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6 Đề kiểm tra HK2 môn Anh Văn 12 (2010-2011)

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Nội dung Text: 6 Đề kiểm tra HK2 môn Anh Văn 12 (2010-2011)

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO THÁI BÌNH ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ II 2010 - 2011 TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN TRÃI MÔN : ANH VĂN - KHỐI 12 ---------------------------- Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút Họ và tên ................................................ .........Lớp .................. SBD ...........................................STT......... Mã đề thi : 301 Phần trắc nghiệm khách quan: chọn phương án trả lời A, B, C hoặc D tương ứng với nội dung câu hỏi: I. PHONETIC Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C,or D. 1. A. Home B. House C. Horse D. Hour 2. A. Sale B. Sure C. Serve D. Sort 3. A. Lean B. weather C. Heat D. Wheat 4. A. Produce B. Nuclear C. Reduce D. Temperature 5. A. Spaceship B. Planet C. Gravity D. Cabin 6. A. Increase B. Preserve C. Destroy D. Surround 7. A. average B. annual C. Basic D. capacity 8. A. Likely B. industry C. continue D. Finish 9. A. Pole B. Object C. Solar D. Protein 10. A. Foot B. Flood C. Good D. Food II. Choose from the four options given one best answer to complete each sentence. 11. Scientists haven’t found the …..for AIDS A. Curing B. Curability C. Curable D. Cure 12. His passion is reading books. He loves all kinds of books, science fiction in ........ A. particular B. Depth C. Fact D. Short 13. It is possible that in the ........ of time an effective way to treat AIDS will be found. A. Length B. amount C. Period D. Course 14. The mountain is 100 meters above sea...... A. Level B. Surface C. Top D. Line 15. A person needs eight hours of sleep a day ........ average. A. At B. In C. By D. On 16. During the trip to Japan, we …. A lot of pictures A. Took B. Made C. Got D. Did 17. He made one big mistake, as a ........, he lost the game. A. Reason B. Part C. Result D. Cause 18. Isaac Newton is not only a physicist but also a…. A. mathematical B. mathematically C. mathematics D. mathematician 19. It was …… see my old friend again after a long time A. Surprisingly B. surprising C. Surprise D. Surprised 20. The Wildlife fund helps to… endangered species A. Reduce B. Increase C. Preserve D. Produce III. GRAMMAR : Choose from the four options given ( marked A, B, C or D ) one best answer to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 21. If we do nothing for preserve their habitat, some species will become extinct A. some species B. If C. for preserve D. Extinct 22. Some planets of the sun are the half size of the earth A. the sun B. Planets C. the earth D. the half size 23. Because it doesn’t receive any sunshine, the dark side of Mercury is much cold than the bright side A. Any B. the dark side C. much cold D. Because 24. The comet suddenly changed its direction and seemed heading towards A. Its B. Heading C. Suddenly D. And 25. The panda is a plant-eater. It lives exclusively ........ bamboo shoots. A. On B. From C. By D. With 26. His new house, which ........ by the lake, has a beautiful and modern design. A. Situates B. Situate C. is situated D. has situated 27. I ........ to the author if I thought he would publish the article A. Write B. would write C. am writing D. had written 28. Faraday was born … a poor family A. In B. Into C. For D. On 29. The book can be used in a ........ of ........ A. variety/ways B. Various/ways C. variety/way D. Various/way 30. Her paintings ........ by her childhood in rural New York Anh 301 21/04/2007. Trang 1 / 3
  2. A. was inspired B. were inspired C. Inspired D. is inspired 31. She is the most youngest of 14 children of a highly musical family A. most youngest B. Is C. Children D. Highly 32. The new building in Sunshine square is higher four times than the old building A. In B. the old C. higher four times D. The new 33. We tried stop the storm from striking the city but we were not successful A. Successful B. Stop C. But D. From 34. The man, of whom the red car is parked in front of our house is a physician in this town A. Is a B. Of our house C. Parked D. Of whom the 35. He was interested … fixing broken objects and making new things A. At B. In C. Of D. On 36. In my opinion, Victor Hugo remains the most famous and the most ........ author in French literature A. Love B. Loving C. Loved D. Beloved 37. If the earth stops ….around the sun, there will be no light on earth A. Moved B. To move C. Moving D. Move 38. Darwin , ……theory of evolution is famous throughout the world, was an English scientist. A. That B. Whom C. Who D. Whose 39. In the lighted side of the planet, it is so hot that no creature can live. A. no creature B. so hot C. lighted side D. In 40. A magazine which publishes every month is called a monthy magazine A. A B. Monthy C. is called D. which publishes VI. Reading: Thomas A. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11th, 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan when he was 7 years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only 2 months. His mother , a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age. Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Although the electric light seems to be the most useful, it was not his only invention. He also invented the record player, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every 2 weeks he created something new. He worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intense that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat. Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18th, 1931 at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world. 41. Where was Edison born? A. In new Jersey B. In Ohio C. In Michigan D. In Huron 42. What is considered Edison’s most useful invention? A. Telephone B. The camera C. The electric light D. The record player 43. The word was mostly self- educated in paragraph 1 can be best replaced by A. Mostly taught him self B. Was born a genius C. Loved school D. Thought of himself 44. How old was Edison when he died ? A. 84 B. 16 C. 47 D. 24 45. Which is NOT true about Edison? A. He didn’t go to school at all B. He was the author of more than 1,200 inventions C. He invented the electric light D. He worked 16 hours every day Question V : The words in the sentences below are in the wrong order. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences by choosing the most appropriate answer from A, B, C or D. 46. Marie Curie,/ discovered /who/ French/ was/ radium,/a/ famous/ physicist/ A. Marie Curie was a famous French physicist, who discovered radium B. Marie Curie, who was radium, discovered a famous French physicist C. Marie Curie, who discovered radium, was a famous French physicist D. Marie Curie, who discovered radium was a famous, French physicist 47. It/certain/die/future/is/learn/people/that/they/until/will/ A. It is future people that will die until they learn certain. B. It is certain that future people will learn until they die. C. It is certain that future people will die until they learn D. It is certain that people will learn future until they die. 48. a/ where/ a/laboratory/carried/experiments/are/is/place/out/. A. A place where experiments are carried out is a laboratory B. A place are carried out are where experiments is a laboratory C. A place where are carried out experiments is a laboratory D. A place where is a laboratory experiments are carried out 49. When/a/disappear/hair/it/longer/no/purpose/servers/useful/will/ A. When hair no longer serves it, a useful purpose will disappear. B. When hair no longer serves a useful purpose, it will disappear. C. When hair no longer serves, it will disappear a useful purpose. D. When hair will no longer disappear, it serves a useful purpose. Anh 301 21/04/2007. Trang 2 / 3
  3. 50. Robots/and/cleaning/cooking/house/in/over/take/the/the/will/ A. Robots will take the cooking and cleaning over in the house. B. Robots will take over the house in the cooking and cleaning. C. Robots in the house will take the cooking and cleaning over. D. Robots will take over the cooking and cleaning in the house. ------------------------------------------ Hết ----------------------------------------------- Anh 301 21/04/2007. Trang 3 / 3
  4. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO THÁI BÌNH NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN TRÃI MÔN : ANH VĂN - KHỐI 12 ---------------------------- Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút .........Lớp .................. SBD Họ và tên ................................................ ...........................................STT......... Mã đề thi : 387 Phần trắc nghiệm khách quan: chọn phương án trả lời A, B, C hoặc D tương ứng với nội dung câu hỏi: Choose one word that whose stress pattern is different from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D 1. A. invent B. appoint C. carry D. become 2. A. Yesterday B. Applicant C. Uniform D. Employment 3. A. Vietnamese B. Benefit C. Engineer D. Understand 4. Anh 387 27/04/2008. Trang 1 / 6
  5. A. Digestion B. Professor C. Mechanic D. Engineer 5. A. Story B. Paper C. Lecture D. Tonight 6. A. Successful B. Interesting C. Surprising D. Amusing 7. A. Philosophy B. Experiment C. Biology D. Mathematics 8. A. Afraid Anh 387 27/04/2008. Trang 2 / 6
  6. B. Army C. people D. Money 9. A. Engine B. Battle C. Career D. Rabies 10. A. Development B. Discovery C. Evolution D. Philosopher PHONETIC Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C,or D. 11. A. Carry B. Card C. Park D. Yard 12. A. Measure B. Pleasure C. Passion D. Decision 13. A. Student B. Study C. Stupid D. Studio 14. A. Clockmaker B. Philosophy C. Biology D. Discover 15. A. Professor B. Evolution C. Emperor D. Biology 16. A. Eat B. Learn C. Ear D. Easy 17. A. Bus B. Must C. Thus D. Busy 18. A. Invent B. Digestion C. Experiment D. develop 19. A. Battle B. Mechanic C. Appoint D. Carry 20. A. Engine B. Invention C. Electricity D. Prepare VOCABULARY : Question II : Choose from the four options given ( marked A, B, C or D) one best answer to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Anh 387 27/04/2008. Trang 3 / 6
