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Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

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“Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên” giúp các bạn học sinh có thêm tài liệu ôn tập, luyện tập giải đề nhằm nắm vững được những kiến thức, kĩ năng cơ bản, đồng thời vận dụng kiến thức để giải các bài tập một cách thuận lợi. Chúc các bạn thi tốt!

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

  1. NH KHIEM SECONDARY SCHOOL 蕊、       ..  THE MID_ SECOND TERM PERIOD 79: TIME: 60 MINUTES Date:賞513/2024 CHOICE (9 points) L短en ond mark Afyr 7履e ond BjZ)r肋he. 1. You can buy a product or service on=ne. 2・ When shopping online, yOu Visit a se11er’s website. 3. Online shopping waste time and money. 4. Ifyou retum a product, yOu don’t have to pay for the shipping. 5. Shopping online can make you become a shopaholic. L高砂n ond mark /he bes/ OnSWers. 6・ When yo叩hop online, yOu Can Pay il「 ……………………. Way(s). A. one:  B. two C. three D. four 7. Thetalk describes online shopping as ……..………….… A. convenient B. easy C. interesting D. both A and B 8. Thetalk is mainly about …………………‥. Ofonline shopping. A. the popularity B. the convenience C. the advantages and disadvantages D. the disadvantages Mark偽e /etter 4 B, C D /0 ;ndica/e /he word whose m(かIinedpar明解rs互Om O脇er /hree ;n prOn〃nCia/ion ;n each qf/hejZ,/hwing q〃e諭ons 丁恥r恥( 下種CS 9. A. sale B. tng C. specia=ty D. attr少t 脚部湘 Mark 〃Ie dyerA, B, C D /0 /n妨ate lhe wor出初/ (/娩rs互om /he o/her初ree ;n lhe positipn q旬rimaり, S/ress /n each qr初ejZ,〃o砂ing叩estions: 10. A.customer C.modem D. shopaholic Mark the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the correct answer to each ofthe question ll.IwillgotobedafterI …………………‥my WOrk. A. finish B. finished     (; w紺finish D. Finishes 12. Andrea lives next door so we ………………‥_ See her. A. never B. often C. rarely D. seldom Mark /he /etter 4 B, C or D on y0〃r anSt4’er Sheet /0 ;n筋caie脇e word砂αOSEST ;n 華ea-ning /0 /he ”nderline〃 wor`鴫) ;n each qf脇ejZ)〃owing q〃e訪on 13.Th? PrOducts on sale in this shop weI・e型吐出・ I didn-t like any ofa=. A誼ne B.beautiful C.terrible D.good Mark華e /etter A, B, C or D on y0〃r OnS砂er Sheet /0 /ndicate /he word6) OPPOSITE /n mean華各 14. Many human activities harm nat冊aI habitats. A.1 n’on-1iving B. unpo11uted C. clean D. man-made Mark /he /etter A, B, G D /0 ;ndica/e Ihe f.OrreC′ answer /O eaCh Qfthe q〃e訪on 15. A: ``I’m not happy with the coIororthe bag. It is d礁汀ent from the picture on your website,,. CODE 80上Page l
  2. l A. I,m sorry about that. I,= send you anotherone・ B. I agree. 1t’s yellow. C. The bag isnice. 芸嵩gO Shoppin告l.l.諾me fo* w。uld bu, 。. w。uld h。v。 b。ught. 17・ You,d better go to bed early tonight. The plane……………‥ at 6 0,clock tomorrow mommg SO We,11 have to be up by 4.30! A. wil=eave B. 1eaves C. 1eave       ′D. is leaving 喜8. Whatdidyou watch onTV whileyou dimer last hight? A. were having B. was having C. are having D. was having 19. As a …………………., Jane loved looking for new c獲othes with her two daughters. A・ Shopaholic B・ Shopkeeper C. shop assistant D. retailer 20. Tom missed the bus,   . he was late for lhe interview. A,=oweve「     B.’「herefore C.S。        D.But Read and mar短he bes/ #nSWerjZ,r /he q〃eSiions・ How can scientists predict earthquakes? Earthquakes are not scattered anywhere but happen in certain areas. They happen in places where pleCeS Ofthe ea血,s surface meet・ For example, ea血quakes often occur on the west-COaSt Of North and South America’ around the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Pacific coast ofAsia・ Another way to predict earthquakes is to look for changes in the earth’s surface, like a sudden drop of water level in the ground. Some people say animals can predict ea血quakes. Before earthquakes, PeOPle have seen chickens sitting in trees, fish jumpmg out ofthe water, Snakes leaving their holes and othe【・ animals acting strangely. Afror an earthquake happens, PeOPle can die from lack of food’Water and medical supplies. ′丁he amount of destruction caused by′ an earthquake depend on types of buildings, SOil conditions and population. Ofthe 6000 earthquakes on the earth each year, Only about珊een cause great damage and many deaths. 