Đề thi và đáp án học sinh giỏi môn Anh cấp quốc gia 2011
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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI QUỐC GIA ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC LỚP 12 THPT NĂM 2011 Môn thi: Thời gian thi: Ngày thi: TIẾNG ANH 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) 11/01/2011
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Nội dung Text: Đề thi và đáp án học sinh giỏi môn Anh cấp quốc gia 2011
- BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI QUỐC GIA ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC LỚP 12 THPT NĂM 2011 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian thi: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) SỐ PHÁCH Ngày th i: 11/01/2011 Đề thi có : 10 trang • Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. • Giám thị không giải thích g ì thêm. I. LISTENING (4/20 points) HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU • Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 15 giây, mở đầu và kết thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu. • Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc. Thí sinh có 3 phút để hoàn chỉnh bài trước tín hiệu nhạc kết thúc bài nghe. • Mọ i hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe. Part 1: A VOA reporter is ho sting a d iscussion of a research report o n ho w the world is fighting hunger. Listen to the discussion and circle the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions. 1. This coming Saturday will b e marked as . A. World’s Peace Day B. UN’s Nutrition Day C. World’s Food Day D. UN’s Agriculture Day 2. It is aimed to push fo rward a program to . A. fight terrorism B. alleviate hu nger C. investigate hunger D. eliminate hu nger 3. The findings have revealed that early child ho od is also the critical time for reducing . A. violence B. terrorism C. sexism D. poverty 4. Experts have conclud ed that undernourishment between conceptio n and can have a serious and lasting impacts. A. one’s third birthday B. one’s second birthday C. one’s first b irthday D. one’s fifth birthd ay 5. Underno urished children are likel y to get and are likel y to get sick and d ie. A. p hysically stunted B. mentally retarded C. emotionally pro blematic D. p hysically incap ab le 6. According to the report, a nation’s productivit y of future generations largely depends on the . A. natural environment B. family’s inco me source C. first 1,000 d ays o f life D. health ser vices 7. Damages after the critical time is . A. highly irreversible B. scarcely retrievable C. difficu lt to overcome D. highly reserved 8. Who shou ld be “on board” with nutritionists to make the project a success? A. Professionals. B. Statesmen. C. Executives. D. Politicians. 9. In the 1980’s, Thailand sent its volunteers to the country teaching ab out . A. health and productivit y B. foods and nutrients C. health and nutrition D. health and foods
- 10. Many majo r donors and the United Nations are targeting the program at and you ng children. A. pregnant women B. working parents C. breastfeeding mothers D. low-inco me p arents Part 2: Listen to a radio interview with a volcanologist and circle the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions. 11. What the scientist finds the most amazing ab out volcanoes is the fact that . A. they can kill a lar ge number of peop le ver y quickly B. you never kno w when the y will erup t C. volcanoes have enormous po wer D. their eruptio ns are highly predictable 12. Ho w po werful is a volcanic eruption as described in the exp ert’s wo rds? A. It can burn ou t a village within seconds. B. It can clean a village within seco nd s. C. It can wip e out a village within seconds. D. It can bury a village within seconds. 