Tóm tắt Luận án Tiến sĩ Quản lý công: Thể chế quản lý nhà nước đối với chất lượng giáo dục đại học tại các trường thuộc Bộ Công an
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Nội dung Text: Tóm tắt Luận án Tiến sĩ Quản lý công: Thể chế quản lý nhà nước đối với chất lượng giáo dục đại học tại các trường thuộc Bộ Công an
- The project was completed at: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Scientific instructors: 1. Associate Professor. Dr. Le Thi Van Hanh 2. Dr. Bui Thi Thanh Thuy Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended before the Academy-level Thesis Evaluation Council, National Academy of Public Administration. Location: Meeting room……., – Academy-level thesis defense hall, National Academy of Public Administration. No. 77 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Hanoi Time: on date month year 2024 The thesis can be found at the Library of the National Academy of Public Administration or on the website of the Training Management Board, National Academy of Public Administration; Vietnam National Library.
- PREAMBLE 1. Reason for choosing the topic At the macro level, institutions play an important role in determining the development of each country. In the field of education, institutions create the foundation to promote the driving role of education in promoting the country's development. Higher education has a particularly important position in the national education system. Higher education provides high quality human resources to meet the requirements of socio-economic development, construction and defense of the Fatherland. The quality of higher education determines the quality of national human resources. In the education and training system of the People's Public Security Force, higher education plays a core role, leading the overall development of the entire system. The quality of higher education in the People's Police directly affects the quality of human resources of the entire force, thereby deeply and widely affecting the results of all aspects of Police work. To promote the role of higher education in the People's Public Security Forces in training high-quality human resources for the police sector, perfecting the management institution is an important step and needs to be one step ahead. Over the past years, the legal system on higher education has gradually been built and improved towards quality management, creating an institutional framework to manage higher education in general and higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security in particular. Although there have been many efforts in building and perfecting, the legal system on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security still has many limitations. The system of legal documents has not created a synchronous and effective legal 1
- corridor for state management activities for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Legal documents still lack stability, are contradictory, and have many gaps without regulations; Many legal documents are outdated and no longer consistent with reality, affecting the effectiveness of state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Besides, the stage of organizing and implementing legal documents also has many shortcomings. To overcome these limitations and inadequacies, the first requirement is not only urgently improve the system of legal documents, concretize the Party's views and the state's laws on education, training in the People's Public Security but also have to improve the effectiveness of organizing and implementing the law on state management for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Meanwhile, theoretically, in the science of public management, there are many different concepts about institutions and state management institutions. Reality also shows that there are few scientific works and topics researching state management institutions in the field of education and higher education. In particular, there are no studies to clarify the state management institutions for higher education quality at universities in Vietnam. Police. Faced with the above situation, to find solutions that contribute to improving the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security according to the institutional approach, the author chose the topic: "State management institutions for the quality of higher education." studying at schools under the Ministry of Public Security" as my thesis research topic. 2. Research purposes and tasks 2.1. Research purposes 2
- Provide directions and propose solutions to improve the state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security on the basis of clarifying theoretical issues and assessing the current state of state management institutions for higher education quality at schools. under the Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam recently. 2.2. Research mission - Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic, thus drawing out the theoretical contents that the thesis can inherit, pointing out the thesis contents that need to continue to be researched, supplemented and perfected. - Research to clarify issues on higher education, quality of higher education, institutions, institutions of state management, institutions of state management of quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. - Analyze and evaluate the current state of state management institutions for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; Point out the limitations and causes of institutional limitations on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. - Propose solutions to improve state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 3. Subject and scope of research 3.1. Research subjects The research object of the thesis is theoretical and practical issues of state management institutions for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam today. 3.2. Research scope 3
- - Scope of content: The thesis approaches research on state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security according to institutional orientation including: Legal regulations and organization of implementation of legal regulations on state management for higher education. with higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Higher education trains undergraduate, master, and doctoral degrees. The thesis focuses on researching the quality of higher education at the university level at academies and universities under the Ministry of Public Security. - Regarding space: Research at 04 academies and 04 universities under the Ministry of Public Security (except the International Academy). - Regarding time: Research data from 2012 to the end of 2023 is associated with the promulgation and implementation of the 2012 Higher Education Law. 4. Research methodology and methods 4.1. Methodology The thesis is researched on the basis of the methodology of historical materialism, dialectical materialism, and basic principles of Marxism-Leninism; Ho Chi Minh's ideology along with the views and guidelines of the Party and State on the development of education and training; on building the People's Public Security force. 4.2. Research Methods The thesis uses a number of specific research methods such as: Analysis and synthesis methods; Comparative method; Statistical methods; Secondary document research method. 5. Scientific hypotheses and research questions 5.1. Scientific hypothesis 4
