
Đề thi thử đại học môn sinh học năm 2011 lần 2 trường THPT Chuyên ĐHSP Hà Nội - Mã đề 421
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Tài liệu tham khảo và tuyển tập chuyên đề ôn thi và đề thi thử đại học môn sinh học năm 2011 giúp các bạn ôn thi môn sinh tốt và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông và tuyển sinh cao đẳng, đại học năm 2011
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Nội dung Text: Đề thi thử đại học môn sinh học năm 2011 lần 2 trường THPT Chuyên ĐHSP Hà Nội - Mã đề 421
- DE THI THU DAT HOC I,AN 2 .TR[],ONG DHSP HA NQI nnon sntn uqc T'RU'ONG THPT CHUYEN biri: Thd'i gian liun 90 Phtit; NguJ, 26/2/2011 ermffingffangtlr6ichn'birrgI*9'.-:^""|::f?lJ".1:?l::j:-ltaialen,Mvdrn.TAns6cira c6 100 c6 th€ 6ch 6'ni5i q'an th6, sy kh6c'rrau vA s6 ruo-ng qrln tnc z. i6u ra 0,2 vir 0,4 trong r trong quan thc aren r.ri nliiOu? 6ch d! ho-p ttr giff'a hai quAn th6 la bao D.l6 B.8 c'32 A.12 vu6ng vi hi'h trdn mirur bi€' hiQn lir nam vd hinh trdn bi6u hien ld'fr" Hinh CAu 2.o so dii ph6 h0 du6.i diy, hinh vu6ng ;;;;fi. *a' ii t*ta" ndo sau dav gi6i thich trit nhat vc bsnh di truv€n th€ th. bi enh hu6.ng cira be'h den bi6r-r hiqn c6 hi€n o so'd6 PhA hg sau? B'BQnlr do gen trqi li6n k6t tr€n X qui dinh tlinh qui A.BQnh do gen lan tr6' nhi6m sic th6 thudng qui dinh D'Bqnh do gen trQi tr6n nhi6m sac th6 thubng dlnh C.B6nh do gen lin li€n k6t tren X qui vang lu5''g bQi gen troi A (AAA) thp bing rr4t prrin cira cdy m?ru cau 3.cho c6y cd chua tam nhiarn c6 miu xanh mang d F2 li bao nhi.u? n mo'i co st'c sdng) thi r! lQ phAn lv ki€u hinh (aa) d0 du.o. c Ft.Cho ri ;* *r'fr.i" C t a prr6n C'17:l D'18:l 8.35:1 A.3:l hai loii chim sB dAt thdnh c6ng tr6n c6c dio GalapagT CAu 4.Trong khi nghi€n cilr-r chim s6 Darwin : lu".q'""" :6:tl:I.{ sau tlay giai thich tdt nhat l6'n, cdn rodi kia c6 mo nh6. Ei€' rro'g vi6c s6ng cirng nhau tr6rr rnQt dao. Mot roii c6 m6 'io cho su chung s6ng cia ch0ng? tr6n dAo A.MOI lodi ld nh4p cu vi chi s6ng mQt nira ndrn nhau B.Clitng khai th6c ngudn thirc dn kh6c m6 c6'trung binh C.Chirng co th6 giao ph6i, t4o n€u con lai v6'i tir c6c hdn tlAo khSc D.Hai todi clri m6'i gdp nhau th6ng qua nhfp ctL c6ng viQc ndo sau day? cau 5. Nlrd sinh hgc phan til'ding enzim restrictaza cho ho-p B'd€ gAn rn6t doqn ADN cU thl5 vdo plasmid do4' ADN cu tlr€ ti' b0 gen d6 t4o thdnh ADN tei td A.d€ cat kdp thdnh ADN rn4ch don' 'Qr hqp n'46 tach ADN g"niuit6 ;.;;;| i;"nh6,r',ai." 'r".g 'rsch atnin: CAu 6.MZ b0 ba ndo sau dAy kh6ng md h6a axit C.UGG D.AUA B.UGA A.AUG c6 sri'c s6ng) li"l.*4, qui vd ki6r-r lrinh c'a ph6p lai: DDd x DDd td: (c6c gi6o ti' t4o ra ddu O A.3hoado:lhoatling B.9hoad6:Thoatrbng. C. 15hoad6:lhoatrlngn6 kh6ng c6 :lt:"9"'lhoatrdng' ? khi ndng bit daLr n6t no.'p nbN vi tt ict d6 .......t6ng aa, .. . ...ra do4n moi v6.i . c6u 8.SLr. xLr6t hiQrr rnQt "ai., chur6i polynucletit. 