13. The old assumption that the mo on affects volcanic erup tions . A. has never b een tested B. has been tested only recently C. is based o n o ld -time legend s D. is a classical myth 14. What gives rise to the old idea comes from the observation that a vo lcano is likely to erupt when . A. the moon co mes do wn B. there is a new moon C. there is a full moon D. the moon is high in the sk y 15. Mount Etna is nicknamed “a giant ”. A. friend ly B. hostile C. unfriend ly D. dangerous 16. Mount Etna is so nicknamed because . A. its cone is a playgrou nd B. its lava cools down very fast C. its cone is narrow D. its lava moves slowly 17. For 3,000 years, Mount Etna has killed peop le. A. 73 B. 69 C. 3,000 D. 4,000 18. Ho w many people were killed b y Mount Etna in 1669 ? A. 69 deaths were recorded. B. 73 deaths were reco rded. C. No case of death was recorded. D. 3,000 d eaths were reco rded. 19. A new volcano may be fo rmed when . A. lava flows fast B. a cone closes up C. lava coo ls do wn D. a cone exp lodes 20. Mount Fu ji in Japan is the volcano o n that site. A. 2 nd B. 1st C. 3rd D. 4th 21. Ho w large is the number o f visitors visiting Mount Fu ji ever y year? A. 4,000 people. B. 400,000 p eople. C. 20,000 people. D. 400 p eople. 22. The word “volcano” comes from Italian meaning “ ”. A. a burnt mou ntain B. a falling mountain C. a burning mountain D. a forming mountain 23. The first vo lcano to have the name “Vulcanus” was . A. Vesuvius B. Mount Etna C. Mount Fu ji D. Vesuvius and Etna 24. The Romans gave the Mount the name because they thou ght it was the of the God of Fire Vulcanus. A. d en B. home C. cave D. house 25. Accord ing to the expert, volcanoes . A. have more than o ne cone B. are all famous tourist sites
- C. will all beco me extinct D. are always changing Part 3: A new stud ent took notes of the introduction of the Department o f Printed Word but she missed out some d etails. Listen to the man introducing his depa rtment and supply the blank s with missing information for her. • Department: short history, found ed: (26) • size of first intake of undergraduates: (27) • number of students on a taught M.A. course: (28) • number of part-time lecturers: (29) • p ercentage of students from outsid e the cou ntry: (30) • English level requirements for students from outsid e the cou ntry: (31) • students from outsid e the cou ntry get help from: (32) • Department’s external links: (33) • series of wo rkshops bu ilt with: (34) • modern printing highly techno logical • all students have to be: (35) • d esp ite being a modern department, it is also interested in: (36) • main wo rk of Department: (37) teaching • former students emplo yed as: (38) conservatio nists • Dr Yu, expert on earl y Chinese manuscript and: (39) • post-graduate research students should app ly: (40) II. LEXICO- GRAMMAR (5/20 points) Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that b est completes each sentence. Write your a nswer (A, B, C, o r D) in the numbered box. 41. He was so in the b ook that he did not hear her footsteps. A. d istracted B. engrossed C. gripped D. attracted 42. I felt that he lacked the to pu rsue a difficult task to the very end. A. persuasion B. obligation C. engagement D. commitment 43. The government decid ed to down on inco me tax evasio n. A. p ress B. crack C. push D. snap 44. Check the ap paratus carefully to make sure it has not b een . A. broken into B. tempered with C. touched up D. taken out 45. We believe that the cumu lative effects of renewed p rosp erit y will expectations. A. overcome B. undermine C. surpass D. succeed 46. John's got very feelings ab out taking o n more respo nsib ilit y at the moment. A. puzzled B. mixed C. jumbled D. muddled 47. The college will soon be read y to cand id ates for new courses. A. enrol B. involve C. call D. recall 48. After the concert, everyo ne had to ho me throu gh the thick sno w. A. trudge B. tread C. trace D. trickle 49. The captain realized that unless immediate action was taken to d iscipline the crew, there co uld be a on the ship.
