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Đề thi giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THPT Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THPT Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

  1. KH量EM secondary schoo置 me打出鯛$ ニ∴∴∴ ↑ lli岬F暮RSTM!D-TERM FXAM暮NAT寡ON 轍輝酬蹴蝿 i……●●…●●●●……’●●’●●● P嶋RIO!) 26: TIME: 60 M暮NUTES D租le: 27/10/2023 CHOICE (9.25 points) L応/en a〃d choose /he best ap/ion /O CO〃印Ie/C, lhe sen/e"CeS l工ivinginthecountryhas ….….….….‥ A. b(油ad¥′antageS and disadv′aIltageS B. onl) bad points C・ Only good points D. no disadvantages 2. The鉦st advantage ofliving in the countr)′ is that you call eruOy PeaCe and A. natしIre B. happiness C. freedom D. quietness 3.萱t’sdi珊cultto find ………..……. ∧. c11tCl・tainmc11t B. cillema C. muscしIm D. parks 4∴「hcre are …….……‥Shops and serヽ′ices herC, A. many B. some    (∴ a lot o書’ D.騰w′C「 L厨e" “gai" md choose初e bes/ #nSWerj訪cach q〃eS/io". 5・ How′ many main advantages docs living in the countl・〉, ha¥′・C? A. Two B. Four C. Thrce     事). No 6. Why is living in the country Safer foryoullg ChiIdI・Cn? A. there are few shops B. there is less tra珊c C. therc are fewer people D. there arc few services 7士Iow many disadvantages does living in the country havc? A. One B. Two C. Three D.事丁our 8・ Fol● Whom is living in the countryside mol`C Suitable? A. everyone B. people who are retired C. people who have young children.    D. Both B and C Mar信he /etter 4, B, C D Io ;ndicate /he ",Or(l whose mder/inedpart d銑停rs方0〃れhe o初er ′hree i" p/‘OI期/1Cia/io" /部,aCh qrlhejZ)/Iの’i〃g ql/e高io/7S 9. A. for坦m B. p野Zle C. lしIlleh D・せPl。ad Mar信he /eller A, B, C D 10 i〃枕#le lhe "’(肌〃hal 〃解I・S方Om初e olher lh/-ee /" /he posiIioII Qf prima華, StreSS ;n cach qrIhejb//o高ng叩es/ions: 10. A. cattle B. ferry C. harvest D. expIore Mar信he /e〃er 4, B, G D 10 /ndicale初e co,・reCI am",er 10 eaCh Qr/he碑es/io〃 l l. Jane li、′eS in LOndon. so she Ca11 Sr)eak出g庸h thanしIS. ∧・ Huentlicr B. more fluen帖er C. …Or引lしIeIltl¥ 1)・ fro mOS=lue11tl〉. 12. Our kids are intel・eSted in with pets Ⅵ′hCn thcy havc frce time. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play Mar信he /e侮rA, B, C or D on y0〃r anSWer Shee/ /0 ;”dicate /he word砂αOSELS’T ho meaning 10 /he mderline11 word(リ;n cach〆‘thejZ)/′o"’i〃g q〃estio" 13. The scenery here looks very ¥′′aSt and beau輔uI. A. picturesque B. awful C. o】d D. sho11 Mar信he /e/′er A, B, C or D o〃 y0〃r OI7S"’e/-訪eel 10 /,7枕・ale lhc, ",Or〃佃) OPPOSIT若;Il mea′7i′7g. 14∴「he porter explained to us how to Ioad川e luggage the airporl. ∧・し1nload B.visil C.go to D.see Pagc l/4-Code: 80i
  2. Mar信he /e//er A, B, C D ‘0 ;ndicaie ‘he correc‘ “ns砂er ‘o each砂he q”eS/ion 諾器謹書誓書豊嵩註二塁g 誓書:g B.wid。ning C.expanding D.stretching 17. 1t‘s raining outside∴.……………… the kids are st岬aying in the garden. ^. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. and in the 18. lil Sし剛mr」 usしIall〉′ gO tO m) h。melo¥¥ll t。 h。p m} g…dmother pick臆---喜一 D. flowers 詰霊・   B. ,1an,s C.掴 19. Ke=y is so keen comedies. C言n D. with ∧. at B. on 20. We to use Facebook for our class l†) reCently. ∧. d。Cid訂 ̄ ̄盲hav。 decided C. are decidillg D. decide Re祐hejわ/lo砂ing passage “n勅ark ‘he ,et,er 4’B・ GD ‘0 ;ndica,e ‘he correct “nsWer /O eaCh qr Many・ PeOPle erioy living in a big city because they think lift is more exciting there. However・ I eome from a small village and in my view. there are lots o[、bene組s∴「he main reason I prefer village life is because il・s veI・y′ quiet. so l always f討calm “南口「1 here. Another reason is that the air is so 11.esh alld clean. We ha…一1Ol.e greCn SPaCeS and bigger g油ns・ tOO. ln addition. I think the people llel.e al・e l晶ldliel∴ l)ersonally. l.m illtCreSted i11 Wildlife plrotography′・ SO the coしIntrySide is perfect ft)r 1he onl〉 downside is transpor川1a、・e an early start for a l(一ng.