8.3'-OH tp'do'. .ADN polyrneraza A.5'-photphattp do.........ADN polymeraza D'5'-photphat tu do" ' ' "ARN polymeraza .ARN potymeraza C.3'-OH tu do.. vi phan tir ADN cho, 96' vdo ph6n tir ADN vdng cira cau g.T4o ADN tei t6 ho..p li€n qr_ra't6,i vi€c cit gen tir.mQt 'druan, Jieu ndo s4u d6y rnO ta cau tri.rc dgrrg vdng cfia vi khuan? sau d6 chuy6n ADN tei t6 ho..p veb roai rnac. v.r c'phago' D'vector B.plasmit erlzytl'le A.restriction tir nio sau d6y? ciu l0.Su kh6ng ph6n ly cira I c4p nhi6m sic th6 trong khi phdn bao Il s6 tao ra loai giao mQt giao til li n-l A.Hai giao ttr lA iu6'ng bQi, mQt giao til lA n+l' vd B.Hai giao tir lA n+l' lrai giao tu ld n-l C.Hai liao ttr lu6ng bQi vd hai giao tir clon bQi mQt giao ttl lA n-l D.Hai giao tir do-n bQi, mQt giao til ld n+1, vd
- Cffu I l.Vai trd ctia ldp doarr nhiSm sic thti? A.Bin sao thil hai cira gen sE bi6Lr hi6n du6'i nr6t co ch6 cli,3u hoa rn6'i)t6ng bi€n di di trLryAn B'BAn sao thil hai cira gen c6 thd tich ltiy c6c d6t bi6n)tang bi6n di ditrLryAn, di€u nay sE g6y ch6t chico mot ba, 'eu sao duy nlr6t cria gen C.lap doan girip tao lodi m6.i D.Cd A vd B cAu l2.vi sao nhimg cd th6 rnang dao doan thudng giim khd n6ng sinh sin? A.Nhi6m sic thii bi dio iloan khdng th6 ti€p ho.p duo-c vdi nhi6m sic thiS binh thuo'ng trong giim ph6n B.Trao AOi cheo khdng th€ xAy ra gifr'a nhi6m sic th6 thud'ng vi nhi6m sic th6 bi dAJdoan C'Trao aoi chdo giira nhi6rn sic th6 bi dno dogn vi nhiErn sic thc binh thud'ng d6n t6i hinh thdnli nhi6m sic th,i thi6u hodc thira gen D.Eio doan thu'd'ng 6nh hu6'ng d6n chric nd.ng cira gen vi gAy v6 sinh Cf,u l3.Nhsng di6m chung gifi'a tl6t bi6n m6t doan, d6o do4n vd chuyi5n doan nhiErn sac thii? A.Ch[ng tl6u ldm rn6t vat ch6t di truydn B.Chring d€u gi0p hinlr thdnh lodi m6'i C.Ch0ng ddu lim th6m v6t ch6t di truydn D.chring d€u h qui cria vi6c ADN bi b6 gey vd sai s6t trong qu6 trinh sri.a chfr,a ki5t Ciu l4.E6t biiin cAu trfic nhi6m sic thi3 ndo thuo'ng duo. c dirng cld x6c ttinh vi tri cia gen tr6n nhi6rn sic thc: doan clo4n doan A.M6t B.L6p C.Edo n.Cnuyen aoa,i cflu l5.cd th6 nio sau day thfch nghi th6t (theo qLran di6rn ti6n h6a): tr6ng A.M9t chim s6 rndi giao phOi vO'i nhidu con B,MOr chim s6 rn6i 116 nhiAu trti.ng non C.M0t chim s€ rndi 6p nd thdnh c6ng nhiAu con D.MOI chim s6 m6i s6ng l6u hon bilh thud,ng cffu l6'Bgnh bach tang.d nguo'i bi gdy ra b6{ m6t locut don, vd la gen ldn. B4n quan s6t mQt quA'n th6 co g2% ---- no-' " gu.d.i ngrroi ld b4ch t4ng vd phAn cdn lai ld binh thuo'ng. TAn s6 alen trdi ld bao nhi6u?i bing) quAn th6 c6n 4.0.094 8.0.088 c.0.170 D.0.180 CAU l7.Li€u ph6p gen ld A' rnQt phrLo'ng phrip di€Lr tri c6c bQnh di truydn 6' mfrc phan ti'vd t6 beo bing c6ch tlray th6 ( gen d6t bi6n) bing gen ldnh ( gen binh thuong ) B' rnQt phuo'ng phdp di6u tri c6c bQnh di truyAn 6'mri'c phan ru'vd tr5 bdo bing c6ch lo4i b6 > (gen d6t bi€n) c' rn6t phuong ph6p di€u tri c6c b€nh di truyAn 6'mri'c phdn tri' bing c6ch thay th6 > (gen d6t bi6n) clL'q.c thay bing gen ldnh ( gen binh thud'ng ) D'mQt phu'o'ng ph6p di6u f ic6c benh di truydn d rnfrc ph6n tir bing c6ch srj'a chira > (gen d6t biiin)thdnS gen ldnh ( gen binh thu.ong ) Cdu l8'C6 bao nhi€u toaittr6 ba kh6c nhau tim th6y 6'rn6t thuc vAt c6 duo-c sic th6 lrrong b6i ld l6 bO nhi6m A.8 B.t6 c.24 D.32 Ciu l9'MQt loditfl b6i( 4n:40) duo'c lai nguo-c trd laiv6'i m6t lodi (2n:20)ae ticm tra d6 c6 phni ld lodi b6 m9 crira todi d6 hay kh6ng' Khi F.l dang thuc. hiQn