- A. riot B. rebellion C. mutiny D. strike 50. Her enthusiasm her lack of experience. A. makes up for B. makes off C. makes out at D. makes up Your answers: 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Part 2: The passage b elow contains 10 mistakes. Underline the mista kes and write their correct forms in the space p rovided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. A feminine is a person, usu ally a wo man, who believes that women shou ld 0. feminine Æ feminist be regarded as equally to men. She, or he, deplores d iscrimination against 51. women in the ho me, p lace o f work or anywhere, and her principle enem y is 52. the male chau vinist, who believes that men are naturally super. Tired of 53. being referred to as “the weaker sex”, women are becoming more and mo re 54. militanc y and are winning the age-old battle of the sexes. They are sick to 55. death of sexy jo kes which po ke fun at wo men. They are no longer content to 56. be regard ed as second-class citizens in terms of eco nomic, political and 57. social status. They criticize b eaut y contests and the u se o f glamour female 58. models in ad vertisements which they d escribe as the exp loit of female 59. beauty, since wo men in these situations were represented as mere sex 60. ob jects. We no longer live in the male-d ominate societies of the past. Let us hope, moreover, that the revolution stops b efore we have a boring world in which sex doesn’t make much difference. We alread y have u nisex hairdressers and fashions. What next? Part 3: Write the correct FORM of each bra cketed word in the numbered spa ce pro vided in the column on the right. (0) has b een done as a n example. broadcast live in an A live bro ad cast o f an y p ublic event, such as a space (0) (FLY) essentially unscripted or sporting occasion, is almost (61) (VARIABLE) accompanied way, althou gh the y b y the tho ughts o f a (62 ) m ay refer to (COMMENT). This ma y b e o n television, along with the previously prepared relevant p ictures, alternatively o n rad io. The techniqu e involved (63) materials such as (DIFFERENT) between the two media, with radio broad casters sports statistics. needing to b e more explicit and (64) (DESCRIBE) because Becau se of the (69) of the absence o f visual information. TV commentators do no t need to (PREDICT) natu re of paint a picture for their aud ience; instead, their variou s (65) live events, thorough (OBSERVE) sho uld add to the images that are alread y t here. There will preparation in advance sometimes be silences and pauses in a TV commentar y, although these is vital. The Internet are b ecoming (66) (INCREASE) rare. Both types o f has helped commentators shou ld try to be informative, but should avoid sou nd ing eno rmously with this (67) (OPINION). In sports commentaries, fairness and (68) aspect o f the job. (IMPART) to both sides is vital, but spo ntaneit y and enthusiasm are Anyo ne interested in valu ed b y those watching o r listening. Sports commentators u sually
- becoming a commentator should have excellent (70) 0. flight_ (ORGANISE) 61. skills, the willingness to work irregu lar hours, and a strong vo ice. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
- Part 4: Complete each sentence with the correct form of ONE of the two-word verbs b elow. Write your a nswer in the numbered box. Each verb is used only o nce. bring out close down make up to sift through check o ver lay do wn go round sit o n work o ut do with 71. Business was so bad that the y had to two facto ries. 72. Next year, we intend to several new products. But at the moment, we are still testing them. 73. The operator monitors the p ressure b y the readings o n these gauges. 74. Calculatio ns which u sed to take ages can now in a few seco nds. 75. You give the computer a co mmand and it will the data for you u ntil it finds the informatio n yo u need. 76. People o nly him becau se of his wealth. 77. He m y letter for months, why d oesn’t he answer it? 78. This car could a good po lish. 79. There shou ld be eno ugh sweets to _. 80. It is quite clear ly that only amateu rs can take part. Your answers: 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Part 5: Fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the prepositions or particles in the box. Use each word o nly ONCE a nd write your a nswer in the numbered box. (Please note that the given words outnumber the gaps.) after at b ack through across with forward o ff out over up for 81. I received the news a kind of naive enthusiasm. 82. He felt nervous before he started the first lecture of his life but he carried it ver y well. 83. My group and yours have arrived the same conclusio n qu ite independ ently. 84. When he married for the second time, Fred got more than he bargained _. 85. You can’t sit and do nothing like that while mu ch remains to be done. 86. The favourab le weather has put the harvest . 87. We won’t watch that p rogramme if the television is p la ying again. 