- Institutions for state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security include the content and organization of implementation of general and specific legal regulations on state management for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Recently, the application of general legal regulations to state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security has been difficult due to the specific nature of the industry, while specific regulations have not been fully promulgated and Effective implementation, therefore, perfecting state management institutions taking into account specific factors of the industry combined with effective institutional implementation will help improve the quality of higher education of schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 5.2. Research question - Research question 1: What problems do general legal regulations on state management of higher education apply to schools under the Ministry of Public Security due to the characteristics of the industry? - Research question 2: Have the specific regulations on state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security been completed and implemented effectively? - Research question 3: How can the legal regulations on state management of educational quality be effectively implemented at schools under the Ministry of Public Security, both meeting general requirements and meeting specific requirements? 6. New contributions of the thesis 6.1. About theory - The thesis has scientifically demonstrated the institutional connotations and state management institutions to serve as a basis for 5
- forming theories about state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. - The thesis has researched and analyzed two elements that constitute the institution of state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security, including: Legal regulations on state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security and implementation organization. present legal regulations on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security with convincing explanations. 6.2. About practice - The thesis has objectively and comprehensively analyzed and evaluated the current state of state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security with comments and assessments that have a scientific and practical basis. - The thesis has provided directions and proposed a system of solutions to continue improving the state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 7. Scientific and practical significance of the topic 7.1. Scientific significance of the topic The thesis will contribute to supplementing and developing theory on state management institutions for higher education. At the same time, the thesis establishes a scientific basis for building and perfecting state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam today. 7.2. Practical significance of the topic - The thesis can be used as a reference for policy makers, legislators, and managers in formulating, promulgating and 6
- organizing the implementation of policies and strategies on higher education and quality of higher education. in general, and higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security in particular. - The thesis can also be a reference document for training and scientific research activities in the field of public management and legal science. 8. Structure of the thesis Chapter 1: Overview of research situation related to the thesis topic. Chapter 2: Scientific basis of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Chapter 3: Current status of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Chapter 4: Orientations and solutions to improve state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH SITUATION RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC 1.1. Domestic and foreign research related to the topic 1.1.1. Research on the quality of higher education, the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security Some published research projects: Book: "On the philosophy of higher education" by Brubacher; Doctoral thesis in Educational Management: "Quality management of university training in academies and People's Public Security schools" by Nguyen Van Ly. 7
- 1.1.2. Research on state management institutions for higher education Book: “Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance” by Douglass North; Doctoral thesis in Public Management: "State management institutions for postgraduate education in Vietnam today" by Le Nhu Phong. 1.1.3. Research on state management institutions for higher education in the People's Public Security force Doctoral thesis in Public Management: "State management institutions for higher education institutions under the Ministry of Public Security" by Nghiem Xuan Dung; Doctoral thesis in Public Management: "State management of university training in the form of work and study in academies under the Ministry of Public Security" by Nguyen Duc Thuan. 1.2. Overall assessment of the research situation related to the thesis topic 1.2.1. Inherited thesis research results The research works in the overview have given many concepts and perspectives on the quality of education, quality of higher education, state management, institutions, state management institutions; about the role of the state in higher education. Some research projects have mentioned state management of higher education quality, state management institutions of higher education, and higher education institutions. In addition to systematizing perspectives and concepts on educational quality, quality of higher education, state management, and state management institutions, these studies have initially clarified the characteristics, roles, constituent elements, and Factors affecting state management institutions for higher education. These are valuable references in the author's process 8
- of building a theoretical basis on state management institutions for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 1.2.2. The thesis research contents need to be supplemented and completed Based on the inheritance and selection of previous research results, the thesis continues to clarify the following specific issues: Firstly, in terms of theory, clarifying tool concepts related to research issues such as: Higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; State management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; State management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; clarify the role, constituent elements and factors affecting the state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Second, in terms of practice, clarify the institutional status of state management for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security from two perspectives: Legal regulations and organization of implementation of legal regulations on state management for higher education in Vietnam. schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Third, provide directions and propose solutions to improve the state management institutions for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security, creating a legal basis to improve the training quality of higher education establishments under the Ministry of Public Security. security, meeting the goal of building a truly clean, strong, regular, elite and modern People's Public Security force. 9
