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Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Lương Ngọc Quyến, Thái Nguyên

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"Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Lương Ngọc Quyến, Thái Nguyên" dành cho các em học sinh lớp 12 tham khảo, để hệ thống kiến thức học tập cũng như trau dồi kinh nghiệm làm bài thi. Hi vọng sẽ giúp các bạn đạt kết quả tốt trong kì thi.

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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Lương Ngọc Quyến, Thái Nguyên

  1. REVIEW FOR MID-TERM TEST – GRADE 12 Question 1 - 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs fromthe other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. advertisement B. energetic C. extinction D. organization 2. A. change B. poaching C. chemical D. achievement 3. A. horn B. vehicle C. hippo D. habitat 4. A. species B. nest C. special D. helpful 5. A. chore B. change C. choice D. chorus 6. A. honorable B. honesty C. historic D. heir 7. A. butter B. push C. sugar D. put 8. A. ethnic B. breathe C. marathons D. paths 9. A. together B. worthy C. ethnic D. though 10. A. potential B. production C. promotion D. psychology 11: A. challenge B. chocolate C. brochute D. snatch 12: A. study B. bury C. cut D. young 13: A. national B. landscape C. courage D. balance 14: A. liquid B. reliable C. revival D. final 15: A. species B. invent C. medicine D. tennis 16. A. organized B. prioritize C. important D. opportunity Question3-4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three inthe position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. visit B. extinct C. survive D. evolve 2. A. dangerous B. survivor C. habitat D. vulnerable 3. A. convenient B. endanger C. critical D. tradition 4. A. pollution B. collision C. protection D. valuable 5. A. migrate B. giant C. panda D. rhino 6. A. machine B. robot C. human D. fiction 7. A. applicable B. automation C. artificial D. evolution 8. A. capable B. robotic C. industry D. futurist 9. A. assembly B. interfere C. reunite D. resurrect 10. A. successful B. significant C. experienced D. challenging 11: A. holiday B. survive C. family D. interest
  2. 12: A. status B. commerce C. burden D. reserve 13: A. reply B. appear C. protect D. kindness 14: A. swallow B. compete C. maintain D. install 15: A. digest B. finance C. reduce D. provide Question 5. 1.The people___________ at the back couldn’t see. A. to sit B. sitting C. sit D. sits 2. Minh was the first student ___________________. A. interview B. interviewed C. to interview D. to be interviewed 3. The TV _____________ by my mother last week is cheap. A. bought B. buy C. to buy D. buying 4. Most people __________ to the party didn’t appear. A. invited B. to invite C. inviting D. invite 5. That is a company ______________ shoes. A. produces B. producing C. to produce D. produce 6. The cake ________ by his girlfriend is beautiful and lovely. A. make B. to make C. to be made D. made 7. The rabbit___ by the man was very frightened. A. is hunted B. is hunting C. hunted D. hunting 8. Our solar system is in a galaxy_______ the Milky Way. A. calling B. called C. which is calling D. which called 9. The event received coverage in a newspaper__ in the area A. which widely distributed B. widely distributed C. distributing D. that distributed 10. Most of the suggestions___ at the meeting was not very practical. A. making B. made C. were made D. which made 11. Be sure to follow the instructions___ at the top of the page. A.given B. giving C.are given D. are giving 12. People___ are expected to be formally dressed for the occasion. A. who are invite B. invited C. to be invite D. inviting 13. People___ in career opportunities are invited immediately to submit their resumes and cover letter to us. A. are interested B. interesting C. interest D. being interested 14. A man___ for smoking marijuana was taking about how unfair the law is. A. who was arrested B. arresting C. who arrested D. who arresting
  3. 15. Twenty percent of the people___ said that they were very satisfied with the product and would buy it again. A. who surveyed B. being surveyed C. survey D. surveyed Question 6 : 1: He arrived_______than anyone else, so he had to wait more than an hour. A. earlier B. more early C. early D. earliest 2: It is getting hotter and_______every summer. I guess that is the result of global warming. A. less B. more C. colder D. hotter 3: The meal was a bit_______expensive than we expected, but it was very nice. A. least B. less C. more D. most 4: Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than_______. A. all human beings B. total human beings C. that of all human beings D. those of all human beings 5: Normally, in order for a political party to form a government, it has to have_______number of seats in Parliament. A. the largest B. as large as C. larger than D. so large Question 6: On the way to the mountains, it was impossible to see_______a few meters ahead because of the heavy fog. A. rather than B. how far C. more than D. so large 7: According to a study, women blink almost twice_______men. A. more than B. as much as C. much than D. so much that 8: Ozone depletion has been_______at the poles, especially over Antarctica, where a seasonal ozone layer "hole' appears. A. as severe as B. so severe as C. more severe than D. the most severe 9: I was relieved to see that the new computer software was _______ complicated to use than I had thought it would be. A. much less B. far too C. the most D. so much 10: The 1665 plague in London took almost_______lives_______the Great Fire of London the y ear after. A. the same as B. as many - as C. much more than D. such a lot - that 11: Cotton shirts feel_______than polyester ones. A. much softer B. more softly C. far more softer D. far more softly 12: Of the three courses I did, this one is_______interesting. A. the hardest and more B. harder but more C. the harder but more D. the hardest but most 13: Of the two films we watched yesterday. Titanic is_______.
