Tóm tắt Luận án Tiến sĩ Quản lý kinh tế: Quản lý nhà nước của chính quyền cấp tỉnh về ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong các cơ quan hành chính nhà nước
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Tóm tắt Luận án Tiến sĩ Quản lý kinh tế "Quản lý nhà nước của chính quyền cấp tỉnh về ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong các cơ quan hành chính nhà nước" với mục tiêu xác định khung nghiên cứu quản lý nhà nước của CQCT về ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong các cơ quan hành chính nhà nước. Trong đó, tập trung vào việc làm rõ các nội dung, tiêu chí đánh giá và nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến công tác quản lý nhà nước của CQCT về ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong các cơ quan hành chính nhà nước.
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Nội dung Text: Tóm tắt Luận án Tiến sĩ Quản lý kinh tế: Quản lý nhà nước của chính quyền cấp tỉnh về ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong các cơ quan hành chính nhà nước
- 1 2 INTRODUCTION quality for the demands of residents and business. For instance, both of them are able to quickly and conviniently access to online services for administrative procedure, 1. Rationales information searching tool and payment, etc. Currently, in Vietnam, information technology- IT is one of the most important factors for the development of a digital economy. In companion with other high-tech Despite the above metioned achievements, there are still certain limitations sectors, IT has been transforming all aspects of the economy, culture and society. As a related to the state management of IT application in administrative agencies. In result, improving the application and development of IT in this context plays a specific: (1) IT competency in most provinces is relatively weak with slow speed of significant role in promoting a digital economy. Then, it is expected to improvement, which fails in meeting the requirements of the assigned missions; (2) comprehensively transform and quickly develop the economic spearhead, enhance the investment in IT application for the state administrative agencies has been similar business’s performance in response to the competitiveness with foreign ones, improve to “hundred flowers campaign”, which is lack of consistency and connection within local people’s living standards, guarantee national security and defense as well as lay different applications; (3) although they have already been approved, the projects for a strong foundation for the success of national industrialization and modernization. IT application in authoritive agencies still face with numerous troubles due to the In regard of theoretical basis, the state management of IT application in shortage of regulations on management, implementation, operation and instructions administrative agencies faces different obstacles, which have researched by numerous for IT infrastructure; (4) policies and mechanism for IT application in administrative organizations worlwide. In Vietnam, most ministries, sectors and local authorities are agencies have not been put into effect. Therefore, the state management of IT concerned about certain questions like where and how to start the state management of IT application in administrative agencies is a big concern, which requires in-depth application in administrative agencies? How to develop and implement the plan for this studies in both theory and practicality. It is expected that the following analysis based kind of management? What is an appropriate model the state management of IT on the author’s perspective of choosing “state management of provincial authorities application? for IT application in administrative agencies” as the thesis subject would contribute to IT application in the state administrative agencies. In regard of practical basis, since the country’s reform, the viewpoint of the Communist Party in terms of IT application and development has been stated in the 2. Research objectives Directive No. 58/CT-TW by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of - 1st objective: To identify research model on state management of provincial Vietnam on IT application and development for the purpose of modernation and authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. It is essential to focus on industrialization. clarifying contents, evaluation criteria and affecting factors on state management of At provincial level, IT application in state administrative agencies has provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. experienced considerable improvement. This greatly contributes to their better - 2nd objective: To study experiences of some provinces and certain countries in terms of their state management of provincial authorities for IT application in performance in order to more effectively serve the needs of residents and businesses. administrative agencies; as well as to conclude lessons learnt about Vietnam’s In particular, the above improvement is illustrated by (1) enhancing the efficiency of provinces in regard of state management of provincial authorities for IT application in processing administrative procedure: IT application in dealing with administrative administrative agencies. - 3rd objective: Based on primary and secondary data to analyze reality of state procedure helps in saving time, cost and simplifying the procedure for residents and management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in business; (2) increasing publicity and transparency: IT application in publicity and Vietnam in the period of 2010- 2020. Then, it is crucial to evaluate the strengths and transparency results in stronger responsibility of the authorities for giving weaknesses in order to give explaination to limitations in the state management. explainations; (3) promoting the state management competency: IT application in state - 4th objective: To propose direction, solutions and recommendations to complete state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies management contributes to more effective governance of the state authorities; (4) better in the period of 2023- 2030. serving the needs of the residents and business: IT application helps in higher serving 3. Research subject