- Chapter 2: SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF STATE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS FOR THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AT SCHOOLS UNDER THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY 2.1. Some general issues on state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 2.1.1. Quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security The concept of quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security The quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security is the total quality and capacity that students of police schools acquire through the university training process on the basis of effectively exploiting the management mechanism and conditions for protecting the public security. ensure quality at higher education institutions, in accordance with the national higher education goals, the Police sector and the goals of each higher education facility, meet the requirements and tasks of protecting national security, ensuring order, social safety, fighting crime and building the People's Public Security force in each period. Factors constituting the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security Factors that constitute the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security include: Student factor; lecturers and management staff; training content, programs and methods; physical and financial facilities; training organizations; training management; elements of scientific research and international cooperation. 10
- Criteria for evaluating the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security The evaluation of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security must also comply with general state regulations on standards and evaluation criteria. However, due to specific factors, when applying the set of standards and evaluation criteria to evaluate the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security, the criteria need to be adjusted accordingly. 2.1.2. Concepts and characteristics of state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security The concept of state management for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security State management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security is the organized influence of state power on the basis of law conducted by competent state administrative agencies to regulate, orient development and Improve the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security to meet the goals of high-quality human resources to serve the task of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety and building the People's Public Security force in each period. period. Characteristics of state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security State management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security includes: i) Developing strategies, planning, plans and policies to develop and improve higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; ii) Develop, promulgate and organize the implementation of legal documents on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry 11
- of Public Security; iii) Organize the state management apparatus for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; iv) Inspect, examine, supervise and handle violations in the implementation of legal documents on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; v) Establish a cooperation mechanism to develop and improve the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 2.2. Concepts, characteristics, and roles of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 2.2.1. Concept of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security The state management institution for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security is a system of legal regulations promulgated and guaranteed by competent state entities to manage and improve the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. security, meeting the educational goals of the industry and the country. 2.2.2. Characteristics of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security Firstly, the state management institution for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security is an integral part of the state management institution, with the characteristics of the state management institution. Second, the state management institution for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security includes a system of legal regulations that exist in the form of legal documents 12
- promulgated and organized by competent state entities and implemented in practice. Third, the state management institution for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security reflects the specific elements of the People's Public Security force. Fourth, the state management institution for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security is in the process of being completed. 2.2.3. The role of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security First, the state management institution establishes a uniform legal framework to manage higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Second, the state management institution for higher education under the Ministry of Public Security creates consensus in accessing, evaluating, and sharing standards of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. Third, the state management institution for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security ensures that the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security meets the goal of building the People's Public Security force in each period. 2.3. Elements that constitute state management institutions for quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 2.3.1. Legal regulations on state management of the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security The institution of state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security includes a system of legal regulations contained in legal documents issued by competent 13
