marginal Physical Product – MPP” in this problem set is exactly the same that of “Marginal Productivity – MP” in the lecture Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following are factors of production? A. Output in a production function B. Productivity C. Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship D. Implicit and explicit costs
28p tanheo05 31-05-2012 197 8 Download
Lecture "Charter 5: C Functions" provides students with the knowledge: Introduction, program Modules in C, math library functions, functions, function definitions, function prototypes, function call stack and activation records,... Inviting you refer.
68p doinhugiobay_13 24-01-2016 65 3 Download
Lecture "Charter 7: C Pointers" provides students with the knowledge: Pointer Operators, pointer variable definitions and initialization, passing arguments to functions by reference, using the const qualifier with pointers, sizeof operator,... Inviting you refer.
95p doinhugiobay_13 24-01-2016 31 3 Download
Lecture "Charter 6: C Arrays" provides students with the knowledge: Introduction, arrays, defining arrays, array examples, passing arrays to functions, sorting arrays, searching arrays, multiple-subscripted arrays,... Inviting you refer.
75p doinhugiobay_13 24-01-2016 22 2 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Overriding a method, static and dynamic binding, virtual function, types of member function, abstract method/abstract class, constructor and destructor: virtual or non-virtual.
29p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 16 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Introduction to algorithm analysis, different functions, function’s growth rate, three problems related to algorithm running time, maximum contiguous subsequence sum problem.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 9 1 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Running time of function, running time of cubic function, running time of quadratic function, running time of linear function, running time of logarithmic function, logarithm, static searching problem,...
33p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 15 1 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Sum and product functions, matrix size function, variance and standard deviation, random numbers, complex numbers, computational limitations, general mathematical functions, rounding functions, functions used in discrete mathematics, trigonometric functions.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 12 2 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Function M-files, syntax of function M-Files, comments, multiple input and output functions, relational model concepts, relational model constraints and relational database schemas, update operations and dealing with constraint violations.
34p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 22 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Cubic spline interpolation, multidimensional interpolation, curve fitting, linear regression, polynomial regression, the polyval function, the interactive fitting tools, basic curve fitting, curve fitting toolbox, numerical integration.
32p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 27 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Matlab environment, built-in matlab functions, plotting, user-defined functions, numerical techniques, matlab environment, numerical techniques,...
24p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 16 2 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Script m-file, editor/debugger window, cell mode, using built-in functions, using the HELP feature , window HELP screen, elementary math functions, rounding functions, discrete mathematics, trigonometric function, data analysis function.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 13 1 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Basic definitions, example of a database, typical DBMS functionality, main characteristics of the database approach, database users, workers behind the scene,...
12p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 28 4 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Function plots, three dimensional plotting, surface plotting, mesh plot, surf plot, contour plot, editing in plot in graphical window, making plot from workspace window.
8p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 18 2 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Functions with no input or no output, determining the number of input and output arguments, local variables, global variables, creating toolbox of functions, anonymous functions and function handles, function functions, subfunctions.
16p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 14 2 Download
Developed by Sun Microsystems (James Gosling) A general-purpose object-oriented language Based on C/C++ Designed for easy Web/Internet applications Widespread acceptance Simple fixes some clumsy features of C++ no pointers automatic garbage collection rich pre-defined class library Object oriented focus on the data (objects) and methods manipulating the data all functions are associated with objects almost all data types are objects (files, strings, etc.) potentially better code organization and reuse...
14p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 73 3 Download
Basic elements of program Input – Initialize, define or assign numerical values to variables. Set of command expressions – Operations applied to input variables that lead to the desired result. Output – Display (graphically or numerically) result.An example of technical computinAn example of technical computing Let us consider using the hyperbolic tangent to model a downhill section of a snowboard or snow ski facility. Let us first examine the hyperbolic tangent function by executing the command: ezplot( ‘tanh(x)’ )...
17p feteler 27-11-2012 62 2 Download