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Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm THPT: Một số kinh nghiệm trong công tác dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi văn hóa môn tiếng Anh ở trường THPT thông qua ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin

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Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi cần phải tìm tòi ra phương pháp dạy một cách phù hợp để học sinh của mình giải quyết các dạng bài của đề thi một cách hiệu quả nhất. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài viết dưới đây để nắm nội dung của sáng kiến kinh nghiệm!

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Nội dung Text: Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm THPT: Một số kinh nghiệm trong công tác dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi văn hóa môn tiếng Anh ở trường THPT thông qua ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin

  1. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO AN GIANG CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM TRƯỜNG THPT CHÂU VĂN LIÊM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc ------------------------- ------------------------------ An Giang, ngày 22 tháng 02 năm 2018 BÁO CÁO Kết quả thực hiện giải pháp tác nghiệp I. Sơ lược lý lịch tác giả: - Họ và tên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Nữ - Ngày tháng năm sinh: 18/02/1972 - Nơi thường trú: 565, Âp Thị 1, Thị Trấn Mỹ Luông, Huyện Chợ Mới, tỉnh An Giang - Đơn vị công tác: THPT Châu Văn Liêm - Chức vụ hiện nay: Tổ trưởng tổ Ngoại Ngữ - Trình độ chuyên môn: Tốt Nghiệp Đại Học Sư Phạm - Lĩnh vực công tác: dạy tiếng Anh II. Sơ lược đặc điểm tình hình đơn vị 1. Thuận lợi: a. Được sự quan tâm sâu sát của lãnh đạo các cấp ở địa phương, sự chỉ đạo kịp thời của các cấp ngành giáo dục, ban lãnh đạo nhà trường trong công tác day – học trong công tác giáo dục mũi nhọn. b. Bản thân có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong chuyên môn, tích lũy được trong quá trình công tác đặc biệt là việc giảng dạy theo phát triển năng lực của người học. c. Công nghệ thông tin phát triển rất đa dạng rất có lợi cho công tác giảng dạy đặc biệt là giảng dạy học sinh giỏi văn hóa. 2. Khó khăn a. Học sinh: một số em học rất sợ học bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi vì các em phải học đều hết cả 4 kỹ năng: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing và cả Language use cả tự luận và trắc nghiêm trong khi nội của kỳ thi TNTHPTQG tập trung phần lớn vào Language use, Writing và 2 câu speaking chỉ ở hình thức trắc nghiệm. b. Chương trình: nội dung chương trình giáo khoa dành cho ban cơ bản của Bộ Giáo Dục chỉ gói gọn trong ba quyển sách giáo khoa dành cho lớp 10,11, và 12, thiếu sách tham khảo cho công tác giáo dục mũi nhọn. 3. Tên sáng kiến: một số kinh nghiệm trong công tác dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi văn hóa môn tiếng Anh ở trường THPT thông qua ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 1 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  2. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 4. Lĩnh vực: giải pháp tác nghiệp III. Mục đích yêu cầu của sáng kiến 1. Thực trạng ban đầu trước khi áp dụng sáng kiến: 1.1 Thực trạng tình hình dạy học hiện nay - Một số bộ phận trường học hiện nay còn dạy học chạy theo thành tích, ít chú ý đến việc phát triển năng lực cho học sinh. - Một số trường học cũng thay đổi phương pháp giảng dạy, tuy nhiên chỉ chú ý đến hình thức mà không quan tâm đến vấn đề chất trong quá trình đổi mới. 1.2 Thực trạng việc giảng dạy môn tiếng Anh: - Vẫn còn tình trạng dạy ngoại ngữ theo phương pháp truyền thống mặc dù đang thực hiện đổi mới phương pháp giảng dạy trong giai đoạn hội nhập khu vực, hội nhập quốc tế. - Viêc giảng dạy mang tính hàn lâm, lý thuyết, nên học sinh sau khi học xong chương trình vẫn chưa áp dụng điều đã học vào trong thực tế. - Viêc dạy học theo định hướng năng lực, đăc biệt là dạy 4 kỹ năng Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing và cả Language use vẫn còn hạn chế, chưa có những bước tiến nhiều trong việc dạy kỹ năng cho học sinh. 2.Sự cần thiết phải áp dụng kiến Bài thi học sinh giỏi văn hóa môn tiếng Anh đòi hỏi học sinh cả hai kỹ năng làm bài trắc nghiệm và tự luận. Hơn nữa học sinh phải hiểu và vận dụng được kiến thức ngôn ngữ để giải quyết các dạng bài tập ở 4 kỹ năng Listening, Speaking, Reading, và Writing. Hơn nữa, trong công tác giáo dục mũi nhọn này, muốn đạt kết quả tốt đòi hỏi người thầy phải hệ thống các mảng kiến thức và học sinh phát phát huy tính tự học cao nhất. Từ thực tế này, người giáo viên dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi cần phải tìm tòi ra phương pháp dạy một cách phù hợp để học sinh của mình giải quyết các dạng bài của đề thi một cách hiệu quả nhất. Chính vì lý do này tôi nhận thấy thật là cần thiết để áp dụng sáng kiến ―Một số kinh nghiệm trong công tác dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi văn hóa môn tiếng Anh ở trường THPT thông qua ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin.