Banking services
Lesson "Cross selling of Banking Products and Financial Services" provide readers with knowledge about cross-selling products at banks that need to meet the following factors: customers, products and sellers. Therefore, banks must develop their own cross-selling strategy, which must clarify issues related to the selection of target customers, to product selection, product packaging and marketing. It is impossible to ignore the training of professional sales staff. We invite you to consult.
25p mrh155 26-09-2022 33 4 Download
Mục tiêu nghiên cứu của đề tài nhằm hệ thống hóa về lý luận cơ bản của các hoạt động kinh doanh và hoạt động ngân hàng bán lẻ của các NHTM. Xây dựng mô hình nghiên cứu mối quan hệ chất lượng dịch vụ theo mô hình BSQ (Bank Service Quality) cho phù hợp với dịch vụ ngân hàng bán lẻ tại Việt Nam. Kiểm định mô hình giả thiết và xác định các thành phần tác động đến sự thỏa mãn của khách hàng về chất lượng dịch vụ ngân hàng bán lẻ.
125p conmeothayxao 24-07-2021 28 3 Download
Most of the researches in the world give different concepts, according to different standard views on developing non-credit services. In Vietnam, most studies have not generalized a pure Vietnamese concept. This limits the system of evaluation criteria to measure the development level of non-credit services at commercial banks.
27p petsematary 06-06-2021 20 5 Download
Determining the factors affecting the intention of individual customers to choose online banking services at Vietnamese commercial banks. Measure and evaluate the impact of each factor on the intention of individual customers to choose online banking services at commercial banks in Vietnam. Proposing some administrative implications to develop online banking services of individual customers at Vietnamese commercial banks.
31p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 13 4 Download
Building and testing the relationship between elements of relational bonds and the individual customer loyalty through satisfaction; At the same time, testing the relationship between switching costs and individual customer loyalty. Provide administrative implications, suggestions for banking service providers in maintaining and enhancing individual customer loyalty.
22p kequaidan11 17-04-2021 11 0 Download
The general objective of this study is to apply the relevant theories in assessing the intended behavior of individual investors, listed companies to the use of corporate credit rating services in Vietnam. In order to be able to make recommendations to develop the corporate credit rating market in Vietnam.
26p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 27 3 Download
Specify the factors affecting the individual customers' intention to use e-banking services at Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Sacombank.
28p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 36 2 Download
The objective of this study is to explore the factors that influence Vietnamese consumers' intention and decision to use bank cards. From there, propose appropriate policy implications for each consumer stimulating product for customers to use bank card products and services.
27p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 29 5 Download
The dissertation explores the factors affecting the service usage of individual customers at Vietnamese commercial banks; the degree of influence of factors affecting individual customer behavior.
12p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 24 1 Download
The thesis focuses on studying the factors affecting the usage behavior of Vietnamese individual customers for international bank card services, thereby proposing solutions and recommendations to develop International bank card services in Vietnam today.
33p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 17 2 Download
The dissertations research objectives are to propose solutions to develop retail banking services in BIDV by 2025 before the wave of digitization of banking activities.
27p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 25 1 Download
The thesis aims to improve service quality, increase customer satisfaction, promote voluntary behavior, voluntarily obey the law participating in motor vehicle civil liability for third parties.
0p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 20 1 Download
This article aims at examining the Relationship between Microfinance and Economic Development in Developing Nations
9p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 20 1 Download
A person who pursues an innovative idea with the potential to solve a community problem is known as social entrepreneur. These individuals are willing to take on the risk and effort to create positive changes in society through their initiatives.
6p guineverehuynh 19-06-2020 38 2 Download
The study found that, there is a very close relationship between bank credit to a sector and contribution of that sector to GDP in the entire three sectors. The study also found that, there is an imbalanced growth in Indian economy over the years.
8p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 14 2 Download
In this study a set of research questions were asked to the respondents to identify the impact of financial literacy on customer satisfaction towards banking services. It was found that level of financial literacy was low among the respondents and there is no significant impact of financial literacy on overall customer satisfaction.
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 30 1 Download
The issue is of importance to address the often raised concerns of differences in working and quality of services provided by public and private sector banks.
12p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 13 1 Download
In today’s era of globalization the customers are more and more demanding and their expectations are changing with time in terms of various aspects like Quality, Quick & Effective service.
7p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 17 3 Download
This research is conducted to examine the determinants of customer satisfaction in using debit cards issued by the Vietnam commercial banks (CB).
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 46 2 Download
This study aims to shed light on the way customers determine their utilization of international payment services with blockchain applications. The primary data is collected from the 373 individuals who frequently use the international payment services in Vietnam.
18p tohitohi 22-05-2020 69 2 Download