2l. Earthquakes happen in certain areas where A.the population is large B・ Pieces ofthe earth,s Isurface meet C. the soil conditions are stable D.many buildings are bLlilt 22. Where do earthquakes often occur? A.the east-COaSt OfNorth America B. the east-COaSt Of South America C. along the Pacific coast ofAsia D.the coast ofAustralia 23. How can we predict earthquakes? A.LOOk for changes in the earth,s B.waterbeneaththe earth,s surfa・Ce surface C. drops ofwater D. water currents 24. After an ea血quake, Why can people die? A.lack offood B. ladくOf friendship C. lack ofinformation D. lack ofknowledge 25. What does the passage mainly discusses? A.the damage caused by earthquakes B. how strong earthquakes are C. strange animal behaviors to predict earthquakes CODE 801-Page 2
  3. R訪d “nd mrk !he best answer /O COl印加/e /hejb侮Wing pass昭e. Online shopping is one (26)… … …… …‥the fastest growing areas ofthe Net, Which offers users many advantages over traditional shopping. Customers don-t have (27)………… … to the shopping centres’but they have access to a a wider range ofthe best goods than in any shopping centre; there are no queues or parking problems;一shops are open 24 hours (28)∴…………‥day and purchases are delivered to your door. What is more, Prices and COmPetitive’and onIine prlCe COmParision services enable you to find the most suitable items. (29)……………‥Sites search the net for a product and then show you how much dif罵rent online stores are charging. Once you have decided what you are going to buy, and who you are going to buy it from, Simply click on the '一add to shopping basket一一 (30)…‥…‥ .on your smart phone. 26,A. of B. by C. for D. wit重・l 27.A. going go C. go D. went 28.音A.血e B.a C. an D. ④ (nothing) 29・ A. Every B. Each C. Much D. Many 30.A. icon B. slogan C. symboI D. logo Mark雄e /e/ter A, B, C or D on y0〃r #nS砂er Shee/ /0 ;n初ca/e /he m禄r〃〃edpart勅q/ need串orrectio扉n each Qr初ejZ,〃owing q〃e訪0〃S. 3l. What rd happen ifthe Earth stQPPed moving? 音  A 音   B C D 32: She趣壁vyatChing t垣StarS哩night. A B C D 33. Thatgirl担垣堆!些哩垣schooI wilh us. A B C D ∵   ㍉ 脇rk /he叩SWer /0 ;ndicate /he best answer /ha在s ma・お力om Jhe word given・ 34・ Th?y/ PIay/ tennis/ 10.30/ yesterday moming. A. Theylplayed temis at lO.30 yestc.rday mommg. B. They was playing tennis at 10.30 yesterday mommg. C. Th占y were playing tennis at 10.30 yesterday momlng. D. Th6y have been playing tennis at 1 0.30 yesterday mommg Mar杭he onswとr /0 ;ndicate /he sentence脇at ;s closesl ;n meaning /O初e or穂高oaI SentenCe in JeaCh qr初ejZ)l/owing卿e高ion. 35.Unless he phones her immediately, he won’t get any infomation. A. Ifhe doesn’t phone her immediately, he wi= get any infomation. B. Ifhe doesn’t phones her immediately, he wi= get any infomation. C. Ifhe doesn’t phone her immediately, he won’t get any infomation. D. Ifhe doesn’t phones her immediately, he won’t get any infomation. 36. Ja甲eS is a more skill餌footba11 player than David. A.James pIays more ski11餌Iy than David. B.James play more skillfully than David. G.James plays IT10re Skillful than David. D.James play more skillful than David. H. WRITING (l point ) P〃/ ‘h羊git,en WOrくね;n good or庇r 10 m〃ke meaning*‘/ senlencenes -                             CODE 801-Page 3 園園軸
  4. 37. in/ don,t/ They/ often/ bread/ their/ sell/ neighbourhood/ ‥=> 38. when/ dinner/ she/ came. / We/ were having/ 二二> the sentence bq/bre・ Cb〃御/e‘e ‘he second senience sO /ha/ ;/ means /he same as 39.1fhe doesn,t work hard, he won,t pass the final cxam. ⇒Unless 40. No one in my group IS mOre inte=igent than Mary. → Mary is CODE 801-Page 4



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