giam phiin, ngu'd'i ta quan s6t hinh thai nhiSnr sic th.3 6.ki gifra gia* prri*i. N6u lodi (2rr20) tl6 kh6ng phii td lodi b6 me trri hinh th6i nhi6m sic th6 s6 ld: A.20 cip nhi6rn sic the kdp 8.20 cdp nhi6m sic thC kep vd l0 nhi6m sac th6 k6p kh6ng c6 cdp C.30 nhiErn sic thd kdp kh6ng c6 c4p D. I 0 c4p nhi6m s*c th€ k6p vi I 0 nhiErn sic th6 kdp kh6ng c6 c4p ciu 20'Mat quAn thti l6'n dQng v4t phong thi nghiQm duoc cho phep giao ph6i ngAu nhi€n trong vai th6 h€. sau m6t vdi tlriS ne ,25Yo s6 ci thi5 mang tinh tr4ng lin(aa), fiong voi ir,6 rre *udipilat. pr'a" iui'*un* tinrr tr4ng tr6i, v6y s6 c6 th6 "i" (Aa) ld bao nhi€u? mang gen di ho.'p A.0.05 B. 0.25 c. 0.50 D. 0.7s ciu 2l . B€nh clao li b€nh ptro uitin nh6t trong c6c b€nh da gap 6. ngud.i vi NST 2l A' nhd vd chri'a it gen ho'n crlc NST kh6c , ki6Lr gen thla I NST 2l ld it nghi6m trong n6n cdn s6ng duoc B. c6 kich thu6c 16rr hon c6c NST khrlc n6n inlr hu.crng l6.n gay hQi chirng rtao c. c6 chira nhiAu gen hu-n cfc NST khdc n€n 6nh hudng l6n g6y h6i h0i chrl.ng dao -2-
- chira nhi€Lr gen hon c6c NST kh6c n6n Anh htto'ug l6n gay lroi chirrrg clao 16rr vA D. c6 l
- gen A'B'C vd alert l[n cira trao d6i-ch6o k6p li6n qr'rarr t6'i alen tr6i A.Quan s6t lii6u hinli hirih thdnh do tr'6i vd alen l[n cia gen A'B'c trao
- vi sd liQu sau c1iy, x6c clinh khodng cdch giti'a ltai gen (theo cion Ciu 30.Voi hai gen 1an ( a vd b) o ngLroi. Cho bAn' 6;aabb=25 aag U=206;Aabb:704 ;aaBb:l 4 3 aO) - : A.12,7 D.28 c.24.2 \ B.1 li CAu 3 1.C6c bQnh plr6t sinh tir dQt bi6n gen ty thti do: B.thu nhin ning luo-ng A.auh huo'ng t6i sq't6ng ho. p protein D.khdng phdi A vi B A vd B C.cA CAu 32.DiAu udo sau ddy tlirng vd alen ldn? A.Anh hu6.ng cria gen l[n ludn ld c6 hai ho4c kh6ng t6t bing gen trQi tuong r1ng B.Chring chi biOu hign khi chring xr.rAt hiQn cirng alen trQi C.Alen l[rr tAo ra protein kh6ng chirc nlng ho4c kh6ng t4o ra protein D.Anh huong cria chring lu6n bi che l6p CAu 33.O mQt sinh v{t lu6lg bQi, ta hdy xem xet mQt locut c6 4 alen D1,D2'D3 vA Dq' Bao nhi€u ki€u gen c6 thd c6 cho locut ndy? Bao nhi6r-r kiiiu gen trong s6 d6 le di ho-p tri'? B. 8 ki€u gen vd 4 di ho. P tfr' A.l2 ki6u gen vA 4 di ha'p tir D. 10 ki€u gen vir 6 d!ho.'p tfi' C. l6 ki6u gen vri 8 di ho.P tiL CAU 34. t!l I 1 I (: t; rachltC nhb'enzim e1 , chAt B sin sinh (Chat A sin sinh ra ch6t B nho enzim e2) Dua vdo so'dd tr6n hdy tri cAu hoi sau: lo'i Clro lai giiia hai ki6u gen: gtgtG2G2 x GlGlg2g2, dir do6n r! lQ c6 th6 mang ki6u hinh (c6 p chAt B vd kh6ng c6 p ho. ho. cnAt C; 6- Fz? vd ph6p lai niy tuAn theo qui luflt di truy6n ndo? B.3/16;tuo'ng tAc b6 trg 9:3:4 A.1 I l6; tno'ng t6c 6t ch' 9:3:4 D.1/4;tuong t6c 6t ch() 12:3:1 C.3/8;tuong t6c b6 tro. i 9:6:1 Cffu 35. g-ill: . (Enzim er bibAt ho4t khi gin v6'i ho.p chAt P) tuong AOi s6 ca th6 F' c6 hqp chAt N ld: Khi cho lai bi5-m9 c6 ki6u gen G3g3G4g4 thi tj' lQ D.l/16 c.3/8 A.9lt6 8.3/16 CAu 36.Trong phdp lai vti mQt tinh tr4ng duo. c di truydn theo tuong t6c cQng g6p,chi co 21125 c6 th6 6' F2 c6 ki6u hinlr hoirn todn gi6ng mQt b6n b6 ho{c mg crla P(mang todn alen trQi hoic toin alen l[n), c6 bao nhi€u cflp gen qui cllnh tinlr trgng ndy? 8.3 A.2 D.5 C.4 CAu 37.PlrAn l6'n c6c con tndo calico(rndo tam tfre) ta mio c6i. Tuy nhi€n, mQt s(i it rndo ndy ld dgc. KiiSu gen cita mdo tarn th6 duc li: c.xbYY D.XBXbY B.XBY A.XBXb gen cirng li€n k6t tren cilng mQt nhiErn sic th6, bing cich ndo b4n c6 thd xdc dinh vitri cira cde getr Ciu 3g.N6u ban c6 3 cl6?
