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Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh THPT

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'bài tập bổ trợ & nâng cao tiếng anh thpt', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh THPT

  1. Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh THPT - Tenses 1. I/ Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence: 1) “Someone is waiting / waits for you outside.” – “Who is it?” 2) “What are you thinking / do you think of this book?” – “I think it’s fantastic!” 3) Are you believing / Do you believe i n ghosts? 4) Kate is busy. She is studying / studies for a test. 5) We’re having / We have a great time at the moment! 6) Tina is usually getting up / usually gets up at 7.00. 7) There is a lot of noise in the street. What is happening / happens? 8) Hurry up! The bus is coming / comes. 9) Paul isn’t liking / doesn’t like pizza. 10) What’s your job exactly? What are you doing / do you do? 11) What time y ou go / do you go to bed on Saturdays? 12) What you are doing / are you doing here? 13) We can’t use the lift because it don’t work / doesn’t work. 14) You’re a great cook! This cake tastes / is tasting wonderful! 15) Carol can’t swim today. She has / is having a cold. II/ Put one word in each space. Contractions are one word: a) What __________ you usually eat for lunch? b) George and Terry __________ speak Portuguese. c) It’s 9.30 and the children __________ sitting at their desks. d) Ken __________ like tea. In fact, he hates it. e) __________ you choose your clothes? Or does your mother choose them? f) When it rains, __________ you take an umbrella? g) What __________ it say on the board? I can’t see from here. h) Becky and Colin ______ doing their homework. They’re watching television. III/ Use the Simple Present or the Present Progress of the verbs in brackets: 1) Mary can't come to the phone because she (wash) _____________ her hair. 2) Mary (wash) ________________ her hair everyday or so. 3) Kathy (sit, usually) ________________ in the front row during class but today she (sit) ________________ in the last row. 4) Please be quiet. I (try) ________________ to concentrate. 5) There's a book on my desk, but it (belong, not) ________________ to me. 6) I can't afford that ring. It (cost) ________________ too much. 7) Mrs. Edwards is at the market. Right now she (look) ________________ at the apples. They (look) ________________ fresh. 8) Dennis (drink, usually) ________________ coffee with his breakfast, but this morning he (drink) ________________ tea instead.
  2. 9) I (do) _____________ this practice at the moment. It (consist) ___________ of both non-progressive and progressive verbs. IV/ Put the past form of one of these verbs in each sentence: begin buy can come go have hear know put say see take tell wake up 1) When I ___________ this morning I was still very tired. 2) I ___________ Janet at the disco last night. 3) John ___________ Michael Jackson when he was a boy. 4) I ___________some grapefruit for you when I went shopping. 5) We ___________ the children to the Science Museum last week. 6) "Where's my jacket?" - "I think you ___________ it on the bed". 7) He ______ he _______ a headache, but I think he just didn’t want to come. 8) The postman ___________ very early this morning. 9) When she was younger she ___________ run much faster now. 10) They ___________ to Bali for too weeks in September. 11) Who ___________ you that I was unhappy? 12) I ___________ studying English when I was twelve? 13) I Was just going to bed when I ___________ a terrible noise in the street. V/ Use the Simple Past or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets: 1) We (have) ________ a wonderful dinner last night to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. 2) During the study period in class yesterday, it (be) ________ hard for me to concentrate because the student next to me (hum) _____________. 3) Yesterday David (cross) _____________ a street when a truck (turn) ________ the corner very fast and almost (hit) ________ him. 4) He was very polite. Whenever he wife entered the room, he (stand) _______ up. 5) He (clean) ________________ his gun when it accidentally (go) ________ off and (kill) ________ him. 6) I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) ____________ brightly when Tom came in at 7.00. 7) I (make) __________ a cake when the light went out. I had to finish it in the dark. 8) The murderer (carry) ________________ the corpse down the stairs when he (hear) ________ a knock on the door. 9) Everyone (wait) ______________ for the concert to begin when a message (arrive) _____________. 10) When Tom (finish) ______________ his letter, he (take) ___________ it to the post office. 11) Ann (watch) ____________ TV when Julie (arrive) _____________. VI/ Complete each sentence with a suitable time expression from the list. You can use an expression more than once. ago in last week at when while a) Two burglars broke into the house ...................... we were watching TV. b) ...................... I met an old friend of mine in the city centre. c) What were you doing ...................... the police officer knocked on the door? d) Jan met Sarah ...................... half-past eight outside the cinema.
  3. e) ...................... Dick was preparing lunch, he cut his finger badly. f) I first came to this town more than 20 years ...................... . g) Jim was studying to be a doctor ...................... he met Sally. h) Tony bought his first motorbike ...................... 1992. i) ...................... did you start playing basketball? j) Most of the young people left this village a long time ...................... . VII/ Choose the correct word or phrase from each pair in bold: a) While I washed / was washing my hair, the phone rang / ringed. b) How did you felt / did you feel yesterday afternoon? c) When I reached / was reaching home I received / was receiving David’s phone call. d) Last summer I was going swimming / went swimming every weekend. e) When the dog bit / was biting Laura’s leg, she screamed / was screaming. f) We sang / sung some songs and then ate / eat some sandwiches. g) When you fell / felt over the cliff, what happened / was happening next? h) While Mary washed up / was washing up, she broke / was breaking a cup. i) I didn’t see / didn’t saw where the bus stop was, so I was missing / missed the bus. j) What did you do / were you doing when I phoned / was phoning you last night? There was no reply. VIII/ Past Simple and Past Continuos: 1) Cathy / phone / the post office / when the parcel / arrive. .............................................................................................................................................. 2) When Don / arrive / we / have / coffee. .............................................................................................................................................. 3) While he / walk / the mountain / Henry / see / bear. .............................................................................................................................................. 4) Felix / phone the fire brigade / when / the cooker / catch fire. .............................................................................................................................................. 5) I / walk / home / when / it / start / rain. .............................................................................................................................................. 6) the students / play / game / when / the professor / arrive. .............................................................................................................................................. 7) when the starter / fire / his pistol / the race / begin. .............................................................................................................................................. 8) When Margaret / open the door / the phone / ring. .............................................................................................................................................. 9) Cora / read / letter / when Jimmy / phone / her.
  4. .............................................................................................................................................. 10) Andy / come / out of the restaurant / when he / see / Jenny. .............................................................................................................................................. IX/ Translate the following sentences into English: 1) Hè năm ngoái tôi đã ở quê hơn một tháng, tôi đã giúp b ố mẹ tôi l àm vườn. .............................................................................................................................................. 2) Khi tôi đi khám bệnh, bác sĩ thường hỏi tôi: "Cháu bị làm sao thế?" .............................................................................................................................................. 3) Khi tôi đang xem TV thì các bạn tôi đến. .............................................................................................................................................. 4) Vào lúc bảy giờ sáng hôm qua tôi đang ăn sáng. .............................................................................................................................................. 5) Hàng ngày chúng tôi dành nhiều thời gian để học Tiếng Anh. .............................................................................................................................................. 6) Bạn không có anh trai nào có phải không? ..............................................................................................................................................



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