  4. A. the more interesting B. the most interesting C. better interesting D. as interesting 14: This car is_______of the two models in the showroom. A. more modem B. the most modem C. the more modem D. one of the most modem 15: The tickets for the play weren't nearly as expensive_______we thought. A. so B. than C. that D. as Question 7 1: He will take the dog out for a walk ___________ dinner. A. as soon as he finishes B. after he had finished C. When he was finishing D. before he finished 2: _________him, I will give him your regards. A. When I see B. Before I saw C. When I saw D. while I was seeing 3: ____________ , he will tell us about the match. A. When he arrives B. Before he arrived C. While he was arriving D. After he had arrived 4: John will look for a job __________. A. after he had passed his exams B. as soon as he passes his exams A. after he had passed his exams B. as soon as he passes his exams C. while he was passing his exams D. before he passed his exams 5: I will call you______ A. when I get off the plane B. as soon as I got off the plane C. until I got off the plane D. after I had got off the plane 6: I will call and tell you something interesting ______. A. before I came home after work B. after I had come home after work C. while I was coming home after work D. when I come home after work 7: I will tell him to call you______. A. as soon as he returned B. until I saw him C. when he returns D. after I had seen him. 8: __________tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work. A. When he finished breakfast B. While he was having breakfast C. After he had had breakfast D. As soon as he finishes breakfast 9: She will call you _______. A. before she received the email B. when she was receiving the email C. when she receives the email D. after she had received the email 10:_______, we will be able to leave for the airport. A. After the taxi had arrived B. As soon as the taxi arrives
  5. C. While the taxi was arriving D. When the taxi arrived 11:Mary will have finished all her work _______. A. soon as her boss returned B. until her boss will return C. by the time her boss returns D. when her boss will return 12: _______ for my train the morning, I met an old school friend. A. When I had been waiting B. While I was waiting C. As I will be waiting D. Until I had been waiting 13: We’ll send you an email of confirmation, ___________ . A. after we had made our final decision. B. before we made our final decision C. while we were making our final decision . D. as soon as we have made our final decision Question 8 1: Users can look______locations as well as directions to different places on Google Map. A. down B. for C. in D. up 2: The two fabrics of Velcro stick together thanks______the hooks on the surface and the loops on the other. A. by B. for C. of D. to 3: If you get a laptop as a reward, what will you use it______? A. by B. for C. to D. with 4: It is important that men should share household tasks______their wives. A. to B. with C. for D. against 5: Some people tend to wrongly believe that men are not as good______ children as women. A. with B. as C. at D. on 6: Not many people are aware______male preference in this company. A. with B. on C. about D. of 7: I don't think mothers should be discouraged______outside the home. A. to work B. from working C. to working D. working 8: More and more girls apply______males’ jobs these days. A. by B. for C. about D. to 9: Working mothers can inspire their kids______their hard work and devotion. A. with B. about C. at D. for 10: Educated women are becoming less dependent______their husbands’ decisions. A. about B. of C. on D. for 11: This policewoman is famous______her courage and strong will. A. with B. for C. on D. about 12: I am thinking______becoming a childcare worker because I love children. A. of B. with C. for D. on 13: Nowadays, a number of parents still have preference for boys______ girls. A. rather B. than C. over D. instead 14: Women’s salaries are getting more important______their household income. A. at B. to C. in D. within 15: I think everybody should be provided______equal access to health services.
