<br />
Research topic: Factors affecting labor disputes and strikes – representative research at<br />
Khanh Hoa province industrial zones.<br />
Major: Human resource management (Labor Economics) Code: 62340404<br />
PhD Candidate:Vuong Vinh Hiep ID: NCS31.21LD<br />
Scientific mentors: 1. Ass.Pro.Dr. Vu Quang Tho 2. Ass.Pro.Dr. Nguyen Vinh Giang<br />
University: National Economics University<br />
The new contribution of academic, theory and practice.<br />
Dissertation predicates labor disputes and strikes are the aftereffects of labor relationship<br />
breach between organizations and individuals entitled the benefits and responsibilities:<br />
workers, trade unions, employers, employers’ associations and government.<br />
New contribution of dissertation is the proposal of research model about indirect factors<br />
affecting collective labor disputes (legal documents, government agencies, social and<br />
economic environment); and direct factors affecting the collective labor disputes and strikes<br />
(workers, trade unions, employers). And each group of factors is developed components and<br />
basic observed variables.<br />
In contribution of practice, dissertation analyses to clarify the situation and proposes<br />
preventive solutions, settlements for labor disputes and strikes at Khanh Hoa industrial zones.<br />
New conlusion, proposals drawn from research results.<br />
(i) Besides democracy, improvement and transparency of labor legal documents, decisions to<br />
ensure harmonization of benefits for workers and employers researched in the dissertation<br />
will reduce labor disputes and strikes.<br />
(ii) The organized ability and effective management of state management agencies specified<br />
in the dissertation, affect harmonious labor relations between workers and employers.<br />
Qualifications, viewpoint orientation and human resources of state management staff are the<br />
next affecting factors.<br />
(iii) When Vietnam's economy is in difficulties from impacts of global economic crisis,<br />
effective and timely policies of government’s stabilizing macroeconomy deeply analysed can<br />
minimize labor disputes and strikes.<br />
(iv) Research results proved that, when workers understand and are highly aware of labor law,<br />
not only workers and employers earn benefits, but also labor disputes and strikes will<br />
minimize to occur.<br />
(v) Trade unions’ initiative, having good relations with the employers, and regular labor<br />
management communication analysed, will help workers and employers create harmonious<br />
and progressive labor relationhip in enterprises.<br />
(vi) Ensured living income, good working conditions and environment, ability to integrate<br />
effectively with workers, and adequate welfare for workers, are the key factors from<br />
employers to maintain labor relations harmoniously, positively and stably in enterprises, and<br />
prevent labor disputes and strikes.<br />
Scientific mentor PhD Candidate<br />