‖ 3. Nội dung sáng kiến a. Tiến trình thực hiện - Nguồn học sinh: ngay sau khi trường tôi có kết quả thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 và ban tuyển sinh sắp xếp lớp cho học sinh khối 10, tôi tiến hành rà soát điểm số thi tiếng Anh của các em, sau đó tôi liên hệ với ban tuyển sinh xem các học sinh đạt điểm cao môn tiếng Anh có từng là học sinh giỏi ở bậc Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 2 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  3. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 THCS hay không. Bước kế tiếp tôi nhờ giáo viên bộ môn cho các em học này đăng ký vào đội bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi của trường. - Kế hoạch giảng dạy: lập kế hoạch cụ thể cho quá trình giảng dạy + Dạy phần kiến thức ngôn ngữ trước + Sau đó dạy kỹ năng: nghe, nói, đọc và viết ( riêng kỹ năng nghe và nói tôi hướng dẫn học sinh tự học thông qua trang web của cá nhân - - Phát huy tính tự học của học sinh: các em tự hoc các nội dung tôi yêu cầu thông qua trang web của tôi - - Kiểm tra đánh giá học sinh: tôi sử dụng 2 hình thức: online và offline + Online: tôi truy cập vào trang web đê kiểm tra việc làm bài của học sinh và feedback trực tiếp cho học sinh + Offline: sửa bài hàng tuần và cho kiểm tra định kỳ - 6 tuần / lần) b. Thời gian thực hiện: Đề tài này được tôi thực hiện trng 2 năm: năm học 2016 – 2017 và năm học 2017 – 2018 đối với các em học sinh: Nguyễn Đỗ Ngọc Hòa, Võ Thanh Hương, Phan Thị Thúy Kiều, Trần Lam Linh, Phạm Hữu Lộc, Trịnh Thị Quỳnh Như, Võ Anh Thơ, Nguyễn Cao Minh Thư của lớp 10A1. c. Biện pháp tổ chức: c1. Chọn và thành lập đội tuyển: Tôi cho học sinh đăng ký tự nguyện với điều kiện điểm thi tiếng Anh trong kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 phải đạt tối thiểu 8 điểm, khuyến khích cho các học từng tham gia kỳ thi học sinh giỏi văn hóa môn tiếng Anh ở bậc trung học cơ sở. Trên cơ sở đó, tôi tiến hành dạy ngay sau khi các em ổn định lớp(khoảng trung tuần tháng 9 hàng năm). Tiến hành kiểm tra đánh giá theo định kỳ, tôi chọn ra được 3 học sinh cho đội tuyển của mình: Võ Thanh Hương, Nguyễn Đỗ Ngọc Hòa và Nguyễn Cao Minh Thư(tất cả là học sinh của lớp 11A1) c2.Xây dựng kế hoạch Tôi tiến hành xây dựng kế hoạch ngay sau khi cho học đăng ký học lớp học bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi của trường với tiêu chí là phải có ít nhất một học sinh đạt giải học sinh giỏi văn hóa cấp tỉnh. Kế hoạch giảng day được chia thành 5 phần chinh c3. Nội dung bồi dưỡng Các dạng bài tập kỹ năng dành cho việc dạy bồi dưỡng và tiếp cận đề thi thực tế c3.1: Các dạng bài tập kỹ năng dành cho việc dạy bồi dưỡng A. Dạng 1: lexico – grammar Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 3 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  4. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 Dạng vocabulary, grammar and structures Bài tập 1: Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete each blank. 1. You can‘t believe a word that woman says – she is a …………. liar. A. dedicated B. devoted C. committed D. compulsive 2. There can be no ……….. fixes or magic solutions to the problem of unemployment. A. fast B. speedy C. quick D. sudden 3. When you come down the hill, do drive slowly because it is not ……….. obvious when the turning is. A.immediately B. directly C. instantaneously D. quite 4. At her trial in 1431 Joan of Are was accused of being in ………with the devil. A.cooperation B. association C. league D. conjunction 5. The flights are full at the moment, so you‘ll have to …………. A. run a stroke of luck B. get a better luck C. be down on your luck D. take pot luck 6. I heard ………….. that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team. A. in the woods B. on the grapevine C. under your feet D. on the olive branch 7. Jane really …....... it on thick when she told the boss that she was not feeling very well. Unfortunately for her, he realized immediately that she just wanted the afternoon off. A. put B. spread C. laid D. painted 8. I have not got the foggiest …………… why he left so suddenly. He did not give a reason. A. opinion B. idea C. notion D. thought 9. Many habitats change ………… the types of plants and animals that live there. A. with respect to B. in respect for C. as for D. as against 10. Unfortunately, some really ill animals have to be ……..………by the center. A. put down B. turned over C. passed away D. taken out 11. John first dabbled …………buying old maps for his collection. A. in B.on C. at D. for 12. It is a matter of urgency to put right at once but nothing suitable …… mind. A. returns B. emerges C. sprouts D. springs 13. The door hinges had all been oiled to stop them …………….…… A. squeaking B. screeching C. shricking D. squealing Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 4 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  5. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 14. You should ………. at least three days for the journey. A. expect B. permit C. accept D. allow 15. Few people can do creative work unless the are in the right ……..of mind. A. frame B.trend C. attitude D. tendency 16. All the applicants for the post are thoroughly ……..…..for their suitability. A. searched B. investigated C. vetted D. scrutinized 17. ―I think we ought to see the rest of the exhibition as quickly as we can, ……… that it closes in half an hour.