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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: World population (Language focus) - Trường THPT Bình Chánh

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Bài giảng "Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 07: World population (Language focus)" nhằm giúp các em học sinh ôn tập điểm ngữ pháp về câu điều kiện đã học và mở rộng dạng mới của câu điều kiện. Để nắm chi tiết nội dung bài học mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài giảng.

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 7: World population (Language focus) - Trường THPT Bình Chánh

  2. 1 Pronunciation
  3. climb /klaɪm/ global /´gloubl/
  4. Cry /krai/ Grass /grɑ:s/ Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/
  5. Pronunciation • Listen and repeat. /kl/ /gl / / kr / / gr / / kw / clean glean crowd grow quarrel class glass cranky green quarter claim struggle crash grouping quality quickly ugly creature ground queen
  6. • Practise reading aloud this dialogue. A: Didn't you go to the cricket club? B: Yes, I did go to the cricket club. A: Was it crowded? B: Quite crowded. A: Was Greg there? B: Greg was there, yes. And Robert Queen was there, too. A: Does Robert Queen like cricket? B: No, he doesn't. He quarrelled with Greg. He went to the pub and drank some glasses of beer. A: Oh dear! B: Mm. Shall I take your clothes to the cleaner's?
  7. 2 Conditional types
  8. If you study hard, you will get good marks.
  9. If I had a pair of wings, I would fly around the world.
  10. If it had not rained yesterday, we would have gone to the cinema.
  11. KINDS IF CLAUSES MAIN CLAUSES USAGES 1. *Simple present: *Simple future: 1 hành động Probable -(be): am,is,are -Will,can,may + (not) + V có thể xảy ra ở -(be,not): am,is,are + not *Near future: hiện tại hoặc -(V): Vs/es, V -Am,is,are + (not) + going to + V tương lai. -(V,not): does,do + not + V *Imperative: (tomorrow, *Present continuous: -V, Don’t V next, in the *Present perfect: - Please V, Let’s V future) *Simple present: 2. Present *Past subjunctive: *Future in past: 1 hành động unreal -(be): were would trái ngược với -(be,not): were + not could + (not) + V sự thật ở hiện -(V): Ved / V2 might tại. (now, -(V,not): did + not + V today, at the moment) 3. Past *Past perfect subjunctive: *Future perfect in past: 1 hành động unreal -had + (not) + Ved / V3 would trái ngược với could + (not) + have + V3/ed sự thật ở quá might khứ.(yesterday , last, ago)
  12. Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Add ’ll/will or ’d/would if necessary. 1. I (drive)…………… to work if I had a car. 2. Where in Vietnam would you like to live if you (can) ……….choose? 3. If the weather (be) ………….good, we will have lunch outside. 4. If the company offers me a job, I think I (take) ……… 5. Many people would be out of work if that factory (close) ………….down. 6. It you finish before 4:30, I (come) …………..and pick you up.
  13. Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. They would have paid you more if they (be told) ………. of its value. 2. If I (realise) …………..that Greg wanted to get up early, I would have woken him up. 3. If you had had breakfast, you (not/be)………………. hungry. 4. If they had had enough money, they (buy) ……………......... that house. 5. If he (study) ……………harder, he would have passed the exams.
  14. Exercise 3. Choose the best option 1. If I _____ you were coming, I ____ you at the airport. A. knew / would meet B. had known / would meet C. had known / would have met D. know / will meet 2. What _____if the lift ____stuck now? A. you would do / had got B. would you do / got C. you would do / got D. would you do / get 3. ______ you apologise for what you have done, I will never be your friend. A. Unless B. If C. As if D. Even if 4. Tomorrow, I ______for you if you _______me. A. wait / will remind B. would wait / had reminded C. waited / would reminded D. will wait / remind 5. If they _______ him yesterday, he ________to the party now. A. would not have insulted / were coming B. did not insult / will come C. had not insulted / would have come D. had not insulted / would come
  15. * Change into conditional sentences: 1a. (S + must) + V(inf) … or + S + will + V(inf)  If + S (you) + Vs/es / V(inf) , S + will + not+ V(inf) am/is/are  If + S (you) + does/do + not + V am/is/are + not , S + will + V(inf) Ex: You must study hard or you will fail this exam.  If you don’t study hard, you will fail this exam.  If you study hard, you will not fail this exam.  If you study hard, you will pass this exam.
  16. * Change into conditional sentences: 1b. (S + must) + V(inf) … or + S + will+ not + V(inf)  If + S (you) + Vs/es / V(inf) , S + will + V(inf) am/is/are Ex: He must do these exercises or he will not get good marks.  If he does these exercises, he will get good marks.  If he doesn’t do these exercises, he won’t get good marks.  If he doesn’t do these exercises, he will get bad marks.
  17. * Change into conditional sentences: 1c. S + will + (not) + V(inf) … + S + will+ (not) + V(inf)  If + S + am/is/are + (not) , S + will + (not) + V(inf) Vs/es / V(inf) does, do + not + V Ex: He will have much money. He will buy that house.  If he has much money, he will buy that house.
  18. * Change into conditional sentences: 2. S + V(htđ)… + S + V(htđ,tlđ)  If + S + were (not) would, could V2/ed , S +, might + (not) + V did + not + V Ex: She doesn’t have much free time so she can’t visit you.  If she had much free time, she could visit you
  19. * Change into conditional sentences: 3. S + V(qkđ)… + S + V(qkđ,tl trong qk)…  If + S + had + (not) + V3/ed, S + would, could + (not) + have + V3/ed might Ex: We got lost because we had no map.  If we had had a map, he wouldn’t have got lost.
  20. NOTES 1. Notice the clause - SO, THAT’S WHY  Main clause - BECAUSE  IF clause 2. - Phủ định (not, no, never) khẳng định (bỏ not, no,…) - Khẳng định (không có NOT)  phủ định (thêm NOT)



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