88. We made that we had forgotten Jane’s birthda y, thou gh it was not true. 89. We had to sit nearly two hours of speeches. 90. We’re both go ing the same job. Your answers: 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. III. READING (5/20 points) Part 1 : Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, o r D) b est fits each gap. Write your answer in the numb ered box. There is no doubt at all t hat t he Internet has made a huge d ifference to our lives. However, most parents wo rry that their children spend too much time bro wsing the Internet or p laying computer games, hardly (91) doing anything else in their sp are time. Naturally, p arents want to kno w if these activities are harmful to their children. What sho uld they do if their child ren spend hours (92) a computer screen? 1
- Obviou sly, if children sp end too much time (93) in some game instead o f do ing their homework, then something is wrong. It is a go od idea if parents and child ren decide together how much u se should b e (94) o f the Internet, and the child sho uld (95) that it won't interfere with homework. If the child does not (96 ) to this arrangement, parents can take more drastic (97) . Any parent who is (98) alarmed about a child's behaviour sho uld make an appo intment to (99) the matter with a teacher. Sp end ing time in fro nt o f a computer screen do es not (100) affect a child's performance at schoo l. Even if a you ngster seems obsessed with the computer, he or she is prob ab ly just going through a phase, and in a few months p arents will have something else to worry ab ou t! 91. A. always B. ever C. never D. rare 92. A. peeping at B. glancing at C. staring at D. seeing 93. A. involved B. occupied C. taken D. absorb ed 94. A. done B. had C. made D. taken 95. A. p romise B. assure C. secure D. claim 96. A. commit B. stick C. follow D. hold 97. A. rules B. procedures C. steps D. regulations 98. A. actually B. heavily C. seriously D. urgently 99. A. speak B. discuss C. talk D. d ebate 100. A. possibly B. consequ ently C. probably D. necessaril y Your answers: 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the q uestions from 101 to 110. 10 1. Telephone, television, rad io, and the telegraph all help people commu nicate with each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread qu ickly all o ver the world. For example, within seco nd s, people can know the results of an electio n in Japan or Argentina. An internatio nal soccer match comes into the home of everyo ne with a television set. News o f a d isaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries. Within hou rs, help is on the way. 10 2. How has speed o f co mmu nication changed the world? To many peop le, the world has b eco me smaller. Of course, this d oes not mean that the wo rld is ph ysically smaller. T wo hundred years ago, commu nication b et ween t he continents took a lo ng time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even mo nths to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This t ime difference influ enced peop le's actions. For example, one b attle in the war of 1812 b etween the English and the United States armies cou ld have b een avoid ed if the warring 2
- sid es had known that a peace agreement had alread y b een signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of p eace took six weeks to reach America. Du ring those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought and man y lives were lost. 10 3. An imp ortant p art of the history of the wo rld is the history of communication. In p rehistoric times, people had limited kno wledge of the world. They had little information about geography, the stu d y of the Earth. People knew ver y little beyond their small groups except what was happening near their ho mes. Later, people were organized into villages, and verbal communication between small to wns was po ssible. Still, the p eople’s kno wled ge was limited b ecause they had no outside information. Kingdoms and small cou ntries then developed, with a king directing the p eople. Cit ies develop ed, to o, but still communication was limited to the small geograp hical area of the country. Mu ch later in history, after the invention of the print ing press, many more p eople learned to read, and communication was imp roved. 10 4. In this modern age, communication is so fast that it is almost instant. Peop le's lives have b een changed because o f the immed iate spread of news. So metimes the speed is so great that it does not allo w people time to thin k. For example, leaders of countries have o nly m inu tes, or, at most, hours to consider all the p arts of a problem. The y are expected to answer immed iately. Once they had d ays and weeks to think before making d ecisions. 