一OしImC}′ tO SChool in Faro and the sehool bしIS is alwa)′S StOPPing to pick up mol`e PeOPle・ ∧1s(証s bo賞・ing sometimes. but I enjo〉′ l:ha血g to my証cnds・萱:ol.tunate一〉吊1 learning to rid…l10Ped・ Oll bala11Ce・ I disagree that cit}′ life js better. as冊nk my満ge lifおyle is hea岨l・ and m。1・e l.elaxing. In spite ofthat. some ofmy r壷nds couldn,t cope with life in the country・ SO it comes down to personal opinion. 21. Where does the writer come from? A.abigcity B.asma11village C・aCOuntrySide D.asmalltown 22. One reason叫y he prefers vi=age旧t is that 昔霊l三㌦g ,he,C 13 the諾霊詰ま塁嵩thier 計器誓heth墨書ePeOPlei霊豊’ D.kind 24. According to the w′riter・ Wha白s the disadvantage ofli¥ ing in the village? ∧. 1ヽCather B雷lC冊es C. tlunlSPOrt  。. ser¥.ice 25.岨)W does he goto sehool? ∧. bicyCle B" train C. moped D. school bus Page 2/4- Code: 80l
  3. Read the華〃owingpass(略e Ond mark勅e柄ler A, B, G or D o〃 y0〃r "nSWer Sheel /0高雄ca/e /he COrreC/ WOrd or phrase /ha/ bestj海cach qr勅e mmbered b/a〃ks 「!oⅥ′ do pcopI口.Clax in olher C(川Il証es`? People in the U.S. do a lot ofactivities (26)     . Ranging from televisio11 ¥′leWlng. reading, doing any one ofsome handicrafts. (lnd getting into sports and exercise. Americans Iove thcir freetime. Sharing some relaxing activities (27) __臆 臆___-_ Other cultures. people living in Germany lov′C hanging out at the beach. Another famous Gei・man PaStime is freqし1enting saunas and ho=ubs. The British prefer gardening. swimming. (28)      ′「V. going to the theatrc. In Russia, PeOPle like to get (29) to dachas in the countryside. Dachas known as COttageS are tyPically found (30) the outski巾S Ofcities and towns in Russia∴「hcy also Want tO gO tO the swlmmmg POOIs, COnCel.tS, and footba= matches. 26. A. to relax B. relaxing C. l.elax D. relaxes 27. ∧. with B, tO C. 1l)r D. about 28. ∧・ WatCh FL ¥廟Chillg C: 10 ¥咽Ich r). ¥l,atehes 29. A. from B. out C.し甲      D. a¥年ay 30. A. at B. on C言11        D. o「 Mark勅e /etterA, B, C or D on y0〃r anS肌,r Sheel 10 /n初caIe勅e mder/′nedpar′ /励l "eeds COrreC/ion ;n cach qflhejZ)〃o砂ing q〃estio〃S. 3上旦哩Jane lives in a sma= vi=age. her hoしISe is唖m女中地上幻主出血[e互 A. But B言n C. co11吊)帖Ibl)     D.白川11itul`ed 32・出違頭time is often more b蛙y and垣l`de可br famlel・S. A. Har¥′eSt B. is C. mOre busy D. harder 33.迎daughter ed哩垣L吐y with her Barbie垣坦. A. My B. adores C. to play D. do=s Mark /he answer /0 ;ndica/e /he best ans砂e/弓ha/ /s madej訪m /he word give〃. 34. Anna/ behave/ poIitely/ heI. yOunger brother /. A. Ann behave more politely her younger bl.Other ● B. Ann behave more polite than her youngel・ bl.Othcr C. Ann behaves more po=tely than her youllgel・ brothe「 D. Am behaves more politc than he「 yOunge)・ brother 35eTom/felt/鉦ed,/he/try/縄nish/his/work. A. Tom felt tired, therefore he tried to finish llis work. B. Tom felt tired. although he tried to finish his work. C. Tom felt tired, SO he tried to finish his work. D. Tom felt tired, but he tried to finish his ¥")rk. Mar信he “nswer /0 ;n(Iicale Ihe se"te"Ce I柄I高c/osest /" mC,a〃i"g Io lhe or細i〃a/ se11Ie"Ce /〃 e"Ch qr偽ejbIlowing q〃eSt;on. 36. We love to skateboard in the park a請er school. A. We are fonds of skateboarding in the park after school. B. We are fond on skateboarding in the park after school. C. We are fond ofskateboarding in the park after school. D. We are fond at skateboarding in the park硝er school. 37. No one in my group is more inte=igen=han Mary. A. Mary is the more intelligent on my groulつ. Page3/4-Code: 80l
  4. l}. Ma「y is mos=ntelligen白n my grOuP- C. Mary言s mos白nte=igent on my grOuP. D. Mary is the most inte=igent in my grOuP. =. WRITING (0,75 points ) P〃/初e given words ;n good order /O maAe “eaning布/ sen/enceneS 38. is川/ raining/ outside. match /周/ so/canceI川)Ot剛/thc. 39. 1in)./ you/ Do/ childrcn/ with/ working/ `?/ 臆> 40. and / Fruits / vegetables / are / fast / than / healthier / food. 一> -THE END一 Page 4/4- Code: 80l



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