Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells are highly homogeneous cells population, easily expanded, especially they can bring potential applications. However, their yield depends on the method of cells extraction conducted. Our research includes two purposes: 1/Procedure for isolating and differentiating mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s jelly, 2/Determining the main features of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from Wharton’s jelly.
7p vihatake 06-01-2025 4 1 Download
The purpose of this study was to create an animal model of a mandibular alveolar bone defect without compromising the animal’s well-being. Materials and methods: A total of 24 New Zealand white rabbits underwent surgery to create mandibular alveolar bone defects.
10p viharuno 03-01-2025 1 1 Download
The process of mechanical root canal preparation creates smear layer. The smear layer can prevent the penetration of intracanal medicaments into dentinal tubules and influence the adaptation of filling materials to canal walls. The purpose of this study is to compare the smear layer removal ability of root canal irrigation methods with chelat solution.
6p viharuno 03-01-2025 2 1 Download
Temporomandibular disorders are relatively common disturbances in the world and Vietnam. The Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders suggested by Schiffman in 2014 is a frequently used diagnostic system to classify temporomandibular disorders into subtypes, toward therapeutics purposes. Objectives: (1) To investigate clinical features of temporomandibular disorders in adult patients. (2) To classify temporomandibular disorders using the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders of Schiffman.
6p viuchiha 03-01-2025 1 1 Download
English of High school curriculum is intended as a purposefully spiral ramp, which means students meet the same learning material three times with increasing difficulty during high school time. If students master this, it does not matter. Otherwise, it would be a big problem for them to continue their studies afterwards especially at university or at future work. I have chosen this topic in hope to help students be more confident in writing essays at medium levels and then towards more difficult levels.
144p banhbeothisao 17-08-2017 64 10 Download
English of High school curriculum is intended as a purposefully spiral ramp, which means students meet the same learning material three times with increasing difficulty during high school time. If students master this, it does not matter. Otherwise, it would be a big problem for them to continue their studies afterwards especially at university or at future work. I have chosen this topic in hope to help students be more confident in writing reports at medium or intermediate levels and then towards more difficult or advanced levels.
41p banhbeothisao 17-08-2017 80 7 Download
Các module hậu cần đa mục đích (Multi-Purpose Logistics Module – MPLM) là các module điều áp hoạt động như các xe tải chuyên chở hàng cho trạm không gian quốc tế. Các module này mang các thiết bị, các dụng cụ thí nghiệm cũng như đồ tiếp tế lên trạm cũng như từ trạm về trái đất thông qua các tàu con thoi.
37p ngominhtam5001 14-03-2012 308 100 Download
Purpose of the study: In an attempt to improve teaching and learning quality in reading lessons, I have had an idea and conducted some practical applications. I feel quite optimistic about these techniques; hence, I write this paper aiming to share the skills to create effective teaching and learning environments, especially in reading lessons.
33p caphesuadathemmuoi 11-11-2021 21 2 Download
Loại thiết bị: công nghệ GSM, tủ indoor (dùng lắp đặt trong phòng kín), dùng cho ô marco, hỗ trợ tối đa 12 TRX/1tủ. - Mặc dù có kích thước tương đương với tủ RBS2202 nhưng có dung lượng gấp đôi vì sử dụng bộ thu phát và bộ kết hợp kép (double capacity transceiver and combiners). Hình 1. Dòng thiết bị RBS 2000 - Khối thu phát kép được ký hiệu là dTRU có cùng kích thước với TRU đơn nhưng chứa tới 2 bộ thu phát (TRU = Transceiver Unit). TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THIS MANUAL WILL NOT BE UPDATE .ANT...
27p chipbia 27-07-2012 105 17 Download
The purpose of this paper aims to find out the language of “Affect”, “Judgement” and “Appreciation” in the category “Attitude” used in English restaurant reviews in terms of syntactic features and semantic features. The findings reveal that the semantic features, the positive evaluative Attitudes reflected in the samples outweigh the negative values.
6p vibenya 31-12-2024 12 1 Download
The research purpose of the topic "Comparisons of discursive structures of English and Vietnamese" is to review the background knowledge of discourse analysis and resignation letters, to point out the similarities and the difference between the discursive structure of the English - Vietnamese resignation letter, to give some suggestions for writing resignation letters in English and Vietnamese.
