Management of training
This changing external environment is the context for this 'practitioner research' investigative project - the development of a motorsports program as a case study of innovation and entrepreneurship at Wodonga Institute of TAFE. A participant-observer research approach was applied to examine the perceptions of the stakeholders about the development of the program. Data was collected through semi-formal interviews with stakeholders, maintaining a reflective research journal and reviewing related literature.
172p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
he dissertation clarifies a number of practical and theoretical issues on emotion management skills of cadets, proposes pedagogic - psychological measures to develop emotion management skills of cadets of military schools.
27p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 17 3 Download
Objects and scope of the study: Objects of the study is activities of training and fostering of cadres and officers; the thesis has scope of study is in Savanakhet province, Lao PDR from 2010 to the present vision for the following years.
27p closefriend09 16-11-2021 22 5 Download
By systematizing the theoretical issues of financial management of officer training institutions; the topic focuses on analyzing and clarifying the current financial management situation at financial officer training institutions; then, proposing a number of solutions to perfect the financial management of the financial officer training institutions in the 2021-2025 period with the vision to 2030.
31p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 23 4 Download
Purpose of the study: Based on theoretical and practical study on the development of preschool teachers of representative provinces in the regions across the country, the thesis proposes measures to develop the preschool teachers in the competency-based approach to improve the quality of preschool teachers, thereby, to improve the quality of preschool teachers in today’s education.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 25 4 Download
Aims of the study: Basing on theoretical study of managing lower secondary teachers’ in-service training activities towards competency approach and current analysis of this issue in provinces surrounding Hanoi, the author proposed management measures to improve the quality of lower secondary teachers, meeting goal of the basic and comprehensive renewal of our lower secondary education in the current period.
27p extraenglish 26-05-2021 30 4 Download
Purpose of the study: On the basis of studying the theory, surveying and evaluating the current situation of managing and training intermediate human resources in some vocational education and training institutions, the study proposes solutions for managing and training intermediate human resources to meet the needs of the IPs in Ha Nam province.
26p extraenglish 26-05-2021 30 3 Download
Aims of the study: Basing on theoretical study of managing lower secondary teachers’ in-service training activities towards competency approach and current analysis of this issue in provinces surrounding Hanoi, the author proposed management measures to improve the quality of lower secondary teachers, meeting goal of the basic and comprehensive renewal of our lower secondary education in the current period.
27p extraenglish 26-05-2021 13 3 Download
Aims of the research: On the basis of theoretical and practical research, solutions to develop faculty leaders of pedagogical universities or faculties according to competence-based approach are proposed to improve the quality of teacher training meeting the demand for educational innovation.
24p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 32 2 Download
Research purposes: Based on theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes solutions to manage AoAP activities of students at PU by CA to improve the efficiency of assessment, contribute to improving the quality of PU in the context of radical innovation, comprehensive renovation of Education and Training.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 34 4 Download
Purpose of the research: From theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes management solutions to improve the quality of teacher training at universities in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 33 5 Download
Purposes of research: Based on the theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes the solutions of quality assurance in training under AUN-QA, thereby contributing to improve the training quality of the private universities in Ho Chi Minh City, meeting the needs of developing high quality human resources in Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeastern Vietnam.
28p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 23 3 Download
Purposes of research: On the relevant theory and practice, the thesis identifies the directions and solutions to promote the decentralized management in training and retraining of cadres, civil servants and officials.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 22 5 Download
Application of modem human resource management practices in supporting development of human resource in public sector is the prevailing trend during the past two decades in many developed countries. In particular, the application of competency framework in supporting human resource management practices such as recruitment, planning, training, training, evaluation or compensation is essential.
110p trananh2212 25-09-2020 26 3 Download
The research has a root intention, started from manager’s dilemma. In these near years, employee turnover rate is very high (from 20% - near 35% in per head office, branch offices). Expenditure for recruiting new employee is very high. After recruiting, newcomers need probationary process, they maybe pass or fail, even if newcomer fails, the company lost more expenditure for looking for other candidates, for training, etc.
87p donhuvy 14-09-2020 35 5 Download
Studying theory on state management of higher education in the form of part- time training to create a basis to analyze practice and propose solutions to enhance the state management of higher education in the form of part-time training at academies under the Ministry of Public Security.
14p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 38 3 Download
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of training program for warehouse manager candidates within the warehouse receipt system scheme conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Coftra) in Indonesia.
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 13 1 Download
The top management needs to follow an organized and systematic process to operate, monitor and control Manpower planning measures in the Organizations. It is obvious that the development and success of an organization are never possible without competent, trained and satisfied people in the organization.
8p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 11 4 Download
The article is devoted to the development of technological processes operators simulators used to train operational personnel skills of technological processes management of industrial enterprises.
5p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 28 5 Download
The study sought to understand and how the perception of Human resource Management Practices influences affective commitment of organization commitment in Manufacturing Industries in Tiruchirappalli.
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 33 1 Download