10 5. The speed o f communicatio n d emands a new responsibilit y from all p eople o f the world. People in different countries must try harder to u nd erstand each other. An example is that peo ple with different religio ns must try to und erstand each other's b eliefs and values, even if they do not accept them. Sometimes their cultures are qu ite d ifferent. What one group considers a normal p art of life is strange to another culture. In some cases, a normal p art of one culture might be bad o r imp olite to people o f another culture. That kind o f d ifference is a possible basis for misunderstand ing. Peo ple must learn not to jud ge o thers, but to accept them as they are. As the world gro ws smaller, peop le must learn to talk to each other more effectivel y as well as communicate more rapidly. Ma tch the headings given in the box below with their appropriate numb ers (101 - 105) that lead the five paragraphs a nd write the letters A-H in the corresponding numbered boxes. (The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use all of them). A. A d isad vant age of fast communication B. High speed of communication and its b enefits C. Our shrinking world D. Communicat ion devices E. A b rief history of communication development F. Modern communication and a change in thinking p attern G. The changing world resulting from fast communication H. Modern communication and expected resp onsibilit y Then choose the correct answer to each of the following questions by circling A, B, C, 3
- or D. 106. Mo dern communicatio ns have . A. affected the results of elections and news o f disasters B. only allowed p eople to see world sports events at home C. kept people better informed of their world and beyo nd D. made p eople happ ier, busier, but less informed 107. Before the inventio n of communication devices, _. A. peop le gave b etter care to their local affairs B. there was no transportation between countries C. peop le were much interested in wo rld affairs D. p eople were mostly kept in the dark about the world 108. A negative aspect of fast communicatio n is that it . A. makes people think too fast B. will push go vernments into d ead ends C. deprives decision makers of correct information D. may rush go vernm ents into decisions 109. There were instances in which lives could have been saved if . A. intercommu nication had b een estab lished B. there had no t been a delay in communication C. officers’ d emands of info rmation had b een met D. carrier p igeons had arrived in time 110. The speed of communication has helped create opportunit y for _. A. mutual u nd erstanding and cultural tolerance B. better understanding and freer trade C. the exp ansion of cultural d ifferences D. the growth o f the p hysical world Your answers: 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Part 3: Read the following passage and complete the statements that follow by circling A, B, C, o r D to indicate your answer which you think fits best. Bringing up children Where o ne stage o f child d evelopment has b een left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience o f it. A good ho me makes this p ossible - for example, b y provid ing the o pportu nit y for the child to p lay with a clockwork car o r to y railway train up to an y age if he still needs to do so. This principle, in fact, underlies all p sycho logical treatment of children in difficulties with their d evelopment, and is the basic of wo rk in child clinics. The beginnings of d iscipline are in the nursery. Even the yo u ngest bab y is taught b y grad ual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake at regu lar intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly o ne, he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms him self to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things, 4
- p articu larly fo r food, is a ver y important element in u pbringing, and is achieved successfully onl y if too great demands are not made b efore the child can understand them. Ever y parent watches eagerly the child 's acqu isition of each new skill: the first spoken words, the first indep endent steps, o r the b eginning of read ing and writing. It is o ften tempting to hurry the child beyo nd his natural learning rate, but this can set u p d angero us feelings of failure and states of anxiet y in the child. This m ight happen at any stage. A b ab y might b e forced to u se a toilet too early, a you ng child might b e enco uraged to learn to read before he kno ws the meaning o f the wo rds he reads. On the other hand, thou gh, if a child is left alo ne to o much, or witho ut an y learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his d esire to find out new things for himself. Learning together is a fruitful source of relationship between child ren and p arents. B y pla ying together, parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. To ys and games which both parents and child ren can share are an important means o f achieving this co -operation. Build ing-block to ys, jigsaw puzzles and crosswords are good examp les. Parents var y greatly in their degree o f strictness or ind ulgence towards their children. Some ma y b e especially strict in money matters; o thers are severe o ver times o f coming home at night, p unctu alit y for