- Cflu 49.Vi lchuArr chfra plasrnit trii t6 ho.'p thud'ng dugc tdclr dong bang qu6 trinh nAo? A.Du.a ADN cira c6c tii bdo ra ngoiri m6i trudrrg d6 quan s6t xem tO bio ndo c6 plasmit B.Quan s6t cAc tii bdo bing kinh hi6n vi m6i trudlg chira kh6ng sinh c6 t6c dpng gi6t vi ktruAn thi6u plasmit vi l
- -tkli thfr' \friw 2-2011 Dirp 6m rsn6lr sislEx 424 423 ,tr14 421 422 Cffu 424 423 421 C6u -* L2 I} C C C C D I 31 D x) D C C i) C 32 D ri-- 2 tr) D C B D 33 t- C 1] 3 i_y D B D B 34 B u\ 4 -l-9 l] D B D B 35 A {} A t) 5 D B B l) B A 36 ,i' B 6 I> t\ A B B t) D 37 B x) 7 i,.t A A B A D D 3E x] 8 x3 A f'r A A T) C 39 B tt 9 fl) TJ x\ A Ii C C C 40 D 10 x) !,.t A A I\ C t) C 41 D D i.J 11 il I) A D C A 42 D C 12 A A C D (1 43 g D 13 s-- A (- B D (- C 44 t4 r1 -;- C B C D A t. { 45 L 15 A B C iitr B 46 A 16 1,! l) C C C A C {- L7 t/ D C C C 48 A L\ 18 1) -/d ,: C D C C A 49 A 19 l-$. --'-;. -,{ - C C D D _ +__ 20 {-- 1\ u\ B A ea (- \) B C 2t ,d A C B 'r1 B 52 C C x) A ,r' A C C 53 D 23 \, D C ir- {1 C 5.$ 24 tt !-_ &3 j D D !'t D D 55 25 12 l-t D C D D A A 26 r1 !' l\ ''lt) g\ D B D D 57 __i\_ 27 i6 lJ. 'lt\ t) B i) D B B 28 i.) J() -' d.J t_D .,,- x) B B C B s9 29 tri A,J {\ \- C B C \- 60 i-b dr1 30 i.-t
- r'fti rfuri tlal kila ridnc A,r$r LiN 2 n:tr,t 2{}x'1, Tn*tnq T'}IFT cfuuydru IIIII tl_i $rr pfuann fut1c EQ GIAO DUC VA EAO TAO #8, T'S{{ T'E{{I eaI HQC eryT TRUONG.EAI HQC SU'PHAM HA NQI 2 rnuqmc rupr cuuvnro Th:{ng 2/ 2011 (Ei thi cd 07 trang) M6n thi: TIITNG ANH, Kh6i D .Thd'i gian ldm bdi: 90 phrtt Hg, t6n thf sinh:... Me dd s6: 321 sd uao danh: rsr on GoM s0 cAu GU QUESTIoN I DEN QUESTIoN s0) DANH cHo 1.4,r cA rHi srNH Mark tlte letter A, B, C, or D on your onswer sheet to intlicate the coruect answer to esch of the following questions. 1. A: Don't forget to drop me a line when you settle down. B: Trust me. A. I will. I'll keep you in touch. B. I won't. I'll keep you posted. C. I don't. I'll keep you in totrch. D. I drop you a line when I settle down. 2. This is the biggest exhibition held in Hanoi. C. up to now A. so far B. never D. ever 3' Cynthia: I{i, Victor, do yott think it's possible fbr us to have a talk sometime today? Victor: I'd iove to, but A. I've got a pletty tight schedule today. B. I'm fi'ee now. C. is tomon'ow OK? D. I'm pretty scheduled today. 4. Not once his promises. C. did he keep A. he is keeping B. has he liept D. he keeps 5. Hotel rooms must be by i0 a.m., but luggage may be left with the porter. C. abandoned D. left A. vacated B. evacuated 6' R'eese: Rernember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show tirein how easy-going and personable you are! Kent: A. Thanks. I hope so. B. You see what I am like. Don't worry. C. Wait and see. Thanlcs. D. Thanks. I'll keep that in rnind. 