Phần Introduction to the Internet của bài giảng Tin học đại cương trình bày các nội dung chính sau: Contents, Concepts & History, Protocol, TCP/IP, Connecting to the Internet, Proxy, Internet Services, World Wide Web, Internet Explorer, Electronic Mail, Information Searching, E-commerce, Computer Viruses.
38p talata_1 30-10-2014 48 4 Download
The first humanlike creatures appeared in Africa four million years ago. Early humans left no written records. Without such records, archaeologists and anthropologists have had to rely on fossils, artifacts, and skeletal remains to develop theories about their lives. Researchers have concluded that the earliest humans lived as hunters and gatherers and focused on basic needs. Only millions of years later did they develop the skills and tools necessary to engage in agriculture and to build the first civilizations.
87p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 73 10 Download
The diverse geography of the Americas resulted in the emergence of many varied and highly advanced civilizations. The following will be discussed in this chapter: The peoples of North America, early civilizations in Mesoamerica, early civilizations in South America.
89p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 69 12 Download
Early Greek civilization consisted of many small, independent city-states. Trade led to Greek colonies, and Greek civilization gradually spread throughout the Mediterranean world. This chapter includes contents: Early civilizations in Greece, the Greek City-States, classical Greece, the culture of Classical Greece, Alexander and the Hellenistic Era.
161p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 83 11 Download
The religion of Islam arose in the Arabian Peninsula and gave birth to an Arab empire and a rich civilization. This chapter includes contents: The rise of Islam, the Arab empire and its Successors, Islamic civilization, the culture of Islam.
134p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 53 10 Download
The years from 400 to 1500 in Asia were marked by periods of invasions and civil wars, interspersed with periods of unification, expanding trade, and economic prosperity. The topics discussed in this chapter are: China reunified, the Mongols and China, early Japan and Korea, India after the Guptas, civilization in southeast Asia.
149p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 64 10 Download
Chapter 2 describes the rise of civilizations in a region stretching from the Persian Gulf to Egypt and from Asia Minor to central Asia. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Civilization begins in Mesopotamia, Egyptian civilization, new centers of Civilization, the rise of new empires.
150p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 55 9 Download
In Africa, as in other parts of the world, civilization emerged in areas where farming was mastered. Some African civilizations later became wealthy by trading ivory, gold, iron, salt, and other goods. Migration and the spread of Islam were also important in the development of African societies.
109p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 52 9 Download
In the High Middle Ages, Europe saw explosive urban growth, a revival of trade, and an emboldened Catholic Church. Yet catastrophic setbacks followed in the form of plague, economic collapse, and war. Christianity remained a focus of European life, but centuries of confrontation with the monarchies left the Church weakened.
145p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 53 9 Download
In India, small kingdoms gave way to a series of empires that unified the region and took advantage of India's position along major trade routes. Similarly, ancient Chinese dynasties unified the large population and expanded the Chinese empire. This chapter includes contents: Early civilizations in India, new empires in India, early Chinese civilizations, rise and fall of Chinese empires.
157p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 59 8 Download
A new European civilization emerged in which monarchs competed for supremacy with the nobility and the Roman Catholic Church. The Byzantine Empire became the seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church and developed its own unique civilization.
149p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 61 8 Download
Ancient Rome ruled the Mediterranean and developed a system of law and justice that is still recognized today. Increasing internal instability eventually transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Weakened by internal unrest and plagued by invaders, Rome collapsed in 410 A.D.
150p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 58 7 Download
Purposes: The purpose of the dissertation is to determine the position and role of the Reconstruction era from 1863 to 1877 for the development of the United States.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 14 5 Download
This research aims to clarify the move and development of the relations between Korea and Japan in the period 1980–2013 on the economic and political aspects. On the basis of this clarification, some characteristics are learnt, and the impacts of these relations on each stakeholder as well as the countries in North-East Asia are evaluated.
24p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 18 2 Download
The objective of this thesis is to clarify the evolution of India’s relationship with some Southeast Asian countries in the field of politics - diplomacy in the period 1947-1964. Based on that, we draw on the achievements, limitations and characteristics as well as analyze the impact of this relationship on the development of both sides and regions.
24p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 15 2 Download
The thesis analyzes the historical context and main reasons leading to the Spanish conquest of the Philippines and implementation of the "closed door" and "open-door" policy in this colony; analyze the impacts and consequences of these policies for Spain and the Philippines during the study period.
28p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 23 4 Download
Objectives of the study: The studying purpose of the topic is to clarify the status of the cooperation relationship between Hua Phan Province and Thanh Hoa Province from 1986 to 2017, on that basis, to draw achievements, limitations, characteristics and some lessons learned to contribute to strengthening the relationship of two parties in the coming years.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 22 5 Download
Objectives of the study: The studying purpose of the topic is to clarify the status of the cooperation relationship between Hua Phan Province and Thanh Hoa Province from 1986 to 2017, on that basis, to draw achievements, limitations, characteristics and some lessons learned to contribute to strengthening the relationship of two parties in the coming years.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 17 4 Download
This paper seeks to explore how the international community and especially India can coordinate and cooperate with Bangladesh to deal with what is being considered the biggest refugee crisis of the 21st century.
10p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 13 2 Download
The aim of this paper is to apply the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) as a multi-criteria decision making tool to form the all-time best World XI Test cricket team while taking into consideration over 2600 cricketers participated in Test matches for more than 100 years of cricket history.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 24 0 Download