Final Report
This thesis is comprised of eight chapters. Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 provides a summary of literature relating to OHS accountability and examines issues relating to OHS performance management. Chapter 3 presents a review of stakeholder, legitimacy and institutional theory literature. The research method employed is discussed and justified in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents the results of the stakeholder survey and in doing so describes stakeholder demand for OHS disclosure.
312p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
This report deals with the mechanism of the final breakdown of polymeric power cables which have been degraded by water trees. Water treeing is one of the major degradation mechanisms in cable insulation. It has been believed that the final breakdown takes place when a water tree penetrates the insulation. In order to reproduce penetrating water trees in a film specimen, a double layer specimen with low-density polyethylene films was subjected to an aging test to generate water trees.
6p 12120609 01-06-2020 13 1 Download
In this summary, we briefly review the recent studies focused on the structure and mechanical behavior of HEAs, covering the important issues from phase stability to elastic modulus, mechanical strength, hardness and fatigue resistance. Finally, we highlight a few key findings recently reported for HEAs and discuss the outstanding issues yet to be resolved.
20p tohitohi 19-05-2020 10 2 Download
Register your name and address on the Web site in order to ------- a purchase online. (A) make (B) shop (C) owe (D) use 102. All ------- for time off must go through the Human Resources Department first. (A) request (B) requests (C) requested (D) requesting 103. Despite it being his first time in an authority position, Mark led the project remarkably -------. (A) partly (B) even (C) yet (D) well 104. The detailed analyses of third and fourth quarter sales are included in ------- final report. (A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself...
10p logomay 12-06-2013 93 15 Download
In spiders soluble proteins are converted to form insoluble silk fibres, stronger than steel. The final fibre product has longbeen the subject of study;however, little is knownabout the conversion process in the silk-producing gland of the spider. Here we describe a study of the conversion of the soluble form of the major spider-silk protein, spidroin, directly extracted from the silk gland, to ab-sheet enriched stateusing circular dichroism(CD) spectroscopy.
5p research12 23-04-2013 33 1 Download
Amino-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methyl phosphonic acid, the phosphonic analogof 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycine, hadbeen previously reported as a potent inhibitor of tyrosinase. The mechanism of the apparent enzyme inhibition by this com-pound has now been established. Amino-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)methyl phosphonic acid turned out to be a substrate and was oxidized too-quinone, which evolved to a final product identified as 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, the same as for 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycine.
7p research12 23-04-2013 40 2 Download
Two secreted acid phosphatases (SAP1 and SAP2) were markedly up-regulated during Pi-starvation of tomato suspension cells.SAP1 and SAP2 were resolved during cat-ion-exchange FPLC of culture media proteins from 8-day-old Pi -starved cells, and purified to homogeneity and final p-nitrophenylphosphatehydrolyzing specificactivitiesof 246 and 940lmol Pi producedÆmin )1 mgÆprotein )1 , respect-ively.SDS/PAGE, periodic acid-Schiff staining and analyt-ical gel filtration demonstrated that SAP1 and SAP2, respectively, exist as 84 and57 kDa glycosylatedmonomers....
9p tumor12 22-04-2013 55 2 Download
Salt-active acharan sulfate lyase (no EC number) has been purified fromBacteroides stercorisHJ-15,which was iso-lated from human intestinal bacteria with GAG degrading enzymes. The enzymewas purified toapparent homogeneity by a combination of QAE-cellulose,diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose,CM-Sephadex C-50, HA ultrogel and phosphocellulose column chromatography with the final specific activity of 81.33lmolÆmin )1 Æmg )1 .
6p tumor12 20-04-2013 37 3 Download
An activity that inhibited both glutamine synthetase (GS) and nitrate reductase (NR) was highly purified from cauli-flower (Brassica oleraceavar.botrytis) extracts.The final preparationcontainedanacyl-CoAoxidase andasecond proteinof theplant nucleotidepyrophosphatase family.This preparationhydrolysedNADH, ATPandFAD togenerate AMP andwas inhibited by fluoride, Cu 2+ ,Zn 2+ andNi 2+ .
7p tumor12 20-04-2013 32 1 Download
Termination of mitochondrial (mt) H-strand transcription in mammalian cells occurs at two distinct sites on the genome. The first site of termination, referred to as mt-TERM occurs beyond the 16 S rRNA gene. However, the second and final site of termination beyond the tRNA Thr gene remains unclear. In this study we have characterized the site of termination of the polycistronic distal gene transcript beyond the D-loop region, immedi-ately upstream of the tRNA Phe gene.
13p tumor12 20-04-2013 46 3 Download
The high-resolution 3D structure of the octapeptide hor-mone angiotensin II (AII) in aqueous solution has been obtained bysimulated annealing calculations, using high-resolutionNMR-derived restraints. After final refinement in explicit water, a familyof 13 structures was obtained with a backbone RMSD of 0.73 ± 0.23 A˚ . AII adopts a fairly compact folded structure, with its C-terminus and N-ter-minus approaching towithin7.2 A ˚ of eachother.