7. He tripped on the stairs and could not faliing. A. r'esist B. prevent C. stop D. avoid 8. No one was abie to explain the of the old custom. A. beginning B. or.igin C. starting point D. reason fuil of 9. FIis sister was for the way in which he had so quickly learned to drive a car. pride admiration A. B. D. jealousy C. surprise 10. Jill: can 1,su save place for rne, please? Nature's calli'g. n1)/ Stranger: A. No ploblem. But the line is rnoving fast. B. Sure. But huny. The line is moving fast. C. Yes, please. But in a minute or so. D. No, I can't. I'm in a huny. 1 1. The bus only stops here to -----=.----- passengers. A. get off B. pick up C. alight D. get on 12. The child was by a lorry on the safetv clossins in the main sfreet
- "l]F f Ciffyfi [0i Hk Su pfuu rliir Dai hQc rioroq Ailh liin 2 nllp ?O1I, Tarrirruq Da irdl that iny university was the best in tire country. I have always 13. A. tlusted D. regarded B. respected C. considered 14. I{er mother asked her to the tabie for the evening ineal. B. put out D. lay A. place C. serve 15. She said that she could not new dress on her small salary. a A. spend D. spare B. save C. afford 16. Cashier: All right. Keep your receipt. If something comes up, you can show it to us and we'll give you a refund. John: B. Thanks. I'11 put it in a safe place. A. OK. I won't use it. D. Thank you. I'll keep it for you. C. You're welcome. See you. 17. When we arlived in Paris it was with rain. C. pouring A. running D. falling B. dropping 18. People living abroad ale not to enter for this competition. A. enabled D. eligible B. permissible C. capable 19. Unfortunately, our local cinema is on the of closing down. A. verge B. hint D. threat C. edge 20. For elderly people, one of the pr6blems by rising prices is the continual increase in heating bills. A. given B. posed D. forced C. pressed 21. Arthur: You've got to be careful next time! Rose: A. I will. I will. Trust mel B. Yes, I have. C. Sure. I have. D. i hope so. 22.I'he price they offered for my car was so low that I it down. A. brouglrt B. called D. shouted C. turned 23.Tbe supervisor's job is to tire work of his particular department. A. overlook B. overlun D. overview C. oversee 24. Our house still remains in after the cyclone. A. good conditions B. a good condition C. the good condition D. good state 25. When his business failed, he starled again fi'onl A. scratch B. blank C. introduction D. beginning 1A It,rt', on life has changed a lot since leaving riniversity. A. outlooi< B. attitude D. purpose C. approach 2l.The exaln in Febniary prepared pupils for the real thing in June. A. false B. mock D. unreal C. fake 28. Whoever of speeding may be fined frorn $100 up to $1,000. C. judged A. convicted B. arrested . D. charged 29.He was always finding with his daughter's friends. A. blame B. lack D. fault C. mistake 30. The numbel of tickets available is by the size of the stadium. A. caused D. associated B. related C. determined Mark tlte sentence (A, B, C or D) thut is the most suitsble completiortfor the set of givett words. 31. what/ hate/ rnost/ answer/ call/ midnight A. What do you hate when you answering a phone call at midnight? B. Wliat I hate the most is answering a phone call at midnight.
