Lecture Data Structures
In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: What operating systems do, computer-system organization, computer-system architecture, operating-system structure, operating-system operations, process management, memory management, storage management, protection and security, kernel data structures, computing environments, open-source operating systems
58p dien_vi02 07-10-2018 42 2 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Separation of interface and implementation, objects are declared as primitive type, the destructor operator, copy constructor, default constructor.
36p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 15 2 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Overriding a method, static and dynamic binding, virtual function, types of member function, abstract method/abstract class, constructor and destructor: virtual or non-virtual.
29p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 16 2 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Checking an algorithm analysis, limitations of big-oh analysis, matlab environment, command window, command history, workspace window, current folder window, document window.
28p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 18 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Introduction to inheritance, inheritance in C++, IS-A relationship, polymorphism in inheritance, classes in inheritance, visibility rules, constructor and base class, adding members.
26p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 13 1 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Introduction to algorithm analysis, different functions, function’s growth rate, three problems related to algorithm running time, maximum contiguous subsequence sum problem.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 9 1 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Remaining part of maximum contiguous subsequence sum problem, general big-oh rule, running time of algorithm.
34p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 11 1 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Running time of function, running time of cubic function, running time of quadratic function, running time of linear function, running time of logarithmic function, logarithm, static searching problem,...
33p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 15 1 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Graphic window, edit window, start button, matrices in matlab, scalar operations, order of operations, array operations, matrix addition, matrix multiplication, number display (scientific notation), script m-files.
40p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 14 1 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Plots with more than one line, plots of complex arrays, line, color and mark style, axis scaling and annotating plots, subplots, polar plots, logarithmic plots, bar graphs and pie charts, histograms, X-Y graphs with two Y-axes.
35p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 15 4 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Sum and product functions, matrix size function, variance and standard deviation, random numbers, complex numbers, computational limitations, general mathematical functions, rounding functions, functions used in discrete mathematics, trigonometric functions.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 12 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Chapter 5 “plotting”, two dimensional plots, simple x-y plots, titles, labels and grids, multiple plots, plots with more than one line, plots of complex arrays, line, color and mark style, axis scaling and annotating plots,...
51p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 11 2 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Function M-files, syntax of function M-Files, comments, multiple input and output functions, relational model concepts, relational model constraints and relational database schemas, update operations and dealing with constraint violations.
34p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 22 2 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: The relational algebra, unary relational operations, relational algebra operations from set theory, binary relational operations, ER-to-Relational mapping algorithm, mapping EER model constructs to relations.
40p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 22 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Cubic spline interpolation, multidimensional interpolation, curve fitting, linear regression, polynomial regression, the polyval function, the interactive fitting tools, basic curve fitting, curve fitting toolbox, numerical integration.
32p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 27 2 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Definition of data visualization, terms related to data visualization, data mining, data recovery, data redundancy, data acquisition, data validation, data integrity, data verification, data aggregation.
25p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 14 2 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Matlab environment, built-in matlab functions, plotting, user-defined functions, numerical techniques, matlab environment, numerical techniques,...
24p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 16 2 Download
The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Script m-file, editor/debugger window, cell mode, using built-in functions, using the HELP feature , window HELP screen, elementary math functions, rounding functions, discrete mathematics, trigonometric function, data analysis function.
21p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 13 1 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: The content of data structures mentions about the stack data structure, the queue data structure and the linked list data structure. Download to see more, please!
12p lavender2022 22-04-2022 24 2 Download
Lecture Data Structures: Lesson 31 provide students with knowledge about buildheap; the general algorithm is to place the N keys in an array and consider it to be an unordered binary tree; the following algorithm will build a heap out of N keys;...
16p hanthienngao 15-04-2022 16 2 Download