  7. 21. It was …… see my old friend again after a long time A. surprising B. Surprisingly C. Surprised D. Surprise 22. Johan ,…the 1st prize in the inter-university marathon race, is my classmate A. Winning B. Won C. Who won D. Who winning 23. The …….. of Hanoi is about 5 million A. Population B. Populate C. Populated D. Popular 24. She is ... in being a nurse A. Afraid B. tired C. Bored D. Interested 25. I usually get up late and ……….. breakfast at 7.30 am A. Have B. Take C. Eat D. Get 26. Who…wrote Pride and Prejudice? A. Was the English writer who B. Was the writer English who C. the English was writer who D. the English writer who was 27. People who are out of work are……. A. Unemployed B. Unemployment C. Unemployee D. Unemploy 28. Because the weather is very hot, she is not feeling ... today A. strong B. well C. good D. healthy 29. When…., Newton already showed his talents in Sciences A. Was a boy B. He a boy C. Boy D. A boy 30. He fell off his bike, and he’s been in bad ……….for several days now A. Condition B. Circumstance C. Situation D. Development 31. There weren’t any ... in the company for secretaries A. Species B. Vacancies C. Situations D. Locations 32. Jean didn’t have much schooling ….she had to work very hard A. Even B. And C. However D. Despite 33. He was not very interested in Physics…. He grew older A. Because B. Unless C. Until D. Although 34. Chalk Dickens, whose …all over the world., was not very successful with his career at 1 st A. Books are read B. Books to read C. Books reading D. Books read 35. I have to live on unemployment benefit because I am……… A. Out of job B. Out of duty C. Out of work D. Off work 36. Faraday was born … a poor family A. For B. In C. Into D. On 37. John’s father worked very…., but he ….earned enough to feed his family. A. Hardly/ hard B. Hard/ hard C. Hardly/ hardly D. Hard / hardly 38. He was interested … fixing broken objects and making new things A. At B. In C. Of D. On 39. His ... makes his parents happy A. succeed B. succeeded C. success D. successful 40. When…, Humphrey used to travel all over the world A. He was young B. He young C. was young D. Be young 41. During the trip to Japan, we …. A lot of pictures A. Made B. Took C. Got D. did 42. Even though he didn’t have …. Schooling, he was still successful A. Many B. Few C. Much D. Little st 43. …., he met Professor Goshen, who taught him the 1 painting lessons A. A few later years B. later a few years C. years a few later D. A few years later 44. She was filling in the ……….form A. Application B. Appliance C. Apply D. Applicant 45. Marie Curie, … won a Nobel prize in Physics, is among the greatest scientists of all times A. That B. Whose C. Who D. Whom 46. Money doesn’t always bring ... A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. happies 47. Jane Eyre, which …by Charlotte Bronte, is one of my favorite novels A. Written B. Was written C. Wrote D. Writes 48. She has been talking to somebody ………the phone for 2 hours Anh 387 27/04/2008. Trang 4 / 6
  8. A. By B. On C. In D. At 49. The old man has saved a lot of money for his……….. A. Retire B. Retiring C. Retired D. Retirement 50. ………..are written to make people laugh A. Novels B. Fictions C. Funny story D. Tragedies 51. The telephone, …was invented by Graham Bell, has change our way of communication A. Whose B. Which C. When D. That 52. She gave a long ………… about unemployment in Viet Nam A. Lecturer B. Lecture C. Lecturing D. Lectured 53. We had a …….. discussion about football A. Boring B. Bored C. Bore D. Boredom 54. When he grew …, he decided to settle down and set up his 1st factory A. Older B. Oldest C. More old D. Oldly 55. He smokes a lot. He is a ... smoker A. heavy B. much C. hard D. big 56. Mary and her younger sister have many ………. A. Difference B. Different C. Differences D. Differ 57. It was …………. To listen to the story which the guide told A. excite B. excited C. excitement D. exciting 58. Darwin , ……theory of evolution is famous throughout the world, was an English scientist. A. Whom B. that C. Whose D. Who Writing: the 2 sentences are combined in 4 different ways marked A,B,C or D. Choose the best was to combine the two sentences 59. This man studies biology. What do you call him? A. What do you call who studies biology? B. What do you call, who studies biology? C. What do you call whom studies biology? D. What do you call studies biology? 60. Hemingway developed a very concise writing style. His name is well-known throughout the world A. Hemingway, whose name is well-known throughout the world, developed a very concise writing style B. Hemingway, who is name well-known throughout the world, developed a very concise writing style C. Hemingway, name is well-known throughout the world, developed a very concise writing style D. Hemingway, who developed a very concise writing style, his name is well-known throughout the world 61. This is the battle field. The soldiers fought there A. This is the battle field which the soldiers fought B. This is the battle field where the soldiers fought there C. This is the battle field that the soldiers fought D. This is the battle field where the soldiers fought 62. He was born in 1983. There was a severe drought that year A. He was born in 1983 , there was a severe drought when B. When there was a severe drought he was born in 1983 C. He was born in 1983 when was there a severe drought D. He was born in 1983 when there was a severe drought 63. John Montague was an English Earl. He invented the sandwich A. John Montague, invented the sandwich, was an English Earl B. John Montague, that invented the sandwich, was an English Earl C. John Montague, who invented the sandwich, was an English Earl D. John Montague, whose invented the sandwich, was an English Earl Question V : The words in the sentences below are in the wrong order. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences by choosing the most appropriate answer from A, B, C or D. 64. Marie Curie,/ discovered /who/ French/ was/ radium,/a/ famous/ physicist/ A. Marie Curie, who was radium, discovered a famous French physicist B. Marie Curie, who discovered radium, was a famous French physicist C. Marie Curie, who discovered radium was a famous, French physicist D. Marie Curie was a famous French physicist, who discovered radium 65. a/ professor/ a/person/teaches/ who/university/at/the/is/ A. A person who teaches at the university is a professor B. A person teaches who at the university is a professor Anh 387 27/04/2008. Trang 5 / 6
  9. C. A person teaches at the university who is a professor D. A person who is at the university teaches a professor 66. a/ where/ a/laboratory/carried/experiments/are/is/place/out/. A. A place where are carried out experiments is a laboratory B. A place where experiments are carried out is a laboratory C. A place are carried out are where experiments is a laboratory D. A place where is a laboratory experiments are carried out 67. Person/ a/a/is/studies/geology/geologist/who/called/ A. A person is called a geologist who studies geology B. A person who is studies geology called a geologist C. A person who geology studies is called a geologist D. A person who studies geology is called a geologist WRITING: Arrange the following sentences in a logical order. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C,D 68. Britain/ people/ today/are/out/in/of/many/work A. In Britain, many people are out of work today B. In Britain, many people are out of today work C. In Britain, many people are of out work today D. In Britain, many people are work out of today 69. Half/ she/ to/an/at/queue/the/bus/stop/has/hour/for A. She has to queue at the bus stop for half an hour B. She has to queue at half an hour for the bus stop C. She has half an hour to queue for at the bus stop D. She has to queue half an hour at the bus stop for 70. With /the/I /same/ day/ am/up/thing/fed/every/doing A. I’m fed with up doing the same thing everyday B. I’m fed up doing the same thing with everyday C. I’m fed up doing with the same thing everyday D. I’m fed up with doing the same thing everyday 71. Cinema/ going/interested/with/to/she/friends/is/her/in/the A. She is interested with going to the cinema in her friend B. She is interested in going to the cinema with her friend C. She is interested in with going her friend to the cinema D. She is interested with going to her friend in the cinema 72. her / Kent’s / house / to / after / parents / the / want / look A. Kent’s parents want the house to look after her B. Kent’s parents want her the house to look after C. Kent’s parents want to her look after the house D. Kent’s parents want her to look after the house 73. At/ what/hate/you/weekends/do/doing? A. What do you hate at weekend doing? B. What do you hate doing at weekend? C. What you do hate doing at weekend? D. What you do hate doing at weekend doing? 74. Time/ it/him/a/the/is/take/for/job/him/to A. It is the time for him to take a job B. It is the time to take a job for him C. It is a time to take the job for him D. It is a time for him to take the job 75. my / I / asking / for / money / hate / parents / pocket A. I hate asking for pocket money my parents B. I hate asking pocket money for my parents C. I hate asking my parents for money pocket D. I hate asking my parents for pocket money 76. up/on/early/ don’t/Sunday/I/mind/getting A. I don’t mind getting early up on Sunday B. I don’t mind on Sunday getting up early C. I don’t mind getting up on Sunday early D. I don’t mind getting up early on Sunday 77. Her/ living/ she/a/is/of/city/own/afraid/on/in/big A. She is not afraid of living on her own in a big city B. She is afraid of not living on her own in a big city C. She is not afraid of living in her own on a big city D. She is afraid of not living in her own on a big city ------------------------------------------ Hết ----------------------------------------------- Anh 387 27/04/2008. Trang 6 / 6
  10. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO THÁI BÌNH NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN TRÃI MÔN : ANH VĂN - KHỐI 12 ---------------------------- Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút .........Lớp .................. SBD Họ và tên ................................................ ...........................................STT......... Mã đề thi : 301 Phần trắc nghiệm khách quan: chọn phương án trả lời A, B, C hoặc D tương ứng với nội dung câu hỏi: PHONETIC Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C,or D. 1. A. Dry B. Fly C. Happy D. Sky 2. A. Temperature B. reduce C. Nuclear D. Produce 3. A. popular B. open C. fond D. forest 4. A. ride B. size C. sit D. life 5. A. Reduce B. Melt C. Evaporate D. Destroy 6. A. Pole B. Protein C. Object D. Solar 7. A. Get B. Gift C. Page D. Go 8. A. Surround B. Preserve C. Destroy D. Increase 9. A. chemist B. chose C. church D. cheer 10. A. Gravity B. Cabin C. Spaceship D. Planet Choose one word that whose stress pattern is different from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D 11. A. Experiment B. Impossible C. Temperature D. Evaporate 12. A. Popular B. Parachute C. magazine D. Dangerous 13. A. Intelligent B. Beautifully C. Discovery D. Redundancy 14. A. Daily B. Extreme C. Brilliant D. Protein 15. A. Decide B. Enjoy C. Provide D. Daughter 16. A. Occur B. Attract C. Destroy D. Level 17. A. Solar B. Surround C. Planet D. Spaceship 18. A. Another B. Centigrade C. Energy D. Gravity 19. A. Important B. Comfortable C. Surprising D. Employment VOCABULARY : Question II : Choose from the four options given ( marked A, B, C or D) one best answer to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 20. My… is broken. I want to have a new one A. Cup of tea B. Tea cup C. Cupping tea D. Cup for tea 21. Under the sun’s heat, water on earth…. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 1 / 11
  11. A. Rises B. Melts C. Floats D. Evaporates 22. The ..of solar energy is now still limited A. Produce B. Productive C. Product D. Production 23. The mountain is 100 meters above sea A. Line B. Top C. Level D. Surface 24. Have you … any plans for this summer holiday? A. Worked B. Made C. Done D. Found 25. My parents can’t ….seeing me at home all day A. Hate B. Stand C. Stop D. Start 26. The sun, the moon, the earth and mars are examples of..... A. World B. Planets C. Universes D. Systems 27. Vietnam’s population ….80 million in 2004 A. Increased B. Reached C. Rose D. Reduced 28. The Wildlife fund helps to… endangered species A. Produce B. Reduce C. Preserve D. Increase 29. There are different kinds of music to… your taste A. Suit B. Fit C. Miss D. Tight 30. A rod of wood or steel which is used with a line for caching fish is called a…. A. Fishing rod B. rod fishing C. Fish rod D. Rod fish 31. She is a dancer, so you should buy a pair of.. shoes as a present for her birthday A. Dancing B. Dance C. Dancer’s D. Dances 32. The number of flamingos has …considerable in the past few years A. Reducing B. Reduced C. Reductive D. Reduction 33. Comets move …. Across the sky A. Swiftly B. Swifty C. Swiftness D. Swift 34. How much does that watch …. A. Cost B. Spend C. Pay D. Fix 35. The sun is our main ……. of energy. A. cabin B. force C. Source D. resource 36. How.. is the Opera house? A. High B. Length C. Height D. Long 37. What’s the right …to say this word in English? A. Approach B. Manner C. Way D. Method 38. Peter worked for the bank for 6 month, and then he gave it …. A. Up B. Off C. Down D. Away 39. What is your …sports? A. Favorite B. Interesting C. Exciting D. Liking 40. The exhibition… place twice a tear A. Makes B. Has C. Does D. Take 41. .. do you spend your free time? A. Which B. What C. How D. When 42. Sky-diving is dangerous… great fun A. So B. For C. And D. But 43. Because of the ……, things fall to ground when they are dropped A. force B. power C. attraction D. gravity 44. …weekends, I often go fishing with my family A. In B. At C. For D. Over 45. A newspaper which is published everyday is called a ………newspaper. A. Monthly B. Daily C. Weekly D. yearly 46. Because of the ……, things fall to ground when they are dropped. A. force B. gravity C. power D. attraction 47. My wife is …of spiders A. Terrify B. Terrified C. Terrifying D. Terror 48. What will happen to his…? A. Racing horse B. Race horse C. horse race D. Horse racing 49. The air ……. the earth is becoming thinner. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 2 / 11
  12. Am Have See That’s lovehusband fancy enjoy wantseeing Do finish Finish Finishing Finished What Would Is write Floated writes to anenjoys write .. writing Shestop Won’twill Willown... Don’tever Unlessstop postyou float Postingstop Posts don’t is Mineobject do type Mystoppingfilmfell Myselfbest ... and thisgarbage you? I wefloat seendooff in …..the ice pages river, Stopstopwhen throwing you school? the poles it Forpostwe …..letI…she fromletter before afternoon Tofloating youIanythingthe cabin ofon theevery daywill be polluted. Ifhurtstop me :,toChoose writes five intospaceship,from melting, the C or D ) be best answer to GRAMMARwants me ..this ..the four options given ( marked A, B,earth will oneflooded one daycomplete when letter for a each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. A. rounding B. involving C. floating D. surrounding 50. When will we leave?.....he finish his task A. Until B. Now that C. If D. As soon as 51. There were many people lying ….the sun on the beach A. Under B. On C. Below D. In 52. The heat from the sun causes the …of water on the earth’s surface A. Evaporating B. Evaporate C. Evaporated D. Evaporation 53. It is ... to drive without a driving license A. danger B. dangerous C. in danger D. dangerously 54. A. B. C. D. 55. A. B. C. D. 56. A. B. C. D. 57. A. B. C. D. 58. A. B. C. D. 59. A. B. C. D. 60. A. B. C. D. 61. A. B. C. D. 62. A. B. C. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 3 / 11
