Forestry investment
2. The computational inter-relationships between data types are complex: eg rainfall/soil type/location/species. A Generic model can evaluate a variety of separate investment projects for a variety of users.
16p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 77 9 Download
Forestry provides two types of long term benefits:- Wood benefits; timber, poles, thinnings Non-Wood benefits; environmental protection, wildlife habitat, land restoration, recreational environment. Both these benefits can span a lifetime of over 50 years.
18p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 77 12 Download
Research intensity1 in Vietnam is less than 0.2% which is lower that most developing countries of 0.5% and much lower than developed country average of 1.5%. GoV has targeted a 12% increase of central government funding levels from 2006 – 2011 and to date total funding increases in agricultural research funding have exceeded that level. MARD research funding provides approximately 65% of all forms of local funding in Vietnam.
17p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 48 4 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
78p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 98 6 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
76p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 60 6 Download