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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11: UNIT 11 SOURCES OF ENERG-READING

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Nội dung Text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11: UNIT 11 SOURCES OF ENERG-READING

  1. UNIT 11 SOURCES OF ENERGY PART A: READING A.OBJECTIVES: Aims : - Helping students to understand the importance of saving energy and using alternative sources of energy. - Helping students to use the words related to the sources of energy through reading and writing. Vocabulary : fossil fuels, alternative, nuclear energy, geothermal heat/energy, solar power/panel, potential, to release, to create, exhausted, limited, plentiful, infinite Teaching Aids: pictures of sources of energy; projector (if available); textbook B.PROCEDURE:
  2. T Contents T & Ss’activities  Teacher may use the I). WARM UP: (5 MINUTES) Al the pictures should show different pictures in the Unit 11 kinds of producing energy, such as Textbook page 124, or wind power, solar energy, provides some mores hydroelectric plant, etc. pictures on cardboard or by projector.  Write the words of different  Students look at the sources of energy on the board and ask pictures on the board students to match the words with the  Check the results and right pictures. correct them if necessa(or in their books) and try to distainguish the sources of energy.
  3.  II). PRE-READING: (10 minutes) Exchange with their partners and match the - What do we need energy for? words given with the right - What kind of energy is the most pictures. popular in Vietnam?  Ss Listen to the teacher's 1.Vocabulary: fossil fuels(n) : nhien liêụ hoá thạch comments and repeat the alternative (a): thay th ê words. nuclear energy (n) : n ăng l ư ơng  Teacher explains some nguy ên t ư important words using geothermal heat/energy(n) : h ơi nong pictures or giving meaning đ ịa nhi êt (some words need to be solar power/panel(n): Tam thu năng l described in Vietnamese, ư ơng m ăt trơì especially to students of potential (n) Tiem n ăng lower-level classes).  to release (v) th ải ra Teacher ask these to create(v) : t ạo ra questions and has students
  4. exhausted(a) c ạn ki ẹt work in groups before giving their answers:  limited,(v) plentiful(a) Students get to understand infinite(v) these words: fossil fuels; alternative; Suggested answers: solar panel; dam; nuclear; - We need energy to light and warm available; potential; limited; our houses, run automobiles and other unlimited machines, operate factories, and so on.  Students copy the words - The most popular kind of energy in in their notebooks after the Vietnam is from oil. We also use teacher's corection on the power produced by hydroelectric board. plants. (25  Students work in groups III). WHILE READING: MINUTES) discussing the teacher's 1.Task 1:The words in the box questions. all appear in the passage .Fill in the  Teacher has students
  5. blank with a suitable word( Use listen to the recording of the dictionary when necessary) passage two times, then read it in silence. (Teacher Suggested answers: should go round to check 1. released 2. alternative 3. energy and give help where necessary.)  Students discuss Task 1 4. limited 5. exhausted with their partners. 2.Task 2: Scan the passage and write  Teacher has students down the advatages and disadvantages work in pairs and complete of each altenative source of energy Task 1 (pp. 125 - 126, Textbook).  Teacher has students work in pairs studying the Suggested answers: table in Task 2 (pp. 126, Textbook) and then Sources Advantages Disadvant. discussing the advantages
  6. Nuclear unlimited dangerous and  Students listen to the Solar Plentiful and infinite, clean Not strong enough at recording and then read the present text in silence.  Students discuss the table Water clean expensive Wind Clean, safe not always with their partners and try to available find the answers to Task 2. Geothermal Clean Not available  Students reread the text *Task 3: Answer the questions: 1. How many sources of energy are and group work to find the mentioned in the passage? What are answers. they? 2. In your opinion, which one is the most potential? Why?  Teacher has students read Suggested answers: 1.These sources of energy are the passage again then ask
  7. mentioned in the passage: fossil fuels, them to work in groups in nuclear, geothermal, solar, water, and order to work out the wind power. answers to theses questions: 2. In my opinion, solar energy is the most potential because it is clean, safe and not expensive, and people can get it almost everywhere on earth. (There can be different answers to this  Students reread the text questions.) IV). POST-READING: (5 minutes) and group work to find the  Teacher has students work in pairs answers. and complete the summary of the text on pages 126&127 in Textbook. Suggested answer: 1. energy 2. one 3. fuels 4. limited
  8. 5. alternative 6. sources 7. unlimited  8. environment Students read the summary and discuss the completion with their partners.  Homework: Teacher has students write a short paragraph to express their own choice of the alternative source of energy including some reasons for their choice.



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