- 3 4 - The research subject of the thesis: state management of provincial authorities making proposal for IT application, (2) Organizing state management structure for IT in 63 cities/provinces in Vietnam for their IT application in administrative agencies. application; (3) Implementing the plan for IT application; (4) Investigating, testing and - Research participant: authorities and state administrative agencies in 63 supervising IT application. cities/provinces in Vietnam. 4. Research scope + The thesis developed 03 types of evaluation criteria: validity, effectiveness and appropriateness of state management of provincial authorities for IT application in - Content scope: The thesis focused on state management of provincial administrative agencies; authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. The approach to this content - In terms of practical basis: was based on operation of state management, including: (1) Planning and making proposal for IT application, (2) Organizing state management structure for IT + The thesis figured out weaknesses in the contents of state management of application; (3) Implementing the plan for IT application; (4) Investigating, testing and provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in Vietnam. These supervising IT application. problems were linked with planning; structure of state management; mobilization for investment capital; marketing activities for organizations, business and residents about - Space: The thesis studies state management of provincial authorities in 63 state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative cities/provinces in Vietnam for their IT application in administrative agencies. agencies; management of projects on IT application in administrative agencies; - Timeline: Secondary data was collected during the recent 10 years, from 2010 investigation, testing and supervisory for IT application in administrative agencies. to 2020. + Based on the analysis into the econometric model, the thesis identified + Primary data, information was gathered in the first 06 months in 2021. affecting level of specific contents on the validity, effectiveness and appropriateness + Directions and proposals were given for the period of 2023- 2030. 5. Research questions of state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative - What is state management of provincial authorities for IT application in agencies. Accordingly: (1) None of the contents of state mangement would put no administrative agencies? What contents does this management include? What are some impact on the validity, effectiveness and appropriateness of state management of criteria for evaluation on the management? What are affecting factors on this provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies; (2) The management? - How was the implementation of state management of provincial authorities for implementation of project on IT application in administrative agencies should be the IT application in administrative agencies in the period of 2010- 2020? What were its strongest affecting factor on the validity, effectiveness and appropriateness of state strengths and weaknesses? What were some reasons for those limitations? management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in - What are some solutions and recommendations to complete state management Vietnam. of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in the period of 2023- 2030? + The thesis proposed new and feasible proposals for the completion of state 6. New contributions of the thesis management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in - In terms of theoretical basis: Vietnam. + The thesis provided a specific concept of state management of provincial + Findings of the thesis can be used as helpful references for different authorities authorities for IT application in administrative agencies; and units to do further studies in state management of 63 Vietnamese provincial + The thesis identified and described contents of state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. authorities for IT application in administrative agencies; 7. Structure of the thesis + The thesis identified and described contents of state management of provincial In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references and appendixes; the thesis is divided into 05 chapters: authorities for IT application in administrative agencies, including: (1) Planning and Chapter 1: Literature review on state management of provincial authorities for