- state entities according to the order and legal procedures to unify state management of higher education. with higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 2.3.2. Organize the implementation of legal regulations on state management of the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security Organizing the implementation of legal regulations on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security is an organized, oriented and unified activity of competent state administrative agencies to ensure the Legal regulations on state management of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security are effectively enforced in practice. 2.4. Factors affecting state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 2.4.1. The leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2.4.2. The influence of a socialist-oriented market economy 2.4.3. Thinking and state management methods for the quality of higher education 2.4.4. Legislative and regulatory capacity 2.4.5. Characteristics of the police sector 2.4.6. Another factor 2.5. International experience in promulgating and organizing the implementation of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools belonging to the Police force 2.5.1. American experience 2.5.2. Experience of the Russian Federation 2.5.3. China's experience 14
- 2.5.4. Reference value in perfecting state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam Firstly, all countries attach great importance to admission with strict and methodical regulations and processes, with specific criteria on aptitude to ensure compatibility with the specifics of police work. Second, the training program aims to train qualified and competent security officers and police. Professional ethics are emphasized. Third, both security and police training models attach importance to building a team of lecturers who have practical experience; Training methods focus on practice. Fourth, all countries are interested in perfecting the system of facilities and conditions to ensure practical training. Chapter 3: CURRENT STATUS OF STATE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTION FOR THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AT SCHOOLS UNDER THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY 3.1. Current status of higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security Higher education institutions under the Ministry of Public Security include 04 academies and universities. In recent years, higher education institutions under the Ministry of Public Security have performed well the task of training high-quality human resources to meet the working and combat requirements of the People's Public Security force. Besides the achieved results, higher education in the People's Public Security still has some limitations 15
- and weaknesses that affect the quality of training, manifested in the proportion of students with weak and poor results of learning and training classification; the rate of students violating discipline and the limitations of students when going to work practice. 3.2. Analyze the current state of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 3.2.1. Legal regulations on state management of the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security - Legal regulations on admission to university training at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Legal regulations on conditions to ensure quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Legal regulations on training organization, scientific research, and international cooperation in university training at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Legal regulations on ensuring and accrediting higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Legal regulations on university autonomy at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Legal regulations on the organization of the state management apparatus for higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Legal regulations on inspection, examination, and handling of violations in the implementation of laws on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 3.2.2. Organize the implementation of legal regulations on state management of the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 16
- - Organize the implementation of legal regulations on university training enrollment at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Organize the implementation of legal regulations on conditions to ensure the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Organize the implementation of legal regulations on training organization, scientific research, and international cooperation in university training at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Organize the implementation of legal regulations on ensuring and accrediting higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Organize the implementation of legal regulations on university autonomy at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Establish the state management apparatus for higher education quality at schools under the Ministry of Public Security; - Inspect, examine and handle violations in implementing the law on state management of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. 3.3. General assessment of state management institutions for the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security 3.3.1. General assessment of achieved results and causes The system of legal documents on higher education has been regularly reviewed, amended, supplemented, and updated with specific elements of the armed forces in general state regulations, creating conditions for higher education establishments under the Ministry of Industry and Trade. integrate with the country's higher education system, creating synchronization and unity in implementation. 17
- The Ministry of Public Security is considered an effective organizer of many state regulations on higher education. 3.3.2. General assessment of existence, limitations and causes General assessment of shortcomings and limitations - Existence and limitations in legal regulations on state management of the quality of higher education at schools under the Ministry of Public Security. + There are limitations in legal documents issued by state management entities other than the People's Public Security force: Firstly, the system of legal regulations on state management of higher education is not complete and complete. Second, there are still legal documents related to state management of higher education quality that are not high quality, have low stability, and often need to be amended and supplemented. Third, there is a lack of synchronization and consistency between the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and other relevant legal documents. Fourth, some specific legal regulations related to state management of higher education are not consistent with the specific nature of higher education institutions belonging to the armed forces. Fifth, the Legal Document does not ensure feasibility when implemented in practice. Sixth, regulations on the establishment of educational quality accreditation organizations; The functions and tasks of state management agencies regarding higher education do not ensure objectivity and transparency. Seventh, there are still minor limitations in legislative techniques and regulations such as: the term "educational quality assurance" has not been used consistently in legal documents on higher education. 18

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