  6. A. with B. on C. for D. to Question 9: 1: Neither I or you are qualified for that job, ______? A. are we B. aren’t we C. do we D. do I 2: She needs to feed the chicken in the morning,______? A. doesn’t she B. does she C. needn’t she D. need she 3: He needn’t do that for me,______? A. need he B. needn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he 4: You ought to take it easy,______? A. should you B. shouldn't you C. oughtn’t you D. ought you 5: I am not sociable,______? A. am I B. are I C. aren’t I D. am not I 6: Let’s go to the hospital and visit him,______? A. shall we B. will you C. won’t you D. do we 7: Let us play video games for 2 hours,______? A. will you B. won’t you C. do we D. do us 8: Let me carry the suitcases for you,______? A. do I B. don’t I C. may I D. should I 9: Everyone has the permission to enter the house,______? A. do they B. don’t they C. is it D. isn’t it 10: Anybody hates him for the first time they meet him,______? A. do they B. don’t they C. does he D. doesn’t he 11: Everything is going on well,______? A. isn’t it B. is it C. is everything D. isn’t everything 12: No one accepts that negotiation,______? A. are they B. do they C. don’t they D. aren’t they 13: My mother never lets me come home late in the evening,______? A. does she B. doesn’t she C. is she D. isn’t she 14: She’d better leave a message,______? A. didn’t he B. hadn’t he C. had he D. did he 15: She’d rather take a rest after a hard-working day,______? A. would she B. does she C. doesn’t she D. wouldn’t she
  7. Question 10 1. We are looking for _______ place to spend ________ night. A. the/the B. a/the C. a/a D. the/a 2. Please turn off ________ lights when you leave ________ room. A. the/the B. a/a C. the/a D. a/the 3. We are looking for people with ________experience. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø 4. Would you pass me ________ salt, please? A. a B. the C. an D. Ø 5. Can you show me ________way to ________station? A. the/the B. a/a C. the/a D. a/the 6. To absorb more oil from spring rolls, we can use materials like ____ newspaper to wrap them after frying. A. the B. any C. Ø D. a 7. After a hard-working day, I went to ____ bed and had ____ most beautiful dream ever. A. the - the B. a – the C. a – a D. Ø - the 8. I have visited ____ Portugal but I have never been to ____ Netherlands. A. the – the B . Ø- the C. a – the D. a - a 9. Every week, his mother goes to ____ university to visit him while my mother has never come to visit me since I went to ____ university. A. the-Ø B. the - the C. Ø - Ø D. a - the 10. He left on ____10 o'clock train yesterday to see his father who was taken to ____ hospital last week when he broke ____ right leg. A. the - the - the B. the -a -a C. a - a - the D. the- Ø - Ø 11. Who is ____ girl over there with Jimmy? A. the B. a C. an D. Ø 12. The boss needs an assistant with ____ good knowledge of foreign trade. A. a B. the C. any D. Ø 13. We are having ____ terrible weather which is quite strange. Usually ____ weather in UK is not this bad. A. the – the B. a – the C. Ø- the D. the - a 14. Could you please close ____ window? I don't think it is necessary to open all the four. A. a B. the C. some D. Ø 15. ____ Gordons is a very interesting family. They like to travel around ____ world.