meals or p ersonal cleanliness. In general, the controls impo sed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the communit y as much as the child's own happ iness and well-being. With regard to the development of moral stand ards in the gro wing child, consist ency is ver y impo rtant in parental teaching. To forbid a thing o ne da y and excuse it the next is no fo undatio n for morality. Also, parents shou ld realize that“exa mp le is b etter than p recep t”. If they are hypocritical and do not practise what the y preach, their children may grow confused and emotionally insecure when they grow old enou gh to think for themselves, and realize the y have been, to some extent, d eceived. A sudden awareness o f a marked d ifference b etween their parents' ethics and their morals can be a dangero us d isillusion. 111. The principle u nd erlying all treatment of developmental d ifficulties in children . A. is in the provision of clockwork to ys and trains B. is to send them to clinics C. is to capture them before the y are sufficiently experienced D. offers recapture of earlier experiences 112. Learning to wait for things is successfully taught _. A. in spite of excessive demands b eing mad e B. only if excessive demands are avoided C. becau se excessive demands are not advisab le D. is achieved su ccessfully b y all child ren 113. The encou ragement of child ren to achieve new skills . A. sho uld be focused on o nl y at school B. can never be taken too far C. will alwa ys assist their development D. sho uld be balanced and mod erate 114. Parental controls and d iscipline . 5
- A. serve a dual pu rpo se B. are designed to promote the child ’s happ iness C. reflect only the valu es of the communit y D. sho uld be avoided as far as po ssib le 115. The practice of the rule “Examp le is better than precept” _. A. only wo rks when the child ren grow o ld enou gh to think for themselves B. wou ld help avoid the necessit y for ethics and morals C. will free a child from disillusio n when he gro ws up D. is too difficult for all p arents to exercise 116. In the 1 st paragraph, the author lays so me emp hasis on the role of the in helping the child in trouble. A. psychiatrists B. communit y C. family D. nursery 117. The phrase ‘conforming to’ in the 2nd p aragraph means . A. adapting to B. accepting C. agreeing with D. following nd paragraph can b e best 118. The wo rd ‘zest’ in the 2 replaced b y . A. appetite B. excitement C. enthusiasm D. enjo yment th paragraph is closest in 119. The word ‘imposed’ in the 4 meaning to . A. excepted B. introduced C. made D. constrained 120. Hyp ocris y on the part of the p arents may . A. result in their children’s wrong behaviour B. make their children lose faith in them C. disq ualify their teachings altogether D. impair their children’s mind Your answers: 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. Write T if the statement is true according to the passage; F if the statement is not true, and NG if the information is not given in the passage. 121. It is important for a child to gradually get used to his d aily demands in the process of mental d evelop ment. 122. To force children to learn different skills be yo nd their natural learning rate is encouraged b y parents. 123. The understand ing b etween parents and child ren p la ys an important ro le in mental d evelop ment. 124. Parents sho uld leave their child ren’s mental development for school education. 125. Parents are advised to do everything for their children right from early childhood. Your answers: 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. Part 4: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentence from the list A to G for each gap from 126 to 130. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. Then a nswer the questions from 131 to 140 that follow. The days when o nly men would hold management p ositions are o ver. (126) . Despite a slo wing econom y, the numb er of women in management has risen to 16% in 6
- 1995, when it used to be less than 9%. One result of this tend enc y is that wo men are no w more accepted in these ro les, and it has also been fou nd that women in management ease tension and gender conflict in the wo rkp lace. A comprehensive natio n-wide stu d y of executive p erformance accid entally fo und that wo men scored higher in almost all areas of performance evaluation, while co mp iling a large-scale analysis of 425 high-level managers. (127) . They tend to wo rk harder behind the scenes, while men prefer the glamorous, more aggressive side of managem ent. The masculine approach is more suited to the traditio nal style of business, where the b oss wou ld wo rk alone and simply dictate orders to his staff. Now, in t he global information age, teamwork and partnership are increasingly important, and these are exactly the areas where wo men excel. (128) . It may be that the same qualities that make women mo re effective as managers are also ho lding them back. Most women get stuck in jo bs which