- d,L4ry{ftqc ,e ricftq llrufu !.in- ? THFT Chuydru t)Ill h0c Su,pkan 2OrlT, TRrri)?iq nxn.r C. What makes me hate nost to answer.a phone call at niidnight. D. what is hated by most of people is answering a phone call at midnight. hotel/ be/ construction 32. noise/ A. There was so inuch noise as the hotel was still under construction. B. The noise of the hotei was caused by it being in construction. C. The cause of the noise was tirat the hotel being still under construction. D. The noise came fi'om the hotel wirich was being in construction. 33. foolish/ rell lies/ police A. He was too foolish not to tell lies to the police. B. He was so foolish that he tells lies to tire poiice. C. He was very foolish so that he told the police lies. D. He was so foolish as to tell lies to the police. 34. falll obey/ regulations/ disqualification A. If you faii obeying the regulations, you,ll get disqualification. B. Failure to obey the regulations may result in disqualification. c. In case you fail obeying the regulations, you'll have disqualification. D. Failing to obey the regulations may lead to get disqualification. 35. getlimpressiorV first/ meet/ him A. I caused a very good impression when I have first met hirn. B. I got a very good impression of rny first meeting with him. C. I was given a good irnpression as first met him. D. I got such a good impression by my first meeting him. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yolff flIlswer slreet to sltout tlre underlined part tltat neecls correction. 36. Ihe flag is risen at 63A eveqr moming without fail. A. is lisen B. at C. every moming D. without fail 37' The watt is named afterJames Watt, the British engineer who developecl the stearn engine in 1760s. A. The watt B. after' C. the British D. the steam engine 38. They who are willirig to spend the necessary time will find this woi'kshop to a rewarding experience. A. They B. willing C.toa D. rewarding ,n. Ut]tik. oxrrgen, which is chemical changed by our body into calbon dioxicle, nitrogen is merel)r exlialecl back into the air. A. Unlike oxygen B. chemical C. merely D. exhaled back 40. Ahnost medical doctors have had some training in psychology and psychiatry. A. Alnost B. rnedical doctors C. irave had D. training Read the follotttitxg pttssflge and nrark the letter A, B, C, of D on your ansrper sheet to itrdicste the correct strswer to eaclt of tlte questionsfrom 4t to 50, Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best r,vays to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisiols made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how sirnilar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe tirat it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects. Worksheets require defining the ploblem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected bv each decision
- t+rl4t':grLloq9lllfq 4gif liro 2 nr:ur ZO1I, Tnrrdriq T!{Ffi etuuyoru IJIittu[]c $rr pla:rm ?c nrinrerica1valuetoreflectitsr.e]ativeirnportance.Adecisionisrnatirematica values togethei' The altemative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decisio'. Since rnost important problems ale multifaceted, there are several altelnatives to choose from, each with \ unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decisior-rnaki'g procedure is that it permits peopie to deal with more variables than their rninds can generally compr.ehend and temember. On the average, people can keep about set)en ideas in their minds at once. A wor.ksheet can be especialiy useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question "What will I do after graduation?" A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized tlaining, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abload for a year. A decision-naking worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also heip to narrow i/. It is irnporlant to be clear about tire distinction between long-range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a diffelent decision from short-range ones. Focusing on long- range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to "What will I do after graduation that will lead to a successful career?" 41. What does the passage mainly cliscuss? A. A tool to assist in making cornplex decisions. B. A comparison of actual decisions and icleal decisions. C. Resealch on how people make decisions. D' Differences between long-range and shoft-range decision makilg. 42. The word "es.se ntial" i^ paragraph 1 is ciosest in meaning to ---..-. C. beneficial D. fundamental A. introductory B. changeable 43. Of the following steps, whicir occurs before the others in naking a decisiol worksheet? A. Listing the consequences of each solution. B. Calculating a numerical summary of each solution. C. Deciding wirich consequences are most irnportant. D.Writing down all possible solutions. 44. According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that A. has the fewest variables to consider. B. uses the most decision worksheets. C. has the most points assigned to it. D. is agreed to by the greatest number of people. 45. The author organizes paragr.aph 2 by A. describing a process. B. classifying types of worksheets. C. providing historical background. D. explaining a theory. 46' The author states that"On the average, people can keep about seven icJeas in their nzinds at once,, (paragraph 3) to explain that A.most decisions involve seven steps. B.human mental capacity has limitations. solne people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions. C. D.people can learn to keep tnore than seven ideas in their minds with practice. 47.Tbe woLd "srccinct" inparagraph 4 is closest in meaning to ---.--. A. creative B. satisfactory C. personal D. concise 48. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage? A. Proponents (para. 1) B. Optimal (para. 1) C. Variables (para. 3) D. Long-range goals (para. 4 )