  8. A. A – the B . The - the C. A – a D. A-Ø Question 11. VOCAB 1. Overpopulation in urban areas tends to create unfavourable conditions, which mayresult in ____ of food in developing countries. A. damages B. failures C. shortages D. supplies 2. The council wants to ____ the character of the city while reconstructing the Old Quarter. A. preserve B. store C. defense D. abandon 3. Heavy traffic ____ us so we came to the meeting rather late. A. promoted B. arrested C. canceled D. delayed 4. In Africa, people's interference in the rhino's ____ leads to habitat loss. A. sector B. territory C. domain D. country 5. In Singapore, people try to ____ 80% of all waste. A. reprocess B. reclaim C. recycle D. reuse 6. The mass media are ____ of communication, such as books, newspapers,recordings, radio, movies, television, mobile phones and the Internet. A. models. B. means C. parts D. types 7. TV companies ____ their programmes across the country or even across the world. A. broadcast B. refresh C. connect D. publish 8. While a sports match has spectators and radio has listeners, television has ____. A. audience B. witnesses C. viewers D. commentators 9. There's a great ____ show on BBC1 tonight. Contestants have to race through asupermarket as quickly as they can, filling up their trolleys as they go. A. talk B. game C. quiz D. live 10. Johnny Depp rarely ____ invitations to do interviews. A. agrees B. accepts C. denies D. approves 11. How many means of ____ do you use on a regular basis? A. communication B. communicating C. communicator D. communicative 12. Video and computer games have also developed into a ____ media form. A. mess B. big C. mass D. global 13. He always studies the........................ in the paper as he wants to find a good second-hand car. A. advertisements B. publicity C. announcements D. publication 14. Science has made great............................ during the past 30 years. A. motions B. advances C. advantages D. opportunities 15. Water is used to generate __________. A. pollution B. electricity C. money D. deforestation
  9. Question 12. Verb phrase 1. This species of African elephants is ____. A. dying out B. dying of C. dying on D. dying down 2. Most people ____ the mass media as their main source of information. A. rely on B. try on C. put on D. hold on 3. The pie chart shows the preferred forms of communication recorded in a survey ____ in Intel Secondary School in August 2014. A. carried out B. carried on C. carried away D. carried up 4. You'll probably have to ____ an application form. A. fill down B. fill in C. fill on D. fill through 5. Many young people travel all over the world and do all kinds of jobs before they ____. A. lie down B. settle down C. touch down D. put down 6. The alarm should ____________automatically as soon as smoke is detected. A. go on B. go off C. go with D. go under 7. Ms. Hai is _________________an information sheet about the art show. A. passing out B. getting around C. doing up D. going along with 8. Jack and Linda ______ last week. They just weren’t happy together. A. broke up B. broke into C. finished off D. ended up 9. I’m ______ Tom’s address. Do you know it? A. Looking on B. finding out C. looking for D. getting for 10. I can ______ with most things but I can’t stand noisy children. A. put aside B. put on C. put up D. put off 11. If we don’t do something now, the birds are going to ______ soon. A. die of B. die with C. die out D. die on 12. I had to ______ her request for a loan. Her credit was just not good enough A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn into 13. He ______ in German, but moved to the US at the age of 18. A. brought to B. grew up C. turned off D. went to 14. We’re not ready yet, we are going to have to ______ the meeting until next week. A. take off B. put off C. take on D. go off 15. My daughter often ________ to see me at least once a week. A. calls up B. drops in C. goes up D. comes on Question 13 1: The skiers would prefer__________ through the mountains than go by bus. A. to travel by train B. travel by train C. traveled by train D. traveling by train
  10. 2: They decided ___________ to Japan for their summer holiday. A. going B. to go C. go D. to going 3: His parents think it’s time for him___________ married. A. gets B. get C. to get D. got 4: Peter’s father ordered him not__________ not to stay out late again. A.stay B. to stay C. staying D.stays 5: Smoking is bad for your health. You had better_________ it up. A. to give B. give C. giving D. to be giving 6: It took three and a half hours _________ to Singapore. A. to fly B. flying C. to be flown D. fly 7: She refused ___________ them. A. to help B. help C. having helped D. helping 8: It is not easy ________ a high-paid job. A. find B. finding C. finds D. to find 9: Would you like the doctor _________? A. coming B. to come C. come D. comes 10: There is no need ______ the door of the meeting room tonight. A. to lock B. to be locking C. to be locked D. locked 11: My husband wants me ______ this letter before afternoon. A. to post B. posting C. post D. posts 12: We need to stop _________ at what damage we have done to the nature and try ________it before it’s too late. A. looking/ to fix B. to look/ to fix C. to look/ fixing D. looking/ fixing 13: We walked for ten kilometers and then we stopped _______ a rest. A. to have B. have C. having D. has 14: It is raining hard. We had better _______ at home tonight. A. staying B. to stay C. stay D. to be staying 15: I _______ play with dolls when I was small. A. enjoyed B. hated C. started D. used to Question 14. IDIOMS 1. Anna organized a few games to ____ the ice when the new students first arrived. A. break B. crack C. drill D. melt 2. She comes to see me once in a __________ moon. A. red B. glouse C. blue D. green 3. She is walking on the__________she doesn’t know how to say. A. air B. road C. street D. garden 4. He takes after his father very much. It is like father like__________ A. son B. children C. father D. girl 5. Enjoy your meal! Home grow, home __________. A. make B. made C. makes D. making 6. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my______. A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea 7. He travels __________ for 20 years and then he decided to return home. A. father away B. far and wide C. far from it D. farthest of all