‖ A. granted B. assuming C. given D. knowing 18. Eden decided that election to the local council would provide a ……………….…. .to a career in national politics. A. springboard B.turning-point C. milestone D. highway 19. I was …………………….in the book I was reading and didn‘t hear the phone. A.distracted B. submerged C. gripped D. engrossed 20. It is very important to check the ………………... print in any contract. A. little B. tiny C. small D. minute ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- trường chuyên phú thọ) Đáp án 1. D 6. B 11. A 16. C 2. C 7. C 12. D 17. C 3. A 8. B 13. A 18. A 4. C 9. A 14. D 19. D 5. D 10. A 15. A 20. C Bài tập 2: Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete each blank. 1. As we approached the house, I had a ______ that something terrible had happened. A. prediction B. forethought C. premonition D. anticipation 2. Cable TV revolutionized communications; ______, the very existence of that service is now threatened by satellites. A. moreover B. consequently C. eventually D. nevertheless 3. The strike was ______ owing to a last-minute agreement with the management. A. broken up B. called off C. come through D. set back 4. William crept ______ on Lisa and put his hands over her eyes. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 5 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  6. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 A. up B. on C. off D. by 5. I know you have been working very hard today. Let's ________ and go home. A. pull my leg B. call it a day C. put your back up D. pros and cons 6. She ________ on the computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest. A. has worked B. has been working C. was working D. had been working 7. _______ their heads in his direction, he knew they were interested. A. Seeing them both turn B. On seeing they both turn C. When he saw them both to turn D. After seeing them both to have turned 8. Helen was ________ disappointed when she learnt that she hadn‘t won the beauty contest. A. seriously B. bitterly C. strongly D. heavily 9. ____ is that a chicken stands up to lay its eggs. A. Many people don‘t realize B. What many people don‘t realize C. It is that many people don‘t realize D. Because many people don‘ realize 10. Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the atmosphere when_____ , while it is only in the atmosphere that chlorofluorocarbons find their home. A. by releasing emissions from cars B. released from car emissions C. cars that release emissions D. emissions are released by cars 11. The match will be screened on TV with _________ commentary by Any Gray. A. lively B. live C. alive D. living 12. I know you didn‘t want to upset me but I‘d sooner you _________ me the whole truth yesterday. A. could have told B. told C. have told D. had told 13. As the drug took _________, the patient became quieter. A. effect B. force C. influence D. action 14. The dawn redwood appears ____ some 100 million years ago in northern forests around the world. A. was flourished B. having to flourish C. to have flourished D. have flourished 15. His comments _________ little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case. A. reflect B. bear C. give D. possess 16. All _____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 6 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  7. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 17. It is urgent that this letter _____ immediately. A. was posted B. posted C. be posted D. be post 18. John: This grammar test is the hardest one we‘ve ever had this semester! Mary: _____ but I think it‘s quite easy. A. I couldn‘t agree more B. I understand what you‘re saying C. You‘re wrong D. I don‘t see in that way 19. It is only recently that ballets have been based on the themes _____ American life. A. reflecting B. reflects C. is reflecting D. reflected 20. I wish you‘d do the accounts. I don‘t have ________ for numbers. A. a head B. a mind C. the heart D. the nerve ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- trường chuyên cao bằng) Đáp án 1C 6D 11B 16D 2D 7A 12D 17C 3B 8B 13A 18B 4A 9B 14C 19A 5B 10B 15B 20A Bài tập 3: Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete each blank. 1. Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to a______ A. delay B. stand C. brake D. halt 2. John refused to put his career in ______by opposing his boss. A. jeopardy B. hazard C. risk D. stake 3. Angela‘s work was praised for its ______attention to detail. A. meticulous B. significant C. subtle D. concentrated 4. Motorists should ______well in advance of changing lanes. A. sign B. signal C. flare D. flicker 5. The students had no money left and took out a loan to _______ him over until the end of term. A. last B. tend C. keep D. tide 6. The climbers sought ________from the storm. A. escape B. refuge C. solace D. defence 7. The tour guide had a brightly-colored company badge pinned to the _______of her jacket. A. lapel B. border C. edge D. hem Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 7 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  8. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 8. It was her first conference as partly leader, and she was determined to _______her authority on the proceedings. A. press B. thrust C. stamp D. mark 9. It was ______of a surprise to Andrew that he got the job. A. rather B. something C. quite D. much 10. The last bus had gone so we were ______ with the problem of how to get home that night. A. affronted B. caught C. trapped D. faced 11. I don‘t want to go into all the details about why I left; _______it to say that had a better offer from another company. A. take B. grant C. give D. suffice 12. Finish your meal with a cup of our delicious freshly ________coffee. A. grated B. ground C. shredded D. minced 13. At the most important stage of the reason, the footballer was troubled by the ______of an old injury. A. recurrence B. renewal C. restart D. resumption. 14. The pianist played beautifully, showing a real _______for the music. A. sense B. understanding C. sentiment D. feeling 15. Rachel painted a gloomy _____ of life as a student. A. image B. picture C. drawing D. illustration 16. With its engine disabled, the finishing vessel was at the _______of the storm. A. whim B. mercy C. control D. grip 17. The more expensive carpet is a good choice ______it will last longer. A. by means of B. due to C. in that D. in view of 18. Money was short and people survived by _______and saving. A. scrimping B. scavenging C. scouring D. scrounging 19. The company had severe problems and the board decided to ______it up. A. fold B. close C. wind D. put 20. It is with _______regret that we have to inform you that your scholarship had been withdrawn. A. heavy B. somber C. deep D. high ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- trường chuyên lào cai) Đáp án: 1.D 6.B 11.D 16.B Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 8 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  9. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 2.A 7.A 12.B 17.C 3.A 8.C 13.A 18.A 4.B 9.B 14.D 19.C 5.D 10.D 15.B 20.C Bài tập 4: Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete each blank. 1. When it comes to the _______, Alice always supports her friends. A. point B. crunch C. crisis D. finale 2. Richard started the race well but ran out of _______ in the later stages. A. power B. steam C. force D. effort 3. The winter is usually mild, although we sometimes get a cold________ at the beginning of the year. A. spell B. term C. interval D. wave 4. Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to a _______ A. delay B. stand C. brake D. halt 5. It was _______ of a surprise to Andrew that he got the job. A. rather B. something C. quite D. much 6. Please don‘t_______ it a miss if I make a few suggestions for improvements. A. think B. assume C. take D. judge 7. He left the meeting early on the unlikely _______ that he had a sick friend to visit. A. claim B. excuse C. pretext D. motive 8. The girl felt _______ with hunger. A. faintly B. fainting C. fainted D. faint 9. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather _______for the first few days of the holiday. A. self-confident B. self-centred C. self-conscious D. self-evident 10. Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no_______ improvement in her condition. A. decipherable B. legible C. discernible D. intelligible 11. Nobody has any firm information, so we can only_________ on what caused the accident. A. guess B. contemplate C. speculate D. assume 12. Cars have been banned from the city center, which makes the area much safer for _________. A. passer-by B. onlookers C. footmen D. pedestrians 13. When I realized that I‘d left my homework at home, I quickly_________ back to get it. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 9 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  10. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 A. crept B. dashed C. crawled D. drifted 14. The text doesn‘t give you the answer explicitly- you have to _________it from the evidence. A. convert B. grasp C. reckon D. deduce 15. They will need time to _________ the proposals we have submitted. A. lash out B. scroll over C. shrivel D. mull over 16. Their decision on whether I get the job or not will be based mostly on my academic _________. A. credentials B. outstanding C. credits D. credibility 17. Retirement ages for men and women are currently at the center of a(n) _________debate. A. scorching B. fiery C. flamed D. exploded 18. The new science teacher was popular because she was _________with her classes. A. lenient B. conductive C. marked D. ameliorating 19. If she wins the prize again this year, it‘ll be a real _________in her cap. A. nutshell B. gemstone C. feather D. landmark 20. The inn owner was so generous. What we consumed was _________the house. A. on B. in C. off D. of ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- trường chuyên yên bái) Đáp án 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 B B A D B C C D C 0. C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. C D B D D A B A C A Dạng word form Bài tập 5: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the words in the brackets. 