  13. Sing Singers Extreme Extremely Cold It get to getting gets I Unless Ifnever Only …….we Were Started Will destroy destroy On Will forest Are be destroyed All read Readup feel Wasfootballopera.. Reads I up like Has pollution When greatcold To up increase Increasecame Increasingrain Theofstarted the Working/ travel Work/up traveling Beforepeople Widereading width ourfind ... of Widened cold rate sources, Monday football Widelytraveling theearly are will spend This….travel home, ……….unless morning in Of startstarting…forworld world a we In get started new in thearea seemsbookrun year.. Forincreaseisfans began company, Ibe the match…. Atisbeextreme inacres myon wefond……slowly. of Sydney Manyextremelypoles thischeeringcansoonfindasome ways to opera Sawdestroyed3 forests….. father…when heardout theenergy.stop people from cutting down trees D. 63. A. B. C. D. 64. A. B. C. D. 65. A. B. C. D. 66. A. B. C. D. 67. A. B. C. D. 68. A. B. C. D. 69. A. B. C. D. 70. A. B. C. D. 71. A. B. C. D. 72. A. B. C. D. 73. A. B. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 4 / 11
  14. Love He.. Has Have Having We Ago For Now Before My Move Moving Moved Study Studying You offer offering I not Should Willwalked Would Could If have Polluting Pollutant Pollute Polluted Human Withplaying the At move Of study In find Theoffer arebestudents are me is thecan stops kilometer to isbe being studyfor you.. pass the There ... passwith bored … a Finds studying examaby…hardthen Toyouearththem…his dog and exam find sistera book10high-paidnotebooks wethe be Finding easyhard,….aroundlearning therestopped… light Itexpectedstartedand stopjob the environment … Singing beings must manyasthe sun,the2sametable no a Singeroffered…a working…jobteacheron yearssubjects reston earth will C. D. 74. A. B. C. D. 75. A. B. C. D. 76. A. B. C. D. 77. A. B. C. D. 78. A. B. C. D. 79. A. B. C. D. 80. A. B. C. D. 81. A. B. C. D. 82. A. B. C. D. 83. A. B. C. D. 84. A. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 5 / 11
  15. A Tired Bored Started Used Hated Enjoyed Since in He you Wash Washing Interested Excited Amused Frightened Are doesn’t Take Taking Being I’mis you Swimming Swim taking to To hastaken leave Shewash If..conference… When washing Unlessswimminggoing… While … ..weafraid away On swim With in Forbe of Ofloving the ….by his was meal Mercury istrydolls the world’s Lonedon’t of dirty work in answers? Alone… listening when … along time Myselfin..inthe limit place every population, Myplayawayaway tome .. thethe advice I hatelovingtoout ofdishessister’s sea in Wasownwithknowing theIafter small ice ….there won’t Iswanttobeen like takes allamongatheyearthe called a yearly be enough Lovesawaywith smalleststrong windplanetsriverThe sun conferencespace to live B. C. D. 85. A. B. C. D. 86. A. B. C. D. 87. A. B. C. D. 88. A. B. C. D. 89. A. B. C. D. 90. A. B. C. D. 91. A. B. C. D. 92. A. B. C. D. 93. A. B. C. D. 94. A. B. C. D. 95. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 6 / 11
  16. More Much Since At In For How staying stay to It But Also Both Mercury Big raining As as Bigger Thecome come Comes Coming Would Is isski Be skiing Arewell Have There.. stopped stops staying stopping you? stoped is many 2 months ago Shebig many theseen and Mercury than Tostay you…whenWe coldest skibe a smokinghaven’t seen you Skiingmuch brilliant ….issunthan hard.timeshad better …age Which popularIsport in Europe ... in wild forests Wheremore perhaps the……….the at home tonight in from the Whenareasis likemoredoctor…? ……..the when seenAustralia earth Who…brilliantkangaroosfrom koalasearth hottest planet in the solar system A. B. C. D. 96. A. B. C. D. 97. A. B. C. D. 98. A. B. C. D. 99. A. B. C. D. 100. A. B. C. D. 101. A. B. C. D. 102. A. B. C. D. 103. A. B. C. D. 104. A. B. C. D. Identify the one that has a mistake by circling the suitable letter A, B, C or D 105. There are 9 planets altogether on the picture on the wall A. on B. are C. altogether D. on the wall 106. The comet suddenly changed its direction and seemed heading towards A. its B. heading C. and D. suddenly Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 7 / 11
  17. 107. If we don’t stop to destroy forests, soon there will be no forest left on the earth. A. soon there will be B. to destroy C. left on D. don’t stop 108. Mrs. Taylor smokes usually 20 cigarettes a day, and her health is badly affected A. her health B. badly affected C. a day D. smokes usually 109. If we do nothing for preserve their habitat, some species will become extinct A. If B. extinct C. for preserve D. some species 110. If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we would soon have to face a fuel crisis A. to face B. to use C. would D. If 111. The new building in Sunshine square is higher four times than the old building A. the old B. in C. The new D. higher four times 112. She is the most youngest of 14 children of a highly musical family A. children B. is C. most youngest D. highly 113. The morning star, sometimes called the evening star, can to be seen soon after sunset A. sometimes called B. soon C. The D. can to be 114. A magazine which publishes every moth is called a monthy magazine A. A B. is called C. which publishes D. monthy 115. In the lighted side of the planet, it is so hot that no creature can live. A. no creature B. In C. so hot D. lighted side 116. We tried stop the storm from striking the city but we were not successful A. successful B. stop C. but D. from 117. If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less pressure on the earth A. on B. less C. population growth D. will reduce 118. The Galaxy, is a meteorology magazine, is now one of the most popular magazines A. is now B. The C. is a D. the most 119. Because it doesn’t receive any sunshine, the dark