involve human resources or public relations, while their skills make them highly suitable for this t ype of wo rk. However, the posts in these areas rarel y lead to the top. Ambitious wo men are frustrated b y this, and many left to start their own companies. Another reaso n wh y wo men are overlooked for promotion is that men are seen as more d ynamic and competitive. Wo men tend to work for the go od o f the company as a whole, while men are lo oking o ut for themselves. Some bo sses may interpret the fem inine ap proach as showing a lack of visio n. A wo man will often adopt the strateg y o f making people think that they are the authors of new ideas, so that they will co -op erate with her plan. Altho ugh this is an effective wa y of achieving an objective, the resu lt is that she will lose cred it for her creativit y and inno vation. It is also surprising to learn that the greatest prejudice against female bosses comes from wo men them selves. In a recent Gallup poll, 70 % of men said that the y wo uld be p repared to accept a female bo ss, compared to 66% o f women. (129) . Since nearly all bosses u sed to b e male, women feel more comfortable b eing supervised b y a man than b y another wo man. So me women also feel that a male boss is less d emand ing and he feels mo re relaxed about being in a position of au thority. Since women have to work harder to get to the top, they expect mo re of their staff when they get there. In conclusio n, althou gh more and more women are rising to higher po sitions, there are still many deep-rooted prejudices and double standards that keep them from achieving the very top positio ns. Comp anies ma y sa y that t he y value interp ersonal skills, but they still look for a leader who is decisive and a risk taker. (130) . Althou gh women have p roved that the y are cap ab le of leading a co mpany, it seems that the y will no t get the chance to do so u ntil they are prepared to start their own businesses. A. One possib le reason for this is that of tradition B. Areas where wo men are particularly effective are in suppo rting their staff, and sharing information C. More and more women are moving into top jobs in the USA D. Althou gh women are not as d ecisive as men, the y still pla y an impo rtant role in so cial work E. Althou gh the numb er o f wo men in midd le management is o n the increase, there are still few women running large companies F. These qualities are perceived as being mainly masculine G. These positions are held b y females Complete the following statements by circling A, B, C, or D. 7
- 131. The participation b y wo men in business management has _. A. increased a sexist attitude amo ng men B. started new business co nflicts C. caused gender conflict among the staff D. made the workplace more agreeable 132. Women managers are found mo re skilfu l in areas where they can p romote their abilit y to . A. build relationship s with peop le B. fight their wa y to the top C. deal with their male b osses D. give directio ns to the staff 133. Women are often overlooked for the top jobs because . A. other women do not like working for them B. the y d o not take credit for their o wn ideas C. they cannot make big decisions D. they leave to start their own businesses 134. Women p refer a male boss because _. A. male bosses wo rk harder B. men are more competitive C. it is more usual to wo rk for a man D. female bosses are more demanding 135. A female boss often demands more of her staff because . A. other women do not like working for them B. she herself has to toil her wa y to the po sition C. she can always make big d ecisio ns D. her staff d o not tend to sub mit themselves to her Write T if the statement is true according to the passage; F if the statement is not true, and NG if the information is not g iven in the passage. 136. Wo rking with other peop le has become more imp ortant in modern bu siness. 137. Businesses o wned b y women are more successful than those owned b y men. 138. Most women work for their o wn p romotion, not for the good of the co mpany. 139. More men than women wo rk for female b osses. 140. Co mp anies may no t tell the truth about the q ualities they lo ok for in a manager. Your answers: 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. IV. WRITING (6 /20 points) Part 1: (0.5/20 points) Use the word(s) given in brack ets a nd make any necessa ry a dditio ns to complete a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as p ossible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word(s). Look at the example in the box. Example: Immediately after winning the race, Sand y began training for the next one. (ha d) No sooner had Sandy won the race than she began training for the next one. 141. Attend ance at the add itional evening lectures is not ob ligatory for students. (under) 8