1. He suffered a(n) _______________________ brain tumour. (OPERATE) 2. Dr.Smith, a famous ____________________, has just published a book about murder. (CRIME) 3. The refugees slept in ____________________ tents at the side of the road. (MAKE) 4. I was _______________ by Jame‘s loud and aggressive voice and so, chose to remain silent throughout the discussion. (TIMID) 5. One of the _______________ of unemployment is an increase in crime. (PRODUCE) Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 10 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  11. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 6. Hundreds of accidents were reported to have been caused by serial motorway ______________ (PILE) 7. The ceremony marked the Queen‘s _________________ and the time she started to rule. (THRONE) 8. The report is still ______________ but it is already clear that these officers are involved in drug smuggling. (FRAGMENT0 9. __________________ especially among retired people in the USA is on the increase. (VOLUNTEER) 10. Her attempts to help the needy were ___________________ but rather ineffective. (MEAN) ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- trường chuyên phú thọ) Đáp án: 1. inoperable 6. piles-up 2. criminologist 7. enthronement 3. makeshift 8. fragmentary 4. intimidated 9. volunteerism 5. by-products 10. well-meaning Bài tập 6: Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. (10 points) The courteous smile of an author selling books, signing copies or chatting on television shows can be DECEIVE (1)____________. Behind the scenes of the book tour that has become as much as a part of the modern bestseller as print and paper, the writer may be a (2)_______________for a Golden Dartboard Award. CONTEND This is the Oscar for authors (3)_________________behaving ALLEGE badly, an informal award nominated by the weary, sometimes (4)________________, publicity and sales. They call TRAUMA themselves (5) ―________________‖ and ―wet nurses‖ as BABY they tend to the fragile egos and(6)________________ CONVENTION demands of authors freed from their word processors. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 11 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  12. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 Among the most feared (7) _____________for the publicists ASSIGN are the feminist writer who is remember for yelling at her publicists in public and in (8)_______________language, and COLOUR the thriller writer whose publicists report that they have instructions from his publisher to speak only when spoken to. One (9)_______________of a tour with him, who nominated SURVIVE him for a Golden Dartboard, says: ― he treats us all as his inferiors‖. However, publicists on his most recent tour say that he was an absolute (10)_________________to work with. ENJOY (đề thi đề xuất năm học 2016 – 2017 của trường chuyên cao bằng) Đáp án: 1. deceptive 6. unconventional 2. contender 7. assignments 3. allegedly 8. colourful 4. tramautised/traumatized 9. survivor 5. babysitters 10. joy Bài tập 7: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed words in the numbered spaces provided. THE CAT The (0) domesticated cat, more commonly referred to as the (0) DOMESTIC house cat, is the smallest member of the (1) ________feline 1. EXTEND family. Like their wild cousins, house cats (2) _______have 2. streamlined bodies, classically shaped skulls, elongated tails CHARACTER and specially evolved teeth and claws. 3. POTENT All of these physical attributes contribute to the (3) _______of the cat as a carnivorous predator. House cats, like their larger 4. AGILE relatives found in the wild, are renowned for their acute sense 5. GRACE of balance, amazing (4) _______and lithe, (5) ______ movements. 6. HABIT In contrast to man‘s best friend the dog, cats are not considered to be social animals in the sense that they have never (6) 7. CREATE _______travelled in packs or adopted leaders. Dogs, on the 8. READY Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 12 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  13. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 other hand, which have always been social (7)________, seem to have been better suited for the fireside hearth as they (8) 9. DEPEND _______transferred their allegiance from the leader of the canine pack to their human master. 10. PREFER This interesting fact may offer an answer as to why cats appear to be so much more (9) _______ and self-reliant than dogs. Dog owners often cite the cat‘s innate aloofness as adequate reason for their own personal pet (10) ________. ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- tỉnh lào cai) Đáp án: 1. extensive 6. habitually 2. characteristically 7. creatures 3. potency 8. readily 4. agility 9. independent 5. graceful 10. preference Bài tập 8: Write the correct form of the word given in the brackets. (10point) Passage 1. My time in China had given me an enduring interest in Chinese art, so I decided to go to Liu Li Chang, where for centuries there has been an antiquities market. Unfortunately, many things for sale there nowadays are modern (1.IMITATE)________. Empty - handed and somewhat (2.ILLUSION) ________,I went into a tea house and sat through the usual ceremony, but there were (3.IDENTIFY) ________ differences here too: it seemed quicker and the tea lacked that extraordinary lingering scent. Thoroughly (4.HEART) ________, I returned to my hotel: one of the enormous, faceless places which have sprung up everywhere. Yet here, in a dark shop tucked away off the lobby, my melancholy mood disappeared, for I met a (5.SURVIVE) ________ from 1989, who remembered me instantly. Not everything had been entirely forgotten. Passage 2 Mankind's intuition of freedom, and our identification of freedom with knowledge, sets us apart from animals. The animal's grasp of freedom is (6.SIGNIFY) _______ in comparison, being only the freedom to respond to external stimuli. The nearest creature to us on the (7.EVOLVE)_______ tree of life, the chimpanzee, can't retain an image for a sufficient length of time to be able to reflect on it. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 13 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  14. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 So animal's life is largely a matter of conditioned reflexes, performed in an (8.TERMINATE)_______present; in short, animals are little more than machines with consciousness. While the animal is carried along (9.SUBMIT) _______ on the stream of time, mankind has certain capacities that (10.POWER) _______ us to resist the current or look into the future. ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2016 -2017- tỉnh yên bái) Đáp án 4. 1. disheartened .imitations 3. /downhearted 2. disillusioned identifiable 5. survivor 8. 6. interminable 9. insignificant 7. evolutionary submissively 10. empower Dạng identify and correct the mistake Bài tập 9: Each sentence below contains an error. Identify and correct them. 1. Tomorrow I‘m going to ask my father about a ride to school. 2. The restaurant owner talked over the management changes with her staff. 3. I couldn‘t understand why they were all laughing about me. 4. I must remember to listen up to the news at noon. 5. I intend to speak for the manager about the way I have been treated. 6. A storm was approaching the mountain area; therefore, the two climbers continued their trek. 7. Mr. Thanh arrived in the airport early he wouldn‘t miss his flight. 8. I woke up frightened after I dreamed for falling off the roof of a building . 9. When Tom lost his job, it took him several weeks to get by the shock. 10. The students are hearing rumors about their teacher‘s engagement for a week. ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2015 -2016- vùng cao việt bắc) Đáp án: Mistake Correction Mistake Correction 1.about -> for 6. therefore -> however 2. talked -> talked about 7. arrived in -> arrived at Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 14 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  15. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 over 3. -> laughing at 8. dreamed for -> dreamed of/ laughing about about 4.listen -> listen in 9. get by -> get over up 5. speak -> speak to/ with 10. are hearing -> have been for hearing Bài tập 10: There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. \ The word processor and calculator are with doubt here to stay, and in many respects of our lives are much richer for them. But teachers and other academics are claiming that we are now starting to feel the first significant wave of their effects on a generation for users. It seems nobody under the age of 20 can spell nor add up any more. Even several professors at leading universities have commented about the detrimental effect the digital revolution has had at the most intelligent young minds in the country. The problem, evidently, lies with the automatically spell-check now widely available on word processing software. Professor John Silver of the Sydney University, Australia, said, ―Why should we bother to learn how to spell correctly or to learn even if the most basic of mathematical sums, when at the press of a button we have our problem answering for us? The implications are enormous. Will adults of the future look on the computer to make decisions for them, to tell them who to marry or what house to buy? Are we heading for a future individually incapable of independent human thought?‖ ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2015 -2016-trường chuyên hùng vương) Example: 0. with → without Đáp án: Mistake Correction Mistake Correction 1. respects aspects 6. lies with lies in 2. them us 7. at on 3. generation generation of 8. even if even for 4. nor or 9. answering answered 5. Commented commented on 10. look on depend on about Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 15 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  16. