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Projective Varieties

Xem 1-20 trên 21 kết quả Projective Varieties
  • This research project will investigate how combining systems of tessellation1 , modularity2 and seriality3 can be utilised with a specific method of paper staining to explore visual pathways within an artwork. A serial system4 of modular tessellation will be implemented, whereby different “sets” of oil-and-pigment soaked paper modules will be constructed and formed into various configurations.

    pdf98p runordie3 06-07-2022 10 4   Download

  • Objective of the project: Assess of current status of tomato production in Red River delta in recent years, drawing techniques and strategy need to be improved; evaluate some imported hybrid tomato varieties that are suitable for Red River delta with good adaptation, high productivity, good disease resistance in order to contribute to diversity of tomato varieties; establish technical guidelines of production for selected varieties; build a production model of hybrid tomato in off-season with large scale in some locals of Red River delta.

    pdf27p fujijudo87 07-07-2014 104 4   Download

  • This triangle shawl is knit from the center back to the bottom edge. You can knit this shawl with variety of commercial yarns or handspun yarn since gauge is not critical in this project. Just make sure you have enough yarn to cast off and choose a needle 2-3 sizes larger than recommended for the yarn. Finished measurements Approximately 48” (122 cm) wide from wing to wing and 22” (56 cm) long from top of center back to bottom edge of the shawl.

    pdf5p new_would 28-02-2013 52 4   Download

  • Competition in Product Variety: Theory and Evidence I begin by describing the allocation of effectiveness in illustrative equilibria, then describe the simulation and its results. Finally, at the end of this section I return to the basic model to discuss its allocative implications and the likely effects of endogenizing school effectiveness.

    pdf180p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 45 10   Download

  • 2. The computational inter-relationships between data types are complex: eg rainfall/soil type/location/species. A Generic model can evaluate a variety of separate investment projects for a variety of users.

    ppt16p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 78 9   Download

  • We show that every smooth toric variety (and many other algebraic spaces as well) can be realized as a moduli space for smooth, projective, polarized varieties. Some of these are not quasi-projective. This contradicts a recent paper (Quasi-projectivity of moduli spaces of polarized varieties, Ann. of Math. 159 (2004) 597–639.). A polarized variety is a pair (X, H) consisting of a smooth projective variety X and a linear equivalence class of ample divisors H on X. For simplicity, we look at the case when X is smooth, numerical and linear equivalence coincide for divisors on X, H is very...

    pdf21p noel_noel 17-01-2013 48 8   Download

  • A Pierre Deligne, a l ’occasion de son 60-i`me anniversaire, ` e en t´moignage de profonde admiration e Abstract If V is a smooth projective variety defined over a local field K with fi¯ nite residue field, so that its ´tale cohomology over the algebraic closure K is e supported in codimension 1, then the mod p reduction of a projective regular model carries a rational point. As a consequence, if the Chow group of 0-cycles of V over a large algebraically closed field is trivial, then the mod p reduction of a projective regular model carries a rational...

    pdf17p noel_noel 17-01-2013 42 5   Download

  • I prove a formula expressing the descendent genus g Gromov-Witten invariants of a projective variety X in terms of genus 0 invariants of its symmetric product stack S g+1 (X). When X is a point, the latter are structure constants of the symmetric group, and we obtain a new way of calculating the GromovWitten invariants of a point. 1. Introduction Let X be a smooth projective variety. The genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of X satisfy relations which imply that they can be completely encoded in the structure of a Frobenius manifold on the cohomology H ∗ (X, C). ...

    pdf42p noel_noel 17-01-2013 43 8   Download

  • Let G be a connected reductive group. The late Ramanathan gave a notion of (semi)stable principal G-bundle on a Riemann surface and constructed a projective moduli space of such objects. We generalize Ramanathan’s notion and construction to higher dimension, allowing also objects which we call semistable principal G-sheaves, in order to obtain a projective moduli space: a principal G-sheaf on a projective variety X is a triple (P, E, ψ), where E is a torsion free sheaf on X, P is a principal G-bundle on the open set U where E is locally free and ψ is an isomorphism...

    pdf57p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 8   Download

  • By means of analytic methods the quasi-projectivity of the moduli space of algebraically polarized varieties with a not necessarily reduced complex structure is proven including the case of nonuniruled polarized varieties. Contents Introduction Singular hermitian metrics Deformation theory of framed manifolds; V -structures Cyclic coverings Canonically polarized framed manifolds Singular Hermitian metrics for families of canonically polarized framed manifolds 7.