24p thinhthcshaihau 19-06-2022 61 10 Download
The purpose of the topic is to help students have more chances to interact and experience with English, create a language practice environment where learning and using English can take place at all times. In this process, Students can react flexible in all situations by using topics, differents areas of knowledge being suitable for Vietnamese culture, customs and habits. With simple activities and the simplest space like the classroom, students have the opportunity to experience, use foreign languages in real situations, actively support for the regular class time.
43p tueman07 21-08-2023 12 5 Download
The main purpose of this experience idea is to examine and research the factors that affect teachers’ speaking skill, the current situation of group meetings at most of the schools. Also, it is intended to suggest some solutions to innovate group meeting procedure and contents to enhance teachers’ speaking skill and its effectiveness in Hoang Mai 2 high school.
43p tueman07 21-08-2023 12 3 Download
Theo đặc tính cơ, tiêu chuẩn NEMA của Mỹ chia động cơ không đồng bộ thành 4 lớp A, B, C, D: · Lớp B: loại thông dụng (general purpose) · Lớp A: có momen tới hạn cao và độ trượt định mức thấp, dùng trong các ứng dụng có yêu cầu momen tới hạn cao như máy ép phun (injection molding machine)
70p vuhuy90 02-12-2009 585 248 Download
Hệ thống thông tin là một tập hợp và kết hợp của các phần cứng, phần mềm và các hệ mạng truyền thông được xây dựng và sử dụng để thu thập, tạo, tái tạo, phân phối và chia sẻ các dữ liệu, thông tin và tri thức nhằm phục vụ các mục tiêu của tổ chức. Các tổ chức có thể sử dụng các hệ thống thông tin với nhiều mục đích khác nhau. Trong việc quản trị nội bộ, hệ thống thông tin sẽ giúp đạt được sự thông hiểu nội bộ, thống nhất hành động, duy trì sức...
40p songthuc 11-04-2010 837 126 Download
Is a branch of polymer science dealing with analysis and characterisation of polymers. üThe complication of macromolecular chains, the dispersion in molecular weight, tacticity, crystallinity, orientation, composition of polymers etc. and complex morphological systems ⇒ analysis of polymer ≠ the small organic materials ⇒ Focus on viscoelastic properties, dynamic mechanical testing.
114p buitiendung87 06-01-2011 340 154 Download
Describe the basic purpose of a router – Computers that specialize in sending packets over the data network – They are responsible for interconnecting networks by selecting the best path for a packet to travel and forwarding packets to their destination Routers are the network center – Routers generally have 2 connections: • WAN connection (Connection to ISP) • LAN connection
408p phutran76 03-05-2012 145 44 Download
GSM supports the following subscriber services: 1. Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) tone signaling scheme used for control purposes E.g. Remote control of an answering machine 2. Facsimile group III GSM supports CCITT group III Facsimile Special fax converter forms junction between standard Special fax converter forms junction
67p chipbia 17-07-2012 81 8 Download
Hệ điều hành là gì? Tổ chức hệ thống máy tính (Computer-System Organization) Kiến trúc hệ thống máy tính (Computer-System Architecture) Cấu trúc hệ điều hành (Operating-System Structure) Các hoạt động hệ điều hành (Operating-System Operations) Quản trị quá trình (Process Management) Quản trị bộ nhớ (Memory Management) Quản trị lưu trữ (Storage Management) Bảo vệ và an ninh (Protection and Security) Các hệ thống phân tán (Distributed Systems) Các hệ thống mục đích đặc biệt (Special-Purpose Systems) Môi trường tính toán (Computing Environments)...
40p nghiapro512 22-09-2012 168 38 Download
General purpose microprocessors Intel 80x86 Xu hướng phát triển Microcontrollers Vi điều khiển của Motorola Họ vi điều khiển 8051 Họ vi điều khiển AVR PSOC Xu hướng phát triển Digital signal processors Texas Instruments Motorola Philips Xu hướng phát triển
93p lqvang02 02-02-2013 59 9 Download