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 Bài tập 11: Identify 10 words which shouldn’t be in the text. (10 points) Sesame was one of the earliest herbs known to the world. There is some disagreement among all authorities as to the exact place of origin of this ancient herb; it may only have been Africa, Afghanistan or the East Indies. It is then mentioned in Sanskrit literature and Egyptian scripts, as well as in old Hebrew writings. Cleopatra is supposed to have been used sesame oil as a skin beautifier. Sesame used to grow in the wild, but recently has been grown up as an important crops in many parts of the world. It grows to both three or four feet high and has white flowers that are e followed by seeds which produces oil, high in protein and mineral content. A product of sesame seeds is an edible cream known as tahini, which has had the consistency of honey and is extremely popular in Middle Eastern and Greek food. Tahini is the principal ingredient in a popular sweet called halva. When chilled and cut into small blocks it makes as an agreeable accompaniment to black coffee. Sesame seed and honey bars are tasty sweets found out in cake shops and delicatessens. Sesame meals, which is ground sesame seed, is obtained from health-food shops and is increasingly found in some of bigger supermarkets. As it is so high itself in protein, vegetarians use large quantities of it in their daily diet. In fact, anything using sesame is nutritious as well as delicious. ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2015 -2016-trường chuyên cao bằng) Đáp án: 1. only 6. had 2. then 7. as 3. been 8. out 4. up 9. of 5. both 10. itself Bài tập 12: Read the text, find the mistakes and correct them (10 points) line 1 The role of the traditional zoo, inheriting from the 19th century, has line 2 undergone a dramatic shift. A growing recognition that zoos ought to line 3 be in the vanguard of the fight for the devastation of our natural line 4 world has begun a zoologic revolution. The change occurred in the line 5 1960s, when the Jersey zoo was set off to breed endangered species. As a line 6 result, the breeding of animals in captive has become a complex line 7 science, with zoos around the world co-coordinating their efforts to line 8 avoid the genetic dangers of in-breeding small populations. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 16 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  17. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 line 8 The answer for the question of whether zoos can have very much line 10 impact on the preservation of endangered species is, probably, line 11 minimally. Zoos do not focus their education efforts on those people in the line 12 strongest positions to affect the future of the wildlife exhibited. For the line 13 most part, conservation education is targeted at children and other non- line 14 decision makers in a process too slow or too far away to address line 15 the extinction crisis which exists now. Furthermore, the efforts of zoos line 16 to inform lawmakers and government authorities are usually low-key or line 17 un-existent. Campaigns are more likely to be for an animal exhibit rather line 18 than for the existence of the animal itself. line 19 Nevertheless, it does not do to address the future from a foundation of line 20 pessimism. A vision of the future is embraced in which the human line 21 population has leveled off at about 8.8 billion and wherein human effects line 22 upon the environment have been tethered and considerable wildlife remain. It certainly will not be as rich or abundant as today‘s wildlife, but with substantial diverse and numbers of more or less wild ecosystems, and the zoos‘ work, this vision can become reality. ( đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương năm học 2015 -2016-trường chuyên lào cai) Đáp án 1. line 1: inheriting --> inherited 6. line 8: for --> to 2. line 3: for --> against 7. line 11: minimally --> minimal 3. line 4: zoologic --> zoological 8. line 17: un-existent --> non-existent 4. line 5: off --> up 9. line 22: remain --> remains 5. line 6: captive --> captivity 10. line 24: diverse --> diversity B. Dạng 2: Kỹ năng: Listening Bài tập 1: 1: For question 1 – 10, listen to a recording material and supply the blank with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER taken from the recording for each answer below Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 17 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  18. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 1. The topics of most concern focused on ISIS, climate change, (1) …………………, economic instability, and international disputes. 2. Regions of the world (2) ……………… or containing rainforests rated climate change as a high priority. 3. Economic instability came in as (3) …………………, understandably feared the most by poor countries. Ghana, Spain, and Uganda had the strongest concerns about their economies, with Spain struggling in the EU, and the others among the world's (4) ………………… nations. 4. Understandably, Lebanon is located near (5) ……………………. Syria. 5. At the turn of the 20th century, (6) …………………………… and provocative journalism were used to increase profits. 6. The United States has been called as ―an (7) ………………………… country‖ while Chinese media is ―one of the most (8) …………………………. mass media‖ forms. 7. There are more than 150 countries that remained outside of the survey‘s scope, and (9) ………………………………. are often generalized. 