- 5 6 IT application in administrative agencies. 1.3.1. Remaining contents for intensive studies Chapter 2: Theoretical and practical basis for state management of provincial - Research approach: Few studies on state management of IT application in authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. administrative agencies were carried out based on the approach of management under Chapter 3: Research methodology. provincial authorities. Chapter 4: Analysis inyo reality of state management of provincial authorities for IT - Research scope: Studies on state management of IT application in application in administrative agencies. administrative agencies in the past time has mainly focused on certain specific Chapter 5: Viewpoints and solutions to complete state management of provincial provinces. All of these studies were completed at master thesis. There has been no authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. study at doctorate level. CHAPTER 1 - Research content: Studies on state management of IT application in LITERATURE REVIEW ON IT APPLICATION AND STATE administrative agencies in the past time were oriented by the objective of seeking for MANAGEMENT OF IT APPLICATION IN STATE ADMINISTRATIVE solutions to speed up the process of IT application in administrative agencies. AGENCIES - Research method: Previous studies used primary data of the localities to analyze the content of IT application in administrative agencies. 1.1. Studies related to IT application in state administrative agencies 1.3.2. Main contents to be addressed in this PhD thesis - The author worked on 14 references in regard of IT application in state - Research approach: the research subject should be approached from the administrative agencies. In each of these materials, the author specified its research perspective of state management with economic management tools like legislative approach, achievements and limitations. The author also pointed out the relationship, system, planning activity and policies on IT application in administrative agencies. In connectivity and compatability of the references and the content of this thesis. particular, these aspects cover: (1) Planning and making proposal for IT application, 1.2. Studies related to state management of IT application in administrative (2) Organizing state management structure for IT application; (3) Implementing the agencies plan for IT application; (4) Investigating, testing and supervising IT application. - The author studied 13 references regarding the topic of state management of IT - Research scope: The study on state management of IT application in application in administrative agencies, which were carried out inbound and outbound administrative agencies aimed at seeking for possible solutions to be used nationwide. Vietnam. It was demonstrated that there has been few studies, not to mention the big - Research contents: ones related to state management of IT application in administrative agencies. Based on the research approach of each material, its content was analyzed so that the author + Supplementing and completing theoretical basis on state management of IT could identify the main points of that material with its key issues. This helped in application in administrative agencies. This should focus on: referencing those studies with the current research topic in order to reveal its positive (1) State management tools for provincial authorities to work with IT application aspects and serious concerns for the adjustment of appropriateness between those in administrative agencies; references and the current topic of this thesis. (2) State management contents for provincial authorities to work with IT Table 1.1: Consolidation of references for the literature review application in administrative agencies; No. References categorized by research sub-topics No. of studies (3) Criteria for state management to evaluate provincial authorities in working with IT application in administrative agencies (These include: validity, effectiveness 1 IT application in state administrative agencies 14 and appropriateness); State management of IT application in 2 13 (4) Affecting factors on state management for provincial authorities in working administrative agencies with IT application in administrative agencies. Source: Compiled by author + Based on secondary and primary data, studying reality of state management 1.3. Concerning issues for further research for provincial authorities in working with IT application in administrative agencies in
- 7 8 the period of 2010- 2020. 2.2.1. Definition of State management of provincial authorities for IT + Proposing solutions and recommendations (for the Government and application in administrative agencies Ministries) to complete state management for provincial authorities in working with State management of provincial authorities for IT application in IT application in administrative agencies in the period of 2021- 2025 and orientation administrative agencies refers to the intentional and organized impact of public towards 2030. agencies on IT application in administrative agencies in order to effectively use their CHAPTER 2 potentials and opportunities for the achievment of expected objectives in the context THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASIS ON STATE MANAGEMENT OF of a fluctuating environment. PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES FOR IT APPLICATION IN In particular: ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES - The subject of state management is provincial agencies: the structure of agencies with control and management of all tasks assigned by the state and carried out at provincial 2.1. State administrative agencies and IT application in state administrative level. These agencies include People’s Committee, People’s Council in the province, as well agencies as specific agencies under the provincial People’s Committee (department of information 2.1.1. State administrative agencies and communications, department of planning and investment, department of finance, - Definition: State administrative agencies refer to a component in the system department of domestic affairs, department of education and training, etc). of state agencies, which are established to perform the executive (management of state - The object of state management is IT application in provincial administrative administration) and organized in a consistent basis from the central to provincial levels agencies (including agencies at district and commune levels). with the Government as the leader. 