  11. 8. Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn’t take them__________. A. as a rule B. as usual C. out of habit D. for granted 9. Just keep________on the baby while I cook the supper, will you? A. a look B. a glance C. an eye D. a care 10. "What's wrong?"- "I'm a bit __________ the weather." A. in B. under C. at D. off 11. "When my girl friend and my brother got in a fight I had to help my brother because blood is____ than water." A. thinner B. thicker C. better D. more 12. When you do something, you should ________ A. pay through the nose B. turn over a new leaf C. weigh up the pros and cons D. huddle into a pen 13. Brady’s surprise party is going to be great if you don’t let the __________ out of the bag. A. dog B. mouse C. bat D. cat 14. She passed her exam with flying __________ and now wants to go out and celebrate. A. colors B. colours C. bays D. objects 15. "Let's all be very careful what we say at the meeting tomorrow. I don't want anyone putting their __________ in their mouth." A. arm B. hand C. Fingure D. foot Question 15 1 : She passed her examination because she_____very hard. A. studied B. was studying C. had been studying D. studies 2 : You_____out last night or were you tired? A. Did - went B. Had - gone C. Did - go D. Had - been going 3 : This time yesterday I_____tennis with my classmates. A. played B. was playing C. had played D. would play 4 : Nicole_____television a lot when she_____sick last year. A. watched - was B. had watched - had been C. was watching - was D. had been watching - was 5 : Mary_____home when she met Dave. A. came B. had come C. had been coming D. was coming 6 : The doorbell_____while I_____a shower. A. was ringing - took B. rang - was taking C. had rung - took D. had been ringing - took 7 : When I was young, I_____to be a pilot. A. wanted B. had wanted C. would want D. wants 8 : The war_____out three years ago.
  12. A. was breaking B. had broken C. broke D. have been breaking 9 : When he was young, he_____in the army. A. had been serving B. serves C. have served D. served 10 : She often goes to school by bike but yesterday she_____by bus. A. travelled B. have been travelling C. had travelled D. travels 11 : He_____a cup of coffee every morning many years ago. A. have been drinking B. drank C. had drunk D. was drinking 12 : Yesterday she_____to pay me for my helping her but I didn’t accept. A. will offer B. was offering C. had offered D. offered 13 : There_____a lot of grass in the garden last summer. A. had been B. were C. have been D. will be 14 : It’s time we_____something to help him. A. will do B. had done C. did D. was doing 15 : Mr Brown_____in Paris when the Second World War broke out. A. lived B. was_____living C. had lived D. will live Question 16. PHRASAL Vs 1. Each child had to ____ a short speech to the rest of the class. A. do B. carry C . make D. take 2. He wasn't able to ____ with the stresses and strains of the job. A. catch up B. come down C. cope D. handle 3. Media mogul Ronald Morduck has ____ control of another tabloid. A. made B. given C. found D. taken 4. The purpose of running a business is to _________ a profit. A. do B. make C. have D. build 5. Don't you think you should ________ for the job in writing? A. ask B. take C. apply D. consider 6. Our car broke________ and we had to push it off the road. A. off B. down C. with D. out 7. Look Jack, I’ve _______with your bad behavior long enough! A. put up B. catch up C. keep up D. get on 8. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t _______off this morning. A. take B. put C. go D. turn 9. It’s high time Bill got a steady job and ________down. He’s almost thirty. A. settled B. knocked C. turned D. pulled
  13. 10. Bob has a bad lung cancer and his doctor advised him to______up smoking. A. turn B. give C. take D. put 11. Whenever a problem comes________, we try to discuss frankly and find solution as soon as possible. A. off B. in C. by D. up 12. The three friends all_______ for the same job. A. requested B. intended C. applied D. referred 13. I don’t think he will ever get_______ the shock of his father's death. A. over B. through C. by D. off 14. Don’t worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily_______ you up for the night. A. take B. set C. put D. keep 15. The water company will have to _______ off water supplies while repairs to the pipesare carried out. A. take B. cut C. set D. break Question 17. Passive 1. "What a beautiful shirt you're wearing!" "Thank you. It ............... especially for me by my mother." A. is made B. has made C. made D. was made 2. The child…..after by me before his mom comes back. A. will be looked B. will be looking C. will look D. will looked 3. This is the first time I have seen this car. Where ..................? A. did it make B. did it made C. was it make D. was it made 4. Today, many serious childhood diseases .................... by early immunization. A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented 5. I think about my task …….before 3 o’clock this afternoon. A. will be finished B. will be finishing C. will finish D. finishes 6. "What happened to the postman?" "He ...................... to a new town to work." A. has sent B. was send C. was sent D. sent 7. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ................... . A. we are following B. we are being followed C. we are followed D. we are being following 8. I still can not believe it. My bicycle .................. some minutes ago. A. was stolen B. was stealing C. stolen D. stole 9."The maintenance people didn't remove the chairs from the ballroom". "Don't worry. They _____ them before the dance begins". A. will have been moved B. will have moved C. were moved D. moved 10. Many U.S automobiles .................. in Detroit, Michigan.
