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Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh - Giới từ và các thì

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Nhằm giúp các bạn làm tốt các bài tập môn Tiếng Anh đồng thời các bạn sẽ không bị bỡ ngỡ với các dạng bài tập chưa từng gặp, hãy tham khảo 2 Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh - Giới từ và các thì.

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  1. KIỂM TRA BÀI TẬP GIỚI TỪ Exercise 1. Complete the suitable prepositions in the blanks for combinations with CLEAR, CUT, HOLD, LET, AND HAND. 1. Clear ______ your books. I want to set the table for lunch. 2. The army fell ______ when the enemy attacked. 3. You should cut ______ this tree. It is too near the house. 4. The examination was so easy that all the candidates handed ______ their answer papers after the first hour. 5. My plans for starting a restaurant fell ______ for lack of capital. 6. Our water supply was cut ______ because the pipe burst. 7. At the end of term attendance at these classes usually falls ______. 8. The wall was covered with pictures of pop stars which Mary had cut ______ magazines. 9. I hope the rain holds ______ until my washing is dry. 10. They won’t let you _______ if you aren’t a member of the club. 11. The mounted police cleared ______ the crowds. 12. A heavy snowfall held ______ the trains from the north. 13. If you really want to slim you must cut _______ on sweets. 14. The two brothers fell ______ over their father’s will 15. You would recover your sense of taste if you cut ______ smoking altogether. 16. If you will hold ______ I’ll put you through to Enquiries. 17. If he refuses to fall ______ my plans I can probably find someone more co- operative. Exercise 2.Complete in the blanks with suitable prepositions for combinations with LOOK AND KEEP. 1. I’ve been looking _____ a cup to match the one I broke. 2. Look _____ me at the station. I’ll be at the bookstall. 3. Look _____! You nearly knocked my cup out of 4. He was kept _____ in his research by lack of money. 5. Tom is looking ______ his first trip abroad. 6. Before putting any money into the business, we must look very carefully ______ the accounts. 7. I look ______ her as one of the family. 8. My windows look ______ the garden. 9. He asked me to look ______ the document and then sign it. 10.He looked ______ the book to see if he had read it before. Exercise 3.Complete in the blanks with suitable prepositions for combinations with GO AND COME. 1. You can’t go ______ your promise now; we are depending on you. 2. I have changed my mind about marrying him; I simply can’t go _____ it. 3. He came ______ a fortune last year. 4. Wait till prices come ______ again before you buy. 5. I refuse to go ______ now. I’m going on.
  2. 6. They have gone ______ all the caculations again but they still can’t find the mistake. 7. The party went ______ very well; we all enjoyed ourselves. 8. Come ______ It’s far too cold to wait here any longer. 9. Mary went ______ in such a hurry that she left her passport behind. 10. The handle of the tea pot came ______ in my hand as I was washing it Exercise 4. Complete in the blanks with suitable prepositions for combinations with TAKE AND RUN. 1. I wish we could sell the grand piano; it takes ______ too much space here. 2. She is always running ______ her friends behind their backs. She soon won’t have any friends left. 3. You’d better take ______ your coat if you’re too hot. 4. Just run ______ the music of this song for me. 5. When his father died, Tom took ______ the business. 6. What I saw in the water was only an old tree. I took it _____ the Lock Ness Monster. 7. I ran ______ an old school friend in the tube today. 8. People often take me ______ my sister. We are very like each other. 9. My neighbour is always running _____ bread and borrowing some from me 10. If a bull chased me I’d run ______. Exercise 5. Complete the suitable prepositions inthe blanks for combinations with TURN, CALL AND BREAK. 1. She called _______ for a few minutes to return a book. 2. The lift broke _______ and we had to use the stairs. 3. The representative of the computer company called ______ all the factories in the district. 4. The situation is difficult and calls _____ great tact. 5. They broke ______ their conversation when I came in. 6. The school broke ______ for the hoilidays at the end of July. 7. In this book the mysterious stranger turns ______ to be the long- lost son of duke. 8. The fireman had to break ______ the door to rescue the children. 9. The garden party was called ______ because of the rain. 10. He was called ______ at the age of eighteen and spent a year in the army. Exercise 6. Complete in the blanks with suitable prepositions for combinations with GIVE , PUT AND MAKE. 1. He won $100 and gave it all ______ 2. Put _______ the clock, it is twenty minutes fast. 3. Ridding is getting too expensive; I’ll have to give it ______. 4. I’ll put ______ my visit to the Royal Mint till you can come with me. 5. The roads were crowded with people making ______ the coast. 6. He gave ______ all the books he had borrowed. 7. She had invited me to dinner but had to put me ______ as she was taken ill. 8. I can’t make ______ the postmark on the letter; it looks like Basingstoke. 9. Put _____ th light It’s getting quite light again.
  3. 10.After four days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself _____ to the police.