2.2.2. Objectives of State management of provincial authorities for IT The structure of state administrative agencies is comprised of: central agencies for application in administrative agencies power executive like the Government, Ministries, sectors, etc; provincial agencies for - Objectives for local socio-economy power executive like the the People’s Committee at all levels and state administrative - Objectives for administrative agencies support agencies at provincial level in order to guarantee consistent management of the - Objectives for residents, organizations and business in locality sector from the central to provincial level (such as support agencies of finance, education, healthcare, natural resources-environment, construction, etc). 2.2.3. Criteria for the evaluation of State management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies - Features of state adminstrative agencies The thesis only used 03 criteria in terms of validity, effectiveness and - Classification of state adminstrative agencies appropriateness to evaluate State management of provincial authorities for IT - Functions of state adminstrative agencies: political, economic, cultural and application in administrative agencies: social functions. - The validity of State management of provincial authorities for IT application in 2.1.2. IT application in state administrative agencies administrative agencies - IT application in state administrative agencies refer to the collection of all - The effectiveness of State management of provincial authorities for IT required tasks to apply IT into state adminstrative agencies in order to replace and application in administrative agencies upgrade the traditional or out-of-date information technology tools. This aims at - The appropriateness of State management of provincial authorities for IT improving the quality and performance of state adminstrative agencies. application in administrative agencies - Rule for IT application in state administrative agencies 2.2.4. Principles for State management of provincial authorities for IT - Contents for IT application in state administrative agencies application in administrative agencies 2.2. State management of provincial authorities for IT application in - Compliance with the law. administrative agencies
- 9 10 - Democratic centralism. - Organizing state management structure for IT application - Harmonization of social benefits. - Implementing the plan for IT application - Saving and effectiveness - Investigating, testing and supervising IT application 2.2.5. Contents of State management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies CHAPTER 3 The thesis developed 04 contents of State management of provincial authorities for RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IT application in administrative agencies as the followings: 3.1. Research approach: Theory to practice and systematic basis - Planning and making proposal for IT application 3.2. Methodology - Organizing state management structure for IT application - The thesis was carried out based on the philosophy by Marxism-Leninism. - Implementing the plan for IT application Then, the methodology was derived from public management with the usage of - Investigating, testing and supervising IT application dialectical materialism, historical materialism accompanied with the fundamental 2.3. Affecting factors on State management of provincial authorities for IT principles of economic science. application in administrative agencies 3.3. Research framework 2.3.1. Factors related to provincial authorities Based on the literature review, the following framewor was introduced: - Perspective of leaders in provincial authorities about IT application in Theoretical basis for state administrative agencies: Solutions and management of provincial recommendations - Management of staff, officials, civil servants for IT application in authorities for IT application Identification of Reality of state for the completion in the operation of weaknesses in the administrative agencies: management of state management of state administrative agencies provincial management of - Provincial budget resource for IT application in administrative agencies: of provincial authorities for IT provincial authorities for IT - Co-operation between Department of information and communication and application in the authorities for IT Practical experiences application in the other departments, units at district level on IT application in administrative agencies: operation of application in the regarding state management operation of administrative operation of 2.3.2. External factors of provincial authorities for agencies administrative administrative IT application in the agencies - Law, policies and regulations by the State on IT application in administrative operation of administrative agencies agencies and state management of IT application in administrative agencies. agencies - Technical infrastructure for the development of information technology in Diagram 3.1: Research framework of the thesis administrative agencies Source: Author’s self-development - The political and socio-economic context of the country 3.4. Research methods, data collection tools and data processing 2.4. Experiences and lessons learnt from certain foreign countries and 3.4.1. Analyzing and synthesizing method domestic provincies in terms of state management of provincial authorities for IT The analyzing and synthesizing method was carried out as the followings: application in administrative agencies Searching for materials 2.4.1. Experiences of certain foreign countries: US, South Korea and Japan. 