  14. A. manufacture B. have manufactured C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing 11.All planes _____ before departure. A.will checked B.will has checked C.will be checked D.will been checked 12. Last night a tornado swept through Rockvill. Everything………….. in its path. A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. was being destroyed D. had been destroyed 13. Phong Nha cave _______by thousands of foreign travellers this holiday. a. is visited B. can visit C. will be visited D. will visit 14. .................. this work .................. before you went to Moscow? A. Will/ have been done B. Has/ been done C. Will/ be done D. Had/ been done 15. If you .................. about it, will you be able to answer? A. are asked B. ask C. will be asked D. asked Question 18. Word form 1. It turned out to be a ____ journey when the weather became bad. A. hazard B. hazardous C. hazarded D. hazarding 2. If we go to the Brisbane Institute of English in Australia, we can practice speaking English with __________ speakers. A. nation B. national C. native D. natively 3. The next stage in the development of television is __________ TV. A. interact B. interaction C. interactive D. interactively 4. We are talking about the preservation of__________ resources. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturalize 5. The story about UFOs caught the __________ of the whole class. A. imagine B. imaginative C. imaginatively D. imagination 6. Everyone must take part in __________ deforestation. A. preventing B. prevent C. prevention D. preventive 7. The air in the city is very__________ A. pollute B. polluted C. pollution D. pollutant 8. She has __________ provided a picnic lunch for us. A. kind B. unkind C. kindly D. kindness 9. We'll make this beach clean and __________ again. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify 10. A large number of inhabitants have made__________ on how to protect the environment. A. suggestive B. suggest C. suggestion D. suggestible 11. I was very__________ that you won that first prize. A. amazed B. amaze C. amazement D. amazing
  15. 12. I want to see the __________ of environment from the local authority. A. protect B. protected C. protecting D. protection 13. If people stop using dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures will be well__________ A. preserve B. preservation C. preserved D. preservative 14. Scientists are looking for an __________ way to reduce energy consumption. A. effect B. effecting C. effective D. effectively 15. The__________ Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables. A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. traditionalist Question 19. Collocations 1. When Linda was little, her mother used to _______ her a bedtime story every night. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk 2. Students from other schools have to pay a small _______ to join the club. A. fee B. fare C. wage D. salary 3. Entering the meeting half an hour late, he tried to _________ an excuse, still the strict chairman of the board told him to leave the room. A. make B. do C. give D. have 4. The recent heavy rains have contributed to ease the water _________ resulted from the severe prolonged drought. A. shortage B. lack C. absence D. deprivation 5. Despite the development of e­books and online reading materials, printed books are still regarded as a  wonderful _______ of entertainment. A. resource  B. place                     C. source                       D. replacement 6. Advanced technology has been _____ significant contribution to lots of countries’ living standards so far. A. having B. reaping C. holding D. making 7. Because I helped him a lot, he ______ allowance for my mistake at this time. A. makes B. takes C. gets D. has 8. Mary really enjoyed the party at that villa because of its ______ service. A. dedicated B. original C. optional D. favorable 9. If you don’t want your factory to _______ bankrupt, avoid consulting those willing to step out on a limb. A. come B. take C. go D. pay 10. In Physic class, we are told that resistance wire can be found in an electrical___such as a heater or an oven. A. device B. appliance C. utensil D. gadget 11. I wonder if you could ______me a small favor, Tom? A.bring B. make C. give D. do
