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Bài giảng Công Nghệ Sau Thu Hoạch - Chương 4

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CHƯƠNG 4 BỆNH SAU THU HOẠCH BỆNH HOẠCH Bệnh sau thu hoạch? Thường xuất hiện trong giai đọan giữa thu hái và hòan thiện sản phẩm, trong quá trình bảo quản , vận chuyển, tại người bán buôn, bán lẽ... Là kết quả sự lây nhiễm các sản phẩm trước khi nó được chế biến hoặc đến tay người tiêu dùng

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Công Nghệ Sau Thu Hoạch - Chương 4

  1. CHƯƠNG 4 BỆNH SAU THU HOẠCH BỆNH HOẠCH 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 1
  2. Harvesting, transport, marketing etc. 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 2
  3. Bệnh sau thu hoạch? Thường xuất hiện trong giai đọan giữa thu hái và hòan thiện sản phẩm, trong quá trình bảo quản , vận chuyển, tại người bán buôn, bán lẽ... Là kết quả sự lây nhiễm các sản phẩm trước khi nó được chế biến hoặc đến tay người tiêu dùng •Bệnh sau thu hoạch thông thường xuất hiện 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 3
  4. Post-harvest diseases(PDs) of fruits and Vegetables Symptoms (triệu chứng) of PDs Soft rots and watery rot caused by Geotrichum, Rhizopus, Sclerotinia, Pseudomonas and Erwinia Brown rots caused by Phytophthora, Monilinia, Botrytis etc Dry rots caused by largely Fusarium spp. 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 4
  5. Post-harvest diseases(PDs) of fruits and vegetables Infection timing (sự lây nhiễm) and methods of PDs Attacks the actively growing plants and then develop on the crop in storage Botrytis cinerea on grapes, apples and pear Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on green bean Infects the crop at early stage but remain latent and cause decay only when the crop ripen or when it has been stored for some time Botryosphaeria dothidea on apples and pears Anthracnose fungus Attacks the crops only after harvest Penicillium spp. on apples, pears, citrus fruits, garlic etc. 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 5
  6. Post-harvest diseases(PDs) of fruits and Vegetables Infection type (caùc daïng laây nhieãm) of PDs Through intact surface : Anthracnose fungi Through intact surface from adjoining diseased fruits/vegetables : Botrytis cinerea Through injury : Geotrichum, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Thieloviopsis etc. 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 6
  7. Post-harvest diseases(PDs) of fruits and Vegetables Wounds(injuries) is very important in PDs Caùc yeáu toá khaùng Phaûn öùng cuûa chuû theå Toån thöông Vi khuaån Maàm beänh 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 7
  8. Causes of mechanical injuries • Poor harvesting practices and handling • Unsuitable field or marketing containers and crates, which may have splintered wood, sharp edges, poor nailing or stapling; • Overpacking/underpacking of field or marketing containers • Careless handling, such as dropping or throwing or walking on produce and packed containers during the process of grading, transport or marketing 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 8
  9. Physiological injuries also predispose (daãn ñeán) fruits and vegetables to pathogens (mầm bệnh) • Too low storage temperature • Too high temperatures • Poor ventilation( söï thoâng hôi) • Volatile compounds( hôïp chaát deã bay hôi) 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 9
  10. The forms of injuries • Splitting of fruits or roots and tubers caused by dropping • Internal cruising, not visible externally, caused by impact; • Superficial grazing or scratches affecting the skins • Crushing of leafy vegetables and other soft produce Each injury provide entry for penetration of postharvest pathogens 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 10
  11. Injuries cutting through or scraping away the outer skin of produce • Provide entry points for moulds and bacteria causing decay • Increase water loss from the damage areas; • Cause an increase in respiration rate and thus heat production 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 11
  12. Bruising( veát thaâm tím) injuries, which leave the skin intact (khoâng bò ñuïng chaïm) and may not be visible externally (beân ngoaøi) cause: • Increased respiration rate and heat production • Internal discoloration ( söï ñoåi maøu) because of damaged tissues • Off-flavor because of abnormal (khaùc thöôøng) physiological reactions in damaged parts 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 12
  13. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CROPS MOST SUBJECT TO POSTHARVEST DISEASES Fruits • Temperate fruits : grapes • Subtropical fruits : avocados, citrus fruits • Tropical fruits : papayas, mangoes oranges Vegetables : cucumbers, lettuce, sweet melons 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 13
  14. Post-harvest diseases(PDs) of fruits and Vegetables Post-harvest Diseases of Temperate fruits Fruit Disease Blue mold, Gray mold Anthracnose, Target or lenticel spot Bitter rot, Alternaria rot Black rot, White rot Apple & Pear Mucor rot, Cladosporium rot Pleospora rot, Phomopsis rot Pink rot, Sooty bloth Fly speck, Brown rot Phytophthora rot 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 14
  15. Apple Postharvest diseases of boxed apples 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 15
  16. Apple Blue mold caused by Penicillium expansusm 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 16
  17. Apple Gray mold (moác xaùm) caused by Botrytis cinerea 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 17
  18. Apple Brown rot caused by Monilinia fructicola 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 18
  19. Apple Bitter rot (thoái daéng) caused by Glomerella cingulata 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 19
  20. Apple Canker (thoái muïc) caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea 10/23/2009 Th.S Truong Thi My Linh 20



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