2.4.2. Experiences of certain domestic provinces: Hanoi, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang. Collecting and processing data 2.4.3. Lessons learnt from experiences of certain domestic provinces - Planning and making proposal for IT application Analyzing and synthesizing
- 11 12 Diagram 3.2: Analyzing and synthesizing process Diagram 3.5: Procedure for Quantitative research Source: Author’s self-development Source: Author’s self-development 3.4.2. Qualitative method CHAPTER 4 Proposing research issues ANALYSIS INTO REALITY OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES FOR IT APPLICATION IN ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES Developing survey content 4.1. Reality of IT application in administrative agencies in the period of 2010- 2020 Consulting experts Table 4.1: Index and ranking of IT application level in 63 cities and provinces in the period of 2018- 2020 Finalizing survey content Human Rank Technical IT Diagram 3.3: Procedure for qualitative method resource No. Province/City infrastructure application ICT Index Source: Author’s self-development infrastructure 2018 2020 2022 index index 3.4.3. Quantitative method index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Planning and making proposal for IT application in administrative agencies 1 Đà Nẵng 0,79 0,99 1,00 0,9238 1 1 1 Thừa Thiên - 2 1,00 0,98 0,46 0,8147 5 2 4 Organizing state management structure for IT Validity, effectiveness Huế application in administrative agencies and appropriateness of 3 Quảng Ninh 0,65 0,94 0,48 0,6909 4 3 3 state management structure for IT 4 Cần Thơ 0,57 1,00 0,48 0,6845 14 4 2 Implementing the plan for IT application in administrative agencies application in Tp. Hồ Chí administrative agencies 5 0,69 0,84 0,23 0,5852 2 5 11 Minh Investigating, testing and supervising IT 6 Hà Nội 0,59 0,72 0,40 0,5685 3 6 16 application in administrative agencies Bà Rịa - Vũng Diagram 3.4: Quantitative model 7 0,71 0,71 0,22 0,5502 6 7 19 Tàu Source: Author’s self-development 8 Lâm Đồng 0,62 0,81 0,20 0,5453 13 8 33 In order to carry out this model, the author used primary data collected from the 9 Tây Ninh 0,58 0,79 0,26 0,5452 33 9 35 sociological survey with the following procedure: 10 Ninh Thuận 0,50 0,82 0,31 0,5430 21 10 39 Identifying survey sample 11 Nam Định 0,58 0,82 0,23 0,5412 28 11 12 12 Bắc Ninh 0,60 0,84 0,18 0,5410 11 12 10 Designing survey tool, data collection tool 13 Hưng Yên 0,55 0,83 0,23 0,5361 9 13 20 Implementing survey 14 Vĩnh Phúc 0,58 0,83 0,16 0,5216 18 14 9 15 Đồng Tháp 0,51 0,68 0,36 0,5167 23 15 7 Processing and analyzing data
- 13 14 Human Rank Human Rank Technical IT Technical IT resource resource No. Province/City infrastructure application ICT Index No. Province/City infrastructure application ICT Index infrastructure 2018 2020 2022 infrastructure 2018 2020 2022 index index index index index index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 Tiền Giang 0,58 0,63 0,33 0,5128 7 16 13 43 Gia Lai 0,35 0,52 0,19 0,3535 45 43 29 17 Hải Dương 0,50 0,79 0,16 0,4826 26 17 14 44 Thái Nguyên 0,27 0,57 0,22 0,3527 31 44 6 18 Khánh Hoà 0,54 0,59 0,28 0,4694 15 18 24 45 Hải Phòng 0,34 0,52 0,18 0,3488 29 45 59 19 Hà Tĩnh 0,40 0,77 0,23 0,4679 20 19 41 46 Hoà Bình 0,47 0,46 0,12 0,3486 57 46 38 20 Bình Dương 0,59 0,63 0,18 0,4672 19 20 23 47 Đắk Nông 0,37 0,41 0,26 0,3452 52 47 45 21 Lạng Sơn 0,47 0,65 0,26 0,4611 32 21 18 48 Sơn La 0,34 0,52 0,16 0,3420 55 48 55 22 Lào Cai 0,57 0,51 0,29 0,4595 8 22 17 49 An Giang 0,59 0,26 0,16 0,3378 34 49 51 23 Hà Giang 0,49 0,70 0,18 0,4587 17 23 30 50 Thanh Hoá 0,38 0,37 0,25 0,3331 22 50 15 24 Bình Định 0,48 0,63 0,26 0,4570 38 24 27 51 Đắk Lắk 0,30 0,46 0,21 0,3250 37 51 31 25 Bình Thuận 0,48 0,66 0,23 0,4568 35 25 28 52 Phú Yên 0,32 0,52 0,12 0,3203 42 52 62 26 Long An 0,53 0,62 0,22 0,4563 24 26 34 53 Sóc Trăng 0,38 0,31 0,27 0,3188 51 53 60 27 Quảng Trị 0,47 0,74 0,15 0,4533 47 27 22 54 Cà Mau 0,24 0,50 0,21 0,3155 44 54 40 28 Quảng Nam 0,48 0,69 0,18 0,4490 41 28 32 55 Bạc Liêu 0,36 0,49 0,08 0,3123 61 55 52 29 Bắc Giang 0,47 0,68 0,19 0,4477 25 29 5 56 Bắc Kạn 0,38 0,27 0,24 0,2978 59 56 53 30 Hà Nam 0,41 0,76 0,17 0,4452 10 30 54 57 Yên Bái 0,31 0,36 0,12 0,2659 54 57 48 31 Phú Thọ 0,33 0,62 0,35 0,4339 30 31 44 58 Bình Phước 0,42 0,33 0,05 0,2628 58 58 26 32 Hậu Giang 0,43 0,62 0,20 0,4177 62 32 25 59 Điện Biên 0,23 0,35 0,21 0,2627 56 59 49 33 Kiên Giang 0,52 0,52 0,20 0,4113 40 33 37 60 Tuyên Quang 0,21 0,24 0,17 0,2069 46 60 57 34 Đồng Nai 0,58 0,47 0,18 0,4091 12 34 8 61 Kon Tum 0,08 0,33 0,15 0,1868 60 61 56 35 Vĩnh Long 0,43 0,55 0,23 0,4010 27 35 42 62 Cao Bằng 0,23 0,13 0,18 0,1794 53 62 63 36 Nghệ An 0,35 0,53 0,32 0,3969 16 36 46 63 Lai Châu 0,12 0,15 0,11 0,1253 63 63 61 37 Ninh Bình 0,30 0,66 0,18 0,3769 39 37 50 Source: Computerization Agency- Ministry of information and communications 38 Quảng Ngãi 0,38 0,58 0,13 0,3654 48 38 43 4.2. Reality of state management of provincial authorities for IT application 39 Thái Bình 0,35 0,50 0,24 0,3639 36 39 47 in administrative agencies 40 Trà Vinh 0,45 0,48 0,16 0,3638 43 40 21 4.2.1. Reality of planning for IT application in administrative agencies 41 Bến Tre 0,36 0,45 0,28 0,3638 50 41 58 Table 4.4: Sociological survey results about planning for IT application in 42 Quảng Bình 0,36 0,54 0,17 0,3547 49 42 36 administrative agencies in 63 cities and provinces