  16. 12. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the_______ it was pretty easy.”  B. general  C. hand  D. whole 13. The footballers often sing the national_______ at the beginning of a match. A. version B. lyrics C. anthem D. composition 14. “What’s Peter’s cousin’s name?” “It’s on the tip of my _________-, but I can’t quite remember” A. mouth B. lips C. tongue D. memory 15. Don’t ________to conclusions; we don’t yet know all the relevant facts. A. hurry B. jump C. rush D. run Question 20 – 21. COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response toeach of the following exchanges. Question 1: “How fashionable a pair of trainers you have!” - “______________” A. Do you want to know where I bought them? B. Thanks for your compliment. C. I know it’s fashionable. D. Yes, of course. Question 2: “What can I do for you?” - “_______.” A. No need to help. B. Thank you. C. Thanks, I’m just looking. D. Sorry for not buying anything. Question 3: “How was the game show last night?” - “_______.” A. It showed at 8 o'clock. B. Just talking about it. C. I think it wasn't a good game. D. Great. I gained more knowledge about biology. Question 4: “What did the meeting discuss? I didn’t attend it because of traffic jam.” - “______________” A. I didn’t, either. B. That was great. C. You missed the meeting. D. I’m sorry, I can’t. Question 5: “I've called many times but the plumber hasn’t come yet.” - “______________” A. Wait a minute, please. B. We do apologise for this matter. We’ll fix it soon. C. He's maybe busy now. D. The problem has been fixed already. Question 6: “ Would you like to have a picnic with US on the weekend?” - “______________” A. Yes, I'd love to. B. You’re welcome. C. Of course not. D. It’s my pleasure. Question 7: “Have a good day, Peter!” - “_______” A. Thanks. The same to you. B. It’s really a good day. C. The weather is fine. D. Just a little bit cold. Question 8: “Which one will you purchase, yellow dress or blue one?” - “______________” A. I don't like, either. B. They’re suitable for you. C. It’s up to my choice.D. I prefer the blue. Question 9: “What’s the deadline of our assignment?” - “_______.” A. I am not sure. B. We have to submit it by Friday_______12th. C. About 1 hour. D. We will write about the environment. Question 10: “Don’t touch the subjects on display, Nam.” - “______________” A. Ok, let me touch. B. That’s right. C. Sorry, I don’t know. D. I agree with you, it’s a rule.
  17. Question 11: "Why do you like pop music?” - “_______.” A. Pop music originated in the Western world. B. Because it is soft and beautiful. C. Westlife is a pop band. D. Since the 1950s, pop has had some new elements. Question 12: “What’s your neighbourhood like?” - “_______." A. I live in Ha Noi. B. Sounds good. I like living there. C. It’s good. I love it. D. No, there is no hospital there. Question 13: “It’s nearly Tet holiday already.” - “_______.” A. How time flies! B. Thanks a million. C. Don’t make me laugh! D. No such luck! Question 14: “You can borrow my book.” - “_______.” A. There's nothing to it! B. You can such that again! C. No way! D. Thanks tons. Question 15: “Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Central Station?” - “______________” A. Sure. Just go along this street. B. Oh no. This way will take US nowhere. C. There is no way you can do it. D. That's it! Thanks for your instruction! Question 16. Tom and Tony are talking on the way home after school. - Tom: “Why don’t we go swimming?” - Tony: “____________.It’s too hot here.” A. Sorry. I’ve got to go B. How lovely it is! C. Don’t do that D. That sounds great Question 17. Mrs Brown and Mrs Smith are talking about teaching teamwork skills to children. - Mrs Brown: “Teamwork skills should be taught to children.” - Mrs Smith: “_______ They are necessary for their future life.” A. You’re wrong. B. You're welcome. C. I don’t either. D. I totally agree with you. Question 18. Andrew is talking to a waiter in a restaurant. -Andrew: "Can I have the bill, please?" -Waiter: "______." A. You are very kind B. Just a minute, please C My pleasure D. You're exactly right Question 19. Ted and Kate are talking about the school curriculum. Ted: "Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum." Kate:"________. It is an essential life skill." A. I can't agree with you more B. Oh, that's a problem C. You can make it D. Not at all Question 22 – 25. CLOSEST/ OPPOSITE MEANING Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 1: He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime. A. complain B. exchange C. explain D. arrange
  18. 2: The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for theexamination. A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations 3: I’ll take the new job whose salary is fantastic. A. reasonable B. acceptable C. pretty high D. wonderful 4: I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry. A. hopeless B. hopeful C. successful D. unsuccessful 5: In 1952, Akihito was officially proclaimed heir to the Japanese throne. A. installed B. declared C. denounced D. advised 6: Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps it has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential. A. accidents B. misunderstandings C. incidentals D. misfortunes 7: The shop assistant was totally bewildered by the customer's behavior. A. disgusted B. puzzled C. angry D. upset 8: He didn't bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again. A. wasn't happy B. didn't want to see C. didn't show surprise