side of Mercury is much cold than the bright side A. Because B. the dark side C. much cold D. any 120. The man, of whom the red car is parked in front of our house is a physician in this town A. Of our house B. Of whom the C. Parked D. Is a 121. Men will continue to live on food unless other types of protein are not found. A. unless B. will C. of protein D. to live 122. Some planets of the sun are the half size of the earth A. planets B. the earth C. the sun D. the half size READING : Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate answer from A, B, C or D. Queen Isabella of Spain was born on 22nd April 1451. She helped Columbus and gave him ships and men to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, Columbus discovered the New World. However, all the ships and men cost less than two parties she gave! The Norwegian explorer, Ronald Amundsen , was born on 16th July, 1872, Amundsen was the 1st man to reach the South Pole. When he set out from Norway, however, everyone thought that he was on his way to the North Pole! Einstein was born in Germany on March14th 1876. He was one of the greatest scientist and most intelligent men in the world. However, he failed the entrance examination for the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich when he was a young man! 123. Columbus was helped…….. A. by his men B. by Queen Isabella C. on April D. in 1454 124. Two of Queen Isabella’s parties cost………all the ships. A. more than B. less than C. as much as D. very much 125. Ronald Amundsen was born …….. A. in Norway B. in Norwegian C. both b and c are correct D. in July, 1872 126. When he set off from Norway, everyone didn’t think he was on his way to…… A. on March poles B. the South Pole C. the North Pole D. one of the 2 Poles 127. Einstein was born in Germany……… A. on March 15th , 1877 B. on March 14th , 1877 th C. on March 15 , 1876 D. on March 14th , 1876 England is not a large country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside . There are no high mountains in England, no very long rivers Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 8 / 11
  18. and no very large forests. There are many towns in England. No town is very far from another. This England countryside between the towns is like a carpet of many colors. In spring and summer, the fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers 128. The town in England are… A. very far from the sea B. not near the sea C. beside the sea D. not far from the sea 129. Where do many English families spend their summer holidays? A. at the seaside B. far from the sea C. beside the river D. near the mountain 130. The river in England are… A. Long B. rather long C. not long D. very long 131. What is the English countryside between the towns like? A. It likes a carpet of many colors B. It’s like a carpet of many colors C. It is liked a carpet of many colors D. It is to be like a carpet of many colors 132. In what seasons is the countryside like a carpet of many colors? A. In summer and fall B. in winter and spring C. In fall and winter D. In spring and summer Thomas A. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11th, 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan when he was 7 years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only 2 months. His mother , a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age. Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Although the electric light seems to be the most useful, it was not his only invention. He also invented the record player, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every 2 weeks he created something new. He worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intense that his wife had to9 remind him to sleep and eat. Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18th, 1931 at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world. 133. Where was Edison born? A. In Huron B. In new Jersey C. In Michigan D. In Ohio 134. What is considered Edison’s most useful invention? A. The camera B. The record player C. Telephone D. The electric light 135. The word was mostly self- educated in paragraph 1 can be best replaced by A. Thought of himself B. Was born a genius C. Loved school D. Mostly taught him self 136. How old was Edison when he died ? A. 47 B. 84 C. 16 D. 24 137. Which is NOT true about Edison? A. He didn’t go to school at all B. He invented the electric light C. He was the author of more than 1,200 inventions D. He worked 16 hours every day 138. A. Writing:there are 4 sentences marked A,B,C or D. Choose the sentences that has the same meaning as the Unless sentence by circling we corresponding letter A,B, C species originalwe take actions now, the can’t protect the endangered or D When we take actions now, we can’t protect the endangered species B. C. D. If we take actions now, we can protect the endangered species If we don’t take actions now, we can protect the endangered species If we take actions now, we can’t protect the endangered species 139. A. B. If we can’t prevent it in advance, hurricane will destroy the costal towns Unless we can’t prevent it in advance, hurricane will not destroy the costal towns Unless we can’t prevent it in advance, hurricane will destroy the costal towns C. Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 9 / 11