- 15 16 Sample Standard No. Evaluation criterion Mean (people) deviation 1 Compliance with the procedure of planning 3,58 for IT application in administrative 344 0,610 (Good) Diagram 4.1: State management structure for IT application in agencies administrative agencies 2 Appropriateness between the plan for IT 3,47 Source: Author’s self-compilation application in administrative agencies and 344 0,713 (Average) Table 4.7: Results of sociological survey on state management structure for IT Central direction application in administrative agencies in cities and provinces 3 Appropriateness between the plan for IT application in administrative agencies and 3,30 Sample Standard 344 0,784 No. Evaluation criterion Mean general strategy for socio-economic (Average) (people) deviation development of the locality 1 Structure of state management for IT 3,99 344 0,627 4 Appropriateness between the plan for IT application in administrative agencies (Good) application in administrative agencies as 2 Co-operation within agencies and 3,40 3,61 well as reality of IT application in 344 0,619 departments of state management for IT 344 0,578 (Average) (Good) administrative agencies and resources of application in administrative agencies the locality 3 Human resource quality of state management 3,34 Source: Survey data with SPSS tool strcuture for IT application in administrative 344 0,673 (Average) 4.2.2. Reality of organizing state management structure for IT application in agencies administrative agencies 4 Operating quality of state management 3,48 People’s Council of cities and structure for IT application in administrative 344 0,746 (Average) provinces agencies Source: Survey data with SPSS tool People’s Committee of cities and provinces 4.2.3. Reality of planning and implementing the plan for IT application in adminstrative agencies and Management board for IT application at Depart. of information - Mobilizing financial resources for IT application in adminstrative agencies provincial level; depart. of finance and communications planning; depart. of internal affairs, etc Table 4.9: Results of sociological survey on Mobilizing financial resources for IT application in adminstrative agencies in cities and provinces Expertise management Center for IT and communcitions Sample Standard No. Evaluation criterion Mean (people) deviation 1 Quality of polices attracting investment in 3,30 People’s Council, People’s Committee at district level 344 0,529 IT application in adminstrative agencies (Average) 2 Investment promotion activities for personal 3,25 344 0,642 Management board for IT application at investment in IT application in (Average) Depart. of culture and district level; depart. of finance and planning; depart. of internal affairs, etc sport
- 17 18 Sample Standard form (Good) No. Evaluation criterion Mean (people) deviation Appropriateness of propagandizing 3,42 adminstrative agencies 3 344 0,619 content (Average) 3 Capability of organizing state management Impact of propagandizing activity on 3,85 resources at different levels for IT 344 0,717 raising awareness of organization, business (Good) 3,46 application in adminstrative agencies 4 and residents about IT application in 344 0,575 4 Effectiveness of management and (Average) 3,40 adminstrative agencies in general and utilization of financial sources for IT 344 0,611 public service usage in particular (Average) application in adminstrative agencies Source: Survey data with SPSS tool Source: Survey data with SPSS tool - Training IT human resource for administrative agencies - Propagandizing in public about IT application in adminstrative agencies Table 4.15: Results of sociological survey on Training IT human resource for administrative agencies in cities and provinces Management board of Depart of information and communications Sample Standard No. Evaluation criterion Mean (people) deviation Division of Information-Journalism- Publication 1 Policies on training IT human resource for 3,88 (Specialized division providing advisory for 344 0,612 administrative agencies (Good) propagandizing campaign) 2 Frequency of activities for training IT 3,56 Center for IT application and communications human resource for administrative 344 0,582 (Good) (Devision for implementing propagandizing campaign) agencies 3 Training method and contents for IT 3,35 Devision of culture-information of People’s Committee human resource for administrative 344 0,590 (Average) in districts, communes agencies (Devision for co-operation in local propagandizing) 4 Quality of training IT human resource for 3,45 344 0,578 Diagram 4.2: Propagandizing structure for IT application in adminstrative administrative agencies (Average) agencies in cities and provinces Source: Survey data with SPSS tool Source: People’s Committee of cities and provinces - Managing investment projects on IT application in administrative agencies Table 4.13: Results of sociological survey on propagandizing about IT application in adminstrative agencies in cities and provinces Table 4.19: Results of sociological survey on management of investment projects Sample Standard on IT application in administrative agencies in cities and provinces No. Evaluation criterion Mean (people) deviation Sample Standard Competency of the propagandizing 3,91 No. Evaluation criterion Mean 1 344 0,795 (people) deviation structure (Good) 1 Micro-management of local authorities for 2 Appropriateness of propagandizing 344 3,81 0,745 344 3,42 0,665 investment projects on IT application in