D. didn't care 9: Ralph Nader was the most prominent leader of the U.S consumer protection movement. A. casual B. significant C. promiscuous D. aggressive 10: Tourists today flock to see the two falls that actually constitute Niagara falls. A. come without knowing what they will see B. come in large numbers C. come out of boredom D. come by plane 11: Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify stars according to brightness. A. record B. shine C. categorize D. diversify 12: She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students. A. strict B. outspoken C. firm D. tactful 13: Roget's Thesaurus, a collection of English words and phrases, was originally arranged by the ideas they express rather than by alphabetical order. A. restricted B. as well as C. unless D. instead of 14: Life expectancyfor both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years. A.Livingstandard B. Longevity C.LifeSkills D. Lifeline 15: Young college and university students participate inhelping the poor who have suffered badly in wars or naturaldisasters. A. getinvolvedin B. interferewith C. join hands D. comeinto 16:The company will only employ competentengineers, so they want to see evidence of their work as well the references from previous employers. A. ambitious B. unqualified C. proficient D. inconvenient 17:The protesters were angry with the council’s plan to do away witha lovely old building and put a car park there instead. A. destroy B. replace C. remain D. keep
  19. 18: The last week of classes is always very busy because students are taking examinations, making applications to the University, and extending their visas. A. hectic B. eccentric C. fanatic D. prolific 19: The drought was finally over as the fall brought in some welcome rain. A. heatware B. harvest C. summer D. aridity 20: When their rent increased from 200 to 400 a month, they protested against such a tremendousincrease. A. light B. huge C. tiring D. difficult Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 1: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court. A. failed to pay B. paid in full C. had a bad personality D. was paid much money 2: His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning . A. elicited B. irregular C. secret D. legal 3: The government is not prepared to tolerate this situation any longer. A. look down on B. put up with C. take away from D. give on to 4: I clearly remember talking to him in achance meeting last summer. A. unplanned B. deliberate C. accidental D. unintentional 5: The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country. A. soak B. permanent C. complicated D. guess 6: The US troops are using much more sophisticated weapons in the Far East. A. expensive B. complicated C. simple and easy to use D. difficult to operate 7: In remote communities, it's important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in. A. remake B. empty C. refill D. repeat 8: There has been no discernible improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned. A. clear B. obvious C. Thin D. insignificant 9: Many women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them look younger. A. improve B. maximize C. worsen D. Enrich 10: I think we cannot purchase this device this time as it costs an arm and a leg.
  20. A. is cheap B. is painful C. is confusing D. is expensive 11: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus. A. large quantity B. small quantity C. excess D. sufficiency 12: During the five- decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects. A. holding at B. holding back C. holding to D. holding by 13: The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. A. explicit B. implicit C. obscure D. odd 14: Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region. A. restrain B. stay unchanged C. remain unstable D. fluctuate 15: Children brought up in a caring environment tend to grow more sympathetic towards others. A. loving B. dishonest C. healthy D. hateful 16: It’s quite disappointing that some people still turn a blind eye to acts of injustice they witness in the street. A. take no notice of B. have no feeling for C. show respect for D. pay attention to 17: As a brilliant and mature student Marie harbouredthe dream of a scientific careerwhich was impossible for a woman at thattime. A.kept B.had C.abandoned D. deleted 18: After the tragicdeath of Pierre Curie in 1906, she not only took charge of educating her two children but also took the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne. A.brilliant B.lovely C.fascinating D. happy 19: In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements. A. something to stiffer B. something enjoyable C. something sad D. something to entertain 20: My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance. A. be optimistic B. be pessimistic C. be confident D. be smart



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