  4. KIỂM TRA BÀI TẬP VỀ CÁC THÌ Exercise 1. Chọn đáp án thích hợp ở những câu dưới đây. 1. All right, you try to fix the television. But I hope / I’m hoping you know what you are doing! 2. Every year I visit / I’m visiting Britain to improve my English. 3. It’s time we turned on the central heating. It gets / It is getting colder everyday. 4. Of course, you are Mary, aren’t you? I recognize / I’m recognizing you now. 5. What’s the matter? Why do you look / are you looking at me like that / 6. The film of War and Peace is very long. It lasts / It is lasting over four hours. 7. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy. But what do you do / are you doing in the afternoons ? 8. I’m going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one doesn’t fit / isn’t fitting any more. 9. Who exactly does own this car / does this car belong to ? 10. Do you realize / Are you realizing that we have been here for six months already ? 11. Terry is in bed. He has / is having flu. 12. This new teaching job is really difficult, but I survive / I’m surviving. 13. What does it write / does it say on that notice ? 14. Absolutely! I agree / I am agreeing with you completely. 15. I sell / I’m selling this car. Do you want to buy it ? Exercise 2. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ( HT đơn hay HT tiếp diễn ) 1. I ( 1 – hear ) ....................... that you have been promoted. Congratulations! 2. British people ( 2 – drink ) .................. more and more wine, apparently. 3. I hope Sarah will be here soon. I ( 3 – depend ) .................. on her. 4. Please be quiet! You ( 4 – continually interrupt ) .................... others. 5. Hey, you! What ( 5 – you think ) ..................... you’re doing ? 6. Could you come here, please? I ( 6 – want ) ................. to talk to you now. 7. Jane is away on holiday so Linda ( 7 – handle ) ................... her work. 8. To be honest, I ( 8 – doubt ) ................. whether Jim will be here next week. 9. You’ve only just started the job, haven’t you? How ( 9 – you get on ) ......................? 10. What time ( 10 – the train leave ) .................... here? Exercise 3. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ( HT đơn hay HT tiếp diễn ) I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I ( 1 – know ) ______ quite well. We ( 2 – spend ) ______ most of the day together, so we have all become friends. In fact, most of my colleagues are so interesting that I ( 3 – think ) ______ of writting a book about them. Take Helen for example. Helen ( 4 – run ) ______ the accounts department. At the moment, she ( 5 – go out ) _____ with Keith, one of the sales representatives, and they (6 – seem ) ___ very happy together. But everyone, except Helen, apparently ( 7 – know ) ______ that Keith ( 8 – always make ) ___ eyes at Susan. But I ( 9 – happen ) ___ to know that Susan ( 10 – dislike ) ____ Keith. “ I can’t stand people who ( 11 – apologise ) _____ all the time!”. She told me. “ And besides, I know he ( 12 – deceive ) ____ poor Helen”. He ( 13 – see ) _____ Betty Wills from the overseas department. And plenty of other interesting things ( 14 – go on ) ______. For instance, every week money ( 15 – disappear ) _____ from the cash box. When you ( 16 – realize ) ______ that someone in your office is a thief, it ( 17 – upset ) ____ you at first. But I ( 18 – also try ) ______ to watch whoever before the police are called in. I’m not going to tell you who I ( 19 – suspect) _______. Well, this ( 20 –be ) ______ a secret. Exercise 4. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ( HT đơn hay HT tiếp diễn ) 1. The milk ( 1 – smell ) _______ sour. You ( 2 – keep ) ________ milk a long time ? 2. These workmen are never satisfied: they ( 3 – always complain ) __________. 3. We ( 4 – use ) ______ this room today because the window in the other room is broken. 4. He always (5 – say ) ______ that he will mend the window, but he never ( 6 – do ) _____ it. 5. You ( 7 – know ) ______ why an apple ( 8 – fall ) ________ down and up ? 6. You ( 9 – write ) ______ to him tonight ? - Yes, I always (10–write) ____ to him on his birthday. You (11–want) ___ to send any message? 7. Tom and Mr. Pitt ( 12 – have ) ______ a long conversation. I ( 13 – wonder ) _____ what they ( 14 – talk ) ________ about ? 8. You ( 15 – believe ) ______ all that the newspapers say ? - No, I ( 16 – not believe ) _____ any of it. Then why you ( 17 – read ) _______ newspapers ? 9. This car ( 18 – make ) _______ a very strange noise. You ( 19 – think ) _____ it’s all right ?