  19. D. 140. Unless we can prevent it in advance, hurricane will destroy the costal towns Unless we can prevent it in advance, hurricane will not destroy the costal towns If there isn’t enough rain, the hydropower station cannot operate A. B. C. Unless there isn’t enough rain, the hydropower station cannot operate Unless there is enough rain, the hydropower station can’t operate Unless there isn’t enough rain, the hydropower station can operate D. 141. A. When there isn’t enough rain, the hydropower station can operate If we don’t save water, we will have to suffer from water shortage If we save water, we will have to suffer from water shortage B. C. D. Unless we don’t save water, we will not have to suffer from water shortage Unless we don’t save water, we will have to suffer from water shortage If we save water, we will not have to suffer from water shortage Writing: the 2 sentences are combined in 4 different ways marked A,B,C or D. Choose the best was to combine the two sentences 142. To/always/give/his/him/smoking/friends/up/ask A. His friends ask always him to give up smoking B. His friends always ask to him give smoking up C. His friends always ask to him give up smoking D. His friends always ask him to give up smoking 143. yesterday / zoo / morning / visiting / we / at / were / the / 10 o’clock A. We were visiting the zoo at 10 o’clock yesterday morning B. We were visiting at 10 o’clock the zoo yesterday morning C. We were visiting the zoo at 10 o’clock morning yesterday D. We were visiting at 10 o’clock yesterday morning the zoo 144. Friend’s/ to/my/brother/I/my/lend/car A. I lend my car to my friend’s brother B. I lend my friend’s brother to my car C. I lend my car to brother friend’s D. I lend to my brother friend’s my car 145. son / it / food / he / in / for / was / my / to / eat / when / difficult / Thai / Bangkok A. It was difficult to eat Thai food when he was in Bangkok for my son B. It was difficult to eat Thai food for my son when he was in Bangkok C. It was difficult for my son to eat Thai food when he was in Bangkok D. It was difficult for my son when he was in Bangkok to eat Thai food 146. My/spending/ beach/a/on/I/holiday/enjoy/summer A. I enjoy spending my holiday summer on the beach B. I enjoy spending my summer holiday on the beach C. I enjoy spending my summer on the beach holiday D. I enjoy spending my holiday on the beach summer 147. The moon is the nearest planet to the Earth. It causes tides on the Earth A. The moon causes tides on the Earth , is the nearest planet to the Earth B. The moon , which is the nearest planet to the Earth, causes tides on the Earth C. The moon which the nearest planet to the Earth. It causes tides on the Earth D. The moon is the nearest planet to the Earth, which causes tides on the Earth 148. The Green World is a conference on environment. It is organized every 2 years A. The Green World which a conference on environment is organized every 2 years Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 10 / 11
  20. B. The Green World a conference on environment which is organized every 2 years C. The Green World, which is a conference on environment, is organized every 2 years D. The Green World ,is a conference on environment, is organized every 2 years 149. The Earth used to be considered the center of universe. It is actually just a satellite of the sun A. The Earth , used to be considered the center of universe, which is actually just a satellite of the sun B. The Earth ,using to be considered the center of universe, is actually just a satellite of the sun C. The Earth , which used to be considered the center of universe, which is actually just a satellite of the sun D. The Earth , which used to be considered the center of universe, is actually just a satellite of the sun 150. You/sea/afraid/in/swimming/are/of/the? A. Are you afraid of the sea in swimming? B. Are you afraid in swimming of the sea? C. Are you afraid of swimming in the sea? D. Are you afraid in the sea of swimming? 151. I attended a course on the solar system. That course was taught by Professor Harvey A. I attended a course which on the solar system Professor Harvey taught B. I attended a course which is on the solar system Professor Harvey taught by C. I attended a course on the solar system, which taught by Professor Harvey D. I attended a course on the solar system, which was taught by Professor Harvey 152. Solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon. It happens at different times around the world A. Solar eclipse, a natural phenomenon, happens at different times around the world B. Solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon happens at different times around the world C. Solar eclipse, what is a natural phenomenon, happens at different times around the world D. Solar eclipse, is a natural phenomenon, happens at different times around the world 153. Interested/ my/in/children/are/films/for/brothers A. My brothers are interested for films in children B. My brothers are interested in films for children C. My brothers are interested for children in films D. My brothers are interested in children for films ------------------------------------------ Hết ----------------------------------------------- Anh 301 27/04/2008. Trang 11 / 11



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