intTypePromotion=1 Tuyển sinh 2024 dành cho Gen-Z

1000 từ tiếng Nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 5

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Tham khảo tài liệu '1000 từ tiếng nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 5', ngoại ngữ, nhật - pháp - hoa- others phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: 1000 từ tiếng Nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 5

  1. List of 1000 Kanji 意 i mi - meaning 意味 mind, heart, 101 I chuu i - warning, caution, be careful attention 注意 イ you i - preparation, prepare 用意 i ken - opinion, view 意見 以 以下 i ka - below, less than, under more, with, 102 I 以上 i jou - more than, over, this is all through, イ 以心伝心 i shin den shin - telepathy, mind reading on account of 言 speech, statement 言葉 koto ba - word, language 103 GEN , GON 独り言 hitori goto - soliloquy, talking to yourself to say ゲン,ゴン word, expression 方言 hou gen - dialect iu , koto い(う) , こ と 家 家族 ka zoku - family house 104 KA , KE 作家 sakka - writer, novelist, author カ,ケ 愛猫家 ai byou ka - lover of cats ya , ie や, い え 急 救急車 kyuu kyuu sha - ambulance to hurry 105 KYUU 特急 tokkyuu - limited express train キュウ オリエント急行 oriento kyuu kou - Orient Express isogu い そ(ぐ) 21
  2. List of 1000 Kanji 犬 小犬 ko inu - puppy dog 106 KEN 番犬 ban ken - watch dog ケン 愛犬家 ai ken ka - lover of dogs inu いぬ 妹 姉妹 shi mai - sisters (elder & younger) younger sister 107 MAI 従姉妹 itoko - cousin (female) マイ 姉妹都市 shi mai to shi - sister cities imouto いもうと 色 青色 ao iro - blue color 108 SHIKI , SHOKU 黄色 ki iro - yellow シ キ , ショク 十人十色 juu nin to iro - 10 people 10 colors, iro different strokes for different folks いろ 音 音楽 on gaku - music sound 109 ON , IN 発音 hatsu on - pronunciation オン ,イン 福音 fuku in - the Gospel, good news ne , oto ね ,おと 員 委員 i in - committee member member, official 110 IN 会員 kai in - member, membership イン 社員 sha in - company employee 22
  3. List of 1000 Kanji 院 病院 byou in - hospital institution, 111 IN 医院 i in - (doctor's) clinic academy イン 大学院 dai gaku in - graduate school 飲 飲み物 nomi mono - something to drink, a drink to drink 112 IN 飲み水 nomi mizu - drinking water イン 飲み放題 nomi hou dai - all you can drink nomu のむ 魚 人魚 nin gyo - mermaid fish 113 GYO 金魚 kin gyo - goldfish ギョ 飛魚 tobi uo - flying fish uo , sakana う お,さ か な 動 運動 un dou - exercise, movement to move 114 DOU 動物 dou butsu - animals ドウ 感動 kan dou - deeply impressed, moved, touched ugoku う ご (く) 牛 牛乳 gyuu nyuu - milk cow, bull 115 GYUU 牛肉 gyuu niku - beef, cow meat ギュウ 牛 ushi - cow ushi うし 23
  4. List of 1000 Kanji 歌 国歌 kokka - national anthem a song 116 KA 歌詞 ka shi - lyrics, words to music to sing カ 歌舞伎 ka bu ki - Kabuki, Japanese play uta , utau 短歌 tan ka - Tanka, 31 syllable Japanese poem うた ,うたう 写 写真 sha shin - photograph to copy, 117 SHA 写真家 sha shin ka - photographer take (a photo) シャ 写生 sha sei - sketching, drawing from life utsusu うつす 映 映画 ei ga - movie to be reflected, 118 EI 映画館 eiga kan - the movies, cinema to project on a エイ 放映 hou ei - televising screen, reflect utsuru , utsusu う つ る,う つ す 海 日本海 nihon kai - Japan Sea sea, ocean 119 KAI 北海道 hokkaidou - Hokkaido, カイ the most northern big island of Japan umi 海岸 kai gan - beach, coast うみ 売 発売 hatsu bai - new product for sale, sale sale 120 BAI 売り物 uri mono - something for sell to sell バイ 売買 bai bai - selling & buying uri , uru う り, う る 24
  5. List of 1000 Kanji 運 運河 un ga - canal luck, 121 UN 運命 un mei - fate, destiny to carry ウン 安全運転 an zen un ten - safe driving hakobu はこぶ 重 貴重 ki chou - precious, valuable heavy 122 JUU , CHOU 重ね着 kasane gi - wearing clothes over clothes ジュウ 重点 juu ten - important point, to stress something omoi おもい 英 石英 seki ei - quartz England, English, 123 EI 英会話 ei kai wa - English conversation grand エイ 英訳 ei yaku - English translation hanabusa 英雄的 ei yuu teki - heroic はなぶさ 駅 駅前 eki mae - in front of a station station (train) 124 EKI 駅員 eki in - station attendant エキ 駅弁 eki ben - station bento (lunch) 終 最終 sai shuu - the final, last, closing end, finish 125 SHUU 終戦 shuu sen - end of war シュウ 終電 shuu den - the last train owari , tsui 終了 shuu ryou - end, termination お わり , つ い 25



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