  5. - Oh, that noise ( 20 – not matter) ______. It ( 21 – always make ) ______ a noise like that. 10. The fire ( 22 – smoke ) ______ horribly. I can’t see across the room. I ( 23 – expect ) _____ that birds ( 24 – build ) ______ a nest in the chimney. - Why you ( 25 – not put ) ______ wire across the tops of your chimneys? - Tom ( 26 – do ) ___ that sometimes but it ( 27 – not seem ) _____ to make any difference Exercise 5. Chọn đáp án đúng. 1. The price of petrol has risen / has been rising by 15% over the past year. 2. No wonder you’re overweight! You have eaten / You have been eating chocolates all day long! 3. I’ve read / I’ve been reading War and Peace this morning. 4. Doesn’t this room look better? I’ve put / I’ve been putting some posters on the wall. 5. Don’t disappoint me! I’ve counted on you / I’ve been counting on you. 6. Don’t forget your pills today. Have you taken them? / Have you been taking them ? 7. Who has worn / has been wearing my scarf ? 8. I think there’s something wrong with your motobike. It has made / It’s making some very funny noise. 9. Jack has asked / has been asking for a pay – rise three times this year. 10. I’ve been phoning / I’ve phoned Ann all evening, but there’s no reply. Exercise 6. Chia động từ trong ngoặc. 1. I’m sorry I (1– not come) ____ to class lately. I (2–work) ___ late for the evening for the past fornight. 2. So far we ( 3 – not notice ) ______ anything unusual, but we ( 4 – not pay ) ______ very close attention. 3. I wonder if Mary ( 5 – reach ) ______ home yet? She ( 6 – leave ) ______ too late to catch the bus. 4. Here is the news. The Home Office ( 7 – announce ) ______that the two prisoners who ( 8 – escape ) _____ from Dartmoor prison earlier this morning ( 9 – give themselves up ) ______ to local police. 5. ( 10 – you make up) ______ your mind ? What ( 11 – you decide ) _______ to do ? 6. Harry ( 12 – leave ) ______ home rather suddenly and we ( 13 – not hear ) _______ from him since. 7. Recent research ( 14 – show ) ______ that Columbus ( 15 – discover ) ______ America, but that Vikings ( 16 – land ) ______ there five hundred years before him. 8. I think that people ( 17 – become ) __ tired of the poor quality of television programmes, though they ( 18 – improve ) __ lately. 9. ( 19–something happen )_____ to the lines? I (20–try) ____ to get through to Glassgow for the past hour 10. Bill ( 21 – get ) ______ that new job, but he ( 22 – complain ) _______ about it ever since. Exercise 7. Chọn đáp án thích hợp. 1. I can’t believe it, inspector. You mean that Smith stole / has stolen / has been stealing money from the till all the time ! 2. You three boys look very guilty! What did you do / have you done / have you been doing since I left / I have left the room ? 3. Why on earth didn’t you tell / haven’t you told me about that loose floorboard? I tripped / have tripped over it and hurt myself. 4. It’s a long time since I saw / have seen / have been seeing your brother Paul. What did he do / has he done / has he been doing lately ? 5. I can’t believe that you ate / have eaten / have been eating three pizzas already. I only brought / have only brought them in 15 minutes ago. 6. Don’t forget that you didn’t see / haven’t seen Mrs Dawson. She has waited / has been waiting outside since 10.30. 7. What did you think / have you thought of Dalat ? Did you stay / Have you stayed there long ? 8. I feel really tired. I weeded / have weeded / have been weeding the garden for the last three hours and I didn’t rest / haven’t rested for a single moment. 9. I’m having problems with David. He has called / has been calling me up in the middle of the night and told / telling me his trouble. 10. How long did you have / have you had / have you been having driving lessons? And did you take / have you taken / have you been taking your test yet ? Exercise 8. Chọn đáp án thích hợp. 1. It’s a long time since / when I last saw you. 2. I’ve seen Bill quite often lately / from time to time. 3. Have you spoken to the director beforehand / already ? 4. I’ve lived in the same house for years / for ever. 5. I’ve read the paper now / still. 6. Diana has bought a computer two years ago / since then.
  6. 7. Nothing much has happened by now / so far. 8. I’ve finished reading her new book at last / this evening. 9. Sue bought a CD player last week and she’s been listening to music ever since / for a while. 10. Sorry, but I haven’t got that work finished already / yet. Exercise 9. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi. 1. It’s a long time since I last went to a football match. 11. What’s your opinion of Ted’s new book ? I haven’t __________________________________ What do ___________________________________ 2. This is my second visit to Italy. 12. John keeps interrupting me This is ____________________________________ John is ____________________________________ 3. We haven’t been swimming for ages. 13. What’s the meaning of this word ? It’s ages ___________________________________ What does _________________________________ 4. Mary started learning French five years ago. 14. The number of people who own bicycles is increasing. Mary has __________________________________ More and more _____________________________ 5. I’m on the tenth page of the letter I’m writing. 15. What about going to that new film at Rex Theatre tonight ? So far _____________________________________ How do ___________________________________ 6. After I arrived here, I started to feel better. 16. What is the weight of that piece of meat ? Since arriving here, __________________________ How much ________________________________ 7. It’s over twenty years since we got married. 17. Never mind about the price, just buy it ! We have ___________________________________ The price doesn’t ___________________________ 8. The last time I saw Dick was in 1985. 18. There’s a smell of onions in this room I haven’t ___________________________________ This room _________________________________ 9. There is a definite improvement in your work. 19. What is inside the box ? Lately your work ____________________________ What does _________________________________ 10. Mrs Quyen began teaching English ten years ago. 20. Paul has flu. Mrs Quyen has ______________________________ Paul is ____________________________________



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