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Project Design

Xem 1-20 trên 111 kết quả Project Design
  • The high demand for Davao pomelo and its suitability to the local climate in the Philippines have given rise to expansion potentials and provided possibilities in curbing poverty levels in the agricultural sector of the region. In order to design intervention projects and policies, the present study investigated the pomelo industry in Northern Mindanao covering specifically the product flow and challenges in the industry.

    pdf10p vibecca 01-10-2024 3 2   Download

  • This study focuses on identifying common mistakes and researching solutions to improve the quality of survey and design work for construction investment projects at Binh Duong Construction Inspection Consulting Co., Ltd. The results of this study not only support both the company and investors in minimizing risks and costs for construction projects but also contribute to the sustainable development of the construction industry generally.

    pdf6p vibenya 31-12-2024 6 2   Download

  • Lecture "Designing business plan - Unit 3: industry and market analysis" presentation of content: Industry size, growth rate and sales projections, competition among existing firms, market analysis.

    pdf31p tramnamcodon_01 28-03-2016 86 10   Download

  • Bài giảng gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Nhận định & phát hiện vấn đề, hướng dẫn thu thập thông tin, đưa ra được các tiêu chí để đánh giá các ứng cử viên cho đề tài dự án tạm thời, đánh giá và chọn ra đề tài dự án tạm thời cho nhóm.

    ppt32p thiendiadaodien_1 10-12-2018 118 10   Download

  • Những nội dung chính được trình bày gồm có: Khảo sát khách hàng và các bên liên quan về vấn đề của đề tài nhóm tạm thời, khảo sát thực trạng của các vấn đề tương tự, đánh giá lại đề tài nhóm dự kiến, tiến hành điều tra thêm nhu cầu giải quyết vấn đề của các bên liên quan đến đề tài nhóm, khảo sát các giải pháp hiện có của vấn đề,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

    ppt44p thiendiadaodien_1 10-12-2018 149 10   Download

  • Bài giảng trình bày những nội dung chính sau: Giới thiệu giảng viên bộ môn thiết kế dự án, nhập môn Thiết kế dự án 1, đánh giá cho điểm & nguyên tắc lớp học, thử nghiệm mini project, chia sẻ kết quả mini project, luyện tập brainwriting, phương pháp KJ. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

    ppt42p thiendiadaodien_1 10-12-2018 148 8   Download

  • Bài giảng trình bày các nội dung: Làm rõ cấu trúc của đề tài dự kiến, thu hẹp vấn đề cần giải quyết, làm rõ sự tồn tại của vấn đề cụ thể; điều tra ý kiến, nhu cầu của các bên liên quan về việc giải quyết vấn đề cụ thể,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

    pdf23p abcxyz123_07 04-04-2020 57 5   Download

  • This project is focused on study of active P2P nodes along with the analysis of the undocumented communication methods employed in many of these large unstructured networks. This is achieved through the design and implementation of an efficient P2P monitoring and crawling toolset.

    pdf193p longtimenosee02 03-01-2024 20 4   Download

  • This research project explores the effectiveness of an auditory display prototype for the sonification of internet \(c{o_2}\) emissions to a small user group within their office context. To date, methods do not exist for the reporting of this information to users of personal computing while they perform simple internet enquiries. Underpinning the theoretical development of this project is a focus on auditory displays guided by the concept and forms of auditory displays, together with the auditory perception elements to be considered in their design.

    pdf122p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3   Download

  • This research project investigates the influence of decoration and decorating on a fashion design practice, exploring the transformative effects of both in relation to surface and structure. Decoration is considered an after-effect, an element that can be differentiated from the object it adheres to, sometimes making it superfluous to the object’s function. In this project I consider decoration as having its own function – the ability, through its link to the ‘exterior’ world, to transform the shape, appearance and materials of forms by modifying their facade.

    pdf100p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 4   Download

  • This research project investigates the relationship between music composition, particularly electronic pop, and sound design (the editing/mixing of sound for cinema), with its main focus on Multi-channel (Surround Sound) techniques. It proposes new practices that extend music compositional tools into embracing spatial techniques employed by sound design. My research encompasses both the conceptual development (ie spatial techniques in creating narratives) and the practical issues relating to the production and technology needed for such works.

    pdf44p runthenight07 01-03-2023 14 4   Download

  • The majority of ready-to-wear shoes available in Australia are currently made in South-East Asian countries, mimicking current fashion styles, but compromising on quality to reduce cost for the Western market. It can be a challenge for women to purchase a suitable pair of dress shoes that is visually pleasing, functional and appropriate for a work environment. This research project investigated the availability of suitable dress footwear for working women within the Australian market.

    pdf88p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 1   Download

  • This research achieved its objectives of: Identify key attributes and variables that influences the design of a PPP Project; Identify key actions and events that influence the outcomes generated by a PPP project; Model design attributes and variables, and actions and outcomes found in PPP literature; Evaluate Australian practice as demonstrated in a case study, using the benchmark model; Discuss findings and present conclusions.

    pdf146p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2   Download

  • This dissertation and project analyse the ongoing crisis in news journalism and evidencebased inquiries. Through practice-led research, the completed prototype Labyrinths & Leaks examines methods for overlapping evidence through the interactive documentary (i-doc) form. This research examines what happens when we break apart narrative sequencing. Rather than a gradual narrowing of the linear storyline, there is a network of openings and opportunities afforded through the i-doc form.

    pdf91p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 2   Download

  • This thesis looks investigates the multi faceted problem of biotechnology valuation in Australia using a multi method approach designed to provide greater insight into the valuation challenges facing the industry and identify key value drivers. The approach incorporates a broad qualitative investigation, complimented by more focused quantitative studies into specific valuation issues surrounding IPO and project valuation.

    pdf240p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 4   Download

  • The design of solar cars has historically been dominated by highly technical and performance-based criteria. This has limited the general acceptance of solar cars as a viable mode of transport in both the public eye and the automotive industry.

    pdf189p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3   Download

  • The thesis research followed a constructivist assumption to claim knowledge. The strategy of inquiry was the case study taking the multiple-case, comparative design. Three case studies were conducted in this thesis. The research method mainly relied on open-ended interviews supported by semi-structured interviews and triangulations using documentation and archival records. It basically took the qualitative approach. The three case study organisations are typical large organisations and major employers of the Hong Kong IT workforce.

    pdf360p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3   Download

  • The objectives of the research "Fashion communication and ageist sentiment in the Australian fashion industry" were to firstly raise awareness of the issues confronting this mature consumer group and secondly challenge the conventional assumptions about the aesthetic viability of designing apparel for the mature women’s market. The project asked two research questions: What problems are associated with design for the mature women’s fashion market in Australia? How could fashion communication make a contribution to address those problems?

    pdf121p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2   Download

  • The current research project genotyped HAV RNA by using protocols and primer sets designed by HAVNET. It collected and genotyped previous HAV-positive samples in VIDRL sample bank, and the results were used to establish epidemiological and molecular database of the HAV strains. The database was used to investigate the relationship between the current diagnostic samples and the previous HAV infection cases. It was expected to identify the source of the hepatitis A infection.

    pdf158p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3   Download

  • The aim of this project was to design, fabricate and characterise multifunctional structural composites incorporating phase change materials for thermal management applications. The specific research objectives to achieve this goal were formulated as follows: Investigate effective methods to integrate microencapsulated PCMs into glass fibrereinforced epoxy composites; Evaluate the mechanical properties of micro-PCMs enhanced FRP composites and investigate associated failure mechanisms; Study the thermal management effectiveness of micro-PCMs enhanced FRP composites.

    pdf125p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 3   Download



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