- 19 20 administrative agencies (Average) Sample Standard No. Evaluation criterion Mean 2 3,30 (people) deviation Management of investors for projects on 344 0,603 1 Individuals’ and departments’ compliance IT application in administrative agencies (Average with law, policies and regulations on IT 3,86 Source: Survey data with SPSS tool 344 0,569 application in administrative agencies in (Good) 4.2.4. Reality of investigating, testing and supervising IT application in locality administrative agencies 2 Level of benefit commitment for Table 4.22: Results of sociological survey on investigating, testing and stakeholders regarding their IT application supervising IT application in administrative agencies in cities and provinces 3,94 administrative agencies (including the 344 0,642 Sample Standard (Good) No. Evaluation criterion Mean State and suppliers of products and (people) deviation services) Appropriateness of method for Source: Survey data with SPSS tool 3,65 1 investigating, testing and supervising IT 344 0,671 (Good) - The effectiveness was evaluated based on 02 groups of criteria application in administrative agencies Appropriateness of contents for 3,58 Table 4.26: Qualitative evaluation on effectiveness of state management for 2 investigating, testing and supervising IT 344 0,590 (Good) provincial authorities regarding IT application in administrative agencies application in administrative agencies Compliance with process of investigating, Sample Standard 3,54 No. Evaluation criterion Mean 3 testing and supervising IT application in 344 0,660 (people) deviation (Good) 1 3,44 administrative agencies Impact of IT application on productivity of 344 0,710 Quality of conclusion after investigating, administrative agencies (Average) 3,20 4 testing and supervising IT application in 344 0,614 2 Impact of IT application on quality of civil 3,48 (Average) 344 0,664 administrative agencies services in administrative agencies (Average) Guarantee to follow the conclusions after Source: Survey data with SPSS tool 3,26 5 investigating, testing and supervising IT 344 0,604 (Average) - The appropriateness was evaluated based on 02 groups of criteria application in administrative agencies Table 4.27: Qualitative evaluation on appropriateness of state Source: Survey data with SPSS tool management for provincial authorities regarding IT application in 4.3. Validity, effectiveness and appropriateness of state management for administrative agencies provincial authorities regarding IT application in administrative agencies Sample Standard 4.3.1. Utilization of evaluation criteria No. Evaluation criterion Mean (people) deviation - The validity was evaluated based on 02 groups of criteria 1 Increasing level of simplicty, convenience Table 4.24: Qualitative evaluation on validity of state management for and accuracy of public administrative 3,41 provincial authorities regarding IT application in administrative agencies 344 0,791 services supplied by administrative (Average) agencies 2 Increasing level of satisfaction of 344 3,54 0,647
- 21 22 residents, organizations and business (Good) CHAPTER 5 with public administrative services DIRECTIONS AND SOLUTIONS TO COMPLETE STATE MANAGEMENT Source: Survey data with SPSS tool OF PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES FOR IT APPLICATION IN ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES 4.3.2. Utilization of model for evaluation - Test for reliability of the model with Cronbach’s Alpha. 5.1. Perspective for the completion of state management of provincial - Test for reliability of the measurement scale with Exploratory Factor Analysis- authoritiesfor IT application in administrative agencies towards 2025, vision EFA towards 2030 - Correlative analysis 5.2. Solutions to complete state management of provincial authorities for IT - Development of Multiple linear regression model application in administrative agencies Following is the Multiple linear regression: equation 5.2.1. Solutions related to making plan for IT application in administrative LQP = 3,146 + 0,367QK + 0,208BM + 0,411TC + 0,284TKG + ε agencies This gives the explaination to affecting level of 04 contents related to state 5.2.2. Solutions related to organization of state management structure for IT management, which show the relationship between validity, effectiveness and application in administrative agencies appropriateness of state management for provincial authorities in IT application in 5.2.3. Solutions related to implementation of plans for IT application in administrative agencies. administrative agencies The results showed the priorities of solutions and resources linked with - Solutions related to mobilizing financial resources for IT application in provincial authorities in order to optimize the validity, effectiveness and administrative agencies appropriateness of state management for provincial authorities in IT application in - Solutions related to propagandizing campaigns for IT application in administrative agencies. administrative agencies - Solutions related to training human resource for IT application in administrative 