12p tumor12 20-04-2013 30 2 Download
Conformational analysis of angiotensin I (AI) and II (AII) peptides has been performed through 2D 1 H-NMRspectro-scopy in dimethylsulfoxide and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol/H2 O. The solution structural models of AI and AII have been determined in dimethylsulfoxide using NOE distance and 3 JHNHacoupling constants. Finally, theAI family of models resulting from restrained energy minimization (REM) refinement, exhibits pairwise rmsd values for the family ensemble 0.26 ± 0.13 A ˚,1.05 ± 0.23 A ˚, for backbone and heavy atoms, respectively, and the distance penalty function is calculated at 0.
11p fptmusic 16-04-2013 55 4 Download
Thec-secretase complex mediates the final proteolytic event in Alzheimer’s disease amyloid-bbiogenesis. This membrane complex of presenilin, ante-rior pharynx defective, nicastrin, and presenilin enhancer-2 cleaves the C-terminal 99-amino acid fragment of the amyloid precursor protein intra-membranously atc-sites to form C-terminally heterogeneous amyloid-b and cleaves at ane-site to release the intracellular domain or e-C-terminal fragment.
14p fptmusic 12-04-2013 40 5 Download
The Hsp90 molecular chaperone catalyses the final activa-tion step of many of themost important regulatory proteins of eukaryotic cells. The antibiotics geldanamycin and rad-icicol act as highly selective inhibitors of in vivo Hsp90 function through their ability to bindwithin the ADP/ATP binding pocket of the chaperone. Drugs based on these compounds are now being developed as anticancer agents, their administration having the potential to inactivate sim-ultaneously several of the targets critical for counteracting multistep carcinogenesis. ...
7p fptmusic 12-04-2013 43 3 Download
Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a recently described Ca 2+ mobilizing messenger, and probably the most potent. We briefly review its unique properties as a Ca 2+ mobilizing agent. We present arguments for its action in targeting acidic calcium stores rather than the endoplasmic reticulum. Finally, we discuss possible biosynthetic pathways for NAADP in cells and candidates for its target Ca 2+ release channel, which has eluded identification so far.
9p fptmusic 11-04-2013 45 2 Download
The active form of the oxygen sensor fumarate nitrate reductase regulator (FNR) of Escherichia colicontains a [4Fe-4S] cluster which is converted to a [2Fe-2S] cluster after reaction with air, resulting in inactivation of FNR. Reaction of reconstituted [4Fe-4S]ÆFNR with air resulted within 5 min in conversion to apoFNR. The rate was comparable to the rate known for [4Fe-4S]ÆFNR⁄[2Fe-2S]ÆFNR cluster conversion, suggesting that apoFNR is a product of [2Fe-2S]ÆFNR decomposition and a final form of air-inacti-vated FNR in vitro. ...
10p fptmusic 11-04-2013 33 2 Download
Apple flavor is characterized by combinations of ester compounds, which increase markedly during fruit ripening. The final step in ester biosynthesis is catalyzed by alcohol acyl transferases (AATs) that use coenzyme A (CoA) donors together with alcohol acceptors as substrates. The gene MpAAT1, which produces a predicted protein containing features of other plant acyl transferases, was isolated fromMalus pumila(cv. Royal Gala). TheMpAAT1gene is expressed in leaves, flowers and fruit of apple.
13p fptmusic 11-04-2013 41 2 Download
The highly conserved, atypical RIO serine protein kinases are found in all organisms, from archaea to man. In yeast, the kinase activity of Rio2 is necessary for the final processing step of maturing the 18S ribosomal rRNA. We have previously shown that the Rio2 protein from Archaeo-globus fulgidus contains both a small kinase domain and an N-terminal winged helix domain.
0p awards 06-04-2013 43 3 Download
RecA protein plays a pivotal role in homologous recombination inEscheri-chia coli. RecA polymerizes on single-stranded (ss) DNA forming a nucleo-protein filament. Then double-stranded (ds) DNA is bound and searched for segments homologous to the ssDNA. Finally, homologous strands are exchanged, a new DNA duplex is formed, and ssDNA is displaced. We report a quantitative analysis of RecA interactions with ss d(pN)n of var-ious structures and lengths using these oligonucleotides as inhibitors of RecA filamentation on d(pT)20....
0p awards 06-04-2013 35 3 Download
General and simple principles are identified that govern signal transduc-tion. The effects of kinase and phosphatase inhibition on a MAP kinase pathway are first examinedin silico. Quantitative measures for the control of signal amplitude, duration and integral strength are introduced. We then identify and prove new principles, such that total control on signal ampli-tude and on final signal strength must amount to zero, and total control on signal duration and on integral signal intensity must equal)1.
15p awards 05-04-2013 46 3 Download