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Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

  1. MID-SECOND TERM TEST - GRADE 6 Time: 60 minutes CODE 601 School year: 2023-2024 I. LISTENING. L短en c伽の砂and wrj!e ONE word or a mmberyoz, he仇 l. Hai plays _ at SChool. A. volleyball B. basketball c. karate D. cycling 2. Practising karate makes him strong and A・ Weak B. confident c. happy D. healthy 豊議書。n嵩豊芸豊二三二 C.playingchess D.watchingfilms A. day B. Saturday c. Friday D. Sunday Lis/en借a巌and choose 。ee co〃eCt an§砂er ‘o each 4"thej脇wing q陥諏on. 5. Who does Hai often go cycling with at the weekend? A. his mom B. his dad c. his brother D. his friend 6. What is Hai’s favourite sport? A. volleyball B. cycling c. karate D. chess 7. How old is Alice? A・ 12      B.20       c.22 D. 32 8. What does she like watching on TV? A. computer games B. chess c. cartoon D. spo巾 II・ PHONETICS: α00Se Jhe word whose ”n`加搬edpart d#r頼om ‘he o‘he樹海pron〃nCiation. 9. A. this B. think c. thank D. theater α00Se脇e word !hat d#rsルm ‘he oihers ;n ‘hepos巌on q旬rimaly S加us. 10. A. racket B. career c. viewer D. fumy ±±LVOCABULARY AND GRAMMA塾 α00Se /he co”eCi word/phrase ‘o comp肋e each q/勃eゆ妨脇g seniences. 1 1. This is a very - TV programme. Millions ofpeople watch it every week. A. boring B. cute c. popular D. educational 12・ Am is having a fever, She can・t come to my bi血day party: A. so B. or c. and D. but 13. The kids to the cinema last week. A. went B. was go c. was went D. didn,t went 14.   bike is dirty, SO I can,t tell what coIour it is. A. You B. Mine c. Yours D. Your 15. too much fast food! It,s not good for your health. A. Eat B. Don’t eat c. please eat D. Not eat 16. Big Ben is a famous in London. A. weather B. market c. landmark D. city Page l /3-Code601
  2. 17T霊 anl器:gmatChonT誓書・ 。ar。 脇rk i航e#er AJ号C; D ‘0脇cate海co〃eC‘ an鋤er ‘o eacんQ/勃e q附tha 18. Your brother won the first prize in his school’s spon conpetition・ You say: 負              う) A. Congratulations. B. Thank you・ C. You’re welcome. D. Great idea! α00Se伽word O踊断E fro mean暗‘o祝融r娠d word初ef脇砂暗sentenc色 19. New York is a聖塾生里City in the United States. A. new B. perfect c. ancient D. tasty α00Se海wor侮) C狐那T fro mea擁‘o海”脇r娠d word祝hej脇所vg胸fenc色 20. Street food in Bangkok is坐!瞳堅. A. tasty B. help餌   C. terrible D. expensive α00Se /he ”n`ね脇edpa幽ai ”制ts COrreCめn ;n ‘hej脇所ng senimce. 21. We退団ry upset be聖呈Q逃favourite team didn,t蓮the match yesterday. A B c D 22. He i畦垂垂ng working垣‥ this g型型five years n浬. A B C D 23. n哩些do you n垂TV? -堕聖gかt’s entertaining睦educational. A B c D 坦」READ工哩主 C%00Se /he co〃eCi word orphrase ‘hat best輝each q/勃e mmbered bねnks. the b認諾豊窪,二誓書s豊。蒜豊謙語霊 three. He played very ski皿y. In 2009, Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and 提議警霊育三霊器露盤霊器‡ In 2012, Diego Mara Dona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet”. 養護三塁童 Read海pass略c and choose海co〃eCt “nSWer加ach q枠華伽w暗q納めns. The Ei制Tower is a symboI ofParis, France. It was built between 1887 and 1889, and WaS OPened to visitors on May 6, 1889. Gustave Eiffel’s design was chosen from among lO7 that were submitted to the World’s Fair design cornpetition・ However, many Parisians, eSPeCially artists, did not like his design and PrOteSted the tower,s construction・ They thought it would be an eyesore, but once it was built, The tower is made ofiron, and it is 324 meters tall and has a staircase with l,665 steps. There are also elevators to take visitors to the top platfom where there is a panoramic view of Paris. The original elevators, nOW COmPuterise恒e still in use. over 60 tons of paint are applied to the tower every seven years to keap it from rusting. Page2/3 -Code601
  3. The Ei節el Tower is the most recognised monument in Europe, and many people think it is an architectural masterpiece. Over 250 million people have visited it since its openlng. 29.When was the Eiffel Tower built? A. in 1887    B. in 1889    C. from 1887 to 1889   D. a瓦er 1889 30.What can visitors do when they reach the top platfom ofthe Tower? A. Epjoy a panoramic view ofParis. B. See all monuments in Europe. C. Use the computerised elevators. D. Watch workers paint the tower. 3 1. How many steps does the Ei鮮引Tower,s staircase have? A. 60       B. 324       C. 250 D. 1,665 32. How often do they repaint the Eiffel Tower to keep it from rusting? A. every lOOyears B. every year c. every seven years D. every 60 days 33. The word “They” in line 5 is refer to A. Towers B. Parisians C. Visitors D. Designers α00Se /he §enience Jhat has Jhe CZOSEST mean加gめ脇e given one. 34. This show is very funny? SO She Iikes it a Iot. A. She likes this show a lot, SO it is very fumy. B. She likes this show a lot, but it is very fumy. C. She likes this show a lot because it is very fumy. D. She like this show a lot, and it is very fumy. 35. Mai takes part in this competition every year. A. Mai joins this competition every year. B. Mai celebrates this competition every year・ C. Mai takes care ofthis competition every year・ ヽ D・ Mai takes this competition every year・ 、 - ′ 36. The book on the tabIe is mine. 一 〇 W 〇 〇 人 A. Mine book is on the table. B. The table under the book is mine. C. My book is on the table. D. Mine book is on the table. V. WRITING: Make o comphte and mean加が′l sentence脇a高s b勃ルm /he given worみ 37.Not forget/ to Iock/ door/ when you go out. 38. Last weekend/ I/ come back/ my/ home town. Mcke ojZ,r Jhe wmわr搬edpart f庇aCh qf脇eゆ初wing seniences. 39.Peter played badminton at a court near his house. 40. I brush my teeth虫uce a day. 一一一一一一一一一一一一一THE END --〇〇〇〇〇_〇〇〇〇_ Page3/3-Code601



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