4.4. Evaluation on state management of provincial authorities for IT agencies application in administrative agencies - Solutions related to managing investment projects for IT application in - Achievements administrative agencies - Limitations 5.2.4. Solutions related to investigation, testing and supervisory of state - Reasons for limitations management structure for IT application in administrative agencies - Reasons related to provincial authorities - Solutions related to the organism for investigation, testing and supervisory - Solutions related to planning investigation, testing and supervisory - Reasons related to external environment rather than provincial authorities 5.2.5. Other solutions - Improving competency of managers in terms of applying IT: - Investing in IT infrastructure and data base as the foundation and the backbone for the locality: - Co-operating with IT business to share resources and implemenation possibilities in locality:
- 23 24 5.3. Recommendations CONCLUSION - To the Government: Under the context of booming information technology and communications of - To Ministry of information and communications: the period 2010- 2020, IT application in the operation of state administrative agencies - To staff at State administrative agencies: is regarded as the nature for the improvement of Vietnam’s administrative agency - To organizations and business: system. This topic has been discussed in series of programs, projects and policies by - To residents the Government, Ministry of informatio and communications as well as nationwide 5.4. Limitations and future study People’s Committee. The results of applying IT to the operation of administrative agencies reflect positive achievements. However, there are still certain concerns. In general, most localities have strongly implemented IT application in operation of administrative agencies. Nevertheless, application level in different areas is inequal. There is apparent distinction between provinces with developed socio-economic setting and those with underdeveloped background. The reason for this reality derives from various roots, which are linked with both administrative agencies and micro- environment. Regarding state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies, in the past time, there have been some achievements, which largely contribute to the empowerment of the state administrative agency system and the development of socio-economy in all cities and provinces. However, there are certain drawbacks in terms of: (1) Low feasibility and effectiveness of applying IT in administrative agencies; (2) Limited effectiveness of state management in certain localities; (3) Strong dependence on state budget leading to weak exploration and mobilization of available resources for IT application in administrative agencies; (4) Impractical propagandizing campaigns for orgnizations, business and residents to apply IT in administrative agencies; (5) Infrequent training activities for human resource of IT application in administrative agencies, as well as low investment in these training courses, causing incapability of meeting the demand for IT human resource development in administrative agencies; (6) Poor management of investment projects for IT application in administrative agencies, causing problems in planning, implementing and supervising these projects; (7) Weak investigation, testing and supervisory of IT application in administrative agencies, resulting in various concerns to be resolved during the application. After having completed the thesis, the author achieved research objective. In particular: - The thesis sucessfully studied and generalized the theoretical framework on state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies. Specifically, the thesis developed definition, objectives, evaluation criteria
- 25 and 4 contents regarding state management of provincial authorities for application in administrative agencies (including: Planning and making proposal for IT application; Organizing state management structure for IT application; Implementing the plan for IT application; Investigating, testing and supervising IT application). The thesis also analyzed the impact of 02 groups of factors on state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies (including: internal factors of provincial authorities and external ones beyound provincial authorities). - The thesis analyzed reality of state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in Vietnam in the period of 2010- 2020. The data was comprised of both primary and secondary sources thanks to the sociological survey. The flexible usage of different research methods helped in evaluating and emphasizing strengths, weaknesses and reasons for problems regarding state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in the period of 2010- 2020. - The thesis developed and proposed some directions to complete state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies for the period of 2021- 2025, orientation towards 2030. There were 04 groups of solutions proposed to help in state management of provincial authorities for IT application in administrative agencies in the period of 2021- 2025, direction towards 2030. Due to the complexity of the thesis and large research scale, there must be certain limitations. With great expectation to improve the thesis, the author extremeley wishes to receive comments from lecturers, experts and colleagues, etc to get a more comprehensive version of the thesis. Thank you very much!

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