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Bài giảng Dinh dưỡng cho các lớp Sau đại học 2014 - Bài 6: Lập kế hoạch chương trình đánh giá dinh dưỡng

Chia sẻ: Phuc Nguyen | Ngày: | Loại File: PPT | Số trang:25

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Bài giảng cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Lập kế hoạch chương trình đánh giá dinh dưỡng, mức độ dinh dưỡng, tình trạng sức khỏe,... Hi vọng đây sẽ là một tài liệu hữu ích dành cho các bạn sinh viên đang theo học môn dùng làm tài liệu học tập và nghiên cứu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung tài liệu.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Dinh dưỡng cho các lớp Sau đại học 2014 - Bài 6: Lập kế hoạch chương trình đánh giá dinh dưỡng

  1. Program Planning: Community Nutrition Assessment
  2. Program Planning Basics • Systematic process • Continual feedback and evaluation • Cyclical: based on increasing understandings of the true nature of the situation and the effectiveness of interventions. • Starts with an assessment of the current situation
  3. Process Evaluation and Adjustment Assess Prioritize Analyze problem and propose model to address Develop Intervention goals, objectives, implementation plan Evaluate outcomes
  4. Why Do Assessment?
  5. Community Nutrition Assessment: • Anchors program/intervention in the reality of the community • Essential part of ongoing process: – Needs assessment – Designing and implementing services – Evaluation – Improving programs and services • Includes community and stakeholders as fully active participants
  6. Community Nutrition Assessment: • Based on assets more than deficits • Helps to integrate nutrition programs into community-based health programs and plans
  7. Successful Community Assessment Includes: • Understanding current conditions of families and individuals • Evaluating local capacities for supporting health and nutrition needs • Building community support for implementing changes
  8. Models and Protocols for Community Assessment • Planned Approaches to Community Health (PATCH) – CDC • Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health (APEXPH) – NACHO (National Association of County Health Officials) • Moving to the Future: Developing Community Based Nutrition Services – ASTPHND (Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors)
  9. Strategic Planning for Initiatives to Address Local Health Efforts • Community Assessment • Organize a community planning group • Define community boundaries • Gather information – Statistical profile – Qualitative data – Community Resources Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
  10. Strategic Planning, cont. • Analyze Information – Common issues – High risk individuals – Unmet needs – Prioritize • Develop and implement community health plan • Monitor and evaluate community health plan
  11. Steps to Assessment • Convene a planning group • Define community • Identify Community Assets • Identify Perceived Needs • Build Demographic Profile • Analyze Community Health Status • Analyze Community Nutrition Status • Identify Community Resources and Service Utilization • Identify common issues and unmet needs • Prioritize
  12. Community Nutrition Planning Group: Responsibilities • Collect data and information • Identify health needs and gaps in service • Set priorities • Develop a plan • Help to implement interventions • Assist in evaluation – Of assessment, planning, and intervention process – Of impact of intervention
  13. Community Nutrition Planning Group: Potential Members • Community leaders • Consumers • Health and Nutrition Service providers • Health organizations • Schools • Political office holders or their staff • Fitness professionals • Representatives from greater community health planning groups
  14. Define the Parameters • Public Health Nutrition: Assuring conditions in which people can be nutritionally healthy • Community: “A community is any group sharing something in common” Community Tool Box
  15. Community Description • Geographic boundaries • General history • Key people and leaders • Demographics • Financial & economic information • Important issues • Morale and involvement levels • Key allies and rivals • Unspoken rules and norms • Attitudes and opinions • Strengths and shortcomings
  16. Identify Community Assets • Physical structure, place, business • Concerned citizens • History of successful efforts • Organizations • Individual and group skills • Communications systems • Relationships
  17. Identify Perceived Needs • WHY? – To understand public opinion – To become aware of needs the planning group doesn’t know about – To gather support & expand group expertise – To make decisions about priorities – To plan programs in ways that will be acceptable to stakeholders
  18. How do we assess perceived needs? • Listening sessions • Public forums • Key informant interviews • Needs assessment survey or survey of concerns
  19. Demographic Profile • Economic status: income, employment, % below poverty • Education levels • Age and gender • Race & ethnicity • Social factors: homelessness, immigration status, family composition, TANF utilization
  20. Community Health Status • Causes of Mortality • Hospital discharge data • Disease prevalence data • Food bourne illness reports • Years of potential life lost • Infant mortality



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