    pdf44p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 51 7   Download

  • We prove Maruyama’s conjecture on the boundedness of slope semistable sheaves on a projective variety defined over a noetherian ring. Our approach also gives a new proof of the boundedness for varieties defined over a characteristic zero field. This result implies that in mixed characteristic the moduli spaces of Gieseker semistable sheaves are projective schemes of finite type. The proof uses a new inequality bounding slopes of the restriction of a sheaf to a hypersurface in terms of its slope and the discriminant.

    pdf27p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 53 9   Download

  • Common carp is one of the most important cultured species in Vietnam. The goal of the carp breed program was creation of a common carp breed with stable genetic qualities such as fast growth, high survival rate and attractive appearance. In the first phase (1981-1985) the program focused on the assessment of the original carp varieties, which should be used as initial materials for selection.

    pdf16p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 51 2   Download

  • The rapid growth of the fruit industry in the Mekong Delta area of Vietnam has seen the emergence of many problems, including a shortage of planting material, inadequate nursery and orchard management, lack of agribusiness and marketing skills. These problems could not be improved with existing level of government extenstion service. This activity will focus on the mango industry in Tien Giang and Tra Vinh provinces where good varieties of mango are produced.

    pdf34p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 69 8   Download

  • The objectives of the CARD project entitled “Development and Selection of Commercial and High Quality Cultivars of Root and Tuber Crops for Processing Purpose in the Northern and Central Vietnam” between FCRI and Sydney University are to 1) Select a certain number of sweet potato cultivars from those designated by FCRI as potentially suitable for cultivating in locations in northern and central Vietnam and conduct field trials in selected locations to evaluate these cultivars according to yield and dry matter content for value-adding purposes; 2) Develop and evaluate processing methods for ...

    pdf9p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 77 7   Download

  • As a major rice exporter worldwide, the quality of rice has become a central issue for farmers in Vietnam, especially in the rainy harvest season. Therefore, it is important to dry the rice as quickly as possible to prevent damage but maintain quality. Conventional drying techniques such as flat bed dryers can take up to 8 hours (or more) to dry the moisture rice to safety. High-temperature drying can allow the rice to dry more quickly, so space and time taken to dry the rice can be shorter nhieu.Nghien agricultural science...

    pdf18p xinh_la 10-02-2012 77 8   Download

  • This project supports the development of crops with small profit at the central Vietnam, increase high-value sawlogs glue for the wood processing industry of Vietnam's solid. Project to build scientific capacity of the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) Acacia seed varieties suitable for sawlog production, and conduct applied silvicultural research to support sustainable forestry and profitable.

    pdf18p xinh_la 10-02-2012 58 8   Download

  • In 5 years this project has supported the propagation in the nursery and the three new Macadamia existing nurseries. In addition four major trials of different macadamias were established, about 1 ha each related to 14 macadamias suitable varieties, in four northern provinces of Vietnam. In addition, project participants 3 held with 18 nurseries and other tests done. Training has continued to be conducted in aspects of propagation, grafting, design and site preparation, planting, maintenance and management of forest plantation in the nursery and the test site.

    pdf26p xinh_la 10-02-2012 67 8   Download

  • The study 1.Nghien Publication / Technical Report of interim results from Macadamia varieties tested (at least 10 plant varieties in 3 provinces). Part 2. Assessment Report of the varieties available. Section 3. Research and management protocols including assignment of responsibilities for long term management, analysis and test reports Macadamia varieties.

    pdf24p xinh_la 10-02-2012 80 6   Download

  • Small farmers in central Vietnam mainly Mong Cai breed, small pigs, and SocHighland, be adapted to local conditions, but performance and economic efficiency. Genetic improvement of local varieties by introducing the high performance of Mong Cai for breeding pure lines and exotic breeding program will lead to significant benefits for small farmers if it could be related with a

    pdf21p xinh_la 10-02-2012 61 10   Download

  • This project continues in the first half of 2008 to support the propagation of new macadamia nursery and the three existing nurseries. In addition three major trials have been established many Macadamias, Macadamias 1 ha with 14 suitable varieties, in three provinces in northern Vietnam. In addition, be involved with project implementation 18 3 trials. Training continues to be conducted in aspects of propagation, grafting, design and site preparation, planting, maintenance and management of forest plantation in the nursery and the test site.

    pdf10p xinh_la 10-02-2012 65 7   Download



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