- T]iFT Ohuydil to rirl rhii l)al ? nt[c Su ph:rm liigc tidaq Ar,rli liru rclrn 201l?, Tnutrnq [l[Ji "l/" in 49. The worcl paragr"apir 4 ref'ers to probiem worksheet A. C. distinction D. decisioir B. _ 50. Tlre worci "reylJ e" inparagralrh 4 is closest in meaning to D. predict A. ask C. change B. explain Muk the letter A, B, C, or D on yoLr (tnswer sheet to indicste the wo.rd whose stress is placed tlffire:ntly from that of the rest in eaclt of the following questions. D. industlial B. proficiency 51. A. industry C. redundancy D. promise 52. A. advertise B. practise C. advise D. recognition 53. A. conservation C. international B. extinction D. astronomer C. extraordinary A. conservative B. equalize 54. D. property B. parlicular 55. A. approach C. respect Read tlrcfollowing passege and murk tlte letter A, B, C, or D on your ilnswer slteet to ittdicate the correctwordfor each ofthe blanksfrom 56 to 65, INFLUENCES OF TELEVISION Television has changed the lifestyle of people in every industrialized country in the world. In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made. Television,a1thoughnotessential,hasbecomea(n)(56)-partofnrostpeople'slives.itlras become a baby-sitter, an initiator of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of traditions. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that television is not ateaclrerbutasustainer,Tlrepoor(57)-ofprogrammingdoesnotelevatepeopleintogreater (58)-,butrathermaintainsandencouragesthestatusquo. The(59)-1easonfor.the1ackofqualityirrAnredcantelevisionisrelatedtobotht1relristoryofTV programrning development and the economics of TV. Television in America began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first (60)_ with television. Therefore, the close relationship, which the advertisers had with radio programs became the systern fol Arnelican TV. Sponsors not only paid moneyfortirnewithinp1'ogIams'butmanyactuallyproducedtheprograrns.Thus,(61)-fromt1re capita1istic,profit-orientedsectot.ofAmericansociety,televisionispriinari1y(62)-witlr reflectinganc1attractingsocietyratherthan(63)-andexperirrrentirrgwithnewideas.Advet1isers rvant to attract the lalgest viewing audience possible; to do so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than challenging. TelevisiorrinAmericatodayrernains,toa1arge(64)-,witht1resanreor.garrizationandstandalds as it had tirirly years ago. The hope for some evolution and true achievement tolvard improving society will (65)_ reqliire a change in the system. B. mixed (56) A. integral C. fractional D. superior B. quality (57) A. quantity D. product C. effect (58) A. preconception knowledge B. D. feeling C. understanding A. adequate unknown (59) D. primary B. C. inexplicable (60) A. exireiimented c. did B. tried D. made ' (61) B. leaving C. coning A. goiirg D. getting (62) concerned A. interested C. worlied B. D. connected B. innovating (63) A. reflecting D. entertaining C. attracting degree (64) A. extent B. D. amount C. size (65) B. full A. total D. complete C. entire
- [[i kUc $u p[r4m i' Ckuydn Di lhl rkii 2 hec rlenq Aruk Tnur'rrirq TF0F itrrna 2101'1, l.ar.r +;41 Read thefollowitlg passrge and nxark the letter A, B, C, or D on your ansfi)er sll.eet to irtclicctte the correct ottswer to each of the questiotrs from 66 to 75. Ranked as the number one beverage consumed wolldwide, tea takes the lead ovel coffee in botir popularity \ and production with more than 5 rnillion metric tons of tea produced arulually. Although tnuch of this tea is consurned in Asian, European and African countries, the United States drinks its fair share. According to estimates by the Tea Council of the United States, tea is enjoyed by no less than haif of the U.S. population tea drinking has spurred a billion-dollar - on any given day. Black tea or green tea iced, spiced, or instant - Africa and South America and throughout Asia. business with major tea producers in Tea is made from the leaves of an evergreen plant, Camellia sinensis, which grows tall and lush in tropical regions. On tea plantation, the plant is kept trimmed to approximately four feet high and as new buds called flush appear, they are plucked off by hand. Even in today's world of modern agricultural machinery, hand harvesting continues to be the prefened method. Ideally, only the top two leaves and a bud sirould be picked. This new glowth produces the highest quality tea. After being harvested, tea