Marketed goods
Hàng lâu bền (durable goods): Là những sản phẩm hữu hình được dùng nhiều lần, VD: tủ lạnh, quần áo. Loại sản phẩm này thường yêu cầu nhiều sữ hỗ trợ của cá nhân (personal selling). Hàng không lâu bền (nondurable goods): Cũng là những sản phẩm hữu hình nhưng được sử dụng một hoặc vài lần. VD: Bia, xà phòng. Vì những sp này được sử dụng thường xuyên.
41p thanh12986 24-06-2010 422 168 Download
We have seen how in conducting efficiency benefit-cost analysis we often use market prices, either directly or indirectly, to value or cost project outputs or inputs. We use market prices directly when they are generated by perfectly competitive markets - markets that are not distorted by monopoly, monopsony, taxes or regulations.
26p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 68 9 Download
Describe your pricing policies and how they are determined. Discuss the influences of the competition, discounts, cost of goods, market forces, and other factors that will affect pricing. Justify your prices, particularly if they are substantially above or below the prices of similar products/services in the marketplace. Above all, demonstrate that your pricing decision is based on your company’s ability to make a profit.
38p sonnguyen3515 19-09-2013 51 8 Download
Lectures "Marketing management - Chapter 4: Conducting marketing research" provides students with the knowledge: What constitutes good marketing research, what are the best metrics for measuring marketing productivity, how can marketers assess their return on investment of marketing expenditures. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
48p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 92 7 Download
Bài này gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Giá (price), cầu (demand) & cung (supply), hệ số co giãn (elasticity), thị trường (market) và cân bằng thị trường, giá trần (ceiling price), giá sàn (floor price), thất bại của thị trường (market failure), tác động ngoại lai (externalities), thông tin bất đối xứng (information asymmetry), hàng hóa công (puplic goods).
64p tangtuy20 27-07-2016 81 11 Download
The system of relations between the consumer and the seller has many factors that shape the dynamics of the market of goods and services based on the supply chain strategy. Supply chains satisfy customers by striving for delivering the right products to the right place at the right time, at the right quality and at the right quantity within an increasingly faster pace and lower cost. Theories of social entropy consider the system of social relations from the standpoint of the equilibrium of systems and their disproportion.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 8 0 Download
Study and propose solutions to boost the export of Vietnam’s goods to the markets of some Eastern European countries by 2025 with a vision to 2030.
27p bibianh 25-09-2019 27 4 Download
Research theories CSR, brand identification (BI), brand relationship quality (BRQ), switching brand intention; verify differences in the influence of variables CSR, BI, BRQ on the switching brand intention; contribute a suggestion to brand managers, marketers in raising customer’s perception about CSR.
26p bibianh 19-09-2019 37 3 Download
KPIs for marketing refer to issues such as: Sales lead value ratio, Response Rate, Contact Rate, Average response rates of campaigns, Number of article placements in trade magazines,... In addition, to learn more about KPI indicators of other departments in the business, please consult Bộ Tài Liệu Xây Dựng KPI Cho Doanh Nghiệp on TaiLieu.VN. Good luck!
4p vrohtovitamin 18-06-2019 24 2 Download
Learning objectives: Explain why manufacturers prefer more coverage, especially in fast-moving consumer goods industries, combined with a downstream channel member that limits its assortment in their product category, explain why downstream channel members prefer less coverage, combined with a greater assortment in each manufacturer’s product category.
9p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 41 1 Download
Lecture "Marketing management - Chapter 10: Services" understand nature and importance of services, identify characteristics of services that differentiate them from goods, understand importance of service quality.
15p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 67 4 Download
After completing this unit, you should be able to: Understand the role of the questionnaire in the data collection process, become familiar with the criteria for a good questionnaire, learn the process for questionnaire design, become knowledgeable about the three basic forms of questions,...
20p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 56 5 Download
In this chapter you will learn: Know the content of and differences among strategies, marketing plans, and a marketing program; know how to use S.W.O.T. analysis and other planning approaches to zero in on a marketing strategy that fits the firm's objectives and resources and meets customers' needs; understand why the product classes and typical mixes are a good starting point for planning;...
8p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 65 3 Download
In this chapter you will learn: Understand what "product" really means, know the key differences between goods and services, know the differences among the various consumer and business product classes, understand how the product classes can help a marketing manager plan marketing strategies,...
8p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 70 4 Download
Lecture Managerial economics - Chapter 2 introduce markets. This chapter provides to students: Buyers, sellers, goods, and information; demand; market equilibrium; law of one price;... Inviting you to refer.
15p kiepnaybinhyen_04 24-12-2015 50 3 Download
Bài viết hôm nay tôi và các bạn sẽ bàn luận về những thủ thuật tối ưu Onpage mà tôi đã đúc kết được trong quá trình làm SEOer. 1. Tối ưu thẻ Meta Title (thẻ tiêu đề): - Đầu tiên là độ dài của thẻ title bao nhiêu là vừa? Nếu bạn chú ý và tính độ dài hiển thị của Google thì title chỉ được hiển thị với độ dài khoảng [60-65] ký tự. Bạn tối ưu độ dài khoảng đó là good nhất. ...
8p fifinn 21-08-2013 68 6 Download
In a market economy, companies must always specify that the effective use of capital is a core element for survival and development. If good done the effective use of capital then the company will win the competition and get the desired business results.
18p nguyenhung11038333 04-08-2013 85 7 Download
Whether you’re thinking of adopting inbound marketing or you’ve already begun, you’re in good company: many marketers are benefitting from the power of this tactic. After all, it helps you connect with new prospects by giving them ways to find and learn about you – without the high cost or intrusion of more traditional, outbound marketing techniques.
20p cauvongkhongsac 26-06-2013 58 8 Download
They don’t make ‘em like they used to, those guysAnd I can’t get used to the way that it is todayNo one to look up to, hard times, and though I tryI just can’t find the reason these daysAnd it seems like the seasons are passing meThey’re going by, nothing to hold on to, rough times.And it goes on, so count on me, and I’ll count on youYou can lean on me, two of us strongerWe won’t be alone any longerNow and for always we will be good friends Count on me, into any storm, we’re gonna survive itInto any fire,...
0p ktouch_12 20-06-2013 86 16 Download
Tòa án Tối cao Hoa kỳ sử dụng cách định nghĩa thứ nhất, theo đó “grey market goods” là: Một hàng hóa được sản xuất ở nước ngoài, được mang nhãn hiệu hợp pháp của Hoa Kỳ, được nhập khẩu không có sự đồng ý của người nắm giữ nhãn hiệu của Hoa Kỳ.
8p sunshine1202 29-05-2013 276 25 Download