- Æ Students ................................................................................................................the additional evening lectures. 142. You cannot find pottery like this in any o ther part of the country. (type) This is the only part o f the country ........................................................................ found. 143. All are eligible for the co ntest. There is no d iscrimination of race and sex. (regardless) All are eligible ..................................................................................................... 144. As a result of the bad weather, there may be delay to some internatio nal flights. (subject) Due to the bad weather ............................................................... possible d elay. 145. We were ver y mu ch surprised to learn that Brian had become a mo nk. (To) ....................................................................................., Brian had beco me a mo nk. Part 2: (2/20 points) Below is the da ta showing the students’ choice of colleg es and universities in the country o f Dispaira na. Write a report (o f about 150 wo rds) on th e changes o ver th e period of ten years. You may add co mmen ts and reasons to enliven your report. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. 9
- ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................. Part 3: (3.5/20 points) High-school students a re expected to pa rticipate more in ex tracurricular activities a nd community service in addition to achieving high g rades. Some educa tors suggest extending high-school educa tion to four years so that students can achieve a ll that is expected o f them. Others a re against the proposal because they think students would lose interest in school and attendance would drop in the end. In about 350 words, write an essay that end s with the remark “High-schoo l edu cation shou ld b e extended to four years” to assert your po int o f view o n this question. Use reasons and examples to support your po sition . Yo u may continue your writing on the back pa ge if you n eed more space. THE END BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI QUỐC GIA LỚP 12 THPT NĂM 2011 1 0
- ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Môn: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 11/01/2011 (Gồ m 02 trang) I. LISTENING: 4/20 points Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 1. C. 11. B. 26. ten years ago 2. B. 12. C. 27. 20 (students) 3. D. 13. B. 28. 17 (students) 4. B. 14. C. 29. 16 (lecturers) 5. A. 15. A. 30. 21% 6. C. 16. D. 31. minimum 7. A. 17. A. 32. stud ents’ support services 8. D. 18. C. 33. (organizations of) publishing wo rld 9. C. 19. B. 34. donatio ns 10. A. 20. C. 35. computer literate 21. B. 36. history of printing 22. C. 37. mechanism o f p rinting 23. B 38. book restorists 24. B. 39. printing machine 25. D. 40. now II. LEXICO- GRAMMAR: 5/20 points Part 1. Your answers 41. B. 46. B. 42. D. 47. A. 43. B. 48. A. 44. B. 49. C. 45. C. 50. A. Part 2. 51. equally → equal 52. principle → 53. sup er → sup erior p5.nsexy → sexist 5 ri cipal 54. militancy → militant 56. glamour → glamorous 57. exploit → 58. were → are 59. male-dominate → male- exploitation → however dominated 60. moreover Part 3. 61. invariably 62. commentator 63. differs 64. 65. observations 66. increasingly 67. opinionated 68. impartialit y 69. unpred ictable 70. organisational Part 4. 71. close down 72. bring out 73. checking 74. be w orked 75. sift through over out 76. make up to 77. has been 78. do with 79. go round 80. laid down sitting on Part 5. 1 1
- 81. with 82. off 83. at 84. for 85. back 86. forward 87. up 88. out 89. through 90. after 1 2
- III. READING: 5/20 points Part 1. 91. B. 92. C. 93. D. 94.C. 95. A. 96. B. 97. C. 98. C. 99. B. 100. D. Part 2. 101. B 102. G 103. E 104.F 105. H 106. C 107. D 108. D 109. B 110. A Part 3 121. T 116. C 111. D 122. F 117. A 112. B 123. T 118. C 113. D 124. NG 119. D 114. A 125. NG 120. B 115. C 1 3
- Part 4 126. C 127. B 128.E 129.A 130.F 131.D 132.A 133. B 134.C 135. B 136. T 137. NG 138. 139. 140. T F NG IV. WRITING (6/20 points) Part 1: 0.5/20 points 141. are under no obligation to attend 142. where this type of pottery can/may be found 143. for taking/to take part in the contest regardless of race and sex 144. some international flights are/will be subject to 145. To our surprise, Part 2: 2/20 points Part 3: 3.5/20 points Notes: The mark given to parts 2 and 3 is based on the following scheme: 1. Content: (35% of total mark) a. Providing all main ideas and details as required b. Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively 2. Organization & Presentation: (30% of total mark) a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and clarity b. The essay is well-structured 3. Language: (30% of total mark) a. Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students b. Good use and control of grammatical structures 4. Handwriting, punctuation, and spelling (5% of total mark) a. Intelligible handwriting b. Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before marking the papers. Thank you for your cooperation. THE END 14

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