leaves are laid out on long drying racks, called withering racks, for 18 to 20 hours. During this process, the tea softens and becomes limp. Next, depending on the type of tea being produced, the leaves may be cnrshed or chopped to release flavor, and then fermented under controlled conditions of heat and hurnidity. For green tea, the whole leaves are often stearred to retain their green color, and the fermentation process is skipped. Ploducing black teas requires fennentation during which the tea leaves begin to dalken. After fermentation, black tea is dried in vats to produce its rich brown or black color. No one knows when or how tea became popular, but legend has it that tea as a beverage was discovered in 27378.C. by Emperor Shen Nung of China when leaves from a Camellia dropped into his drinking water as it was boiling over a file. As the story goes, Emperor Shen Nung dlank tire resulting liquid and proclaimed the drink to be most nourishing and refreshing. Though this account cannot be documented, it is thought that tea drin-king probably originated in China and spread to other'parts of Asia, then to Europe, and ultimately to America colonies around 1650. With about iralf the caffeine content as coffee, tea is often chosen by those who want to reduce, but not necessarily eliminate theil caffeine intake. Some people find tirat tea is less acidic than coffee and therefbre easier on the stomach. Others have become interested in tea dlinking since the National Cancer Institute published its findings on the antioxidant properties of tea. But whether tea is enjoyed for its perceived health benefits, its flavor,'br as a social drink, teacups continue to be filled daily with the world's mos: popular beverage. 66. Why does the author include statistics on the arnount of tea produced, sold and consumed? A. To shor,v the expense of processing such a large quantity of tea. B. To explain why colfee is not the nost popular beverage worldwide. C. To demonstrate tea's popularity. D. To impress the reader with factual sounding information. 67. Based on the passage, what is inipiied about tea halvesting? A. It is totaliy done with the assistance of modern agricultural machinery. B. It is no longer done in China. C. The method has remained nearly the same for a long tirle. D. The method involves trimrning the uppennost branches of the plant. 68. Wirat does the word "they" in paraglaph? of the passage refer to? C. evelgreen plants B. ne'w buds A. tea pickers D. tropical regions 69. Which of the following is NO f true about the tea production process? A. Black tea develops its dark color during fermentation and final dtying.
- T$iPlqr!y'q$l h[c 5,rr ph:rr'r rirrl. r)ti hoc rienq /Iruir lta:2 r*rn: ?,oln, Tnrri)r,:q ui rid B. Gleen tea requires a long felmentation proccss. C. Green tea is often steamed to keep its color. D. Black tea goes th-ror-rgir two dlying phases dtiring production. 70. The word "documented" in palagraph 4 cor.rid be best replaced by which of the lollowirig wofd? B. ploved D. kept C. stored A. ignored 71. According to the passage, what is true about the origin of tea drinking? A. It began during tire Shen Nung dynasty' B. it may have begun some time around 1650. C. It is unknown when tea fir'st becatne popular. in Europe. D. It was originally produced fi.om camillia plants 12. Theword "eliminate" in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by which of following word? B. increase C. reduce D. remove A. decrease 73. According to the passage, wliich may be the reason why someone would choose to drink tea instead of coffee? A. Because it's easier to digest than coffee. B. Because it has a higher nutritional content than coffee. C. Because it helps prevent cancer. it has more caffeine than coffee. D. Because 74. Where in the passage does the author mention research conducted on the beneficial effects of tea drini
- TAC tsQ GISIC D\JC VA fiA0 R - TRU',CvNG DAt HQC SU PI-IAM HA Nql TRLTCING TI4 PT' C}.i UYFN pAp nn TH{ TIEI\G ANF{ DOT. 2 T'X{U, BAT F{OC Aru aaa ThdnE 212Vffi Ma d6 thi Ma de thi stt stt 322 323 322 324 323 321 321 324 A C B C 41 B B B B 1 A 42 A D D D 2 D D D A A 43 A C B B D 3 D c A A 44 4 C B B B B c A A 45 B B C 5 C B c A 46 A 6 B D B B D c A 47 7 D D D C D D A 48 8 B B B B D B D I c A A A A 49 B B D c c c 50 10 C C B C D c A A B B 51 D D D 11 c A A A 12 52 D B B B c c c A A 53 13 B D C A A A 14 54 D B B D D A A 55 15 C C B D D B A A A B 56 16 C D D D 17 57 C B C B B B D B .A c A 58 C C C D D 1B A A 59 19 B B C D B D A A A A 20 60 D B D D c A A C 21 61 C D B B A oz A A 22 C B D D D B, A A A A 23 C C D OJ A A 64 24 C C B B D D A 25 65 B B C B D B B c A A 26 A A 66 C D B A 27 67 C B B D B C B t- A A 28 6B B B D C B A 29 69 C D D B C D D c A A A 30 A 70 C B C c A B C B 71 C D 31 B c c A JZ A 72 D D B A A A JJ 73 D B D B B A A A 34 B 74 D D C D A 35 75 C B B D C B B c A A A A A 36 76 B C A A A 77 37 C D D C D c A A A A 78 38 B C D A 79 39 C C C B D B B

.....đề thi thử đại học môn Văn dành cho các bạn luyện thi khối C & Dđề thi thử đại học môn Văn dành cho các bạn luyện thi khối C & D
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