8. Some of the happiest countries in the world still have major concerns (10) …………………… 2: For question 11-15, listen to a recording material and give short answers to the following questions 11. How can one drop the level of melatonin when waking up in darkness? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Why should one expose himself to cold water? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13. In the morning, what is replenished when drinking a glass of water? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 14. What is one benefit of having a high-fiber and carbohydrate breakfast? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Why does physical activity enhance cognition? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3: For question 16-20, you will hear a radio interview with someone who has been having ballet lessons. Choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which fits best according to what you hear (10 pts) 16. Rupert says that before he started doing ballet lessons A. he had been doing routine physical fitness training. B. his knowledge of ballet had been growing. Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 18 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  19. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 C. ballet had taken over from football as his greatest interest. D. he had been considering doing ballroom dancing again. 17. Rupert days that when the idea of ballet lessons was suggested to him, A. he thought it was a joke B. he was unsure exactly what would be involved. C. he began to have unrealistic expectations of what he could achieve, D. he initially lacked the confidence to do it. 18. One of the advantages of ballet that Rupert mentions is that A. it leads to fewer injuries than other physical activities. B. it has both physical and mental effects. C. it is particularly good for certain parts of the body. D. it is more interesting than other forms of exercise. 19. What does Rupert say about the sessions? A. The content of them is varied. B. Some of the movements in them are harder than others for him. C. All of the movements in them have to be done accurately. D. They don‘t all involve basic movements. 20. What does Rupert say about his progress at ballet? A. It has been much more rapid than he had expected. B. It has made him consider giving up his other training. C. It has given him greater appreciation of the skills of professionals. D. It has led him to enroll for certain exams. (đề đề xuất trại hè hùng vương của trường chuyên hùng vương) Đáp án: 1: For question 1 – 10, listen to a recording material and supply the blank with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER taken from the recording for each answer below (1). cyber-attacks (2). bordering oceans (3) a close second (4). most impoverished (5). ISIS-invaded Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 19 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm
  20. Sáng Kiến Kinh Nghiệm năm học 2019 (6.) overly sensationalist (7). unusually frightened (8). tightly state-controlled (9). poll results (10). on their plate. 2: For question 11-15, listen to a recording material and give short answers to the following questions 11. Try an illuminating alarm clock 12. Make you feel alert 13. (Body) fluids 14. Satiate hunger/ Increase cognitive function 15. Due to the increased blood flow. 3: For question 16-20, you will hear a radio interview with someone who has been having ballet lessons. Choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which fits best according to what you hear 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20.C Transcript Part 1: In July 2015, Pew Research released a report surveying more than 45,000 people in 50 nations, asking what global threats they feared the most. The topics of most concern focused on ISIS, climate change, (1). cyber-attacks, economic instability, and international disputes. So, what are countries afraid of? Well, across the board, climate change was of the greatest concern to the most countries. Regions of the world (2). bordering oceans or containing rainforests - namely those in Africa, Asia, and especially Latin America rated it as a high priority. Burkina Faso, Brazil, and Peru were among most vulnerable, least prepared, and most concerned about climate change. Economic instability came in as (3) a close second, understandably feared the most by poor countries. Ghana, Spain, and Uganda had the strongest concerns about their economies, with Spain struggling in the EU, and the others among the world's (4). most impoverished nations. ISIS was also a significant worry, but for fewer countries than ―economic instability concerns. Particularly, Lebanon, Spain, and South Korea were the most worried about ISIS. Understandably, Lebanon is located near (5). ISIS-invaded Syria. However, while Spain and South Korea have limited contact with the terrorist group, there have been recent reports of ISIS-related violence and ISIS recruitment among their citizens. Within this study, the United States was one of the most fearful nation across the board, while China had the Giáo viên: Huỳnh Phan Thy Thy Page 20 Trường THPT Châu Văn Liêm



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